• Published 1st Jan 2024
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The New Bearers - PioneerofImagination

The Elements are back and they brought quite a few adventures to go with them.

  • ...

You're Only Humanoid

Picking off not too long after the last chapter ended after my victory with Sombra the crystal ponies wanted to throw a party for me in my honor. To thank me for all the times that I've saved them and the empire, and despite me pointing out that they were the ones that beat Sombra in the end they still insisted this was one of those times. Though you wouldn't have seen me complaining, well actually you would have but for different reasons. When I defeated Sombra (for the most part) it took a toll on my body and Twilight placed me right in bed almost the second she saw me cough out blood.

"The great and honorable Spike the brave and glorious needs a doctor," one of the crystal ponies that saw me cough out blood said. I never get tired of being called that.

"And we'll get one to look at him at the castle," Twilight said as she tried to teleport me back to the castle, but couldn't. "Right still don't have my horn." After that I was taken to the medical wing and Twilight pretty much put me on strict guard.

"Come on Twilight," I said to her. "I told you I'm all right," I said while also being very aware of the irony of my current situation.

"No you aren't Spike, and you aren't getting one claw out of that bed until you convince me otherwise." I decided it was best not to argue with her for the moment as I could actually use some rest and Twilight had something else to deal with. After Sombra's attack or rather during it he did something to the Elements of Harmony.

"So they don't work at all now?" Twilight asked her brother.

"No they don't," Shining Armor asked. "So now on top of these things being stuck on us we can't even use them."

"Well we don't know if they're completely useless," Cheese Sandwich said. "We tried using them on some rocks is all, but for all we know they might still work on something evil. And as far as I can tell those rocks weren't evil, though that last one kind of sent off anti-hero vibes."

"Uh, right," Soarin asked who now had a cast around one of his wings.

"Though these element not working at all might be what we know, for the gems that once shined somewhat bright have lost their glow," Zecora added as she pointed out the color in the elements had still faded.

"Do you think you can fix it Twilight?" Cheerilee asked.

"I'm not sure, maybe Sombra used some sort of curse like when he made the empire disappear for 1000 years. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna might know." Shortly after that Twilight had me send the royal pony sisters a letter telling about what happened at the Crystal Empire. Twilight would also lead the Wonderbolts still at the empire with the exception of Soarin for obvious reasons to Ponyville to pick up her friends. Originally she was just going to get Pinkie Pie to help Cheese Sandwich with the party because as she put it a party the size of an empire is too big for any one party pony, but when the others heard what happened they wanted to come as well.

"I figured as much," Twilight said to them. "That's why I asked the Wonderbolts to come so they could give you a lift."

"Uh excuse me but I don't need a lift anywhere," Rainbow Dash said who was the first to make it back to the empire. When she did she went to check on Soarin who told her more about what recently happened. "You did a sonic rainboom? Oh please, give me a break."

"No really I'm serious," he said but Rainbow Dash wasn't buying it which Soarin could tell just from the look on her face.

"Uh-huh," she replied. Not too long after she showed up the others arrived as well, Pinkie got right to helping Cheese Sandwich while Applejack and Fluttershy helped with a few other things like setting up booths and stuff. While they did that Rarity made her way to me when she heard about the blood she was almost as worried about me as Twilight was.

"Are you okay Spikey Wikey?" She asked as she was sitting on the side of me bed.

"I'm better now that you're here," I answered her as I gently grabbed her hoof with my claw.

"Oh thank you Spike that's so nice of you to say, you really are the sweetest little dragon. How about I get you another pillow and then fluff both of them?"

"That would be nice," I said and Rarity reached into her saddlebag to pull out the said pillow.

"I had a feeling you were going to say that."

"You know me so well," I told her. The next day Princess Celestia and Luna arrived to look over the empire but also wanted to make sure that I was okay as well.

"Well he seems to be making a good recovery," Princess Celestia said as she and Princess Luna sat next to Rarity by the side of my bed.

"Yes, he'll be okay, dragons have always been rather tough creatures," Princess Luna said.

"You better belief it," I said as I sat up to show the muscle on my arm but that caused a serious ache in my chest making me grab it as a result. It also worried my guests as all three of them reached out to me but Rarity being the closet got to me first, she protectively placed one hoof over the claw that was holding my chest and the other around my head.

"Spike darling you mustn't push yourself after such an ordeal," Rarity told me as she tucked me into bed placing an extra blanket she found over me. "I'm going to see over the party is going, now you promise me you'll stay here and not push yourself."

