• Published 17th May 2021
  • 803 Views, 4 Comments

Cozy Glow and Her Deep Appreciation for Artistic Interpretation - TwiNet

Have you ever wondered what would happen if Cozy Glow got just one last grab for power? (Or if she only ever needed the first one?)

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2- A Heist and A Haircut [Updated]

Carousel Boutique; the structure was built like a cake in a way, stacked one layer atop another, ornate decorations adorning the rims. The smaller floor that housed the bedrooms sat comfortably atop the notably larger floor below, delegated more so as a workspace and a shop floor. Of note to Cozy Glow, the building had five windows, two into the boutique itself, and another three above as possible entry points. Having had a while to think by this point, she made the plan to infiltrate through Rarity's window once she could be sure she was asleep. From what very little she knew about this mare's personal life, Cozy knew she was a deep sleeper, and especially that she wore an eyemask at night, the perfect setup for what she had prepared.

Having waited until almost midnight, Cozy had gotten extremely bored. She took a small nap sometime earlier, attempting to stave off the inevitable tiredness that would come with a nighttime heist. After she woke up, still on the edge of the forest so as to stay out of sight, she found and plucked some red berries to eat. None that she recognized, but being this close to the schoolyard, they probably would've been dug out if they were any harm, right?

The ambient sounds of the night fully occupied Cozy Glow's mind, and she took a moment to review the plan before she jumped in head first. It was simple in concept; she needed a disguise, something she could use to move around without anyone recognizing her. Of course not everypony even knew who she was, but here especially it was a risk, being so close to the school, and so she persisted. After this was done- she needed to find out what really happened to her friends... if there was anything to know at all.

Stalking her way up to the side of the building, she fluttered up to the left-side window on the second floor and glared inside. Looking in, it was just as she suspected; the white mare was fast asleep. Having pulled a pin from her hair, Cozy Glow slid it in between the window panes, guiding the small brass latch left and up, until finally it snapped open. A quiet hesitation filled the night air, but to her relief nothing became of it, and Rarity was still fast asleep. Carefully, the filly slid the window upwards just enough to squeeze herself through with room to wiggle, and she gently guided herself down to the floor, taking care not to put too much weight onto any one hoof. Her steps made just the slightest clinking sound against the white tile, and while not enough to disturb the air, it certainly was enough to keep her on edge, for sure. Cozy trotted over to the ornamental purple chest that sat beside the vanity mirror, and the text reading "Accessories" etched into the golden fittings was more than satisfactory to her.


She flipped the thin gilded plate over where a lock would normally bind the chest closed. It took a bit of her strength to open something this large, relatively speaking, making her adolescent wings work overtime for what would've been a simple task to any other pony doing this. She rifled through the contents, soft, velvety and otherwise, for admittedly far too long and come up with nothing she could actually use.

"God, you'd think the fashion girl would at least have a wig or something? Maybe clothes my size is expecting too much, but come on!" The tiny whispers kept close to her head and stifled the illusion of quiet peace in the nighttime air, now slowly filling with the ambience of crickets and cold breeze rushing in from the outside. It was only then that the filly remembered something, and for completely unrelated reasons palmed her face in utter frustration.

Fucking Sweetie Belle.

Taking care to very carefully reclose the chest she just gutted, she took flight again and out the bedroom door to the hallway that sat comfortably open with a doorstop. She had good money that she was alone in her sleeplessness, but even so she couldn't help but picture somepony cackling at the poorly-masked frustration on her salmon-pink face.

Entering Sweetie Belle's room was the second main challenge of the night. It only just came to Cozy then that unicorns in particular have the liberty of installing round door knobs.

"Finally." she panted under her labored breath. The soft light from the hallway illuminated what was somewhat unsurprisingly a smaller replica of the violet trunk in the older sister's room. She flew over to the chest, at this point slightly more confident that maybe she'd find something more worth her time. Again, she rifled away for a second and came away with a nice black wig with straight hair; surprisingly well kept in this hodgepodge container.


She stopped making noise a few seconds ago, so what was...

She span around and felt her worst anxieties come to fruition. The bevels of Sweetie's horn came to life, igniting a light, minty green into the room. Thinking on her hooves, Ms. Glow bound into the chest and threw the lid closed over her, stopping it from slamming with her hoof before letting it fall closed, just as Sweetie's bedsheets start to fall to the side.

Sweetie Belle didn't say anything (save a yawn if that counts), but her eyes were passing over the room, visibly noting if anything was different. The tired glare pointed off to the crooked door, but Cozy guessed she didn't think much about it, like Rarity came in her room at night often or something similarly believable. The tense situation distracted Cozy Glow for a time from the obnoxious fragrance of the wood used to make this chest, and as it found its way into her nostrils the quiet itching built until an ultimate climax...

"Ahh... ahh.."

Well she didn't sneeze, having finally noticed and stifled the motion behind her lips, the joy was sent down herr spine all the same, shooting her back in the limited space she shared with Sweetie's clothes and into the wooden walls.Damn.

Quickly, she jolted back into position in front of the lock hole, only to see the horrified look in Sweetie Belle's eyes, seemingly staring right into her own for just a second before she stumbled backwards off in the direction of Rarity's room as she heard her hoofsteps pick up.

"Fuck, shit, shit." Cozy threw open the lid of the chest and almost tipped it over fumbling out. A shrill voice calls out just down the hall.


Her back hoof catches on something, and after a second pulls out that black wig with it.

Good idea.

With not a second to waste, Cozy Glow grabbed it and bolted again to Sweetie's window to get the hell out of there, fumbling with the brass lock for a second and as she tried to slide the wood frame straight up the window she realized this wouldn't be enough. The sweat on her brow now formed notable beads and began rolling down her muzzle. With a final shove pushing her forehooves to their limit, she threw it up, practically hopped out and threw it down again to hopefully cover her tracks. Her train of thought was cut off just as she resealed the window and stepped off onto the shingles. Two sets of hoofsteps gallop into the room behind her, one heavier than the other. The noises in such close proximity to her sent palpations coursing through her blood and she felt as though she'd fall from the roof. Her body took over as she swung around the outer wall to her original point of entry, outside Rarity's window.


Luckily the mirror had more than enough cosmetics strewn about on its top, to her consolation. Thank God your heistee was as vain and space-ignorant as she was.

It was no Marebelline, but was also her first real experience with makeup. Maybe your first time shouldn't have been printing a fake cutie mark onto her flank, but Cozy could cholk that up to her shitty relationship with her mom. That wig she stole makes her look nice and cute, so she ended up going with a lily flower. Whatever, she'd come up with a backstory later.

Comments ( 3 )

It's just the writing style I'm most comfortable with, but thank you. Do you have an specific suggestions for how I can improve?

will there be a continuation?

I've thought about it. I do have theoretical plans for what it'd be going forward but I'm just not sure I like the story anymore. Maybe, no guarantees.

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