• Published 11th Mar 2021
  • 2,714 Views, 3 Comments

Birthday Cake - Foal Star

Pinkie Pie has found herself in a alternate universe where she's one of the Cakes daughters!

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Who was supposed to be a foal again?

Pinkie Pie woke up feeling confused. Wasn't she supposed to be foalsitting the Cake Twins and not the other way around? Those were some of the first thoughts that Pinkie thought about as she lay in a crib, a fluffy diaper around her rump and a giant, bulbous pacifier bobbing up and down in her mouth. The entire room was rather large for her size, and the mare turned little filly was somewhat unsure of how she'd found herself in this situation.

Pinkie Pie looked over to see that she was, in fact, in the Cake Twins nursery, and it was rather massive. Even without a mirror, the filly knew she was a foal: Pudgy arms and legs? Check. Diaper soggy? Check! What's weirder was that the Cake Twins were lying next to her. Pumpkin Cake suckling her hoof on her left and Pound Cake kicking about in his diaper on her right. They both were snuggled under the sheets. Did all the flour go to her brain? Was she hallucinating?

The little pink filly looked around the crib some more, trying to find any clues to how this happened. As she looked around the crib, the only thing she spotted was an odd-looking rag doll. The filly picked it up and recognized it as the Smarty Pants doll that Twilight put some spell on a few months ago that had made everypony go crazy. She picked up the floppy ragdoll and eyed it as she tried to gauge how it got here in the first place.

But before Pinkie could really think, the other foals began to wail, and it wasn't long until Mrs.Cake came by with a smile. "Awww, my little angels need diaper changes?" The big blue-coated mare asked as she placed the twins down on a changing pad and went about changing their diapers, along with Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie kicked and whined as the big blue-coated mare wiped, powdered, and strapped Pinkie into a new diaper along with the rest of the foals. The pink-coated filly was somewhat confused and baffled about what was going on. However, she kicked about in her padding, feeling so happy and content.

But what came next was somewhat surprising as Mrs. Cake picked the three up, and she laid down to give the foals some room. She then let the three foals suckle on her teats, getting fresh breastmilk.

Pinkie's face turned red as a tomato as she couldn't believe that she was gulping down such milk, even though it tasted so sweet! She was so fixated on suckling down that sweet milk she didn't even notice Mrs. Cake placed her and the twins over her shoulders and burped them. The pink coated foal spat up the milk over her "mother's" shoulder.

Mrs. Cake just laughed. "Oh BD, you always are the gassiest foal."

They then were carried downstairs, where Pinkie saw pictures with her and the other two foals. This made her feel even weirder because the Cakes weren't freaking out. They were treating her like a foal like she was their daughter!

They were then placed down in the highchairs, and Mr. Cake came over with a smirk. "Looks like the foals already ate?"

"Ah yes, they're ready for breakfast part two," Cup Cake replied sheepishly and rubbed her belly as she continued." Sorry, my breasts were somewhat bloated this morning."

"It's fine, honey. You need the pump?" Carrot Cake asked with a smirk on his face.

The mare gave a nod, grunting as she moved her legs. "Yeah, I'll do that up-stairs. Can you watch the foals for me?"

"Sure, no problem." Mr. Cake responded with a smile. The stallion then began to spoon-feed the three foals.

Pinkie Pie tried to ask her "dad" what was going on, but Mr. Cake just dawwed. "Oh, little Birthday Cake. You are so adorable."

"Birthday Cake"?! Did that mean she wasn't Pinkie Pie anymore? What was going on?!

After breakfast ended a short time later, she and the Cake Twins were placed in a playpen, and they were all given some toys to play with. Her "siblings" started to smack blocks and chew on a rubber chicken, respectively.

Pinkie Pie sat there nervously, unsure of what to do. But then a thought went through her mind, she should try talking to her new siblings to find out what was going on. The pink-coated filly gulped again as she asked. "So.... um... hi?"

