• Published 27th Apr 2021
  • 1,785 Views, 166 Comments

Flash Sentry Chronicles: Dragon's Awakening - Banshee531

War. That's all that this can be described as. A war between ponies and dragons. But what has caused this war and how can our heroes stop it? The answers may lie in Spike's past. One even he knows nothing about.

  • ...

The Six Dragons

The ponies of the Crystal Empire faces paled in the sight before them. A giant dragon had appeared, now letting out a mighty roar. The knight of the empire, beloved by all, along with Twilight and the rest of her friends, had been transformed into the ferocious beast. The now mind-controlled former pony spread her wings, beating them as she pushed herself into the air.

Malafear laughed as he hovered with her, "Impressed?! I learned this spell a long time ago. Thought it might come in handy if I found a creature with an elemental affinity that I hadn't found yet."

"Change her back!" Trixie yelled.

Malafear cackled at this, "Now why would I do that? She's the key to my return to power. Now all I'm missing is the dragon of light."

Those words made Twilight gasp, the princess's brain now going over what that meant. "You...you turned Iron and Lightning into dragons!" Twilight gasped, "And you wanna turn Flash into a dragon as well!"

Malafear just chuckled as he pointed his staff at them, causing a portal to appear. The ponies stared at it, now seeing three dragons fighting against an amalgamation of Flash and Springer's avatars inside. "Impressed?" He asked as they watched the three fight the avatar, the current winner unclear. "I like to think fate had something to do with this current situation. Right when I take control of the dragons, a pony with the wood affinity appears. And when I transformed and took control of her, I was able to see into her mind and learned she had friends with the other affinities I needed."

"Wood pony?" Shining asked.

"Who's a friend of ours?" Rainbow added before Twilight gasped again.

"Heather!" The others turned to her, "Heather Bloom!" She growled at Malafear, "She's the Wood Dragon, isn't she?"

"Possibly," Malafear shrugged, "Never learned her name, not that it matters. All I know is she's a pony with wood magic and was travelling with a gray pony with glasses."

"That's First!" Applejack yelped, "What did yah do ta him?"

"Oh, he's safe." Malafear held up his book, "I decided to keep him around in case the wood pony was able to break my control."

Everypony went wide-eyed again, Twilight hissing, "You...you're a monster!"

"Oh, you're too kind." he cackled, only for the dragon army to fly up to his level, all of them around the city now floating up to him. "But now that I've got what I came for, I think it's time I was on my way."

"You're not going anywhere!" Shining yelled, "Not with Ruby, or the rest of our friends!"

"And what could you do to stop me?" He laughed before snapping his claws, the Crystal Dragon taking a deep breath as Malafear flew behind her.

"EVERYPONY TAKE COVER!" Twilight immediately screams as she teleported most of them away, leaving Rainbow, Ember, Script and Trixie to get themselves out of there. Rainbow and Ember flew straight up while Trixie and Script teleported to a rooftop behind the dragon.

Not a moment later, Ruby unleashed a blast of wind that was laced with crystal shards. The blast hit the ground and collided with several houses, ripping them apart along with the street. On another rooftop, Twilight's group appeared and gasped at the now happening destruction.

"I can't believe she would do that," Shining whispered as he looked up at the Crystal Dragon.

"It's not her fault," Ember told him as she and Rainbow flew down. "It's impossible to deny Malafear's orders when he's got you under his spell. Trust me...I know."

"Well, I think it's about time I left." Malafear commented as he flew up to the ceiling of the barrier, the Crystal Dragon following him along with the rest of the dragons.

"Get back here!" Twilight roared, only for Malafear to point down at her.

"Stop them." he ordered, the smaller dragons all turning and firing a rain of fireballs. Twilight was forced to put up a shield around them, Trixie doing the same to herself.

But Script decided to do something else, his horn glowing as he focused on Ruby's dragonic form. He then fired a beam of light that struck her in the back leg. "RAAAAAAAAAAH!" She roared, the now mindless beast glancing back at him, Malafear also seeing them and mentally telling her to get rid of him.

She let out another roar, now unleashing a barrage of crystals that Script quickly put up a shield against. However, the dome he created was instantly hit by the gems, the attack smashing into the building under him, causing it to collapse with him on top of it.

"SCRIPT!" Everypony yelled as the building crumbed to crystal dust, Script's shield falling into the debris and getting buried.

Malafear laughed again as he flew out of the shield protecting the city, Ruby and the other dragons following after him. He landed on his newest minion and looked over at where the other dragons were battling, mentally telling Ruby to fly that way.

"RAAAH!" Flash and Springer roared as they spun around and smashed their avatar's hoof into the Iron Dragon, knocking it flying.

"Sorry Iron," Flash commented, "That probably hurt me a lot more than it hurt you."

"Flash!" Skybreaker yelled, "Behind us!" They glanced back and saw a charging Wood Dragon. The avatar leapt up at this, taking flight as the Lightning Dragon flew up as well.

"Don't do it, Lightning!" Grand screamed, but his words fell on deaf ears as a powerful blast of electricity shot through the sky. The avatar countered with his own beam of energy from its horn, the two attacks connecting to cause a large explosion that pushed the four away from one another.

When the clash settled, the avatar was a good distance from the dragons. The three were all panting, Flash and Springer doing the same. "Any ideas how we end this without hurting them?" Springer asked.

