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The scarab: Part 1

Author's Note:

Disclaimer! I do not own MLP:FiM, Justice League, Young Justice, Teen Titans, or the Super Friend and Foal Titans.

The belong to their respective creators.

Anyways, on with the chapter!.

A 12 year old Button Mash sighs as he walks home from school. He's wearing a gray hooded with black sweat pants and gray shoes. He had gotten the grade on his Math Test which he didn't do too bad on, getting an 86% on it.

Once he got home he greeted his Mother.

"Mom! I'm home!" He yells.

"How was school?" Cream Heart, his mother asks as she looks to him while working on dinner.

"Good. I got an 86% on my Math test." He says showing her the test.

"That's very good. I see that your Math tutor Sweetie Belle has helped you improve your Math grade." She says with a smile.

Button Blushes at that since he has a crush on the pink and purple maned filly. Thankfully he was able to talk to her without stumbling over his words like many colts in his situation would do.

Unfortunately, he was unable to work up the courage to tell her how he feels since he wasn't a very sociable pony.

"Button. It's a beautiful day today. Why don't you go outside and go spend time with some fillies and colts your age instead of staying in your room and playing video games?" She says with a kind tone.

"I don't know." Says Buttons.

Cream Heart sighs before responding.

"Just... give it a shot for me okay?" She asks with a gentle tone.

Button stops for a moment before sighing.

"Alright I'll give it a try." He says.

With that he heads outside to try and make some friends.

Little did he know how things were going to change in his life...

Two hours later we see Button Mash walking across town with an exhausted look on his face.

"Okay so far, no luck." He says with some defeat in his voice.

Just as he was about to head home an event happened that would change everything.


A building had just exploded!

It wasn't just any building either. As when Button Mash looked to see what happened he saw that the Star Industries building had just been where the explosion happened!

For those not in the know Star Industries was founded by an Earth Pony mare by the name of Magic Star. Not much was known about her other than that she had an incredible knowledge in the Magical and Technological studies. When her company had been formed 20 years ago advancements in technology had increased.

Things like televisions, radio's, phones, computers, and video games existed because of this company!

Button could stare at the destroyed building in shock.

That's when he noticed something in the wreckage. Curious yet cautious, Button approaches slowly.

That's when he finds it. A shiny, blue, metallic scarab like object near the building.

He slowly pick it up to find that it isn't very heavy despite being made of metal.

That's when he realizes its getting dark out.

"Oh geez! I'm going to be late for dinner!" He yelps and quickly pockets the scarab like object in his pocket and runs home.

Once he gets home his mother rushes over to him with worry on her face.

"Button are you alright? There was an-"

"An explosion at the Star Industries building. I know I saw it happen."

"What?! You weren't hurt were you?!"

"Relax mom. I'm fine. I wasn't close enough to get hurt by it."

She looks like she doesn't believe it but lets it go anyway.

"Alright then. Go get ready for dinner then. We're having pizza tonight."

That makes Button perk right up. He loves eating pizza.

"Alright. I'll be down in a few minutes."

After dinner

Once the family finished dinner Button goes up to his room and places the scarab on his dresser and heads to sleep.

The scarab wouldn't stay on the dresser though. It would move someplace else.