• Published 1st Apr 2021
  • 3,128 Views, 87 Comments

The Soldier and his Rider - Joe Toon

A Great War British Scout and his horse searches for the enemy as they explore this strange new world.

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Chapter 2: Animal

“Joshua, where on Thera have you found yourself in?”

Joshua woke up to find himself not in the haystack of a barn or stable but on a bed in a room that felt oddly cosy. He noticed his saddle was removed and sat on a stool across the room along with the other supplies. The Sunlight’s rays from the window illuminated the room giving a warm feature that gave Joshua the impression that it was around mid-morning. He let out a huge yawn as he begins to process how he found himself in this room.

That was when he turned to look towards a small filly with a yellow coat and a large pink bow ribbon tied behind her bright red mane staring right at him with curiosity. Her appearance looked so peculiar especially her eyes as he found that hers resembles that of a human’s; a dotted pupil surrounded by an orange iris and a white sclera rather than the amber coloured eyes with a lined pupil that was typical of a horse.

They exchanged a look curious wonder for a moment that felt like hours until finally Joshua spoke out, “Um, hello?”

The little one stared at him, drew a long breath then turned around and shouted, “Applejack! He’s awake!” She then turned back with a toothy smile at Joshua who could have sworn he heard a squeak like sound (similar to a toy rubber duck) when she grinned.

“Hold on, I’m coming!” Joshua heard a voice from outside the room when in walked the orange pony he met last night. He was dumb struck when he saw her more clearly without the dark of night. Her green eyes sparkled and her flowing blonde mane under her Stetson flowed in a way he has never seen in a mare before. Rather, she was unlike any mare he has ever seen before. She was the most beautiful creature he has ever seen in his life.

She entered the room while balancing a food tray on her back whilst greeting, “Howdie-doo there, big fella. I brought you some breakfast. You were out like a light last night, so I bet you’re hungry.”

The mention of last night snapped him back to reality and tried to step out of the bed when his attempt was hindered as his entire body ached and his stomach grumbled from hunger. He did feel hungry, he hasn’t eaten since yesterday afternoon. “My rider, is he alright?”

“Woah, slow down there, partner!” the orange pony approached the bed trying to stop him from getting up, “You are in no condition to get up. Although you’re in a better shape than he was. Whatever he is, he lost so much blood everypony who were looking after him were surprised he’s still alive. He’s doin’ okay, asleep and still injured but okay.”

Joshua sighed disconcertingly as he slumped back to the bed stubbornly. He knew nothing he could do now would help. If anything, if he would push himself anymore, he would only achieve making things more complicated.

All of the sudden the little filly bounced next to his bedside and bombarded him with questions, “What’s your name? I’ve never seen you around here before so where do you come from? Why don’t you have a cutie-mark? Who was that weird thing with you? What is he? You’re really huge, a little bigger than Big Mac. Has anyone ever told you that? Why do you look so different?”

“Now hold on there, sugar cube!” the orange pony dragged the little yellow one away from the side of the bed, “You can’t just question anypony like that, especially if they’re injured.”

The filly’s ears folded down along with her gaze, “Sorry Applejack.”

The orange mare smiled and turned to Joshua who looked startled by the little one’s questions. “Sorry about that. Apple Bloom here is just a curious little thing. Although can’t exactly blame her, we’all are just as curious to be honest. Never seen you around these parts and quite frankly Ah’ve never seen anything like your friend.” She set the food tray on the bed. “Ah believe we met last night but just in case you may have forgotten,” she extended a hoof as though she were expecting Joshua to shake it, “I’m Applejack, head of Sweet Apple acres.”

Her eyes glistened in front him as though he were mesmerized once again by her looks. “You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”

It took a moment for the Stallion to realize that he said those words out loud when Applejack’s jaw dropped with wide eyed surprise, her freckled face glowing bright red and from whom he would assume to be her sister gave the look of ecstatic astonishment of the fact that someone who just landed on their doorstep suddenly proposed to her sister. Blushing now from embarrassment, Joshua shook his head, “Wait, I didn’t mean it that way! I mean, I didn’t mean to say that out loud! I mean I just, I thought…… I…… I…” His words became a scramble of gibberish and confused embarrassment as he struggled to put together a cohesive sentence.

