• Published 15th Apr 2021
  • 793 Views, 9 Comments

The password - CaioCoia

Spike is having a stroke, and his girlfriend wants to call the ambulance to rescue him, however, Spike must give her the password of his cellphone...

  • ...

The password

Over a Friday night, a couple was watching a good series while embraced themselves and enjoying their time together.

A green haired boy while wearing a purple shirt and a jeans pants, while on by his side a purple haired girl with some green straps over her hair, and wearing a purple sports-bra while wearing a purple pants.

"Oh Fuck." The green haired boy shouted while he felt some pinch attacking inside of his body.

The shout surprised the girl by his side while looked at him at the boy shocked.

"What?" She asked while, the boy flinched in pain.

"I think I'm having a stroke." The answer of the boy beside her made her open her eyes quickly and looked at him in concern.

"Oh my fucking God Spike, what do I do?" The girl may have passed through many challenges, but she never had something like someone having a stroke by her side, and a part of her started to desperate.

"Call the ambulance Aria." Spike groaned which made Aria check her cellphone.

"Ok, oh shit, my phone's dead!" Aria started to watch her boy friend flinch even more in pain, making herself in desperation.

"Ah, use mine! It's on the pocket. Ah shit, ah shit!" Spike said while Aria quickly grabbed his cellphone from his pocket. Which made a question Spike never thought and never wished to receive.

"What's the phone's password?" This sudden question made Spike's eyes wide open.

"WHAT?" He groaned in pain while he asked that question.

"The password, hurry up!" Aria was with his phone in hands, while she looked despairingly at him.

"Do you need the password?" Spike asked while Aria was growing without patience.

"Yes! To unlock the phone, tell me!" Aria waited while Spike then groaned and offered his hand.

"I'll type it, give to me. Ugh!" Spike let it out a shout of pain.

"AH SPIKE! You can't even fucking move , tell me the fucking password!!!" Aria was screaming in disbelief.

Spike then decided move his body.

"Then let's go by motorcycle. Insurance's ambulances are shitty anyways!" Spike tried to move his body to get up, but the pain was so much that he couldn't even move. "Ugh.!"

"NO SPIKE." Aria shouted while she grabbed the cellphone even tighter and showed on his face. "We are going to call. You are not in way to drive a motorcycle and I lose my licence last month."

"Then we are going to walk to the hospital. Hospital is nearby." Spike tried again to move his body while Aria was growing furious.

"Walking where Spike. You cannot even stand up! Tell me the password already, you're dying!" Aria was furious because she was afraid, she never saw someone she loved would be so ignorant and stupid to not wanting to give the password.

"It's over, it's over. I'm okay. It was just some aching pain all along..." Spike tried to smile, trying to hide the pain of his body, but the body reacted with even stronger pain, which made him scream in pain. "AAHHHHHH"

Aria screamed at the same time from sudden shout.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH. Quit being silly, for fucking love of God what's the password?" Aria was despaired asked while she saw Spike groaning in pain.

"Let's try the neighbor's telephone, the signal is really shit over here anyway." Spike still refused to give the password to his girlfriend, leaving Aria look at him in disbelief.

"Spike, we don't need to password to see there's signal here! JUST TELL ME ALREADY!" Aria was angry while she was indeed worried about her boyfriend, which made him mumble some regretting words.

"For the love of God, it wasn't supposed to be this way, it wasn't supposed to be this way." Aria noticed the way he was looking at her, he seemed to lament himself from that. Making Aria ask a question she never thought she would ask.

"Don't you understand you are dying?" Aria was looking at him in disbelief. Who would prefer to die than give the password to his own girlfriend?

But the next question made Aria despaired.

"Everyone dies one day." Spike was accepting his death, leaving Aria scream in rage.

"What's the problem with telling me the goddamn phone password?" Aria already lived with Sonata, but never in her life found someone more stupid and ignorant than her boyfriend, who was flinching himself in such pain.

"No problem at all, I just think it's unnecessary to go to the hospital!" This answer made Aria's eyes twitch while she was angry and despaired.

"Then tell me the password already Spike, I cannot leave you this way. I don't want you to die." Aria said while Spike groaned in pain, leaving some drool over the sofa.

"Alright, the password is 7234" Spike said quietly, while Aria did what she was instructed, then an annoying message said it was an incorrect password.

"It says it's a wrong password." Aria was getting annoyed because of these games. While Spike mumbled something but it was clear to her.

"I guess I'm gonna die." Spike said, while he turned his back to Aria, while she seemed passing the limits of her patience.

"TELLL ME THE PASSWOOOOORRRRRDDDDD" Aria shouted despaired and angry. While Spike shouted after her.

"YOU WILL NEVER KNOW." Spike shouted in ignorance. While Aria had some tears on her face, Aria then decided to grab Spike'd arm and using all her strengthen she pulled him over the sofa.

"OH FUCK IT. I will take your motorcycle, but you are going to pay the ticket if we get pulled over." Aria then heard a whisper from by her boyfriend, which made her grin.

"Man, how I love this girl." Spike was ignorant to give the password, but when it comes to Aria, Spike never would hide the fact he loves her. And while Aria took the helmet over the table and the keys, and helped Spike to make him take the motorcycle with her. Both of them left the house, leaving the house without realizing there was a telephone by their side, and they didn't even thought about using it.

Oh, young love.

Comments ( 9 )

Too bad neither of them knew that smart phones can make emergency calls while locked.

Even while dying, Spike annoys people :facehoof:

And thats why you should have your phone set for emergency use

Yeah, usually there were people who even in the last moments would be annoying, but thinking about it, some people would die instead to have their secrets exposed. LOL

Yeah, sometimes the panic makes people don't think about it.

Exaclty, there would be easier for people around lol.

I was thinking we’d get to see what Spike was trying to hide.

Maybe in the sequel. Because this couple will have more stories about this slice of life of absurd. XD

What the hell is on your phone, that you would literally let yourself die then let aria see it. Is it nude pics of her sisters, are you sexting with them, or maybe it's Twilight, or dog porn.

Or d. All above and worse. LOL

Well to be true... It's Spike's fetiches discord group he created. All his friends has some fetiches and they share in common in Discord.
Read the spoilers by your own risk. LOL

Spike likes woman wearing sexual strips, and like to make sex in both ways...
And he has elbow fetiche as well, he has the elbow photos from all the human 7 and from his girlfriend and sisters as well...

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