• Published 8th Apr 2021
  • 4,955 Views, 171 Comments

The Schools of Stalliongrad - Nadir

Commoners are given nothing, only having what they take. Twilight, lowborn that she is, won't settle for nothing. She'd rather have it all.

  • ...

Gathering Storm

In the murky depths of the darkest portions of magic, great power waited for somepony to reach out and take it.

Stalliongrad’s borders were harsh. Living in such a desolate wasteland was difficult, every scrap something that had to be fought and clawed over. But for so many of her ponies it was home. A home they could not leave. A home they had ties to. A home full of rich history and care.

As much as she liked to pretend otherwise, Luna shared many commonalities with her ponies. Like them, she dealt with hunger. Not as much, and it might not kill her, but it was there. Like them, she felt the cold of the winter on her coat, though she did not freeze. And like them, this was her home and she fought with all she had to keep it safe.

Which sometimes meant getting your hooves dirty.

Each and every night her sleep grew worse, torn asunder bit by bit from the visions she ripped from reality's future. The day fared no better, plagued as well by those same sights. This night was no different than any other - she tossed and turned, and those teasing images seemed to live in front of her.

A gathering of ponies, noise polluting the air around her, making it difficult to think. Not only that, but concentrating on any one spot proved difficult, and her normal vigil could not be kept up. In the midst of the chaos, a gunshot reigned above all else, and Luna’s supernatural senses felt it in the air before it hit its target. Frustratingly, the dream did not let her see who was hit and instead simply clouded her vision with blood, so much blood.

The mare rolled over in her palatial bed. She did not wake, for better or for worse. It was difficult, nigh impossible to do her duty as keeper of the dreams so long as these torturous visions kept taking all of her time at night. She tried to regardless, working her way into another pony’s dream.

It lasted but a few moments, ripped away once more. She tried for this one, she really did, dug her hooves in and watched in sadness as the pony she needed to help cowered from a Nightmare of their own - one that she might match soon enough.

A crash of thunder grabbed her attention first this time, if only because the world around her was dark. It took her eyes but a moment to adjust, rain cascading around her and wetting her cloak. She stood atop one of the buttresses, a runic circle inscribed in cyan underneath her. She floated, mages of all types around her chanting-

Chanting something. Her ears could not translate it, and a burst of pain shattered the vision leaving her free to float in the dreamworld once more.

That did not last long either. Luna awoke in the midst of her bedchambers, moonlight filtering in through windows and gauzy silver curtains. Her heart raced in her chest and a single, lingering thought emblazoned itself onto her mind.

Trouble comes.

Tomorrow had not come.

Well, tomorrow had come, just not in the way that Luna promised Twilight. Instead of studying rare books and going over different types of magic with the Princess, Twilight found herself sitting in a side room of the castle. To be completely fair, the room wasn’t awful at all. In fact, Twilight admittedly found it downright pleasant.

A sitting room- a few comfortable couches were strewn about, a fireplace in one corner, a low coffee table with different sorts of snacks and drinks, a lovely place to sit while waiting really. And good Goddesses did Twilight wait. Raven informed her that it might be about an hour, so go ahead and take the time to do homework, or read, or anything else to pass the time.

Twilight had finished her last assignment two and a half hours ago. She waited three hours — three full hours — and nothing had changed! She finished her first pot of tea ten minutes ago, and a fourth cookie a half hour before that. Normally, she felt like the priority, like the thing that Luna placed above all else. Today was the first in a very long while that made her feel… unimportant. Ordinary.

Perhaps that was a foolish thought. She was the Princess’s personal student, they had JUST gone to a party the night before, and personal time had been promised. But everypony had their insecurities, and this might just be one of Twilight’s. It ate at her, clawing at the back of her mind despite all the evidence to the contrary,

As much as she wished to claim that she was always logical, always centered and smart, she couldn’t.

