• Published 8th Mar 2021
  • 646 Views, 132 Comments

The Darkest Hour - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Megatron initiates his ultimate power over Equestria. The Autobots and ponies must work together to put an end to his tyranny lest he destroys everything they hold dear. Time is short.

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Chapter 11: The Decepticon Invasion

All the space bridges were activated throughout all the separate outposts of Cybertron. As they were all online, the entire Decepticon armada arrived and hovered above the bridges. Megatron himself descended toward one of them in his helicopter form.

“Time to send my dear old Equestrian ‘friends’ a friendly greeting,” Megatron sinisterly chuckled.

He entered the first space bridge before a quarter of his army followed him. Afterwards, multiple groups of the Decepticons entered through various space bridges as they shouted violent war cries.

Around midnight, Thunderlane came back home as he wiped off the sweat from his face. “Phew, that was one heck of a flying routine. I’m finally gonna get some sleep.”

Before he entered his bedroom, he took a peak inside Rumble’s bedroom. There, he saw his little brother peacefully sleeping on his bed. Smiling, he closed the door and went back to his bedroom. Yawning, he opened his blankets and rested himself on his bed.

Rumble was sleeping well on his bed as the cool, still air blew outside the window. But as he slept, he heard quite whispers near him yet again. He unconsciously grabbed his pillows and closed his ears with them.

“Rumble... Rumble...”

He incoherently mumbled as he kept readjusting his sleeping position. “Shut up... shut up!” he spat.

“Warning... danger is nigh...”

“What? What danger? Who are you?!” Rumble demanded.

Then he suddenly opened his eyes and found himself in deep darkness. After a few minutes of silence, a panoramic view opened up and displayed all of Equestria in an inferno with the Decepticon insignia forming together as a cloud.

Horrified and confused, he screamed towards the skies.

Then he awoke and saw everything back to reality. Sighing in relief, he laid his head on his pillow. “Why does this keep happening to me?”

A couple hours have passed; the moon shone brightly in the sky alongside the stars.

Skywarp was resting in jet form just right above Rumble’s house. Everyone in Cloudsdale were likewise resting peacefully during the still night. However, the wonderful serenity received an unexpected interruption.

A distant explosion was heard outside the town. It suddenly woke up Thunderlane from his sleep. “Huh? What the hay was that?” he mumbled, yawning loudly.

He cracked his window open and peaked his head through it. To his surprise, he saw a large inferno spreading in the Everfree Forest in a distance.

“What the heck? How did that happen?”

Then he suddenly heard noises of alien aircraft and firepower. He immediately exited the house and flew closer to the night sky. As he squinted his eyes, he clearly saw a large Decepticon armada incoming from a far distance. Horror and shock overwhelmed him as he beheld Equestria’s worse enemies returning.

“No... no... NO!! It can’t be!! This can’t be happening again!!” Thunderlane cried.

“What? What’s going on? What’s wrong, friend?” Skywarp asked, waking up in robot form.

“It’s... it’s... them!”

Looking toward his direction, the ex-Seeker beheld his former brethren violently descending upon all of Equestria. For a brief moment, his fear and courage battled for the supremacy in his processor. But the moment he spotted Megatron at the forefront, his instinctive personality trait emerged victorious.

“MEGATRON?! HERE?! OH, NOOO!!” Skywarp shrieked.

“We gotta warn Celestia and Luna about this!” Thunderlane urged.

“No time! We are doomed!!” Skywarp screamed. He transformed back to jet mode and flew off.

“Skywarp, wait! Wait for me!!” The pegasus tried to follow him.

Once he flew out of Cloudsdale, a purple ray caught him and imprisoned him in a transparent ball. He struggled to free himself until he was brought face to face with the Decepticons’ weapons specialist and arms dealer himself.

“Hello there, neighbor! Did you miss me?” Swindle grinned.

“Let me go! Let me go now!” Thunderlane begged.

“Nah, ah, ah, we must hear from my number one customer first! He’s gonna decide the real prices and costs. This will be a very interesting transaction,” Swindle smirked. Transforming to S.U.V mode, he took him away.

Rumble was sound asleep still in the house. Just as he was quietly snoring, a single whisper rang in his ear saying, “Terror is here...”

At that moment, a loud explosion shook his bedroom. The colt woke up and got up from his bed. “Huh? What is happening?” he wondered. He flew to the window, opened it, and saw the entire town of Cloudsdale in a fiery inferno.

He saw Decepticon jets flying around and blasting every home they encountered. Every single home was being burnt until each cloud vanished into oblivion.