"I promise," I told her as I decided to take a nap figuring or rather hoping I'd feel much better when I woke up. After seeing I was doing all right Celestia and Luna went to see the other creature making a recovery.

"So it's true, you did take quite a beating helping out," Princess Luna said to Discord. "You'll forgive me if I tell you that when I first heard about it I had my doubts."

"I had rather similar doubts," Celestia said.

"Oh that's nice talk," Discord said as he was in bed as well with Fluttershy there helping in his recovery. "Rather insulting even."

"Please don't take it to personally Discord, we were surprised but we also thinks it's great that you were helping out so much," Princess Luna said.

"Yes from what Spike told us you really pulled him and the others out of a jam," Princess Celestia said.

"He did did he?" Discord said. "He brought up the incident with Tirek," Discord replied with a somber tone. "I told him how I still felt bad about that, but what I didn't tell him is that I wanted to stop Sombra on my own to make up for that incident."

"Wow," Twilight said. "That's actually pretty noble of you Discord, which is really surprising coming from you."

"Oh ha ha," Discord said sarcastically. "Laugh it up you three."

"That said I'm still quite grateful that you were able to help us, and it looks like you're making a full recovery."

"Yes I do feel much better, another thing that I feel is my magic. Sombra used some sort of spell on me similar to the one he used on the Elements of Harmony. It messed with my powers but I can feel them slowly returning."

"Does that mean that you can use your chaos magic again?" Twilight asked.

"Yes I can, why is there something you want?" Twilight just stared at him. "Oh right." Discord then snapped his fingers and at long last Twilight got her horn back.

"Ah finally!" Twilight said excitedly as she ran off, but quickly came back to use magic to summon some get well chocolate on Discord's stomach. "Get well soon see ya gonna help with the party the crystal ponies said they wanted my help bye!" Twilight then ran off to do what she said.

"The crystal ponies asked for my help too," Fluttershy said. "Can I get you anything else before I go?"

"No it's quite all right go on ahead much like last time having you here already made me feel much better," Discord answered.

"All right then get well soon, I know Twilight already said that but I wanted to say that too."

"I think we should help as well sister," Princess Luna said. "I think it would be fun and maybe help us get closer to the Crystal Empire."

"You go on ahead Luna I'll catch up," Princess Celestia said. Fluttershy left with Princess Luna then Princess Celestia approached Discord who was still resting on his bed. "So Discord, you wanted to make up for what happened with Tirek?"

"Yeah I know I'm not all that good at being straight forward but I still feel rather bad about it, did I say that already?"

"I think so."

"I guess I hit my head harder than I thought, much harder probably." Princess Celestia then made an ice pack appear above his head.

"Does that help?"

"Yes, thank you."

"Good, and listen don't feel too bad about what happened okay, it wasn't entirely your fault he tricked you and manipulated you."

"But looking back it seems so obvious, I feel like such an idiot for not noticing something going on right under my nose."

"I know how that feels, trust me. We all make mistakes but we can learn from them and be able to do better next time. You know this is a really personal story but the stuff I heard about Sombra kind of reminds me of something that happened to me long ago. Even before I met you, when I met Sombra, a different Sombra. Would you like to here about it?"

"All right," Discord answered as he got comfortable. The next day I woke up surprisingly feeling much better.

"Spike darling you look so much better," Rarity told me who was the first thing I saw when I woke up. I rather liked that.

"I feel a lot better too," I said as I jumped right out of bed which I could tell rather worried Rarity.

"Spike! You shouldn't push yourself like that," Rarity said as she went over to me and picked me up. "You should rest some more, come on let's get you back in bed."

"I don't need anymore rest I'm Spike the brave and glorious," I told Rarity when I got her to let go of me. "Not to mention the hero of the Crystal Empire, and a hero can't just lay around in bed when there's going to be a party in his honor am I right?" I asked Rarity while giving her an admittingly cocky smile while raising one of my eyebrows several times.

"Well you do seem to be at 100%, but are you sure you're all right and back to your normal self?"

"I'm even better than my normal self," I answered and then picked Rarity up with my bare claws which rather surprised her.

"My my you are quite strong aren't you," Rarity said and I could tell by her tone of voice that she was rather impressed as I continued to hold her in my arms. "Uh you can put me down now if you want Spike I, might be rather heavy for you," she said with a blush.