Regardless, by this point, Twilight practically begged for anything to interrupt the tedium, anything to change up the waiting pattern. Downtime usually consisted of practicing spellwork, runework, looking to the future with the prophecy work that Luna taught her. But in this room, there was little she could actually do in the way of magic and power, so instead she entertained herself with theory alone. But that? That made her restless.

She got her wish. Not in the way that she expected or wanted, but it was granted nonetheless. The door opened, the wide wooden thing cracking with silvery magic coloring the door knob. A burst of conversation broke the silence, a mare’s voice she recognized calling goodbye. Cadence, perhaps?

Up she looked, but instead of the pink maned alicorn, a new pony stood instead. He wore glimmering silver robes draped about his form in a way that seemed comfortable rather than ceremonious. His face remained unblemished despite the way his mane had turned fully white, a silver coat matching the robes nearly one to one in color. His horn gleamed like the metal itself, though a single crack down the center of it belied some sort of accident in the past. Despite that, he had a genial smile on his face, and his horn glowed silver showing that his magic was the one to open the door, which also likely made him the same one that Cadence called goodbye to.

A chuckle escaped him as he turned, though he paused once his vision fell on Twilight. “Oh goodness,” he began. His voice was deep and relaxing, slow and calm. Strangely, the feeling Twilight felt despite never having one of her own was grandpa. “I didn’t expect anyone else to be in here.” He hurried over in a flutter of silvery robes, offering a hoof to shake. “Hello there, I’m Duke Silverhorn but please just call me Silverhorn,” he offered, genial smile never leaving his lips for a moment.

Twilight returned the shake after a moment, having to catch up with the fact that she now shared her waiting room with someone else. Even better, it meant that the monotony of the day had finally been broken. “Oh, nice to meet you, I’m-”

“Twilight Sparkle?” he interrupted, with a sensible chuckle. He retreated for a moment, coming instead to rest on the couch directly opposite of the mare. “Dear, everypony in the castle knows who you are, it would be-” he cut himself off as he tried to pour a cup of tea. “Ah, you’ve finished the pot it seems!” He spoke the words good naturedly, teasingly, but not rude in any way.

Like usual, Twilight found herself on the back hoof. Everypony knew who she was, everypony knew what she did and she didn’t know a damned thing about them. She could not help but to furrow up her brow in slight frustration though she did answer after a moment. “I’m afraid I’ve been waiting here multiple hours. There is supposed to be another pot coming but my apologies,” she answered.

The older stallion hardly seemed troubled. He fetched himself a biscuit with magic, breaking off a piece and politely munching on the morsel with a closed muzzle. Only when finished did he answer once more. “Oh, worry not, worry not!” he assured. “I mean nothing by it, surely I would have done the same had I been in your situation. What brought you to the castle today?” Twilight had not noticed at first, but when he smiled, crow’s feet showed on either side of his eyes.

It took her a moment to decide if she should answer fully and truthfully or not. She decided against it, giving only a half truth instead. “Her Highness and I were going to go over some strange aspects of magic.” Part of her didn’t know why she lied for something so trivial, but the other part of her remembered the night before and the way the different nobles could act. It wasn't a fear, per say, but perhaps an anxiety for a potentially unpleasant conversation with someone allied against Artemis or even Luna herself.

So a neutral answer had to do. The stallion finished the other half of the cookie before answering, magic light dying out. “Fascinating. From what I’m aware of, her highness is the expert in several magical fields that most seem to not believe exist. Prophecy, lunar magic, dream magic. It’s all rather mysterious stuff, and if she’s chosen you to learn part of what she knows, you must be extraordinary indeed.”

The stallion shifted where he sat before he went on. “But! I’m sure that I don’t have to tell you that! Being here alone is likely proof of that. It really is dreadful that all the business with poor Arty ended up delaying your lesson.” Well, that had been what Twilight intended to avoid, spoken plainly. “Have you heard what’s happening with the stallion who committed such an atrocious offense against her highness?” he asked.

