Twilight Sparkle discovers a strange pink dot through her telescope, and it's heading straight for Ponyville! Now filled with worry about this new discovery, Twilight decides to take matters in her own hooves and solve this mystery! With this comet hurtling down to Equestria, all hope falls to not only her, but one atomic man to stop it! Who is this very unstable, atomic lunatic of a man she will be teaming up with to stop this falling star from marking the end of Equestria you ask? Why he is...the Freakazoid!

WARNING: The following fanfic contains television's new network standards to reduce the effect of cartoon violence for complete funniness, which is known as Relax-o-Vision. It will be used throughout the whole fanfic much to Twilight and Freakazoid's dismay.

An alternate ending to the Pony Life second season premiere, Cute Impact, my second alt ending Pony Life Fic, my second crossover Fic with Freakazoid!, and the eighth in my alternate ending series.

NOTE: Contain spoilers for Pony Life Season 2! The U.K. release just came out, so if you only support the official release, don't read this yet! Also, the Wild Siders, and Pinky & The Brain make a cameo at the end.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 1 )

Sometimes I forget pony life is a thing.

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