• Published 5th Sep 2012
  • 924 Views, 2 Comments

Havoc - Slick Dash

Discord rules the land, and a solitary stallion with no memory is the last hope of the rebellion!

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Accusations and Redmption

"But, if you surrender, surely Discord would spare you all, all he wants is to rule right?" Rookie suggested, trying to be the voice of reason.
"No." Pip said coldly, serious for the first time yet, his eyes dark. "We'll never give in to him. He'd kill us all.
"But, he doesn't HATE ponies, surely, or how would I have lived in the capital!" Rookie countered.
"Then wiped your memory and threw you into a leviathan hunting ground." Said Pip, deadpanning the conversation. "He'd kill us all." He repeated. "And giving in would go against everything we fight for."
"Which is?"
"What?" Rookie smirked, unsure if he'd heard pip correctly.
"Equestria!" Pip repeated, his voice strong. "Equestria: It's freedom, it's peace, it's safe!"
"Huh..." Rookie laughed, unsure of the feeling suddenly brewing in his stomach at those words. Pip looked at Rookie's face, trying to place the emotion. After a moment of silence, Rookie spoke up. "You know Pip, I don't know who, but you remind me of somepony..." The pirate pony smiled.
"I'll take that compliment! It means I'm helping you remember!"

Rookie scoffed, it felt like that was all that anypony here cared about. He understood the value of an enemy outcast to an army, heck if it was him he'd be frantic with trying to recover the lost memories, but the leader of these ponies... Rainbow Dash, she seemed to have everypony here well trained in how she thought. He voiced his opinion to his new friend, who grew slightly enclosed at his comments. "Pip?" He asked, unsure what he had said wrong. "You ok?" The pinto stallion nodded, finally looking up.
"Look, she isn't all bad..." Rookie suppressed yet another laugh.
"You just try to see the good in everypony huh?" Pip sat upright, smiling.
"Yup! I learnt to do that years ago! Best lesson ever!" then he grew a little more saddened. "You see Rookie, when they lived in Ponyville -The reel one, not this one- Rainbow and her friends got used to fighting with each other." Rookie leant forward, interested. "They had a few brushes with danger, and they worked darn hard to stop any of their friends getting hurt..." Pip opened his mouth, then thought better of himself.
"Go on!" Rookie urged. After a moment of bighting his lip, the pirate continued.
"They won every time, because they had each other..."

Rookie watched his friends mood change to sorrow.
"But then one of them stopped being there right?" Rookie ended for him. Pip nodded.
"We don't really talk about her, she just up and left, leaving the others to fight on their own... let's just say... it got harder to go on without her." Rookie watched, a twinge in the back of his head suggested a memory, had he heard this tale before? If it was key history, then surely he had. Pip sombrely continued, his eyes dark as he stared into the dyeing fire. "We started to loose, fights, ponies... friends... then Rainbow lost the most important thing to her." Rookie stared, his heart pumping hard, how was this story effecting him so? Maybe it was the dim light that added effect to the grim tale, but he was captivated.
"What?" He asked breathlessly.
"Her family." Pip squeaked. "Firs her mom and dad, heck I thought she didn't even have them, she might have been an orphan or something... Then she lost him..."
"Soarin'." Pip stood and went over to his hammock. Sitting on it slowly, he swayed back and forth gently. "Rainbow was captured, being taken to the capital, we didn't think there'd be a chance to get her out, but that darn pegasus." He chuckled slightly, a hint of annoyance in his laugh.