"Morning, sissy." The foals babbled together.

Pinkie gave a sigh of relief that they could understand what she was saying. "Otay, gotta ask...um...am I ya sissy?"

"Oh yeah? Ya was bown wast, I came out of Mommy's tummy first!" Pumpkin Cake proudly proclaimed.

Pound Cake shook his head and babbled. "Nah uh, I bown first!"

"Nah, uh!" The unicorn filly got quite angry as she cried out.

The two started fighting over who was born first as Pinkie just gave a sigh. "Otay. Well, my name is weawwy Pinkie Pie. I think some cwazy magic turned me into ya sissy."

Pumpkin and Pound Cake both looked at her with blank stares as they were somewhat confused. "Tats cwazy!"

The twins went back to playing as the pink coated foal scratched her head. Something was definitely wrong, and she couldn't put a hoof on it. The filly then decided to at least take the opportunity to know these foals more. "So, I gots a question? Why do you two tink pouwing flouw ovew ponies is funny?"

Pumpkin snickered behind her hoof. "Oh, I don't know what ta white stuff was called. I taught it was foal powder."

"Yeah, Mama puts wots of foaw powder on my wump!" Pound giggled as he bounced up and down in excitement.

Pinkie snickered behind a hoof as she babbled. "Weww tat makes sense, dun wants diapee washes," Then she waddled over and decided to at least show them how to stack blocks properly. "Otay, I gonna teach ya two how to stack blocks," Pinkie babbled as she placed one block on top of the other. "See, ya do it like that. It's mowe fun ten just smacking them."

The two foals' eyes went wide upon seeing this, and they waddled over and assisted Pinke by placing the blocks on top of each other. At first, they kept accidentally knocking their little tower over and then placing the blocks on top of each other again. Pinkie didn't even realize the customers coming as they played. But she eventually did as they started to come over and daww at them.

Mrs. Cake eventually came back down with a smile. "Oh look, BD is teaching her siblings just like the older sister should."

Mr. Cake rolled his eyes. "Are you sure we should've named her Birthday Cake? That's quite the mouthful."

"Oh, it's a perfect name if you ask me." Mrs. Cake chirped, picking the pink coated foal up and nuzzling her close, then placing her back down.

Carrot Cake just shook his head as he came over. "My goodness, she has the energy of the twins combined."

Mrs.Cake ruffled the little filly's mane and then asked. "So, did we find a foal sitter for tonight?"

Her husband gave a deep sigh as he replied. "Yeah, we did. Though...um…. I'll remind you that this was last minute…"

Mrs. Cake gave a disgruntled grumble. "Alright, well, at least we have somepony to watch them. We have a big catering order to fill today, and we can't miss that."

Pinkie scratched her head as she was now perplexed. All of this had happened yesterday. How could she be living through it again? Something was definitely fishy.

Twilight then came through the doors of the bakery and waved a hoof. "Good morning, Carrot Cake and CupCake. Sorry I couldn't help watch the foals. Celestia has me swamped with my studies." She apologized with a sheepish smile on her face.

Mrs. Cake waved a hoof. "Oh, it's quite alright! You want a coffee and some donuts, right?"

"Yes, please." Twilight chirped as she came over to the playpen. The mare looked down at the foals with Pinkie Pie bouncing up and down, babbling frantically at Twilight.

"Hey, Twilight! Can you understand me?!" Pinkie shouted in desperation.

"Oh wow! Birthday Cake is getting rather excited, isn't she?!" Twilight commented with a surprised look on her face.

"Yes, she's quite energetic, I'll admit." Mrs.Cake replied back as she gave Twilight her order.

Pinkie Pie just sat there, plopped onto her padding with a pout, and her hooves crossed over her chest. If Twilight didn't recognize her, then that settled it; she was in a different universe….but then Pinkie Pie realized that if that was the case, then somepony must've replaced her as the element of laughter! She wondered who it could've been?

