• Member Since 31st Oct, 2019
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


From Hollow Shades, this Batpony is the Lunar Guard's High-Speed Long-Distance Secure Currier... who is learning about Equestria's recent past and understanding his place in it.

Comments ( 26 )

Hmm...interesting so far, but final judgement will wait on seeing what flavor of "Dark" this goes with and if it adds to the story or is just edgy non-sense.

like + watch list, i am curious on what is going to happen

Gotta love the world-building you've got there. So much attention to detail.
By the time I got to chapter 3 I was more interested in the plot than the smut, although the smut also delivers.
I hope you're doing alright and will get back to this at some point.

First off, thank you kindly. Parts of this world is predicated on my "I Have A Hunch" series on YouTube filling out parts of Equestrian Lore. But there are a bunch of references and nods to a number of other TV series and movies. Some easier to spot than others.

And yes, I will continue. Life.... well... Life found a way to interfere with my writing time. This project is FAR from stopped. It's just.. having a harder time getting re-rolling. But.. it's in my head.

...and that L-T's Butt is still gunna get some attention yet. I really want to make sure she has a Blast!

The dark truths that come with the idea that Luna is the left hand of God, as it were.

Very much-so - and thank you for your time.

The more I delved into Luna's abilities in the Dream Realm, the more it scared me. And if somecreature were to weaponize it?


Absolutely. Probably part of the reason Equestria has gone so long in relative peace. Even with her gone, nobody wanted to risk finding out she was still around.

Gotta figure out a plot to explain my thoughts on the other parts....

The dagger hits its mark best from shadows.
If used too liberally, this power would surely bring suspicion to Luna, and ways to protect oneself from it would be found.
But it does put the powers of the living gods into perspective indeed.

I'm curious about his special training but man this chapter hits hard

I appreciate that. There will still be SOME information about his training later, as well as a proper cutie mark exploration.

...and, yeah. This one was exceptionally hard to write, for a number of reasons.

I see... Sergeant Dornan finally got promoted.

I... am unfamiliar with this reference?

(*Grin*) Captain Oberth is very much not a Drill Sargent. But I get where you've gone.

Thank you kindly!
(Yes, it's "Just A Heart", but it's something."

Its not dead! I could see this becoming a big story with its intriguing plot (I'm not much into BDSM myself, but it doesn't detract imo). I hope you (the author) keep updating more regularly! If not for our sake then for yours!

Not dead, no. Just been really hard to get myself motivated to =DO=. Part of it is because I feel like I need to REALLY better lock-down the timeframe to show cannon, and.. well... I finally just decided to write today. just do it, place it "close enough" and just let it start flowing again.

And... Thank you. I mean that, really. I don't get to do a lot that seems to have "payoff" in the line of folks enjoying. So.. your encouragement? It means a lot. Really.

Just wow. Moon Shadow DEFINITELY needed counseling and therapy if she reacted this way to a miscarriage. And Icarus losing first his future foal and then eventually his wife? Seems like he needs counseling and therapy as well considering what he's doing in his dreams. Feels like the story is setting up for Icarus and Luna to end up together and Luna helps him heal?

Thank you kindly; and yeah.... she's hurt in a way that's difficult to quantize.

As to the possibility of Princess Luna and Icarus being "together" in any shipping conventional way? That I can categorically answer: === No ===

That's too bad since Luna is best princess as well as best pony.

(*Smile*) No argument on the ranking, but... Icarus' interactions with cannon characters has always been intended to be marginal at best; so only what's needed for the progression.

But... maybe for the next installment I'll ask my Muse to focus on her this time.

Well, I definitely hope Icarus gets all the help he needs. Can't imagine what he's been through, especially his wife wanting him to 'punish' her for the miscarriage.

Thier paths are slated to be... governed from a Bell Curve. I know it's a weird, confusing answer. Sorry.

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