Dozens of Pegasi flew for their lives, but the three Seekers stood in their way. Each pegasus was shot by the beams before they fell from the sky dead. Half of the other Pegasi managed to escape the onslaught, however, without the Seekers noticing.

Shaken with fear, he ran to his brother’s bedroom. “Thunderlane! We are under attack! Cloudsdale is under attack!” he cried. However, Thunderlane was not present in his bedroom. “Bro, where are you?! Where are... ah!”

The ceiling of the house started to crumble. Realizing he was in immediate danger, he flew out of the house moments before it crumbled down to pieces. “Nooo!!”

Seeing that he no longer had a home and his dear brother was missing, he escaped the onslaught of the Seekers and flew down to Ponyville. The attackers transformed into their robot modes and laughed maniacally.

“Brilliant destruction! Just absolutely brilliant!” Sunstorm praised.

“Of course it is! This was all my doing anyway!” Ramjet said.

“Those weak organics will now suffer our wrath! Let’s wipe out this town!” Slipstream ordered.

Rumble safety landed on the grass and cast his last look at his beloved home. Seconds later, the entire town was obliterated by the sheer firepower of the Seekers. Shedding a few tears, he trotted to Ponyville. However, to his horror, the whole town of Ponyville was also under attack by the Decepticons. He saw them blasting every target they encountered. Fire and destruction were everywhere.

“Tremble before the might of Megatron!” Lugnut proclaimed, launching many missiles at the houses.

“NOOO!! This cannot be happening!!” Rumble cried. Suddenly, he remembered something. He looked around and noticed the similar turn of events happening around him.

“Wait... this was something I... dreamt about, didn’t I? Why does this feel like Deja vu?” he wondered.

He ran to the City Hall for safety. He carefully made sure that none of the invaders would spot him and take him down. There, he took cover until they would hopefully leave the town.

Suddenly, Megatron descended from the dark red sky to join them. All the other Decepticons immediately kneeled and worshipped their tyrannical leader. “ALL HAIL MEGATRON! ALL HAIL MEGATRON! ALL HAIL MEGATRON!” they shouted.

Rumble sat there in complete shock and terror. The very being who deceived his friends, attacked the city of Canterlot, and nearly killed Twilight and her friends was once again online and in perfect shape. His jaw was wide open and almost hit the ground; his pupils shrank into tiny spots.

“My loyal Decepticons, our conquest of this pathetic, worthless planet is only the beginning. Our main target is Cybertron! Once we have taken all the necessary magic and this world’s Elements of Harmony, Cybertron will be ours for the taking, and the Autobots will be no more!” Megatron declared, raising his fist. The Decepticons cheered for their leader and hailed him again.

Rumble stood by to absorb what he just heard from the Decepticon overlord. After a few seconds of reflecting, he decided to remain hidden until they left.

Once again, he sat down to reflect what just happened so far. “How is this possible? First, Megatron is back, the Decepticons are taking over, and I feel like this was something I dreamed about long ago! Am I dreaming again?!”

Suddenly, the entire roof was ripped off by Blitzwing. The sinister triple changer grabbed him before he could even run away. “Hey! Let me go! Let me go! Thunderlane, HELP ME!!” Rumble cried.

Silence, you little pest!!” Hothead Blitzwing yelled. “Your organic brotha’ won’t zave you thiz time!!” His face switched to Random. “But you will go out with a BANG like fireworks!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!

Then he was instantly blasted from behind. He turned to see Twilight with her horn sizzling. She sent another spell towards his face, temporarily blinding him. “Oh, look, I cannot see! Am I supposed to hit a piñata?

“Rumble, come with me! Quickly!” Twilight urged. He swiftly flew off with Twilight as they escaped the inferno surrounding them.

As the Decepticons commenced their carnage, Megatron looked toward the forest. Evilly smirking, he walked right into the forest; multiple animals fled from his presence and hid for cover. However, dozens of Timberwolves appeared and noticed the Cybertronian titan looming over them. They fearfully ran off as well.

“Yes, run. Run for your pathetic lives if you can.”

As he walked his way through the forest, he saw the Tree of Harmony down below. He bent down and reached for the elements. “Finally, the ultimate source of their magic is mine.”

Suddenly, Celestia, Luna, and Starlight teleported in front of him with death glares and ignited horns. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the Royal Majesties of Equestria and their unicorn assistant: Starlight Glimmer. I was just wondering when you might show up.”

“And I was just wondering how in Equestria you came back. Twilight and her friends literally turned you to stone!” Starlight exclaimed.

“The power of the Allspark is more powerful than you can ever imagine, organic. Equestria will be mine once you and your worthless companions are dead under my feet,” Megatron sneered.

“We will stop you no matter what you do to us, Megatron!” Luna growled.