“No, it’s okay!” Applejack’s face flushed redder than any apple in her orchard as she flounders an attempt to calm him, “No really, it might have been fatigue from last night. Or maybe you’re just hungry? Yes, that’s right! You’re just hungry, is all.” She quickly took a spoon with her mouth and scooped up a serving from the food tray to him. Joshua (still embarrassed) gave a puzzled look as she was attempting feed him, then realized what she was doing dropped his jaw from disbelief as to what was happening which gave Applejack the opportunity to stick the spoon into his mouth.

Joshua shut his mouth on reflex down into the spoon full of the meal provided. The moment went worse for the two when they both found themselves holding each end of the spoon with their mouths giving each other less than a centimetre of metal between them. It took a while for the two to process what just happened before each of their faces burned a deep red colour. Almost in sync, they released the spoon as it drops from their mouths, jolt their heads backwards and quickly turned from each other in utter embarrassment.

Apple Bloom witnessing this shameful display of two grown ups sharing a moment despite only just meeting the night before was elated, “Were both of you about to kiss?”

“Twilight, this creature is from an Unknown place! Do you think it is safe to be so close to its face?”

“It’s fine Zecora, I’ve seen his kind before. Although it was from another dimension without magic full of tall bipedal creatures like him. A lot about this seems wrong though.”

“Wrong you say? Do tell, I pray.”

“Well for starters; he looks older than anyone I met from that world, his clothes aren’t like anything I’ve seen, and above all else, he retained his form! Normally anything that travels between dimensions would transform to a local creature of the world to compensate the rules for each respective reality.”

While Joshua’s curious awakening was still happening, from the next bedroom were two figures standing between an unconscious Sergeant George Percival resting on a bed. To his right keeping a distance from him was Zecora, a zebra who spoke in rhymes and riddles. To his left was Twilight Sparkle, a purple alicorn who stood closer to the bed.

“I mean, honestly? How did he get here?” Twilight ignited her horn with a purple magical glow to monitor his health, “To be able to transport from his world to here would require the mirror and it has been standing in my castle and being kept under surveillance by Starlight. And even if he did come from his world to here, how is it that he still looks like this? I mean, his companion seems to have no problem with the bio-transformation so how come he hasn’t?”

“His appearance is not my concern,” Zecora took out bowls of a strange salve and approached the sergeant, “it is the strange wound that seems to burn.” She removed the blanket and started applying the Salve on the injury with her hoof. As she does this Percival gave a groan and began to sweat while still remaining unconscious.

“His injury is strange,” said Twilight looking at the wound, “I’ve never seen anything like it. It certainly doesn’t help with this piece of lead lodged into him.” Twilight held up a shard of metal with the magic of her horn and gazed at it curiously.

Zecora comes closer to Twilight to inspect the fragment, “I agree with you about this piece of lead. Something about it fills me with dread.”

“So how is the patient doing?” Twilight and Zecora turn outside the door to see two other ponies. One was a white coated (earth) pony with a light pink mane and wore a nurse’s cap while the other was a Pegasus with a light-yellow coat and a large pink flowing mane. They carried with them saddle bags of medical equipment and an assortment of food.

“Fluttershy! Nurse Redheart!” Twilight approached the two, “You brought more medicine.”

“And food,” the Pegasus Fluttershy added softly, “I wasn’t really sure what he might be able to eat so I just brought what fruits and vegetables I could carry.”

“I have to say, I am impressed that it is still alive,” the nurse said as she lowered her medical supplies, “Did you remove the cause of the injury?”

“Yes,” said Twilight, “and his condition is more stable now.”

“Well then, I suppose it’ll be up to your hoofs now.” After unloading the medicine from her bag, Redheart made her way out the door, “To be honest, I’m not entirely sure if I could treat him any better than Fluttershy. She knows more about treating animals than I do.”

“He’s not an animal, I can assure you.” Twilight pointed out to the nurse, “He is quite intelligent. Probably even more so than some of us.”

“That may be so, but there’s nothing more I can do anymore than you mares can handle. Call me when his condition worsens.” Redheart left the room leaving the three ponies to the patient.

“Do you really think he is intelligent, Twilight?”