Twilight shifted where she sat. If Luna had already decided on what to do, what exactly took her this long to come and get Twilight? Regardless, she’d entertain the questions for now. “I’m afraid not. I really like to believe the stallion just didn’t understand things correctly. That he misunderstood Luna’s intentions. And to that end, I hope he’s well enough and being treated properly. I mean, being completely fair, I broke several laws before I became Luna’s apprentice and those were forgiven.”

“Ah, on a first name basis too! You two must have become truly close, I don’t think I know of anyone who has had that privilege with her since Arty himself!” He leaned forward, making the crow’s feet on the edges of his eyes all the more visible. “It does my heart good to see our matriarch having someone she holds so dearly. I don’t know what you did to get your way into her heart, but I’m glad it happened and-

“The stallion is to be imprisoned for two weeks to do manual labor repairing some damage in the castle. Then he'll be set free once more. Another kindness, I believe.” Silverhorn’s hooves came together there, lightly clicking the tips of them together.

“Oh, well-” Twilight glanced towards the door, wondering if somepony might come and tell her of that, that it’s time for Luna to see her. She’d have no answer yet. “Well, that’s certainly good news. I know it’s up to the Princess to decide those things, but considering I was right there and all, I feel like I have a pretty good handle on what happened. As for how the two of us grew close?” She tilted her head to the side. “I like to believe that we just connect in a special way. That we are both interested in the same things and have minds that work in similar patterns! It’s easy to connect when you work the same way or at least…” She piled another pastry onto her plate, placing it beside her on the couch. “That is what I like to believe.”

Up the pastry levitated, Twilight taking a small bite out of it as the stallion started to speak. “And what a wonderful connection that must be! I-”

He didn’t get any further than that. A knock sounded on the door and after a moment, Raven entered in her usual finery. “Twilight? Luna’s ready for you now. Come along, please.”

Silverhorn gave a wave. “Don’t let me keep you! Though, if you don’t mind, perhaps the two of us could talk soon? There’s a lot I would love to pick your brain about and a lot that I think might be good for you to hear. That is, of course, if you have the time. I know you’re already friends with Cadence, but it might be good to have multiple perspectives on the noble’s issues. But alas, that’s for another day.”

Did she actually want to talk about it? Twilight stood from the couch, casting a longing look at the pastry. She could probably come back and grab it after. Her levitation returned it back to its spot on the table and she nodded towards Silverhorn. It couldn’t hurt to make more connections, she supposed.

“I guess we can make some time. I’m busy with my teachers and school but-” She paused, mentally counting the hours in her head. “Two days from now. Dinner. Meet me here?”

Another clap of the stallion’s hooves answered her. “Wonderful, wonderful! I’ll hold you to it!” he chuckled, bobbing his head up and down once.

With one last wave, Twilight followed Raven out the door.

Time for lessons.


Of all the things Twilight had thought she needed to improve, one of the few things that never came up was her wardrobe. She thought the smart skirts and tops and even the occasional dress could make do and deal with nearly every situation. And if she needed to travel or exercise? She still had her clothes that she wore while coming up here too, the breeches and the tops with layered jackets and furs and so on.

Admittedly, watching the mares and stallions in the castle with their fancy robes and dresses and all that did make her somewhat jealous, but she also didn’t really have the extra cash flow for such things. How fortuitous then that Luna planned to pay for everything.

And so, Twilight found herself in the waiting room for a boutique. It was a very nice boutique with a wide-open floor plan, dress racks off to the side with a golden trimmed, white stage dominating the other direction. The walls were done up in purple curtains and drapes, with chiffon fabric interspersed throughout to give different splashes of color. On the back of the stage, three mirrors ringed the edge to provide a full three hundred and sixty degree range of vision. For such a nice place, the room seemed oddly quiet. Shouldn’t there be ponies in here shopping and-

Wait. It was eight in the morning. Right. Nopony in their right mind actually wanted to come here at eight in the morning. Even the proprietor of the place hadn’t made an appearance quite yet, and Twilight could only imagine that she was taking her sweet time waking up, much like she herself might have preferred.

