• Published 19th Apr 2021
  • 791 Views, 158 Comments

Ponyfinder: Potions and Swords - David Silver

Two denizens from two worlds collide in the middle and get dropped onto Everglow. Thankfully, one of them is Zecora. Surely she can handle a little adventure without panic being required. Her partner, lacking fur, has a sword but comes in peace.

  • ...

14 - Pampering

"You." Longma was approaching a random pony quite intently. "Where is the best relaxation place you have around here? A spa, massage parlor, whatever else have you."

The pony tossed their head towards the north. "You're on the wrong side of the town if you're looking for rich fancy stuff. The snooty bastards over there keep that kind of thing to themselves. Not like a proper pony needs that kinda thing anyway."

"Right." She was already moving off towards the bridge that connected the two halves.

"Thanks," offered Jon. "She's just, uh, like that."

"Whatever." The pony shrugged and continued on their own way, apparently willing to forget Longma was a thing.

Zecora was a Jon's side as they started behind Longma. "I know not if it was your intention, but her plans do not include abstention." She trotted along with purpose. "Watch her and yourself."

"Keep up," called Longma from not too far up ahead, looking over her shoulder. "This bridge had better not be tolled..."

Jon could see boats, sailing under it. It was a great and powerful dam that only allowed water through it on its own schedule. "Nice."

Zecora lifted an ear. "You appreciate architectural designs? This is a time to watch for oneself."

Jon was quiet a moment, replaying the last few moments before he stitched together the rhyming bits. That was when he thumped into Longma's back.

Longma was glaring, a not unusual expression. "I don't like the look of those people."

She was focusing her ire on a group that was watching them, arrayed as if to stop them from crossing the dam. Ponies for the most part. None had weapons, drawn at least. They were dangling at their side, clearly in view.

Jon just advanced towards them. "Hey." He raised a hand to wave at them. "Something going on?"

"It's what we'd rather not go on," declared a mare, watching Jon. "Southsiders are not welcome in the north."

Jon lifted his hands to vaguely gesture at the entire south side of the city. "This? Just where we walked in from. Besides, the temple's on this side. You don't hold a little faith against a person, do you?"

The mare cocked a brow. "Where are you from?"

"Far away from here." Truth that. "Not even in the empire." Jon turned a hand at Longma. "And I made some new friends, who I want to treat. Do you happen to know where a mare can be treated like a queen?"

Longma's grin was suddenly back. "Yes, exactly that. Tell him."

One of the stallions suddenly burst away from the line. "Don't listen to his lies! Humans have a dozen of them, and a southsider human?" He was drawing a club free from a dangling loop, clearly ready to engage in a fight.

Jon was drawing his blade when a bright ball of flame erupted across the front of the charging pony. Zecora had tossed one of her bombs faster than he could react. The stallion shrieked, set ablaze by the bright inferno. "H-help!"

His friends were on him in an instant, stomping him out. The mare ignored it entirely. "Sorry about that. Some people just don't know how to follow directions." She inclined her head at Jon's sword. "Put that away."

Jon was still a moment before the blade was returned to its home. "Is this a normal occurrence?"

"That we run into a trained alchemist? No, that's a special day." She shook her head softly. "Whatever, this isn't worth that kind of trouble." She turned and pointed to one building among many beyond the dam. "When I want my hooves touched up, I visit them right there. Ask for Sandra, she's a darling."

The stallion was back up on his haunches, smoldering a little but intact. "That wasn't fair."

Zecora trotted past him, and none of the others seemed ready to challenge her right of way. "Do not start a fight, if you do not wish to be set alight."

Jon had to smirk a little. That was stone cold vicious, which was just adorably awkward coming from the cute little zebra. He hurried to catch up with her, Longma joining as they left the group behind that had lost its spirit in stopping them. "Have you fought before, Zecora?"

"Hm?" She glanced over her shoulder at Jon. "Not a habit I have made. But a brew is far more my style than a blade. To heal and delight I would prefer. But sometimes, for violence to deter."

Longma nodded with a smug smile. "All I hear is that I picked the right two to hang out with today. Birdbrain can have fun doing whatever birds do." They had left their other friend with a promise to meet up later. "Now places that do hooves usually offer other, related, luxuries, so we can start there." She fixed Jon with a smirk. "Use your nails, then we can get yours looked at. Nails are like hooves, aren't they? I feel certain I read that somewhere..."

Ah, right. Jon returned to stroking and scratching at her back and flank, at least until she suddenly thumped against him. "Not there, that tickles." Not that she had laughed. "Focus on the spine, towards the rump, yes, that..."

She was not a cat, but she was rumbling in her own satisfied way. All animals had a happy sound, Jon was fairly sure. Even humans had a few to select from! It was a good thing she was actually nice to pet. Her fur was soft and warm, and he rather liked her reactions to being pet. If she wasn't also an ancient dragon that could kill him the moment she decided she wanted to, she'd otherwise make a fine pet.