Well, that was a worry for another time and place as the foals' father came by and picked them up. "Alright, cuties, it's naptime. Come on!" He skipped up the stairs and took the three back to the nursery, where the stallion tried to tuck them in under the sheets. They tried to run off, and Carrot Cake had to chase after them to place the foals back in the crib. The stallion made sure they were tucked in, plopped pacifiers in their mouths, and then plopped down on his rump. "I really hope Depry can handle you three tonight."

Pinkie had to stop herself from bursting into laughter. Derpy was going to foalsit them? This was going to be fun!

The three foals were suddenly woken up later in the afternoon. Pinkie was somewhat surprised when she woke up to see Derpy standing over her with a big cheery smile, and she waved at them. "Hello, you three. I'll be taking care of you until your parents come back."

Pinkie smirked as her "siblings" started to wail and make quite a fuss. Derpy was going to have to endure dealing with the rambunctious cake twins and herself. She could see that the pegasus mare was already trying to get the foals to stop crying; she made funny faces and shook various toys in front of them, like what Pinkie had had to endure while watching the Cake Twins.

Pinkie Pie could tell Derpy was way out of her league, scratching her mane and looking around aimlessly. Pinkie decided she should try helping the poor pegasus out and pointed a hoof to a bag of flour.

The pegasus blinked as she picked it up and dumped it over herself, making the foals squeal with laughter. Pinkie Pie also started laughing hysterically as well. Derpy just grumbled to herself as she shook all over, getting the flour off her body before a really awful odor wafted through the room.

The other two foals didn't seem to care, but Pinkie's face went green as she realized she'd messed herself.

Derpy made a "bleh" sound and groaned. "Ugh, diaper changes! I know I've done them before, but I'll never get used to this," She then scooped up the three foals and quickly changed their diapers as fast as she could. The grey-coated mare wiped the sweat off her brow. "Oh dear, this may be way harder than I thought."

Derpy then plopped the foals into a playpen as she clearly needed a break.

Pinkie Pie looked out the window and saw the sun was setting. The little filly realized she wanted to go outside and see what Ponyville was like, and maybe find a way to convince Twilight to help her figure out what was going on. But it would require her to get the foals to be more hyperactive.

The Cake Twins continued to play together, smacking their little wooden bricks on the ground and acting so adorable.

But Pinkie Pie sat there, pondering and wondering what she should do to distract Derpy. She needed to get outside without the mare trying to stop her.

The little pink filly then took out what had to be a smaller version of her "Party Cannon." She always had this strange ability to pull random objects out of nowhere, but she had no idea what she would pull out half the time. The filly decided to pull the small string on the back of the cannon to test it and squealed as a column of flour exploded from it, sending it all over the foals!

Both twins gasped, and then they both burst into fits of laughter as Pinkie had a big smirk on her face. "Alright, I have an idea," She waddled over, giving the new cannon to the foals who were now captivated by the toy as Pinkie exclaimed! "Look what I gots!"

"Wow, what is that!?" The two foals asked with awe in their voice.

"It's the newly dubbed flour cannon! Now, why dun we use it on Derpy?" Pinkie chirped as she patted the cannon with a hoof.

"Oh! Tat sounds wike a gweat idea!" The Cake Twins cried out as they took the canon, and they ran off with it to shoot it at Derpy.

Flour was exploding all over the room as the little filly then climbed over the playpen and snuck out of the nursery. She scurried down the stairs to the front door and saw that Derpy must've forgotten about closing the door as she scurried out it.

The pink coated filly walked (or instead waddled) through Ponyville. Looking around, things seemed to be mostly normal. Dirt roads, ponies walking about, you name it.

However, as she waddled about, the little filly spotted a grey coated pony with a frizzy mane and tail. Maud Pie! It was Maud Pie! She even had a different cutie mark! Three colorful rocks on her rump.

The mare skipped over and looked down at the foal, and picked her up. "Hello, little one! What are you doing out here on your own?"