It did give her a moment of time to reflect on her last lesson with Luna. In their short time, they ended up talking mostly about Artemis’s magic and how his unique quirk might work. Luna had some theories that he was simply able to create ‘anchor points’ wherever his magic touched before and simply return to them more easily than how teleportation worked for others with the visualization and opening a tunnel to that point. It did seem vastly easier to play with the thought of having that place already defined and just skipping the inbetween.

Naturally, there were no great ways to test this and the only one who could emulate it was Artemis so it might just be one of those oddities of magic that may never be found out, or at least, not within Twilight’s lifetime. She didn’t particularly want to settle for that, however, so she’d continue to think about it in her spare time - like now, for instance.

Though, not for much longer. On the far side of the room, the door opened with a sharp click. It blended in well with the drapes to make it hard to see, and Twilight only now noticed it.

A mare stepped out. She seemed older to Twilight, with a wonderfully cared-for mane of deep purple, with a slight curl to it. Her white coat and piercing blue eyes stood out against the color, and she had already done a perfect makeup job despite it being so early - cyan eyeshadow around her eyes, nice, plump mascara job, a tiny bit of blush and-

And a big, fluffy, purple bathrobe, complementing the white mug of what she could only assume was coffee floating in an azure, telekinetic grip.

The peace in the room existed for roughly seven seconds.

It was a very nice bit of peace.

“Wa-ha-HA!” A yelp of surprise escaped the refined mare, somehow even that accented with a Canterlotian accent. She jumped, scurrying back so fast that some of the coffee sloshed onto the ground. “Oh my Celestia, what are you-” The white mare sputtered. “How did-”

She frowned, looking over towards the clock. Her face fell right after and the red on her face clearly came from embarrassment now rather than from the blush. In fairness, Twilight did seem to be staring.

She snapped herself out of it just as the mare warded off whatever stupor she had found herself in. “I am so sorry!” she crooned. “It appears that I’ve allowed myself to somewhat lose track of time this morning. Darling, if you’d allow me five minutes to put on something a little more appropriate, we can get on with the styling appointment that you so clearly need!”

Okay, kind of bitchy.

Twilight didn’t even have a chance to answer before the mare disappeared behind the door once more, leaving her in a strange silence that she had to actually adjust to for a quick moment. A small ‘oh’ escaped her, but once that was out, only the clip clop of ponies outside on the street could be heard once more.

That must have been Rarity. Or at least, Twilight could only assume as much. She’d heard the name when Luna mentioned the stylist, so from there it was just basic deduction. In the meantime she stood up and stretched herself out, skirt swishing with the movement. She had dressed somewhat sharply, wearing a burgundy skirt with a cream colored cardigan that covered a white, button up shirt- another one of the outfits that Trixie claimed to be ‘sexy librarian’.


She didn’t need to wait long before the door opened once more, though instead of a bathrobe, Rarity now wore a slinky cyan dress that matched her eyes. It ran high on one leg and low on the other, with a string of pearls around her neck as the only jewelry that she wore. “Very sorry darling, very sorry. Not many actually schedule this early.” A pad and a pencil floated near her head and she looked down at it for a quick moment. “Twilight Sparkle, was it?”

Finally, a chance for her to actually answer. She nodded. “Yep, that’s me. Her Majesty thought I should come over here to help me with my style.” She looked down at herself for a quick moment. “Admittedly, I’m not exactly sure what’s wrong with it. I’m a student of magic and a researcher, I don’t think that I need to-”

“Nonsense!” Rarity interjected, setting the pad and paper down on the stage as she trotted over. She started to circle Twilight, much like a shark circling the prey that they’d smelled from underwater. “You can be those things and look wondrous,” she insisted. After a single circle, she stopped and looked at Twilight from the front instead. “You have very pretty eyes, and your mane is an interesting color. We can work with that, we can work with that. What does your day to day look like?”