"No idea." Flash answered, only for another roar to ring out, making them look up and see a new dragon.

"Oh, come on!" Heart yelped, "Now what?!"

Flash squinted his eyes at this, only to see it was the dragon from the drawing Soul had shown them. "Oh no...that's Ruby!" The others gasped as he continued, "He got her too?!"

"No!" Springer cried, falling to one knee as they heard the sound of Malafear's laughter.

"I see you've been keeping my pets busy."

"They're not your pets!" Grand almost roared, "They're citizens of Equestria!"

"Oh?" Malafear raised an eyebrow at this, "So you figured it out. That makes things much easier." He pointed at Flash, "Come to me and I'll give you the ultimate gift. The chance to be freed from your pathetic pony form and become an all mighty dragon of light."

"Not a chance!" Flash barked back, "Sure, being a dragon would be cool, but if it means I'd have to become your brainwashed servant, no thanks."

Malafear frowned at this, only to glance back at the three dragons. 'It appears they were able to exhaust them to almost complete collapse. And even if they're tired, they can probably hold off long enough for the other ponies to arrive. I need that final pony, but that unusual ability he has seems to make him immune to my magic. My only hope is to find a way to get him alone, which isn't going to happen right now.'

"Dragons!" He raised his staff and unleashed a light that formed a massive portal, "Retreat!" The four large dragons glanced up before flapping their wings, the smaller ones now flooding into the wormhole.

"We can't let them get away!" Flash yelled as the avatar charged, only to be met by streams of fire from the other dragons. The avatar raised its hooves to try and shield the areas holding its occupants, but the impact caused it to stagger back, allowing the four dragons to go through the portal first.

"No!" Grand yelled.

But as the dragons continued to hold the avatar back...Heart decided to do something stupid. "RAAAH!" He roared as his now dry body burst into flames.

"HEART!" Flash screamed as his student suddenly flew out of the avatar, the fireballs hitting him doing nothing. With the added speed, he zipped past the dragons, only to fly straight up. "STOP!" But Heart didn't listen, instead flying straight through the portal. "NOOOO!" Flash pushed the avatar forward, now not caring about the flames.

And in that moment, the portal began to shift and fly down toward the avatar. Doing so caused the dragons firing at them to be engulfed, and once the last one was through, the portal shrank. The avatar reached out with an hoof and pushed it through the portal, grabbing something. But then the portal shrank enough to cut through the hoof, now feeling it break off.

"HEART!" Flash screamed again, the others looking away as the portal vanished. The battleground turned silent as the avatar just stood there, Flash fully wide-eyed as he saw the thing that took his student was now gone. That is, till he leto out a roar, "RRRAAAAUUGGGGHHH!"

"WHOA!" Heart yelped as he flew out of the portal, his face skidding across some dirt. He glanced up at this, now seeing he was in the Dragon Lands, only to look back and see the that all the dragons in front of him hadn't seen him come through. Quickly zipping behind a rock, he peeked out the side of the boulder as he saw more dragons fly out, only for Malafear to appear.

The dragon waved his staff, the portal fluctuating before moving as the last dragons flew through, only for the portal to start shrinking. But before it could close, a blue arm shot out of it and grabbed some of the dragons in its clutches. The dragons flinched in pain, but the portal shrank around the arm, cutting its connection and releasing the beasts.

A second later, the portal was gone, Malafear turning away as the larger dragons followed after him. The smaller ones stayed where they were, though they all flew down and landed, all lining up like tin soldiers.

"Alright," Heart whispered as ducked out of the rock, slowly tiphoofing behind another, "You can do this...just sneak up on him, grab the book, and fly like heck. Hopefully, it being out of Flicker's claws will mean he won't be under his control any more, and if it doesn't...I'll think of something else."

But as he began to follow them, he found they were flying toward a large mountain. As they got there, he saw many larger dragons were digging something out, Malafear staring at what they were doing. There were now several holes in this mountain, and two of the holes had markings that said metal and shining earth in ancient draconic. "Just two more..." he commented to himself, "Two more seals and one more dragon and I'll have everything I need to finally take my revenge."

Back in the void...

Spike and First Aid were still comparing notes, the drake now yelling, "Heather's the wood dragon?!" First did a small nod back, "Wha-but...how?!"

"Transformation spells are not unheard of," the Healing Knight replied, "But the spell this dragon used on Heather was like nothing I have ever seen before. It did not simply transform her into a dragon, it appeared to age her dragon form so her size and power would be three times the amount it should have been."

"But why?" Spike asked, "What would Malafear want with a dragon that uses wood instead of fire?"

"Who knows," First shurgged, "Everything is a bit fuzzy for me. I remember getting attacked by the dragons he was controlling and eventually getting overpowered by the sheer number. Malafear threatened Heather with my safety if she resisted, so she was forced to allow herself to be transformed. Then when she was under his control, Malafear sucked me into this book."

"And now we're stuck in here," Spike sighed as he glanced back at the white void, "There's got to be some way we can get out of here. Or at least send a message to the others and tell them who the wood dragon is."

First nodded back, "I agree. But for now, all we can do is wait here and hope something...is that a book?" It was only now that First had noticed the strange book that was floating behind Spike, the little dragon turning and nodding.