“I agree. We will end this here and now,” Celestia added.

“You took the words right out of my mouth,” Megatron said, unsheathing his swords.

Celestia and Luna combined their magic and fired their power at him. He blocked their magic with his swords. Then he noticed Starlight teleporting behind him; he pushed back their magic, knocked out Celestia with a flick of his finger, and sliced through Starlight’s hair.

“Ah!” she yelped.

“That was a warning. Surrender now, and your death will be swift. I assure you,” said Megatron.

“You don’t scare me, Megatron!” Starlight defied. She blasted another spell, but Megatron deflected the blast with his sword and struck her instead.

“I am familiar with all your tricks now. Pity you will never learn your weaknesses.”

“Keep telling yourself that!” Luna shouted. She sent a huge spell right towards him, but Megatron lazily ducked beneath it. He grabbed her and threw her against a tree.

Then he turned to face the injured unicorn who glared back at him with a frustrated look. Getting up, she raised her horn and emitted a magical laser beam towards him.
He raised his fusion cannon and blasted the magic beam to pieces.

“Time to finish this...” Megatron spoke. He raised his sword over the wounded Celestia and Luna.

“NOO!!” Starlight screamed. She teleported right in front of them and was about to send another spell. However, Megatron swiftly impaled her with his sword.

She froze as the pain surged through her body. The deadly weapon kept piercing through her until Megatron pulled it out. Blood spilled on the grass as she fell limp thereon.

“Ponies—always so predictable,” Megatron said, triumphantly grinning.

“Starlight, NOO! NO!” Luna cried, tears falling.

Celestia carefully picked Starlight up as she scrutinized the stab wound. “I’m... s-sorry, Princess Celestia. I-I-I tried—,” the unicorn muttered, struggling to breathe.

“No, it’s okay, Starlight. Just stay with me. Stay with me, okay?” Celestia said. Sadly, Starlight was losing her oxygen rapidly.

“Save Equestria... without... me...” Starlight whispered. Then she uttered her final breath and died.

“Starlight. Starlight? STARLIGHT!” Celestia shouted.

Megatron gazed on the Tree of Harmony as he wickedly laughed out loud. He opened his spark chamber and reached for the elements. He carefully plucked out the elements one by one and held them in his palm. As soon as he brought the elements closer to his spark, they instantly attached themselves to it. He uttered cries of satisfaction as the magical power surged through his circuitry.

He rose up in the air and endured a sudden transformation of appearance. His color scheme changed from mixed colors of gray and red to fully black and purple. His face and fusion cannon both turned white, and his optics turned violet.

“Such raw power! I can feel it throughout my circuitry!” Megatron exulted. He aimed his fusion cannon towards the alicorns again.

However, a purple blast struck his head. Although it didn’t faze him at all, it was enough to arrest his attention. Twilight and Rumble appeared before him as Megatron turned around to face them.

“Megatron, stop it this instant! I won’t let you use the power of the elements to takeover Equestria! You know nothing of the power you now wield!” Twilight commanded.

“Silence, Princess Twilight! I will use this power as much as I want. You no longer stand a chance against me. Now, step aside.”

“Never,” Twilight defied, glaring at the tyrant.

Megatron then noticed the terrified colt hiding beneath Twilight’s wing. “Ahh, yes. Rumble, is it? You remember me, don’t you?”

Rumble only nodded in response.

“I remember how you exposed me and my plans a stellar cycle ago. Hmm, perhaps I should offer to you my remaining sign of our friendship,” Megatron sneered, optics glowing.

“Leave him out of this! This is between you and me!” Twilight said.

“No... not anymore,” he said. He raised his hands and emitted purple lightning.

“Watch out!” Rumble yelled, pushing Twilight out of the way. The bolts struck Rumble through the chest, sending him flying in the air.

“RUMBLE!!!” Twilight screamed. The colt flew all the way towards the sky until he was gone from view.

Pangs of guilt and sorrow filled her heart as Twilight fell on her knees. “No... I’m so sorry, Rumble.”

“You... you killed him! You murderer!” Luna angrily shouted.

“Don’t worry, fleshlings. You will meet the same fate as him soon enough. But for now... good night.” Megatron stomped his feet on the ground which created a massive shockwave. It shocked them until they fell unconscious.

“Equestria is now mine to control,” he said.

Thus, the Decepticons took over all of Equestria as the massive inferno from the forest spread throughout the entire town and landscape. The entire world fell under his rule; the massacre was only the beginning.

Author's Note:

Megatron’s new color scheme is a reference to the voyager class Shadow Megatron from the Transformers: Animated toy line as shown here.

Just thought I would mention this trivia.