"He charged a fully escorted prisoner transport single hoofedly, and managed to break Rainbow out, deal with seven leviathans, get her to the forest and on the path to Newponyville..." The smile faded. "Rainbow watched as the leviathans caught him, attacked, they... t-they destroyed him." Rookie walked over to Pip, amazed that somepony could do all that, only to be cut down short.
"W-were they close?" he asked tentatively. "I could only imagine how much somepony must mean to you, to go and do all that." Pip looked up surprised.
"I guess you've never loved somepony have you Rookie?" The dark stallion shook his head. "Well..." He sighed tiredly. "Those two did, they loved each other so much it bordered on crazy, and when Soarin' died. Rainbow went off the rails. Took us months to bring her back, and when we got her back, she wasn't the same..." Pip looked to Rookie who took a seat on the other hammock. "That's why we keep fighting Rookie, to stop any of that happening to anypony else! To ensure we have a world where we don't suffer, where we can always trust our friends, where betrayal and heartache... never exist."

"Wow..." Rookie was stunned by this story, he could only sit there dumbfounded. "To think... somepony from here, turned their backs on you... from what I've seen of you guys, I'd never think that possible..."
"Neither did we." Pip agreed, leaning back in his hammock. "But now we're a little more weary, Scoots especially, she worships Rainbow, and she took Pinkie's betrayal even worse than the big Kahoonah herself."
"Pinkie?" Rookie frowned.

An heavy flash erupted behind Rookie's eyes, causing him to tip forward and fall out of his hammock.
"Rookie?!" Pip bolted out of bed and stooped beside him. "What's wrong?" Rookie couldn't hear him, he was focusing too much on the pain, knowing that behind it there was something... brought on by that name... Pinkie... Slowly the shimmering veil of pain faded slightly, allowing something to sift through, a pair of bright blue, tear filled eyes. Rookie tried to dig deeper, trying to fill in the face around them, knowing it would have some great relevance to his life.. Try as he might however, he could not bring his mind to do it, each attempt caused another agonising stab at his brain, if he didn't stop soon, he'd black out from it all!

He heard something... something far off... maybe even imaginary. Screaming, the sounds of galloping hooves and loud cries of battle. Then another noise. A voice... Pip?
"It couldn't have been him! He's been under somepony's eye since he got here! It's not like he's a unicorn. He couldn't have contacted them!" The pain faded, Rookie shook his head to clear it and glanced up at Pip's hammock, empty... He looked to his right and saw two stallion pegasy, one dark orange the other midnight blue, at the door to the tent, blocked by a stubborn looking Pip.
"Pip? W-what's going on?" Rookie mumbled getting to his hooves.

"Like you don't know!" He knew that voice, Rookie turned and saw Scootaloo, already in the tent standing only a few feet away, glaring hatefully at the stallion before her.
"Huh? What? P-Pip?" Rookie beseeched his only friend to tell him what was happening.
"The western garrison's just been hit by Leviathans." The pinto stallion explained quickly. Scootaloo exploded.
"Pip! Say another word and you'll be going with him! We tell this spy nothing!"
"Spy?" Rookie asked, quickly waking up now he sensed the danger in the air. Those distant cries he had heard were definitely tangible, and very terrifying. "You think I did this?"
"Well there weren't any leviathans around this area until you showed up!" Scootaloo challenged, approaching menacingly. Rookie retaliated the same way, squaring up to the orange and purple mare.
"Because they were CHASING me!" He shouted.
"I didn't see that! All I saw was you shooting out of one of our traps! Now they're here, as far as I'm concerned that makes you a spy." Before either Rookie or Pip could speak up Scootaloo turned for the door and barked a single order to the stallions at the door. "Take him!"

The two did so without hesitation, barging past Pip they shot towards Rookie within seconds. In an instant, Rookie knew what to do, just like when running from the leviathans. He ducked low as one Stallion jumped to grab his upper half. Weaving underneath him, Rookie shot a hind leg out and struck the second in the face, knocking him out instantly. Continuing his momentum, he turned for the door to run. He made no further than a millimetre before he was stopped, a single long bronze blade inches from his throat. Scootaloo had seen the chance of his escape and seized the opportunity of her force's attack to sneak up behind him, ready. "Better luck next time... Rookie!" She gloated, as a strong set of forelegs wrapped around Rookies shoulders from behind.