Twilight took a moment to compose herself before she spoke. “It depends on the day. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I have classes from nine in the morning to four in the afternoon, with a one hour lunch break. From there, I generally take my time to do dinner and then meet with Luna in the castle for evening lessons. What we work on is mostly sedentary. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, I do the same thing but with classes from nine to twelve, then an hour of combat training, then a lunch break and classes till five. The rest of the day from there is generally mine to do what I wish but… Normally it’s studying or homework. It’s rare that I have true free time outside of Sunday, which is all mine.”

Twilight paused for a second before amending. “All mine in that I generally spend some time around friends or getting in extra practice. I don’t often waste the day lazing around. There’s way, way too much work to do to actually do nothing.” She chuckled to punctuate her words, shaking her head in amusement.

Rarity stared. Perhaps that was an inappropriate way to phrase it, but there was little blinking and a whole lot of looking. “You really don’t spend any time pampering yourself?” she asked, a hint of a whine in her voice. “Why, darling, you’re going to get wrinkles by the time you’re my age, that simply won’t do!” she cooed.

A few steps carried Rarity away to a drawer across the room, and then into another set of them close by. From one came a small box, about the size of Twilight’s head. From the other, a series of things- creams in tubs, small, ball shaped chiffon wrapped things, more tubs full of liquids, and even what looked like a fizzy bubble bath mix? “You really must be taking care of yourself, lower your stress, take some time for you to look good and you’ll feel much better for it.”

Before Twilight could even react, the box was shoved into her arms by the other mare, forcefully enough that she swayed on her hooves. “I’m not really sure that I need this. I relax plenty and-”

A hoof. Of all things, Rarity shoved a hoof against her mouth, silencing her. “Darling, your teacher sent you to me. She must trust that I’ll know what’s best for you then, isn’t that so? If not, why would Princess Luna of all ponies send you my way? She wants you to look nice, and part of looking nice is taking care of yourself in mind, body, and soul. Now, I’m going to remove my hoof, and when I do, you’re going to say ‘yes Rarity’, okay?”After a moment of eye contact, she lowered it down.

Normally, Twilight had a firmer spine than this. Normally, she could tell people like this that she could make her own decisions, that she could decide what was best for herself. But under the pseudo assault both physically and mentally, she found herself rather flustered. After a moment, she mumbled out- “Yes, Rarity.” Her ears pressed back against her head, and later, not now, but much later she might absolutely judge herself for something silly like this.

But in the moment, she could only watch Rarity nod in approval. “What are you standing around holding that box for, dear?” she tutted lightly. She’d honestly nearly forgotten about the box after just a few seconds. “We need to get you up on the stage so we can get something nice on you, how does that sound?”

Idly, Twilight placed the box on the chair she sat on moments prior. “I suppose I can find that amenable,” she struggled. Being flustered made even talking harder and Twilight definitely failed at it in comparison to her normal speech. That just felt… blocky? Yes. Blocky. That didn’t make sense outside of her own head, but she certainly got it.

Regardless, Twilight set the box to the side, adjusting it on the seat she’d sat on before, then directed her attention to the stage. She trotted on over, hopping up and looking at the store from a new perspective, that new perspective being an extra half foot in height. Shockingly, not much had changed. “Do you need me to do anything? Like should I twirl or…?” She trailed off, eyes locking onto the white mare in the nice dress.

Rarity followed after her, taking the time to step around the outside of the dais, looking over her current patron. “No, no, just give me a moment to see you from all angles.” As promised, the white mare needed nothing more than that, simply looking at her with an appraising look. One hoof came up, tap tapping at her own chin before giving a nod. “How do you feel about dresses, darling?” she asked.