"Nonsense Rarity, you are as light as a feather," I told her which made her blush even more. She tried to look away as she blushed more but I could still see it.

"Thank you," Rarity said. "Now can you please put me down now darling, you've made your point."

"Oh sure," I said to her as I did as she asked. "You want to go see how the party is going?"

"Of course Spikey Wikey," Rarity said as she got on her stomach and I knew what she was doing. So I got right on her back and she stood up to carry me to the party, but as she went off she went left at the end of the wing when she should have went right.

"Uh, Rarity you went the wrong way."

"Don't quite Spike, I just decided to take the long way."

"Really?" I asked not minding one bit if she wanted some more alone time with me.

"Yes, I want to have a little talk with you," she said to me as she turned her head to look at me. "Spike I feel I should really say this as your friend, I think you've been getting a bit too big for those adorable little britches of yours."

"Oh come on I saved the Crystal Empire again and now it's throwing me a party in my honor, don't you think I can allow my head to get a little big?"

"Well perhaps but please take what I said into consideration, pride cometh before the fall and all that."

"Okay Rarity. Anything for you," I said to her. When we got to the party pretty much everything was ready, Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich really know what they're doing. When the crystal ponies saw me they took me off Rarity and put me on a throne that they made for me. The crystal ponies showed me several acts that prepared for me like a juggling act, a magic show, and even a chef that I watched make me a gourmet meal with some of my absolute favorite gems.

"This party is going great," Princess Luna who I saw and heard saying that to Pinkie Pie. "I must give credit where credit is due, you and Cheese Sandwich are quite talented as this."

"Ah thanks," Cheese Sandwich said. "You know Pinkie Pie inspired me to become the party pony I am today," he added as he pulled Pinkie into a hug.

"Is that a fact?" Pinkie Pie nodded. "Well how about I help you two enjoy the party you went through all the trouble of planning."

"Sounds great to us," Pinkie Pie said.

"Yeah me too," Cheese Sandwich said. "By the way is your sister here?"

"Yes she's helping Discord enjoy the party."

"This party is going wonderful darling," Rarity said as I was eating a crystal cake before she put a hoof to my claw. "Darling save some room for later."

"Yeah I guess you're right," I told her as I looked around and saw quite a few couples dancing like Shining Armor and Cadence and Big Mac and Cheerilee, even Soarin and Rainbow Dash. "Hey Rarity," I paused but not for too long. "Would you like to dance?"

"Dance? You know what, I think that would be just fine."

"Rarity?" I said to her after we danced for a little bit.

"Yes Spike?" Before I could continue however there was a loud crash, I reluctantly turned away from Rarity after looking at her for a moment before I turned into my bigger form and went off to where the noise came from.

"What's going on?" Twilight asked when she went over there as well.

"It is something that has interrupted quite the wonderful party, and something tells me that it is not somepony that is simply tardy," Zecora said, gotta admit not her best rhyme.

"It came from that crater," Cheese Sandwich said.

"Nope," Big Mac said.

"It made the crater," Cheerilee finished for big mac as the creature that made it was still in it stood up and walked over to them.

"What is that thing?" Shining Armor asked.

"I'm going to guess trouble," I answered as I shrunk down to my original form since this whatever it was wasn't fighting.

"Who are you?" Soarin asked.

"What are you? I think that might be the more important question here," Rainbow Dash said.

"I am Humanoid," the creature answered.

"Wait is that an answer to Soarin's question or my question?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yes," Humanoid answered which just confused us even more.

"I knew it would only be a matter of time before you showed up," Discord said which caught us all by surprise.

"Wait, Discord you know him?" I asked.

"Oh yes we go way back don't we Humanoid?" Discord asked the strange creature who replied with a long yawn.

"Discord is that you?" Humanoid asked as he yawned again.

"Yes in the flesh I might add quite a pleasant feeling. How have you been?"

"Eh," he answered while he looked around a bit as if he forgot what he was doing, or that his brain was half asleep. He reminds me of the times that I wake up but I can practically hear my bed calling out to me to come back to bed. "You look different Discord."

"I do?"

"Yeah, you have a crush on someone don't you or is it somepony?"

"Discord how do you know this guy?" I asked not so much out of curiosity but to change the subject as the matter of whoever we have a crush on is quite private.

"Oh like I said we go way back I knew this guy back when I was running Equestria even before that actually. I thought he was quite the interesting guy but one day he just disappeared, though I always had a feeling that if he ever returned he would show up at the Crystal Empire.