Kicking and screaming, Rookie was dragged into the air by the stallion he had let fly over him. As he was hauled from the tent, he saw Pip's worried eyes following his every flailing limb. He knew the look, though he didn't want to believe it, Pip was checking for any weapon's glint or any threat from his new friend.

Scootaloo and Pip followed the two out and watched as rookie was hauled away. Outside was chaotic, it was clear that the garrison attack had spooked the civilians because they were running in the opposite direction. Making for the highest tree homes they could find, desperate to get away in case the Leviathan's followed them into the town. As he hovered over the running ponies, hauled off to who knew what end, Rookie looked back at his friend in the tent doorway.
"Pip!" He yelled, he saw the stallion shudder with remorse, then look away, unable to bear watching. "Pip! It wasn't me! I swear! I want to help! Let me help! PLEASE LET ME GO I CAN HELP!" He watched as Scootaloo lent in to Pip's ear, murmured something, then rushed off in the direction of the garrison. The stallion stood there a moment, then followed suit off to fight the enemy and protect the town.


"Where are you taking me?!" Rookie yelled, still struggling to get free. The pegasus didn't even acknowledge his voice, he simply kept flying, towards the outskirts of the town. Rookie didn't like this, it didn't bode well that this strong silent stallion was taking him to the quietest area of town. Was he ordered to execute him? Rookie struggled again, with newfound ferocity. Now fighting for his life, he kicked his back legs, swinging them backwards as well as forwards. One of these kicks was perfect, as it smashed against the inside of his captor's leg and slid high up into a place he never meant to strike.

The effect was perfect however, as it caused his target to falter with an anguished cry of pain, His grip loosened, and Rookie took his chance. Rolling around in the forelegs so his back faced the ground, Rookie angled his elbow and brought it around into the face of the orange stallion. The forelegs holding him slackened completely, letting Rookie fall the few measly feet to the ground. As he got to his hooves, the pegasus came crashing to the ground, face first. When he didn't get up, Rookie came over and held an ear close to the downed pegasus. A muffled groan of pain emitted from the soil, leaving Rookie to sigh in relief. 'Not dead.' He thought. Then glance at how the stallion hind legs were squeezing together, clearly in pain. Rookie grimaced. 'But I bet he wishes he was right now...'


"Big Macintosh! Get some water on that hut now! We still have ponies in there!" Scootaloo ordered as she shot across the open field of the western garrison. There weren't many of the leviathans, but enough to be causing the guarding ponies trouble, so Scootaloo reassumed her role as the hero of the rebellion. Streaming straight for the largest group of Leviathans, she struck out with her blades. Spreading her legs out wide, she resembled a four point star as she span with her momentum, turning herself into a deadly shuriken. The waiting Leviathans had no chance, instantly they exploded into smoke with a short scream.

Scoot smirked as she looked up, this was filly's play, she'd been dealing with these things for years now. Too easy, this is why she wanted a piece of Havoc, she'd end him easily on an even footing. Maybe he was here, perhaps that spy had been good for at least one thing.
"Scootlaoo look out!" Scoot looked around in time to see four leviathans leaping towards her, a trap? That had never happened before! Scoot had nowhere to run, she clenched her eyes shut waiting for the burning creatures to strike.

With a flash the stallion who had warned Scoot shot to the rescue. His trusty cutlass in hoof, Pip streaked forward and sliced once. So fast was his movement, it seemed like his strike was over before the leviathans even realised it. Still in the air, they exploded into plumes of fire and smoke.

"Thanks..." Scoot acknowledged as she opened her eyes to find herself in safety.
"No problem! Let's get going!" Pip said simply, focused on the task at hand. The two shot to the next largest group of targets, blades glinting in the light of the fires behind them.

The two fought like pros. Scoot struck low at the legs of the nearest one, squatting towards the ground. The strike halted the leviathan, giving him difficulty to move. Pip then jumped, rolled over Scoot's back and struck out as he came over her head. The cutlass sunk deep into the creatures head, ending it instantly. Pip then barged forward into the next Leviathan reaching out with his hind leg for Scootaloo to grab. When she did Pip swung around catapulting Scootaloo forward like a murderous missile.