Twilight glanced down at her own hooves, then off to the side. It was only a few inches down, but being up here really did change a lot in it’s own way - it made her feel like the center of attention despite how Rarity was looking through a dress rack rather than at her. Just to pacify her own mind, she stepped down. “They’re fine. As long as they’re loose enough for me to move around in, then I guess I don’t really care that much. But I do a lot of combat training so anything too stiff seems like it’d be bad for me.” A simple, utilitarian outlook from a utilitarian mare.

A scoff answered her. “You aren’t always going to be doing combat and you don’t always need to be able to move fluidly. You must focus on looking good sometimes or you’ll find yourself in a position where the Princess has to leave you behind because you simply cannot look good enough for the occasion.” Rarity lectured. Twilight, however, didn’t really agree. None of that seemed right to her, Luna might never leave her behind.

Regardless, she sighed, consigning herself to being dressed up. “Then what did you have in mind?”

Rarity turned just as she finished speaking. In her telekinetic grasp, she had something rather lovely. A light blue dress that darkened to midnight towards the bottom of the skirt, with glimmering small silver stars around the train of it. The body kept the lighter blue up to the bodice, where a pleated pattern all combined together at a collar around the neck. There was a slight gauzy tulle over the bodice as well, with silver and lilac glitter inside, adding an extra spark. “THIS is what I had in mind!” Rarity declared as if she had cracked the intrinsic code of life.

She wasn’t entirely wrong, per say. Twilight did actually like it, she didn’t think any of the things here fell into her taste, but this one… Maybe it was the stars? The color? Part of it felt like it’d match Luna perfectly when standing beside her, and that’s something that Twilight desired more than just looking nice. “I’ll try it on,” she answered, keeping herself calm, cool and collected. Part of her felt that if she showed her enthusiasm for the piece, Rarity might actually become insufferable in her smugness - she was probably right about that.

Rarity beckoned for her to come, telekinetic grip kept on the dress as she led over to a purple door inlaid in the wall, inconspicuous and just large enough for one pony. “Try it on! Go on now, we might as well see how wondrous you look in one of my creations!” The last word was stressed, and another bout of cyan magic opened the door.

Inside waited a simple dressing room with a raised dais, a couple hangers on one side, and two mirrors on the free walls. Rarity ushered Twilight in, handing the dress over to the other mare’s magic. “If you insist,” Twilight replied, slightly sardonically, though she would have been lying had she denied a slight smile on her face.

“I do!” Rarity punctuated her words by closing her into the small room.

Very well.

With a light shake of her head, Twilight removed her current clothes. Doing so was rather easy with magic, and she couldn’t help but feel bad for earth ponies for a quick moment. Generally, their clothes seemed simpler, with larger buttons and things like that to make dressing not impossible but… well, Twilight couldn’t imagine dressing like that. She didn’t judge them, it simply was not for her.

Perhaps she mildly judged them.

Regardless, it took but a few moments for her to figure out how the new dress went on, and a few moments more to get it fitting. There were some things that showed it was meant for someone bigger- the trail trailed just an inch or so too far and the bodice has some space between her actual chest and the fabric, but she supposed those were things that could be fixed without too much pain.

For now, she contented herself with turning in front of the mirrors, letting herself see the dress from all sides. Part of her had to agree with Rarity from outside, that her hair - while nicely colored - seemed too simple to go with something as fine as this. A hoof came up, tapping lightly at her hair, as if that might somehow transform it into a more glorious mane.

Surprisingly, it did not.

Her smile turned into a slight frown, perhaps that could be fixed if only so that she could see the dress how it was actually supposed to be. A knock brought her attention away from the mirror and back towards the door once more, Twilight glanced over in time to hear Rarity’s voice- “Ah, darling, may I come in and see how wonderful you look?”

“Oh, yea, sure,” Twilight answered, stepping back just a touch. It probably wasn’t needed, there was enough room for them both to scooch in, but she didn’t want to be rude.