Pinkie Pie was confused because her sister was not acting like her usual cold, solemn demeanor. This was the first thing outside of her being a foal that made Pinkie Pie realize she definitely was in another dimension.

The mare, meanwhile, just skipped off to the Golden Oaks Library, and there she placed the foal down and exclaimed. "Hey, Twilight! I'm back! And I found a cute little foal! I think it's one of the Cake triplets."

Twilight walked down the stairs and saw Maud Pie and the foal and grumbled. "Yeah, it's one of them, alright. I heard Derpy was going to watch them today. But I should've known she'd end up in over her head."

"Oh, that clumsy mare! Oh, can we watch the little filly then?!" The grey-coated earth pony chirped out loud.

Twilight sighed as she rubbed her face with a hoof. "I'm so busy today! Can you just take her back to Derpy?"

"Alright then…" Maud grumbled as she kicked the ground.

The unicorn looked down with a smile. "Why don't you help Derpy? She probably needs help. Plus, you can finally ask Mr. and Mrs. Cake for a job!"

"Oh, that's a great idea, Twilight!" Maud Pie exclaimed as she plopped Pinkie Pie in a stroller and then pushed her out the door. Pinkie was somewhat surprised that Maud Pie somehow pulled a stroller out of nowhere and even seemed to have her personality. It was as if her older sister had stolen her identity...how was this possible?!

Maud Pie, for her part, blabbed on and on. "So, I know you're probably confused, but I'm actually not from Ponyville. I only moved here recently at the same time Twilight came. We decided to become roommates since I have no money, and I basically was kicked out of Rock College. Anyways, after that, we became best friends after defeating Nightmare Moon, and after that, we've thrown parties ever since!"

Pinkie Pie just blinked as Maud Pie basically just said what she was thinking this entire time. Maud Pie had replaced her as the laughter, and Pinkie was, in fact, this new pony named Birthday Cake.

Pinkie Pie tried to talk to Maud Pie, but Maud Pie looked down and snickered. "Sorry, I don't know foal gibberish. But maybe one day I will!"

The little pink-coated filly pouted and grumbled as she laid back in her stroller, looking upwards into the sky. As much as being a foal would be fun (as well as living this new life as Birthday Cake), she wanted more than anything to be friends with Twilight again and get her sister back.

"Well, I think it's going to be fun foalsiting you and your siblings!" Maud Pie cried out as she returned to Sugarcube Corner, only for the two former siblings' mouths to drop! The entire bakery was covered in sticky dough, with Derpy collapsed in a barrel of what had to be water and flour.

Derpy looked up and held out a hoof as she cried out. "Oh, thank Celestia! Backup has arrived!"

Maud Pie came over, holding Derpy by the hoof as she replied. "Don't you worry, we'll get this place cleaned up and put those foals in their place!"

Pinkie Pie looked around, wondering where the twins were, and that was when they all heard giggling. The three ran to the kitchen, and there they found the foals babbling as they were shoving tons of the gloopy dough into their mouths.

Maud Pie stomped forward as she shouted. "Hey! What do you foals think you're doing?!" The two foals looked over at the mare standing over them as she then snapped. "You shouldn't be eating that bland dough! Let's make some cake first!" She shoved the dough in her mane and out popped a cake, and the foals laughed and giggled as Pinkie groaned, slamming a hoof to her face. Despite her misgivings about how the Cakes wouldn't choose her as a foal sitter, she could now kind of see why.
Pinkie looked around and was horrified. Even if this wasn't her universe, she couldn't leave Sugarcube Corner looking like this. Maud Pie was still making cakes, not even caring that the whole place looked like a mess. Maybe it was time for her to take the reigns.

Pinkie got up and took out a mop and bucket from her mane and carried them over to Derpy, who was still slipping about in the dough. Pinkie just watched her sliding about like a newbie at ice skating. Pinkie realized that she might be the only one who can get this place cleaned up, but how?!

