• Published 12th Mar 2021
  • 1,637 Views, 35 Comments

Nightmare Host - The A I

Luna returns to find she is not the only being to traverse the dream realm.

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Princess Luna is not a happy pony, while normally she would hide her discontent behind a mask but this discovery has vexed her. For the past 3 hours she has been trying to gain access to a portion of the dream realm that is in a state of turmoil, each attempt being ineffective, like trying to use a fork to eat soup. All around here the dreams of equestria float and drift amongst a starry miasma, and yet a large section is blocked off by a thick smoke-like substance which also seems to be tethered to 2 dreams, one of a guardspony, and the other of a young filly. It is mostly for this reason that Luna has been trying so hard to pierce this barrier, the smoke moving to block any attempt to enter those dreams, but there is more than one way to find a way in.

With a scowl, Princess Luna follows the guard’s dream to it’s source, finding his current location and his name. Private Iron Shield, a new recruit to the Royal Guard of Canterlot. To get to the bottom of this mystery, she will need to visit him in person and enter his dream directly.

The guard barracks are quiet at this time of night, the occasional guard patrol being the only source of noise beside the gentle breathing of 3 dozen guards amongst their rows of beds. Even as the regal figure of Princess Luna enters the barracks, not a soul stirs to wakefulness as she passes by them, eyes scanning across the room, landing on a blue earth pony with a lime green mane cut short. Stopping beside the young guard, Luna’s horn lights up with a white spiral, beforeit strings from the tip of her horn and connects to the guard’s head like a possessed cable, bringing Luna into his dream without being blocked again.

---------------------------------------Unknown POV--------------------------------------

I have been watching this pony and filly play with each other all night, it is heartwarming to see their connection staying strong despite their physical distance. The brother and sister had been desperate to keep in touch so to see that come to fruition is very satisfying to see for myself. Of course, despite trying to observe the goings on unseen, Luna’s arrival sent a small ripple throughout the dream that, while unnoticed by the playful siblings, I sensed immediately. However, I shall leave her be for now, as She also seems content to simply watch instead of interrupting the familial reunion in front of her.

The dream world makes small adjustments here and there to help keep the princess hidden as she observes, while I myself also remain unseen but raise an unseen eyebrow as Luna seemingly by accident slowly makes her way in my direction, trying to remain unseen as the dream changes to that of a green meadow with the sun shining in the clear skies. The guard and filly are suddenly distant from both me and Luna to give us some space as I shift my attention wholly on the Princess of the night.

“I see you have returned from your, vacation, to the moon, Nightmare Moon, or have you returned to being called Princess Luna?” I inquire to the curious Alicorn, my voice soft and with a slight echo like wind blowing through a seashell. Luna seems to have been startled by the voice with seemingly no source and stumbles backwards before what I said seems to click in her mind.

“How dare thee make a mockery of us! We are no longer the Nightmare, and our banishment is not some laughing matter!” Luna snarls, looking in every which direction trying to find me presumably, her horn lighting up as she looks in my direction as she gets into some sort of battle stance, horn still aglow. “Release our subjects at once!”

Release? Does she believe I have them hostage or against their will? Well, only one way to find out I suppose and as such, a blue Earthpony with a long and messy silver mane materializes in front of her, while not my real form, it will do as a representation of me for now. “But I am not holding anyone here, Princess Luna. I have merely helped form a connection between a brother and his younger sibling. Is that so wrong, your Majesty?” My pony representation bows almost mockingly as Luna seems to calm down considerably.

“Then, why doth this dream reject my intrusion so much? Why is it muddled in some kind of barrier in my realm?” Luna’s queries, never losing the aggressive edge to her voice or letting her guard down at all. “And why do you talk to me with a fake visage instead of your true form, Coward?”

A great sigh escapes me as the pony figure I created fizzles away to nothingness and the sky starts to dim to that of the night with the moon lighting the area. “This is a private dream, specifically for those two, I apologize if I caused you undue stress, but I wished them not disturbed or for this to turn towards a less peasant situation. As for the barrier you speak of, that would be because you are currently not in the dream realm per say, more of, a nightmare realm. There is no individual dream here, is is all one realm where those that dwell here interact with each other while they are here instead of being in private dreamscapes.” I explain, somewhat exasperated at needing to meet Luna so suddenly, I wanted to wait a while longer before she met me.

Almost as though on queue, the guard and filly fade from the dream, much to my own amusement as this also means Luna will be leaving as well, wanting to or not, as the dream she entered through is disconnecting from the realm. “We shall talk more in the next night, Princess,” the smirk in my voice clear even to me as she disappears shortly after the other ponies.

...Maybe I should introduce myself next time I meet her?

Author's Note:

this is a story that I have been intending to start for a while but kept getting distracted. I hope this chapter is enough to capture some intrigue until I have time to write the next one.