On the other side of the field, a large red stallion was running to the flames with a pale of water as commanded, him along with a group of other rebels were trying to tame the flames long enough to allow those ponies inside to get out. The stallion flung the pale hard, making it soar high above the wooden structure. The water rained down wide and forced the embers down for a fast moment, letting two stallions bolt out of the momentarily safe doorway. "Is anypony still in there?" He shouted looking around for someone who knew. A scream from within the burning structure supplied his answer, a mare was trapped inside. Realising who it must be, Macintosh's heart plummeted. He rushed to the doorway, however the beam above it could stand no more flames, with a shuddering crack it collapsed, blocking the stallion's path.

There was a space, but his bulking frame was too large to get through. He reared back, crying out in frustration.

A blur, a gust of wind, the sound of cantering hooves. Mac's mane whipped into a frenzy as the stallion passed him at top speed. He only had a second to note his dark fur before the stallion jumped, stretched out flat, and shot through the small gap in the doorway.


Rookie landed and stood up in a literal living hell. He looked around expecting to see corpses burning slowly in the incinerating flames, but there were none, maybe they all got out! The smoke stung his eyes and attacked his throat. Ignoring this, he pushed forward, winding around the already collapsed roof.
"Hello?!" He cried, his voice sounding rough with the smoke. "IS ANY PONY HERE?!" Nothing... He pushed forward, knowing that the chance of whoever screamed was extremely high! "HELLO!" He tried again.
"Is somepony there?" Rookie gasped with relief. He rushed through the flames towards the source of the voice. A purple maned platinum pony looked back at him, trapped behind a collapsed wall. Rookie rushed towards her. "Oh thank goodness! I thought I was doomed! Thank you darling!" Rookie reached the wall, one large plank of wood was what was blocking the doorway. He scanned the room, but already knew there was only one way before the whole place came crashing down.


Scoot and Pip both struck the final leviathan together, both smiling as they did. It was over, they were safe! At least for now. They both turned, and their happiness vanished as the world they had left momentarily for the fight came flooding back.

Smoke billowed out of the burning garrison, ponies were still rushing to douse the flames before they spread to the nearby trees. The two fighters rushed to Big Macintosh.
"Anypony still in there?" Pip asked quickly.
"Eeyup! Only one I reckon..." He looked dark faced. "It's Rarity!"
"Oh Celestia..." Pip breathed miserably.
"Somepony jus' wen' in to get her out though." Mac explained, rushing off for another pale.
"Somepony went in THERE?" Pip sounded impressed.
"Yeah..." Scootaloo whispered, staring into the twisting flames. "Who?"


"Right!" Rookie coughed hard, choking on the smoke. "I'm going to lift this beam, when I do I want you to run! Get the heck out of here!" The mare nodded.
"Thank you... I don't even know your name!" He lowered himself, swung his head and shoulders up, taking on the strain of the wooden plank. He pushed up, dislodging it and giving the mare a way out.
"Rookie. Nice to meet you!" The mare ducked and rushed past toward the exit.
"Rarity." She said simply as she rushed past.

Rookie smirked, maybe he'd just made another friend! Bracing himself, he waited for the mare to get clear of the area, then shot out from under the beam. He rushed after the unicorn mare through the fire and the flames. Behind her heard the beam he had dropped collapse completely. Following the collapse a deep rumbling began, the ground beneath his rushing hooves began to shake, all saying that the garrison was now collapsing. They maybe had seconds to get out before they were buried and burnt alive. He heard the mare cry out in front of him, and soon saw why. The doorway was blocked, he had forgotten!

He made the decision instantly, pushing harder, he picked up his speed and overtook the mare. "KEEP GOING!" He ordered, knowing if she stopped, she would die. She did as asked, even if she looked hesitant and faltered for a moment. Rookie closed his eyes, bracing for burning and pain. The clogged up doorway rushed to meet him, defiant and stubborn.