Pinkie Pie tried cleaning up on her own, mopping up everything using the bucket and mop. But she was making very little progress with her small stubby limbs trying to scrub the dough, with her diaper making her stand on her stubby forelegs.

Derpy was finally able to get up on her legs and struggled forward. "Hey, I gotta be the responsible one!"

Pinkie raised her hooves upward and babbled. "Please, just take over!"

Derpy placed Pinkie on her back and started to help mop up the goopy dough as Pinkie looked over to see Maud Pie keeping an eye on the twins. But she was so focused on just playing with the foals; she definitely was her sister in almost every sense of the word.

If Pinkie could talk, she would give her sister a piece of her mind. She tugged at Derpy's mane and pointed at Maud Pie. The grey-coated pegasus seemed to get what Pinkie was trying to imply and gave a sigh. "Right, she should be helping, but...she is keeping the foals distracted. I don't think I would be able to watch those foals and clean this place up at the same time."

Pinkie Pie gave a sigh; Derpy had a point. They were lucky the Cake Twins haven't gone and caused more of a mess. But she looked out one of the windows and saw that the sun was basically gone; they only had a few hours before Mr. and Mrs. Cake would return from their catering order! She turned to see that, at the very least, the Twins seemed to be tuckered out as Maud Pie took them in her mouth. "I'll get these two diaper changed and put them to bed. After that, I better get going!"

Derpy blinked as she stammered. “C..c...can you um...”

Pinkie groaned, Derpy was trying to be too modest, and Maud Pie seemed unable to tell that this could be her golden opportunity to work for the Cakes! She had to say something; the filly opened her mouth and babbled. "Cakes, pawty."

Pinkie looked up to see both mares dawww. "Awww, those were her first words!"

Derpy gave the filly a confused look. "Did she mean to say potty? I think she did pee her diaper."

Pinkie looked down at her padding, seeing that it was stained yellow. She just scoffed. Yes, she'd used her diaper, but that wasn't the point.

Maud Pie at least seemed to figure it out as she gasped. "Oh, I think she meant we should stay and help clean up, then the Cakes would hire me to host parties! That's a brilliant idea!"

Pinkie squealed, clapping her hooves before the grey coated mare ran up the stairs as Derpy scratched her head. "She got all that from two words?"

The pink coated filly just crossed her hooves proudly. Derpy was like her sometimes, things may go over their heads, but Maud and Pinkie had a bond even in this alternate universe.

Maud Pie soon came back with an extra mop and bucket, and she went about scrubbing down the entire bakery in a matter of seconds, even taking a towel and wiping the dough off Derpy.

Then the front door opened, and the Cakes came through with Mrs. Cake chiming in. "Derpy, how did- oh, Maud Pie! You're here too?!"

Derpy was going to start blabbing about how the Cake Twins made a colossal mess, and they'd barely gotten around to cleaning it up. But Maud Pie bounced over and laced her hooves over the pegasus's mouth. "Yep! Derpy needed some help, so I came by to clean up, no biggy!"

Derpy seemed to get what Maud Pie was implying and just nodded and mumbled. "Yeah...everything went fine…"

Mr.Cake went upstairs to check on the foals and came by with a smile. "Pumpkin and Pound Cake are fast asleep."

Everypony sighed in relief as Mrs. Cake picked Pinkie up and placed the filly on her back. "Birthday Cake didn't cause any issues, did she?"

"Oh no, she was a lovely little foal!" Maud Pie exclaimed. "Though she's quite the super soaker!"

Pinkie Pie's cheeks flushed red. Despite being a foal, peeing herself in front of a bunch of ponies was still rather embarrassing. Fortunately, Mrs.Cake was already placing her down on a table and wiping the filly's rump with wipes before changing her into a fresh diaper.

Mr. Cake, meanwhile, turned to Maud Pie and asked. "So, um, Maud Pie is it? We heard you started throwing parties for ponies, and you're rather good at it. Would you want to work for us?"