"Why is that?" Princess Celestia asked who was standing right next to her sister Princess Luna.

"Because he was the one that created it, in a sense that is," Discord answered which utterly shocked pretty much all of us. "You see long ago back before Equestria was founded the crystal ponies weren't crystal ponies, they were just a large group of settlers that traveled far up north. Humanoid here made them all glow and their buildings crystal like because he thought it would be funny."

"Really Discord I did that?" Humanoid asked.

"Yes, so where have you been all these years did you get turned to stone too?"

"No," he answered with yet another yawn at this point he was kind of making me tired as well. "I was sleeping."

"No kidding," I said.

"A dragon?" He asked as if he just noticed me know. "You are different than the other dragons, there's something special about you."

"Well I am the great and honorable Spike the brave and glorious."

"Who gives their kid such a ridiculously long name?" Humanoid asked.

"What? No my name is just Spike, but I'm great, and honorable, and brave and-"

"We get it Spike," Shining Armor interrupted.

"And what's so great and all that other stuff about you?"

"I'll have you know that I'm the hero of the Crystal Empire."

"Yeah and to thank him all of the crystal ponies have thrown him this huge party, that I and my friend Pinkie Pie got to help plan."

"So you're the one that's responsible for the noise and woke me up," Humanoid said as he got a bit closer to me. "What's so great about you anyway? And what's so great about a party anyway too?"

"What's so great about a party?!" Cheese Sandwich said shocked. "Haven't you ever been to one?"

"No," Humanoid answered which made Cheese's mouth nearly hit the floor.

"Well let me show you, come on and join us we'll have a blast and speaking of blast." Cheese Sandwich then got out his party cannon and fired it, a costly mistake. When he fired the cannon Humanoid put his hands to the sides of his head and then let out a roar that made the rest of us do the same.

"ALL THE NOISE!" He roared in anger now acting like he's fully awoke. "ALL THE NOISE NOISE NOISE NOISE NOISE NOISE! All I want to do is sleep it's all I've ever wanted but now I can't, not anymore, why did that tree have to give out?"

"Tree?" Soarin asked. "Do you know what he's talking about Big Mac?"

"Nope." After that Humanoid rabbled a bit when suddenly he said something that caught my attention.

"If it's not one thing it's another this party those annoying ghost ponies that wouldn't leave me alone."

"Ghost ponies," I asked when suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks. "It was you. You killed the wendigos."

"Wendigo what's that, some sort of pegasus delivery system?"

"No!" I said with anger. "Do you have any idea what you did, what you set in motion?

"No," he said with no emotion to it which just made me more angry.

"Well let me let you, my friends got captured by the changeling queen, if it weren't for you they wouldn't have been captured, because of you Twilight almost died!"

"Twilight? Who's that somepony important? Am I supposed to care about her?" When I heard that I just snapped I turned into my large form again and jumped over to him hitting him in the face as hard as I could which sent him flying out of the empire. But that wasn't enough for me as I made my way to where he went and found where he landed.

"There you are!" I said breathing fire out a bit but let out a lot more when I was right on top of him.

"You are special," he said as the fire cleared he didn't look remotely hurt, not even a scratch, but I didn't quite notice that at the moment. "You're like the tree."

"The tree?" I asked while still upset at him and once again it hit me like a ton of bricks. "Do you mean the Tree of Harmony?"

"Is that the crystal one?"


"Then yes."

"Did you do something to the tree as well?" I asked while still ready for a fight.

"No you're friends did something to it, I was sleeping so I guess if Light Star was involved it was her own fault she almost got killed." Hearing that I was almost possessed by anger and gave him about a million and a half punches so fast he couldn't dodge or block any of them. But when I finished he raised his fist and punched me right in my cheek and everything went black.


When I woke up I was back at Twilight's castle resting in her bed and shortly after that Twilight came in to tell me what happened. After knocking me out cold Humanoid set his sights on the Crystal Empire taking it over all by himself, the others tried to stop him but it was no use. In the end they had to retreat back to Ponyville and not just them but the entire Crystal Empire, when I heard about that I threw up blood again as that one punch did quite a lot more than I thought. After that I decided to take another nap mostly because of the pain from Humanoid's punch. But it was more mostly because I couldn't muster any energy after learning I let everypony down, that I let the crystal ponies down, that I let myself down.

I had gone from a hero to a zero, and so far this is my least favorite chapter that I had to write down.