The door popped open and in stepped Rarity in all her glory, instantly giving an appraising look to the dress and Twilight both. One hoof came up, lightly tapping against her chin. “Well!” she began, “I think that it has a great deal of potential. The bodice needs to be drawn in, obviously, and if you went out wearing that with that hairstyle I might very well kill you myself.” Her hoof touched against the ground once more. “All in all, I think you should absolutely be going home with this if nothing else, but the most IMPORTANT part is-”

She scooted, getting face to face with Twilight despite the close space. “How do YOU feel about it? Does it make you feel beautiful? Do you feel REGAL? Do you feel like the Princess you must match?”

It was hard to move backwards in the already small space, but somehow, Twilight managed a few inches to get away from the sudden invasion. “Uh, yes,” she finally spoke, the faintest of blushes starting to color her face. She cleared her throat, the blush only getting worse. “That’s to say. Yes. I feel beautiful. I feel great. I feel regal, definitely. I’m not close enough to Luna, don’t be silly, but I do feel nice. I think I would like to take it home with me.”

Rarity moved away, clapping her hooves together in a rather excited way. “Wonderful, wonderful! Then get changed back and I’ll ensure that I get the bodice drawn in and the tail shortened. Oh, Princess, you are going to be a fun project, do you know that? I have SO many different ideas, so many-”

She stopped, most of the way out of the changing room. “Well, they’ll take a while for me to make, so you’ll have to come back periodically to model for me.” Now Rarity finally stepped fully out, giving Twilight some room to breathe. “And I do hope you’ll be willing to have tea with me occasionally- you must have some absolutely fascinating stories, and knowing your background will surely help with my labor. But!” Her head pointed up. “Get changed, I won’t keep you much longer than this, I did only have you jotted down for thirty minutes. What a busy filly you must be.”

Before Twilight could respond, the door shut once more. It took her but a few moments to change once more, and fewer still to step back out, dress back on its hanger and in her magic. She spoke first this time- “You’re right,” she began, after spotting Rarity sitting close by. “I do have a lot to do today. But this was nice. I think that your words have some truth to them at least. I mean, it does feel nice to look good.” She admitted, absolutely begrudgingly.

Cyan magic took the dress from her and Rarity’s smile turned positively impish for a moment. “You’ll come to see, darling, that I’m always right,” she chuckled. “I’ll send a word to the Princess when I have more of your ensemble ready, fear not. I’ll be seeing you very soon, I’m sure.”

And with a goodbye of her own, Twilight was off. Back to school and to the rest of her day with dresses on her mind.

Author's Note:

So this one's a weird length cause I had to split the chapter up.

Sorry for being late.

Editing took a while and a patch come out on this game I like that's really big.

To my credit it's a really fun game. Once I post this, I'll be starting the next chapter the same day. So expect around 20 days after this for the next one, 12-16 days for writing, 8-4 days for editing.

This was actually done like a week and a half ago. Oops.

Comments ( 6 )

ooh an update! *starts reading*

“It does my heart good to see our matriarch having someone she holds so dearly. I don’t know what you did to get your way into her heart, but I’m glad it happened and-

“The stallion is to be imprisoned for two weeks to do manual labor repairing some damage in the castle. Then she’ll be set free once more. Another kindness, I believe.”

err . . you may want to read over that part again?
Something seems to be missing in the middle and why will SHE be set free when he is talking about another stallion?

Always enjoy reading a new chapter of this story.
Please edit this chapter again, and look out for times when you change Twilight's name into Dahlia, and mistakenly use hands instead of hooves. As well as the earlier mentioned incident where you changed a ponies gender.
As always, a very fun story.

Woohoo, I have my work entertainment for tomorrow

I loooooove when Rarity does Rarity things.

Intriguing story with some interesting world building. Patiently waiting for more!

Thank you!



Fixed these. Had a second story on the side I was writing.

She's so vibrant and has a personality that none other really overlap so it's always super different to write her.

Coming soon!

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