Maud Pie clapped her hooves as she cried out. "Oh yes! That would be great!"

Pinkie smiled at her other sister and couldn't help but feel proud that Maud Pie got to meet the Cakes in this universe. Then she was picked up over Mrs. Cake's shoulder. "Well, thank you, Derpy, and you as well, Maud Pie. You two did great; here's your pay." She gave them both a bag of bits, making Pinkie frown that she didn't get paid.

The mares both gave their thanks before skipping off together, with Derpy still looking as if she'd just went through a hurricane.

Mrs. Cake then took her "daughter" upstairs back to her bedroom as she whispered. "I can't shake this feeling that you were the true foal sitter tonight; despite your rambunctious nature, you are the oldest...if only by a minute or two," She laid down and exposed her crotchboobs to Pinkie as she cooed, "go on drink up."

Pinkie cooed as drool came down her mouth while she put her mouth on one of the nipples and suckled down the creamy contents. It was without a doubt the best milk she'd ever had.

As Pinkie suckled her fill, Mr. Cake came in, and they talked about finding a bunch of random cakes in the kitchen and where they came from. Pinkie couldn't help but chuckle as that had happened more than once in her universe. Then she was picked up once more, and her back was given another few pats as she spat up and her mouth wiped. Afterward, she was taken back to the nursery, where she was placed with the other foals and was tucked in with a pacifier in her mouth.

"Now you get some sleep, dear. And keep your siblings out of trouble." Mrs. Cake cooed.

Pinkie Pie gave the mare a salute, and the mare just chuckled as she gave her a kiss on the forehead. As she closed the door, Pinkie grabbed the Smartypants doll. Despite the crazy day and having quite a lot of fun as a foal, she missed being an adult and the element of laughter. She hoped maybe she would be back to normal when she woke up.

Pinkie Pie woke up with a gasp as she looked around, trying to gauge where she was! Her normal bed: Check. No diaper around her rump: Check. However, she was suckling on a rubber bulb for a second before she spat it out. Did she accidentally put a pacifier in her mouth!? Pinkie then heard a knock at the door.

"Um, Pinkie Pie, are you alright?" Mrs. Cake called.

"Y...yeah, I'm fine!" Pinkie shouted, feeling a bit embarrassed. Ever since Mrs. Cake had had her foals, she'd been treating Pinkie more like her daughter.

"um...I know this may sound weird, but um...do you want some milk?" Mrs. Cake offered.

Pinkie almost said yes, but decided it may be too weird to drink breast milk and squeaked. "No, I'm fine."

"You sure? You usually drink a glass before bed," Mrs. Cake pointed out.

Pinkie gasped and squeaked. "Not tonight! I'm fine!"

"Alright, it's just that there are a few bottles left, and I don't want them to go to waste," Mrs. Cake explained. "So if you want some, I'll keep a bottle in the fridge."

Pinkie stood still as she heard Cup Cake's hoofsteps go down the steps and then gave another sigh before plopping back down on her bed. She plopped the pacifier back in her mouth and gave it a few suckles thinking everything over.

She'd teleported to another dimension and now had come back to her own universe. She picked up the Smarty Pants doll and held it. Maybe she'd thought about how carefree the foals were when she was caring for them, and perhaps she'd wished she could be one.

This doll...that spell Twilight placed on it...it all made sense. This doll had made her wish come true! Pinkie Pie tucked the doll away in her mane. "I'll just keep it around, don't want some evil pony getting their hooves on this," She then laid back in bed and snuggled under the covers as she suckled on the rubber bulb in her mouth. But it wasn't satisfying… She got up and chirped, "maybe I'll take up the offer from Mrs.Cake and sneak a bottle before bed." Before she hopped out of the room.

Comments ( 3 )

Nanny Defoal getting up to shenanigans again?

10717422 Nope, it's something else.

Nice work dude keep it up.

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