"Yeah, there is something we can do until something happens." He reached out and grabbed the book's cover, "Brace yourself."

He opened the book and in a flash, the pair were in the Dragon Lands, First glancing around with wide-eyes, "We escaped!"

"Not exactly," Spike chimed in, "None of this is real. We're just seeing a memory." First raised an eyebrow at this, only to suddenly feel something fly above them.

They looked up and saw it was Silverbolt. He landed in front of them and put Starswirl down, Spike quickly explaining everything else he had seen up to this point as the pair ran to the cave that housed Silverbolt's mate. "Fira!" He yelled, "FIRA!"

The dragoness rushed outside. "Shush Silver, you'll wake the baby." Silverbolt raised an eyebrow at this, only to shake his head and grab her by the shoulders.

"Get the egg. The pair of you have to get out of here."

"What?" Fira leaned back, "Why?"

"We're in danger," Starswirl replied, "There's a new dragon here. A Mystic Dragon."

Fira blinked at this, turning to Silverbolt. "But isn't that good? If he's like you-"

"He's not like me," Silverbolt told her. "This dragon is a monster." He glanced back for a second, "He...he killed another dragon." Fira gasped, "He...drained the life force out of him. And when he did, he somehow stole his elemental powers."

"And I have a feeling he's not gonna stop at just one," Starswirl added, "That's why you need to get out of here before he comes for you. The other dragons are already warning the others to escape, but we need to hurry." He placed a hoof on Fira's leg. "You and your egg can come to Equestria. You'll be safe there."

"Alright..." Fira nodded before heading into the cave.

And as she collected her egg, Silverbolt turned to Starswirl. "I have to go make sure the other elemental dragons are safe. Can you protect Fira and the egg?"

"You should be focusing on your family," Starswirl replied, "They're making sure the others are safe. You-"

"I'm a Mystic Dragon," Silverbolt interrupted, "I'm the one best suited to holding him off if he shows up." He turned to Fira as she left the cave, egg in claw. He moved over to her and placed a claw on her shoulder and the egg. "Stay with Starswirl and get to safety. I'll meet you there."

Fira did a small nod, "Alright," the two hugged on another, their wings wrapping around them. "Just be safe."

"I will," he replied before pulling away and taking to the air. He shot over the land as fast as his wings could carry him, soon spotting a group of dragons in the normal gem finding area.

"You have to listen to me!" Furnace told them, "There's something coming. A powerful dragon with magic."

"Oh please," one of the dragons replied, an Iron Dragon that went by the name of Shard, "Everyone knows how rare Mystic Dragons are."

"He's right," a female Light Dragon named Aurora responded, "Silverbolt's the only Mystic Dragon."

"No, I'm not!" They all looked up at the Mystic Dragon, Silverbolt landing and glancing at the dragons. Around him was the Iron and Light dragon, along with Fire, Lightning, Water, Wood, Wind, Crystal and Rock dragons. "There's another Mystic Dragon, and he's coming for all of us. If we don't escape, he'll kill us all and steal our elemental powers."

One of the dragons, a Lightning Dragon named Voltic, got up off his rock, "You're saying we should leave our home? The place we've known for generations as a safe place."

"It's not safe anymore," Silverbolt told him.

"Even if you're right," a wood dragon named Arbour spoke up. "Even if there's a dragon out to steal our elemental powers, why should we flee? He's one dragon against many. We can take him."

"But he's not just one dragon. He's one dragon with the power of shadow, ice, poison, fear and now fire. He's a one dragon army and he'll become stronger with every dragon he kills."

"All the more reason to stand against him," a Crystal Dragon named Jade told him. "If we run, he'll pick us off one by one until nothing can stop him. But if we stand together-"

"HE'S COMING!" One of the dragons yelled, all looking up to see a dark cloud moving toward them.

"That's him alright," Silverbolt growled.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Shard asked as he pulled himself up out of the crater, "Let's get him!"

He rolled up into a ball and charged at him, Voltic, Aurora, Arbour and Jade following after him.

"Wait!" Silverbolt yelped as he flew after them, "This dragon doesn't just have multiple elements! He has magic as well!"

"So do you," Jade reminded him. "I'm sure whatever spells he uses, you can counter it."

"I..." Silverbolt hesitated, only to glance up at the cloud. "Alright, I'll help. But don't do anything stupid." His mouth then sparked as they reached the cloud, unleashing a blast of lightning that struck the cloud, making it scatter. The black smoke vanished, now revealing the Mystic Shadow Dragon.

"Ah...quite a collection here." he chuckled, "So you've come to give yourselves up?"

"No!" Voltic replied, "We've come to take you down!"

Malafear laughed at this, "You really think you can stop me? You, who only have one element each, against me?"

"We might not have stolen elemental powers like you, but our elements combined will surely match yours!" Arbour responded before taking a deep breath, the roaring a tornado of leaves at Malafear. The dragon smirked before taking his own deep breath and unleashing a blast of cold air, the two currents slamming into one another. The leaves remaining in the middle, all slowly freezing over until they both stopped and the frozen leaves fell to the ground with a clatter.

"You were saying?" Malafear asked before his eyes glowed.

"MOVE!" Silverbolt yelled, he and the others jumping back as Malafear fired a blast of red energy from his eyes. "Don't let those eye blasts hit you! They'll cause you to be overwhelmed with fear!"