The shop they were approaching had a sign of a curled pony leg, hoof gleaming a bright purple-red. Bright bold letters declared it to be 'Fine Touches: nail and hoof care'. Jon spread out his not-busy hand. His nails were... average? Not cared for, just nails... At least he wasn't a nail biter, so it coulda been worse, in his view. "Looks like they do handle nails."

Longma looked to Zecora. "Then we all get to be treated. Let's look our best, and see what other little decadence they have, hm?" She knocked the door open with a shove of a hoof. "We have arrived."

"Welcome," came a friendly male voice from within. Entering, they saw a human behind the counter, watching them in kind. "All three of you?"

Longma smiled with a new... flavor? "Oh yes, all three of us. Do you have a 'deluxe' package? We want to be worshipped."

"I do love a mare that knows what she wants," complimented the man as he grabbed a sheaf of paper and turned it towards her, tapping at one of the many lines on it. "This is our top ticket. We'll get your nail shined and extended to your desired length. Coloring is included. Trimming, shaping, filing, and buffing your nails, addressing your cuticles, which includes trimming and a cuticle oil treatment, and a hand massage. The application of nail polish at the end is optional." He let out a breath, getting through that exhaustive list. "A massage is included."

"Delightful," almost purred Longma. "Tell me you have spaces available right now and my day is starting properly."

As it turned out, they did, and were whisked away to enjoy their hand and hoof luxuries. Jon had never had a manicure before, but it was time to experience it. Despite the human in the front, it was a mare that was tending to him, a nail file in her mouth that she swept over his nails one by one with a kind smile, and seemingly able to speak despite it without an issue. "Poor thing, it's been too long since your last one of these, I can tell." She leaned in, studying her work before resuming. "But don't you worry. I'll have you looking like a king."

"First time," admitted Jon, watching her work diligently. "You've been doing this a long time?"

"Most of my life." She giggled a little. "My specialty." She turned her back end a little, allowing her symbol to be seen. A pair of hooves displayed out towards the viewer. "Human hooves still count," she assured as she started buffing at the nails. "They're so cute, human hooves, like you have ten little hooves right here, each in need of care."

It occurred to him suddenly. "But a pony hoof is also their foot."

"And ten of your other nails." She directed towards his shoe-clad feet. "Are also attached to your foot. It's true, I don't have to worry about a human hoof not holding them up properly, but a lot of the rest is the same." She clucked her tongue. "I do have to be more mindful. Your little hooves are more sensitive." She kissed Jon's hand suddenly. "That's part of the charm."

Jon decided the nail-mare was alright. "Hey, speaking of that, do you sell any gloves?"

"Oh, we do," she purred out. "But first we get your nails just right. Ask Reggie at the front and he'll show you all the gloves we have." She inclined her head faintly. "Before you ask, yes we ponies have gloves too." She waggled her bare hoof at Jon. "I'm not wearing one right now because it doesn't help me work on yours."

And so it was that Jon was treated to total nail care. He abstained from any bright colors or pungent polishes, but other than that, he was good to go. "A pity. You humans are cute enough, but some color would only help."

Wait. "Humans are cute?"

The mare laughed with a faint blush. "Sorry, don't be mad." But he was watching her. "But... yes. Humans are adorable."

Jon turned a hand slowly, examining his done nails. His feet he already had shoved back into his boots. "Then it's fair to say I think most ponies are cute then?"

The mare burst into a bright red. "You're the first to admit it! I knew it!" She clasped her colored hooves together under her chin. "Why do ponies and humans ever fight if they look cute to the other? I don't understand people... Well, you're not like that. You come back next time, let me tend those cute little hooves of yours."

Zecora was already there in the lobby, her hooves striped with yellow and purple tones. She seemed satisfied enough with it, watching Jon more than staring at her hooves. "Did everything go according to plan?"

Jon displayed his hands. "Didn't go for the color, but all good besides that."

"Not everyone is a fan," agreed Zecora, showing off one of her brightly colored hooves.

"Looking good." Jon offered a thumbs up. "Longma still being treated, I assume?" He glanced towards where they had all been led to, then looked towards 'Reggie'. "Hey, I was told you have gloves?"

"Honey." The man pulled up a sizable display from behind the counter, rows of gloves. "We got all the gloves you could want. What sort do you have in mind?"

Jon soon had a new set of gloves that looks suspiciously just like the ones he had lost to the slime. "Perfect." He flexed his glove-concealed fingers, the work of the mare entirely concealed from view. "You want one, Zecora?"

Zecora shook her head, eyes on the hallway Longma was emerging from.

Longma looked satisfied, her hooves uncolored, but shining in the light with obvious polish. "An excellent start to our day. You." She was looking at Reggie. "Tell us the next step in our decadent journey."

"Not to be a damper, but you have to pay for what you got already." He tapped at his cash register. "Then I'll give some tips."

It promised to be a busy, and somewhat expensive, day of luxuries.

Author's Note:

I promise they'll leave the city next chapter. This chapter, nailcare! Important for humans and ponies! And Jon learns that humans look cute to ponies. Cross-species understanding?

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