“Actually, I do Fluttershy. His kind is the same as my friends at Canterlot High. But like I just told Zecora, we don’t know how he got here or why he still looks they way that he does. Normally he’d look like a pony by now.”

Just then, the fiasco with Applejack and Joshua could be heard from their room. “Well,” exclaimed Twilight, “it seems he’s awake.”

The three exited the room, leaving the unconscious patient (Negligent much?) and made their way to the ruckus. As they entered, they were greeted with the sight of Applejack on the floor, blushing red all over and covering her face with one hoof while extending another towards the patient on the bed as though to let him keep distance while the patient himself who was just as red was flailing whilst trying to apologise for whatever he did. All the while, Apple Bloom too was blushing but had a twinkle of excitement in her eyes as though she has just seen the juiciest scandal in her life.

“Look I’m s-sorry! I didn’t m-mean to say all that! And I… I didn’t…”

“L-look, it’s all right! J-just… Just don’t look this way! Don’t say anymore! In fact, don’t do anything…”

“This is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. My sis finally getting a colt friend.”

The three just stared into the chaos with mild amusement and complete bewilderment as to what was happening before their eyes. It did not take long for the others to realise that they just walked in and witnessed what just happened throwing everyone in a state of awkward silence.

Twilight broke the silence as she cleared her throat, “Ahem, I hope we weren’t interrupting.”


“Yes I am.”

“And that strange fella too?”

“Yes, he is.”

“And you both came here looking the way that you both are?”

“That is awfully strange hearing that from what I would call the strangest looking creature that I’ve ever seen. Sorry, pardon me if I sounded rude.”

“Can you tell us your name?”

“Why of course, I am Joshua. Joshua of Cornwall.”

Joshua have been staring at Twilight for the longest time now. Sure, whilst Applejack maybe the prettiest mare he has ever seen, the Alicorn by comparison is like comparing a beautiful woman to an angel. Not exactly a creature to desire but the tranquil form felt untouchable.

“Forgive my bluntness, your highness but I have never seen anything as pristine as you are.”

“What?!” Apple Bloom after noticing her sister turn towards Joshua called out to him, “What happened to your confession you just gave my sister?”

“APPLE BLOOM!” Applejack covered her sister’s mouth whilst still having visible traces of blush. “Forgive my little sister here. She’s rather excited about those kinds of things.”

“Oh please, I’m the one who should be apologising.” Joshua bowed his head. “That was terribly tactless of me to speak such inappropriate remarks, especially towards our rescuers.” He turned to look at Twilight, “It’s just where I come from, I have never seen a pony with wings and horns. All of this is alien to me.”

Twilight nodded in understanding, “It’s alright, also Twilight is just fine. Speaking of alien,” there was a twinkle in Twilight’s eyes as she stared into Joshua with excited anticipation, “Please tell me everything about your world! What were you like? What was he like? How Did you get here? Tell me everything!”

“Hold it there, Sugar-cube. You’re scaring the Stallion.”

At this point, Joshua is no longer surprised by all of this and at this point assumes all ponies in this world are just as excitable as her or for Apple Bloom’s case, possibly even more so. He took a deep breath, “To be honest, there is nothing to tell. Before I came here, I never even held a thought in my life.”

All gave Joshua a puzzled look. “What do you mean?” Twilight razed her eyebrows.

“I am a war horse. Born and bred to carry troops and supplies to the front and being the steed to the scouts. We don’t do thinking. We leave that to our riders.”

The room went silent. No one could figure out what he meant. War Horse? Is it an occupation? Or perhaps?

A soft whisper broke the silence. “Do you mean, like an occupation?” The whisper came from the yellow pegasus with long pink, flowing mane. Noticing that all eyes were now on her she shrank behind Twilight and added, “I’m Fluttershy, in case you’re wondering.”

Although she was barely audible, the stallion did make out what was whispered and nodded, “Charmed,” then shook his head, “No, I would not call it an occupation. More like purpose in life. I mean you ought to know, we are all beasts of burden here. We are all animals.”

WHAT!?” Everyone else exclaimed in unison. They couldn’t believe what this stallion was saying. An animal?

“Now wait just a dog-gone minute here, mister!” Applejack pointed a forehoof at Joshua in protest, “Just who do you think you are calling us animals? Is this the face of an animal to you?”