"Then I'd better blind him!" Voltic yelled as his body sparked with lightning, which exploded off of him. Malafear countered by surrounding his wings with shadows, flapping them as the darkness formed a barrier that deflected the lightning.

"WHOA!" Shard cried as he leapt aside, the lightning bolt hitting just beside him, "Watch it!"

Aurora and Jade took this moment to fly in close, Aurora turning to Jade. "Let's combo him!" Jade nodded and raised her tail as Aurora flew behind her, then unleashed a laser from her mouth. That laser struck the gems on the tail and was refracted into multiple colors, all flying out and striking Malafear.

"Gyah!" He yelped, being blinded by the rainbow of light.

"Yes!" Shard cheered as he charged and rolled himself up, spinning right into Malafear. The Mystic Shadow Dragon opened his eyes, now breathing a cloud of poison mist. But Shard didn't feel it thanks to his metal covered body, flying through and slamming into Malafear.

"We've got him!" Arbour yelled as he unleashed his vine hair, wrapping the tendrils around Malafear and tying up his mouth while keeping his other appendages tightly held.

"Take my Electro Burst!" Voltic roared as he unleashed a massive surge of lightning that struck Malafear and left the vines undamaged.

"And my Gemstone Shower!" Jade added before he began shooting crystal spikes out of her mouth that pierced into Malafear.

"Dazzling Destroyer!" Aurora yelled as she flew and a powerful laser exploded out of her mouth and struck Malafear.

"AUGH!" He cried through the vines, feeling his entire body burn. But after a few seconds, he ripped his way through the vines. "Enough!" He raised his front legs before slamming them into the ground, enough power in this to make the ground crack. The cracks ran off in every directions, even under the dragons fighting him. Then, the ground exploded before tendrils of shadow exploded out and struck the five dragons.

"GYAH/AHHH/YARG!" They screamed as they were knocked back, Malafear laughing as he took a deep breath.

"Now, choke on your stupidity!" He unleashed another cloud of poison, which flew toward the five. But before it could reach the dragons, the ground exploded again as several columns of lightning shot out. Those columns then unleashed lightning strings that connected them, forming a square net that the cloud flew into. The net then bent over and formed a dome that shrank into nothingness, taking the poison with it.

Malafear growled at the sight, only to glare at Silverbolt as the dragon said, "I won't let you hurt them...or any other dragon."

"Ha!" Malafear laughed, "How could you possibly defeat me?!" He leapt up and spread his wings, ready to pounce at the dragon. Silverbolt countered by leaping back and bringing his fists together, Malafear shattering the ground as he landed while Silverbolt pulled his fist apart. Doing so caused a rope of lightning to appear between them, Silverbolt ripping it in two and extending them to form a pair of lightning whips.

"Raaah!" He roared as he swung the whips around, lashing at Malafear as the dragon hopped back to dodge them.

"Oh please." Malafear's claws began to glow, black light now shining in them. He then swiped the claws, instantly cutting through the lightning whips. Malafear's tail then ignited as the whips disappeared, the dragon swinging the flaming appendage into Silverbolt.

"Gyah!" He cried as the tail hit his stomach, only to grab the tail as the fire went out. "Lightning Chomp!" He bit into the tail, electricity surging through the teeth.

"AAAAAHHHH!" Malafear screamed, his body now showing his skeleton for a second.

"YEAH!" Spike cheered, First simply watching in amazement.

"It's not over yet," he told Spike as Malafear's body began to glow. Before Silverbolt could do anything, the dragon he was biting into exploded into black smoke. The cloud flew around him, only for the fog to suddenly smack Silverbolt in the face. He grunted at this, only to slaw at the gas, but his claws flew through it.

"Don't bother. No matter how hard you struggle, a Shadow Dragon will always catch its prey." The cloud then divided into four and took shape, forming four Malafear that surrounded Silverbolt. All four unleashed a burst of fire, which struck the Mystic Lightning Dragon, the flames consuming him.

But as this happened, a barrage of crystals, iron spikes, lightning and a laser shot up and struck the four. The crystals, spikes and lightning caused their targets to vanish as soon as they were struck, while the laser pushed Malafear back away from Silverbolt.

Silverbolt saw this and smiled, only for Malafear to roar, "Annoying whelps!" He then took a deep breath, "Begone with you!" With that, he unleashed a torrent of fire that went straight for Silverbolt. He quickly hopped to the side, only for the flames to hit the ground and exploded into smoke that engulfed the others. They all cried out as they accidently breathed it in, all of them now coughing up a storm.

"What's happening?" Aurora asked as she felt her body going sluggish.

"The smoke from that fire," Arbour gasped, "It...poisoned us."

"No," Shard groaned as he fell to his knees. the other dragons following suit.

"How?!" Silverbolt screamed as he turned to Malafear. The dragon simply laughed, Silverbolt putting the pieces together. "You...you used fire and poison at the same time?!"

"Of course I did," Malafear brought his claws together as shadows appeared around them. "What's the point in having all these powers if I can't use them all at the same time?! Now...let's try this! Frozen Shadow!" He roared into his hand, then unleashing a stream of shadows that shot toward Silverbolt, slamming into him.