At the last possible second, Rookie rammed his shoulder into the rubble, putting every ounce of his strength into the push. He smashed into the rubble which resisted only for a second, before it gave way. He punched a hole through the doorway, which then collapsed behind him.


They could hear hoofsteps from inside. Scootaloo even heard a male voice shout something, was somepony trying to get out of there? She took a few steps forward, about to attempt an assault on the collapsing garrison. As she stepped forward however, the doorway exploded and a stallion shot out onto the ground. Behind him the rubble blocking the doorway crumbled, creating a large mound on the ground. Over this a soot covered unicorn leaped out of the smoky gloom, following the stallion to safety.

"Rarity!" Scootaloo cried in relief. She rushed to the mare and hugged her while Pip investigated the stallion who had barged through the rubble. He was covered in dust, soot and rubble. Pip reached down and swiped at the bits of wood, clearing the stallion's face, and gasped in amazement.
"I'm fine Scootaloo, really! How is he?" Rarity protested as Scootaloo checked she wasn't injured.
"Who?" Scootaloo asked.
"Rookie!" Rarity cried as she rushed over to the unconscious stallion. Scootaloo froze.

"Rookie!" Pip shouted, gently shaking the stallion. "Rookie! Talk to me buddy!"
"Is he alright?" Rarity asked as she rushed over.
"Urrghhh...." Slowly, Rookie began to move, grunting with pain. Rarity sighed with relief, as did Pip. "No offense, but if anypony's still in there, I'm not doing that again!" Pip let out a mixture of a breath of relief and a laugh. Rarity sobbed with happiness.
"Oh thank you! Thank you, thankyou, thankyouthankyouthankyou!" Rarity wept, grabbing the stallion and holding him tight. Rookie's eyes shot open in surprise, a hug? It was his first that he could remember! He smiled and slowly hugged her back.

"R-rarity!" Said a low, deep voice. Joy obvious in its tone. They all looked up, Rookie recognised the red stallion he had passed when he rushed in to save Rarity.
"Big Macintosh!" Rarity cried with joy. She jumped up and cantered over to him. Without hesitation she grabbed his head and guided his face to hers and kissed him. The two stood there for a moment, entwined in each other. Rookie glanced up, then to Pip who smirked at his friend.
"Well, that hardly seems fair..." Rookie joked.
"How so?" Pip laughed, reaching out to help him up. Rookie took the hoof gratefully.
"Well... I save the beautiful girl, and he gets the kiss!" Pip burst out laughing. Behind him, Rookie heard a small giggle, he turned and saw Scootaloo smirking, though when she saw him looking she wiped the look off her face.

"What are you doing here?!" The orange mare demanded. "Where did the guard who had you go?"
"Ummm..." Rookie grimaced, rubbing the back of his mane roughly. "He may be... in a little pain..." He shuddered as he remembered the connection of his hoof to the stallion's nether regions. "You might want to check up on the guy..." Scoot scowled, then glanced over to Rarity who had finally pulled herself away from Big Macintosh, the two where now holding each other close, grateful for Rarity's survival.
"Why?" Scoot asked, returning her gaze to Rookie. "Why did you come back?" Rookie had been about to speak to Pip, his mouth froze, hanging open as he turned his head back to Scoots. He frowned.
"Isn't it obvious... I wanted to help..."
"Why?" Scootaloo repeated, obviously incredulous at the stallion's decision. Rookie was confused himself, unsure why she couldn't understand. "I blamed you, I thought you were the one who brought them, I had you taken away for... for..." She couldn't finish the statement, she was too ashamed.

Rookie smiled, walked over to the orange mare, and placed a hoof on her shoulder. He gave her a warm smile. "I'm no spy, Mrs Scootaloo, I'm just a pony, I don't know who I was, what I did to get here... But who I am right now? Who I choose to be... is one of you, as long as I can, I'll help you. I want to stop this Discord, and I'll do everything I can to finish this war!"