“I… Is that a trick question?” Joshua was startled. He didn’t understand why everyone was upset by what he said. “Begging your pardon, but aren’t any of you anima…?” That was when it hit him. He looked around the room and stared at all of them. Then he turned to the walls and gazed at the room’s pictures and shelves. All this time he was in the room, there was not a sign of a single human being. “You mean… You are not animals?”

“Of course we aren’t! What pony in their right minds would…?”

“Applejack!” Twilight interjected, gesturing her to stop then turned back to him, “Do you mean to say that you were an animal in your world?”

“Yes I am, Lady Twilight.” There was eloquence and a hint of pride in his tone, “In our world, the horse is man’s greatest companion. Throughout our history, the pact between our two species have always been man and beast. They provide land, food and shelter and in return we pull their wagons, chariots and yokes. Horses of my breed are raised to be steeds for military officers and scouts. Not one of our species within a million years have broken this sacred pact and each one of us are willing to give our lives to serve they who are our masters. In fact, a hundred years ago my ancestors were the last of our kind to charge head long into battle with their riders armed with sabers, pikes and pistols. It all changed in the great war of course, countless cavalrymen and steeds died in the start of the war, forcing war horses such as myself to menial tasks such as reconnaissance, supply runs and message delivery. So the history goes.”

The silence that followed was deafening. For most in the room they couldn’t believe their ears that this stallion would nonchalantly describe himself to be a tool for another creature. For Twilight and Fluttershy however, they could somehow understand where he is coming from and what it entails. Twilight has spent enough time with the world of humans to understand that perhaps in his world, ponies, horses and other Equidae creatures are in fact domestic animals. For Fluttershy’s case, she has spent all her life tending to animals for her to somewhat understand his viewpoint. She cannot however imagine a world where ponies, horses or any of the like are in fact animals.

“Excuse me, but this is too much for me to believe,” Zecora broke the silence as she makes her way out the door before she turned to look at Joshua, “I will tend to your friend so I will take my leave.”

As Zecora made her exit, Fluttershy slowly approached the bed and with her voice now a little louder than her usual whisper said, “I think I can understand a bit what you mean.” Her forehoof now on his as if to reassure him, “But I will speak for everypony here when I say, you shouldn’t talk about yourself like you are just an object. Even the animals here have their hopes and dreams while you sound as though a thought never crossed your mind!”

“That’s just it, I never had a thought until I came to this world. I had a mind, I felt emotions, but a thought never came to me until we came here. It was like, thinking was an alien concept. It wasn’t like we left all the thinking to our masters, it’s just we never really thought about such things. But when we came here, it was though a door opened and all of a sudden, we started not only being able to think but also begin to process sophisticated things and even developed speech. I mean, I don’t even know what sophisticated means, but it felt like the right thing to describe the word. Sometimes I don’t even know half of the words I’m saying but somehow I could understand what it means after I just said it.”

“Wait a minute,” Twilight stopped him from saying more, “you mean to say that by coming to Equestria, you became sentient?”

“That’s right!” Joshua exclaimed, “That’s the word I was looking for! I became sentient! So that’s what the sergeant meant when he said that.”

“Now hold it there,” Applejack interrupted, “what you said earlier, just what do you mean by “we”?”

“Why, my brothers and sisters of course. And our riders. The Sergeant said we brought an entire Division into this world.”

YOU WHAT!?” The room erupted with disbelief. An entire Division of soldiers? Here? But that could only mean…… They all gazed at the stallion with suspicion, fear and apprehension.

“WHY. ARE. YOU. HERE?” The Alicorn gave Joshua a threatening look as she raised her wings as though to intimidate him.

Joshua felt intimidated. He doesn’t know why they reacted the way that they did until he realised the implications of his statement of a potential invading army. “No, wait! We aren’t here to…”

“Sorry to interrupt,” Zecora came in to break the tension, “but I believe your friend is waking up.”

Author's Note:

G'day all, hope you enjoyed the chapter.
Just a little heads up, this story will update once a month (due to the amount of effort I'm trying to throw into this to perfect it) so I hope that'll be fine with everyone.

Also, please let me hear your thoughts. Nitpick this series to your heart's content. Your harshest criticism motivates me to improve this story however I can.