He then felt his body start to freeze over. "No!" Silverbolt yelled before lightning sparked out of his body, melting the ice before he flew straight up. He beat his wings next, lightning exploding out before firing them at the Mystic Shadow Dragon. It formed the net again and slammed into him, pushing Malafear backwards. Silverbolt then looked down at the others dragons and saw they were all slumped over in near unconsciousness. "This might hurt a bit!" He yelled as he clutched his fists, which sparked with lightning as he shot straight down and slammed them into the ground.

The lightning exploded off him, shooting through the ground and straight into the other dragons. "GYAH!" All but Voltic roared as they were electrified, Voltic then getting more energized, Silverbolt flinching at the screams while Malafear kept pushing against the electro net. And when the lightning depleted, the other dragons moaned as they picked themselves up. "What the heck?!" Shard asked, only to feel his body now moving. "Huh?"

"Sorry," Silverbolt replied, "Anti-venom spell. That's the one downside to being a Mystic Dragon. Can't use your magic on something without hitting it with your elemental powers."

"RAAAAAH!" Malafear screeched, now ripping out of the electro net. "ENOUGH!" He roared before his eyes glowed red, then unleashing a laser right at Silverbolt.

"AHHH!" He cried, covering his eyes as he felt his brain begin to burn.

"Bolt!" Jade yelped, only for Silverbolt's eyes to open. But when he did this, their images were distorted into grotesque forms, just like a nightmare.

"NO!" He screamed, staggering back while spitting out bolts of lightning. "Stay away from me!"

"Wait! We're not gonna hurt you!" Aurora told him, "Please listen to us!" But before they could get close, Malafear flew down, "Gyah!" She yelped as she was struck with his tail, thrown away as Malafear shot ice at Arbour and Shard. Voltic and Jade then charged at him, but Malafear leapt up and beat his wings, sending shadow darts that slammed into them. The darts knocked them back, now leaving only Silverbolt, who saw mutated images fighting...and saw one was Malafear. The dragon was laughing, images of the elements being stolen and him getting to Fira...and their egg.

"Poison Breath!" Malafear roared as the toxic cloud shot out of his mouth. The other dragons all held their breath as the cloud surrounded them, blinding as they now found they couldn't hear or smell. And it was here Shard suddenly slammed by something.

"Ahh!" Jade cried as something hit her back, knocking her to the ground.

"Gyah!" Arbour felt himself be pulled by the tail.

"YAAAH!" Voltic and Aurora screamed as they were struck at almost the exact same time, the pair falling over as the poison cloud began to fade and reveal that they were all on the ground with Malafear standing in front of them.

"Now," his claws glowed black, "Time to end this." He slammed them into the ground, shadow ropes exploding out of the dirt and wrapping up the five. They all screamed in pain, Malafear laughing at the sight.

"RAUGH!" Shard yelled, "I can't move!"

"Thank you for demonstrating your elemental powers," Malafear cackled as he walked up to Jade. "Now I know how to use them." Jade saw him place a foot on her as he began to glow. "Goodbye."

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" He suddenly heard, turning to see Silverbolt charging at him. The Mystic Lightning Dragon tackled him, pushing him off Jade as both hit the ground, rolling until Silverbolt kicked him off.

"How?!" He yelped, now seeing pure anger on Silverbolt's face, "How did you recover from my fear so quickly?!"

"I just realized something I was more afraid of would happen if I let that fear beat me." Silverbolt then unleashed a blast of lightning from his mouth, Malafear taking to the air to dodge it. But as he did this, Silverbolt zipped right up to him, a electric claw slamming into Malafear's face.

"Pugh!" Malafear flinched, only to let out a hiss, "Worm! I'm gonna take your element first!" His mouth opened, black shadows flying out as Silverbolt roared lightning back at him. The two attacks struck, causing both to collide as they pushed against each other. And as this happened, both attacks began to surge until-


The attacks exploded, the shockwave striking the two dragons, knocking them back into the ground. Malafear slammed into the earth and skidded to a stop while Silverbolt as thrown into the side of a small mountain. The impact caused the rocks above him to come loose, causing a rock slide that crashed down on him, suddenly burying him until only his head and a single arm remained free.

"BOLT!" The others dragons cried when they saw this, Malafear picked himself up and chuckled.

"Well, this was fun." he grumbled as he walked up to the buried dragon. "Though not really. That was a lie, and I think it's time I added mystical lightning to my arsenal."

Silverbolt moaned as he opened his eyes and saw Malafear standing over him. "Fira..." he whispered, "I'm sorry."

Malafear's body began to glow, ready to steal his soul and power as he opened his mouth and-

"SILVER!" The Mystic Lightning Dragon's eyes went wide at hearing that voice, he and Malafear looking up and seeing Fira charging at Malafear, "Hold on!"

"No..." Silverbolt gasped, "GET AWAY!" But she didn't listen, instead unleashing a burst of fire.

Malafear growled before breathing his own fire blast, countering Fira's before taking to the air. "What does a dragon have to do to get some extra elemental powers around here?!" He hissed as he took to the air, charging at Fira this time.

Fira show a few more fireballs, but Malafear tanked them, only for the dragoness to try and slash him with her claws, but the Mystic Shadow Dragon just took the blows. "I won't let you hurt him!" She screamed before whipping her tail, only for it to hit Malafear's cheek...but he didn't flinch.

"Oh?" He asked before flicking the tail away, "Is he important to you?" Fira didn't reply, making Malafear shine a big grin, "Then I'll make sure he sees what happens to those that try and get in my way."

With that, he took a deep breath and roared out a cloud of poison. "Don't breath it in!" Silverbolt screamed, but it was too late.

Fire began to cough as she felt herself growing dizzy, allowing Malafear to tackle her. Within seconds, they both slammed into the ground, Malafear pinning her down with ease. Silverbolt's eyes went wide at seeing this, Malafear beginning to glow as that light began to spread over to Fira.

"NO!" He yelled, reaching out to Fira. "Please...DON'T! TAKE ME INSTEAD!" But Malafear didn't stop, instead breathing in as the light surrounding Fira began to fly off her.

Fira looked up and her eyes met with Silverbolt's, the dragoness weakly reaching out, their claws now inches apart. "Silverbolt..." she whispered, "I love you." He couldn't take his eyes off her while more of the energy was sapped out of her. "Please...protect our child." Those were her last words before the process was complete. The light around her body was completely consumed, her eyes going down into her head, her claw dropping to the ground.

Silverbolt could only stare at his mate, tears appearing his eyes as he whispered, "No..."

"AHAHAHA!" Malafear laughed, "She was brave, I'll give her that. You picked a good one." He then kicked Fira's body away, Silverbolt watching her lifeless form roll away and stop in an undignified heap. "Heh...too bad she wasn't an element I didn't have. Then she would have had a bit more value...oh well." He shrugged at this, only for Malafear to suddenly flinch. He glanced down at his body, the others now seeing his form begin to pulse.

Then, the Mystic Shadow dragon started growing. Though it was only a few inches, his entire being expanded. "What?" Jade asked once he stopped.

"Interesting," Malafear chuckled, "It appears I've reached the point where my body needs to grow in order to hold all this new power. Magnificent." He then turned to Silverbolt with a smirk on his face. "I wonder how much your power will make me grow." He licked his lips at this, the others gasping as they watched the Mystic Lightning Dragon look down and close his eyes in defeat.

But defeat was the last thing on Silverbolt's eyes, lightning beginning to surge around his body. The sparking grew more violent, forcing Malafear to step back as Silverbolt eyes shot open as pure rage consumed them, "RAAAAARRRRRHHHHH!" He roared at the top of his lungs, the lightning exploding off him and destroying the rocks holding him down. He then tackled Malafear, a giant swarm of lightning now surging out of the Mystic Dragon.

Spike could hear the fight going on, but wasn't watching. His eyes were staring at Fira, the little dragon making his way over to her. He leaned down and stared at her, seeing her eyes had somehow closed, tears now beginning to flow down his face.

"Spike?" First asked as he noticed his tears, "Are you alright?"

"I just saw how my mom died," First went wide-eyed at this, "I doubt anypony would be alright after that." First moved over to place a hoof on his shoulders, but then-

"AUGH!" They turned to see Malafear had pinned Silverbolt down, using his shadows to keep him from being zapped by the lightning.

"Play time...is over!" Malafear's body began to glow as the light spread into Silverbolt, Spike's eyes going wide as he saw his father squirm. But as this happened, the light around Silverbolt began to change to a more greenish color. "What?!" Malafear asked as he tried to devour his soul...only for nothing to happen. "Huh?! What is-"

"Get OFF!" Silverbolt screamed as the light exploded off of him, throwing Malafear away.

"AUGH!" He cried as he landed near Arbour, the Mystic Shadow dragon quickly picking himself as he saw Silverbolt stand up. The green light was still wrapped around him, making Malafear hiss, "Of course a Mystic Dragon would be immune to this magic." He then turned to Arbour, "Guess I'll have to help myself to the vegetarian option."

The dragons all gasped at this, only for Silverbolt to screech, "NO!" He glanced over at Fira before turning back to them, "NO MORE!" The light around his body moved to his fists, now sparking with green lightning as he punched the ground, electricity exploding out and heading toward the others.

Lightning struck Silverbolt's five friends, making them scream, "GYAH/RAAAH/AUGH!" They felt themselves be zapped, but the green light began to wrap around them, causing the shadows holding them to melt away, shocking Malafear. And as the lightning faded, he pinned Arbour and tried to take his soul, but the light around the Shadow Dragon's body couldn't spread to him. The green light stopped it, making him go wide-eyed.

"What in the-"

"Get off of me!" Arbour yelled as he used his vines to whip at Malafear, making him leap back and glare at Silverbolt.

"What did you do?! His soul belongs to me!"

"A shield spell," Silverbolt replied, "Protecting them from your evil." He glanced over at Fira, "if only I had thought of that sooner." He quickly shook his head before turning back at Malafear while the other dragons all picked themselves up.

Instantly, the six fired their elemental roars at Malafear, the Mystic Shadow Dragon leaping back as the six attacks hit one another, causing an explosion. And when the dust settled, Malafear was flying above them.

"If I can't take your powers, then I have no reason to hold back." He opened his mouth as a ball of shadows appeared within, that ball then being filled by poisonous gas, fire and ice. The four elements mixed together, only to close his mouth before swallowing. "RAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!" He roared, a tornado made up of the four elements exploding from his mouth.

The attack struck the ground, completely destroying it as it filled the air with a light that consumed the dragons, making them cry out as they were consumed. Spike and First both gasped as the shadows washed over them, only for the darkness to disappear as the scene was sucked back inside the book before slamming shut.

They panted at the sight, both falling on their rumps. Spike was still thinking about Fira, while First asked, "Do...do you think they survived?"

"They had too." Spike responded, remembering the dream he had before this whole event, "They...they must have found a way to beat Malafear. He said Silverbolt wouldn't stop him this time."

"But how did they stop him?"

But before Spike could answer that, a sound caught their attention. Spike was feeling déjà vu, as he now heard a groan, "There's somepony else here! Come on!" He quickly began to run away, First hot on his tail.

In the Crystal Empire...

The city was now recovering after the attack of the dragons, news quickly spreading about what had happened to the city's greatest protector, many fearing Ruby might never return. Others feared she would return, but always remain a monstrous dragon that would attempt to devour their entire city.

At the main battle site, Twilight was helping rebuild one of the destroyed buildings. She levitated the pieces up, connecting them back like a thousand piece jigsaw before performing a sealant spell that welded the crystal together. As she did this, she remembered back to seeing Script be buried by one of the buildings. They had managed to find him in the debris, injured but not seriously hurt thanks to the shield he had used to protect him. He was unconscious, but would be able to make a full recovery thanks to the crystal empire's doctors.

"There..." she sighed as the spell completed, the house now back to its former state. She turned to the other now repaired houses, making her wipe her forehead as she whispered, "This isn't good. Flash..."

As the sun and moon began to swap places, she quickly teleported back to the castle and found Shining and the rest of her friends waiting. Aside from Script, everypony had gotten out of the fight relatively unscathed. Trixie had a few injuries after getting blasted into a house that collapsed onto her, while the others had a few scratches and bruises that had been bandaged up.

Shining noticed her at this and asked, "Everything okay?"

She just shook her head, "No. I really wished we knew what to do next. This was our one chance to get Spike back and free the others, but now they're who knows where." Everypony who heard this glanced at one another, fearing Twilight might go into her hopeless 'I can't do it' mood. "But I'm not giving up!" They turned back to her with wide eyes. "Even if I have to search every known corner of the world, I'm gonna find Malafear and get our friends back!"

Her face shined a giant grin, making Shining chuckle, "That's the spirit sis! And don't worry, we'll find them."

"Heck yeah we will!" They turned to see Flash, Grand, Springer and Skybreaker walking up to the castle. They all appeared fine, though they had a few bruises and looks of exhaustion.

"Flash!" Twilight ran up to hug him, "You're alright." She pulled away, glancing him over....only to notice something. "Wait...where's Heart?!" The males all frowned at this, a look of shame on their faces while the others' eyes shrank as she repeated, "Where's Heart?!"

"Gone," Flash sighed, "That stupid colt leapt through the portal after Malafear and the others."

"What!" Twilight yelped, "Why didn't you stop him?!"

"We tried," Springer replied, "But the dragons were shooting fire at us and...everything went wrong. We couldn't get through, but Heart could."

The others all groaned at this, Rainbow adding, "So now that lone colt is trapped Celestia knows where, with a bunch of dragons that'll happily eat him alive if we can't find him?!"

"I'm afraid so," Grand nodded. "And there's...something else. We discovered something that might be a bit of...a bit of a shock."

"Is it that Malafear turned Heather, Iron, Lightning and now Ruby in-ta dragons?" Applejack asked, Rarity and Fluttershy glancing away while the knights all went wide-eyed. "We already know."

"And we know that Malafear only needs one more dragon to do whatever the heck he's planning," Twilight continued, "A light dragon." Her eyes shifted over to Flash, the pegasus suddenly finding himself being stared at.

"He's gonna come after me?" he pointed to himself, the others all nodded, Flash then letting out a sigh. "I knew it." He closed his eyes at this, only to clench his hooves, "Good. That means he's gonna show up again, and when he does, we'll be ready."

Everypony nodded at this, only for a flash of light to occur above them. They glanced up, now seeing a pair of alicorns appear above them. Celestia and Luna flew down, scanning the city with their eyes and seeing their subjects and only one dragon among them. "Twilight?" Celestia asked her student as Luna ran over to the now bandaged up Trixie, "What happened? When we attempted to activate the Rune Gate, it failed after a moment. It's a good thing we didn't send any troops through before-hoof."

"That was our fault," Fluttershy told her as she, Rarity, Pinkie and Sunburst walked over, "We let the Rune Gate get burned up before you could send them in."

"We're really sorry," Pinkie's hair went flat. "Things might have turned out differently if we'd kept it safe."

Rarity and Sunburst nodded, but Celestia shook her head. "It's not your fault. Malafear is the one causing all this pain." She let out a sigh and turned to Twilight, Flash and Shining, "Tell me everything." They nodded and Shining began to explain what had happened when the dragons first appeared, Cadance exiting the castle at this moment to give her two bits.

Twilight then began to explain what happened after they arrived, with Flash chiming it every now and again to tell them what happened after he pushed the wood dragon out of the city. The Royal Sisters were quite shocked to learn the identities of the elemental dragons, Luna fuming when they got to the point where Malafear injured Trixie and transformed Ruby into a dragon that now served him.

"And then Heart flew into the portal before it vanished," Flash finished, "And now we have absolutely no idea where he and the other dragons are."

"This isn't good," Celestia replied, rubbing her forehead while Luna's face contorted in rage.

"I've had it with this dragon!" she almost screamed. "Not only has he attacked our lands and stolen our citizens, but now he's unlawfully transforming them and using them as mindless drones?! Something must be done!"

"And it will be sister," Celestia added before turning to the others. "But for now, you're all exhausted. You all need rest."

"You expect us to go to sleep?" Ember yelped, "Right now when Malafear could attack at any moment?"

"You won't stand a chance against him if you don't get some sleep," Celestia countered, "You need to rest and recuperate. Only then will you stand a chance against Malafear. In the meantime, Luna and I will attempt to figure out our next move."

Ember opened her mouth to respond, only for the others to shut her down. Soon, she, Springer and the ponies all headed inside to rest up as the night began.

The Dragon Lands...

Malafear watched as the dragons continued to search for the last remaining circles. As he did this, his four elemental dragons were hovering behind him. Though he was staring at the mountain, his mind was on Flash and the others. "I need to come up with a trap that will isolate him from the others." He turned to the dragons in his control and pointed his staff at them. "Now, open up your minds and show me everything you know about Flash Sentry."

With that, the Bloodstone Sceptre unleashed four bolts of black lightning. It struck the dragon's heads, making them all roar in pain as images and worlds appeared in Malafear's mind. "Flash Sentry. Knight of Friendship. Element of Courage. Sacred Light?" He focused more on those words and delved deeper into the dragon's minds, learning all they knew about this subject.

As this was happening, Fire Heart continued to hide behind rocks. He had heard his transformed friends scream in pain, making him stare up at Malafear, "Hang on..." he whispered. "I'll save you."

As Heart said that, Malafear pulled back on the mental probing and smirked. "I see. So Flash Sentry can't be transformed by force. But if that's the case..." His grin grew at this, "I suppose I'll just have to find a way to force his claw. If I can just get him alone..." He then remembered the previous battle, how Flash's avatar waned after constant use. If Springer hadn't been there, he would have been Malafear's. "Alright. I'll just have to teleport him here and have my dragons attack. He won't run away, not if he sees a chance to save his friends, so he'll be forced to use his avatar and exhaust himself. Then, when he's too weak to defend himself, I'll swoop in and finally have my light dragon." He turned to the mountain. "Better not make this the battleground. He might pull something and I don't want to give away this location."

"RAAAAAH!" His attention was suddenly caught by the sound of a colt's roar, making him turn to see Heart flying at him in his fire form. The colt shot a fireball at Malafear, but he quickly raised his staff to stop it.

"So a little bug snuck through my portal?" He chuckled before swatting Heart's fireball back at him, the colt using his tail to deflect the blaze before attempting to tackle the dragon.

But as he did this, Malafear created a pair of portals on either side of him, Heart flying in one and out the other. And as he flew out, Malafear pointed his staff at the colt. "Ahh!" He yelped as he suddenly felt his body going ridged, almost like he was being held in a unicorn's magic grasp.

Malafear then thrust his staff down, Heart being thrown into the dirt, screaming as he slammed into it. His flames went out as Ruby flew down, following Malafear's mental commands. She slammed her front hooves into the ground, causing crystal spikes to appear and form a cage around Heart.

"You were brave for coming here," Malafear laughed, "But then again, bravery is just another word for foolishness."

Heart growled at him, Malafear smirking, only to hear a roar and look up, seeing the dragons had uncovered another circle, this one having the ancient draconic word for wood. "Perfect." He turned back to the other dragons, "Sleep. We have a big day tomorrow. You'll all need your rest." The dragons obeyed and all went away, Malafear then turning back to Heart. "Now...what should I do with you?"

Heart just growled back, "Bring it on! I'll burn you to bits!"

"I don't think you will." Malafear chuckled, "After all, I'm closer to my goal than I've ever been now."

The colt raised an eyebrow at this, "What goal? What are you doing?!"

"Simple. I'm merely reclaiming what was taken from me long ago." Malafear then leaned up to the bars of the cage, the biggest grin on his face, "And nothing in Equestria or the rest of this world will stop me."

Author's Note:

Banshee: That was fun. Hope you enjoyed it and let me know what you think of the dragons and their names.

Joey: Hey guys, now that you officially know the names of the dragons who aided Silverbolt and Starswirl in the past, I'm officially dubbing them the Scale Six. I would call them the Scale Seven, but Starswirl isn't a dragon, so.....

Anyway, now that all the oc characters have been introduced, here's something I did for fun. I made a list of hypothetical voice actors who would voice all the OCs, (including Flicker) with some input from Banshee. Here's the list of them.

Elijah Wood: Flicker

Gary Oldman: Silverbolt

Jodi Benson: Fira

Mark Hamill: Malafear

Cristina Vee: Aurora

Bryce Papenbrook: Voltic

Kevin Michael Richardson: Arbour

Emily Blunt: Jade

Brandon Potter: Shard (Try to imagine a younger Gary Oldman voicing Silverbolt)

What do you guys think? I think me and Banshee picked well