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Ch.3 Moving forward

Author's Note:

hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I also want y'all to know that I'm taking a small break due to me going back to college soon.

This doesn't mean I'll be gone for months or anything I'm just taking a break for like a week or two so don't worry or anything.

'What happened? Why can't I move? I feel different. What's going on?' I thought as I then began to remember what happened before waking up in this new world.

After I remembered, I relaxed and sat up and found out why I couldn't move earlier. Pinkie- I mean Harley was hugging me in a tight grip while sleeping. I smiled a little and started trying to wake her up. I slip one arm free and start slightly shaking her "Hey Harley time to wake up. Come on." I say gently while still slightly shaking her she lets out a light grow then let's go of me and sits up. She yawns then opens her eyes and looks at me then smiles "hey there sis." She says I smile and say "good morning Harley." I then look over and see twili- Calypso already awake and eating breakfast. "Good morning to you too, Calypso." I say with a smile. She smiles back " good morning you two. Hungry?" She asked and we nodded due to me being used to being a version of Pinkie. I'm used to having a large appetite. So having a saiyan appetite isn't that different. Harley on the other hand, will have to get used to having a normal human appetite.

After we had breakfast showered and got dressed up we just sat in the living room and we discussed what we were going to do. After a while we had made a decision and then we grieved everyone and everything we lost. After that we just started going through our persona's memories and tested some safe abilities that we could use. Except for Harley she just played with her hyenas for a little while.

There was a knock at the door. I walked over and opened it to see a little boy with eerily similar features to Luna. I could only guess he was one of Mr. Ed’s children.

“Daddy wanted me to come and say hi, hi. My name is Solar Eclipse” He says shyly. “He said will be waiting in the main area for you. You all have sad auras. Very sad,” Solar takes my hand, “You get better soon. Have family with you.”

I smile at the innocent little child and I ask him "thank you, would you mind leading us there?" When I finished Calypso, Harley, and her hyenas walked over ready to go.

“Follow close, not want to go in daddy’s hangers,” Solar says as he leads the way. “Never get out of there unless with him,” he says as we walk a ways until we're in what looks to be a lab of some sort. “They here daddy.”

“Thank you for bringing them Solar,” Mr. Ed smiles picking up his son. “Your mother is looking after Summer to give aunty Tia a bit of a break. Morning is playing with Nyx, go join them.”

He sets the boy down, “Kk, bye bye nice ladies. It get better soon, daddy helps make it better,” He smiles then runs off.

“He’s right, it’ll be better soon,” Mr. Ed nods. “I hope you all got a decent sleep. I’ve been working on you the a new world but sadly, I’m still not a void dweller and lack the proper powers to send you all to a world instantly so it will take a few days to get things set up properly,” we all looked a bit downward. “But the good news is I have the means to start a new world from scratch, but it will have to age and grow on its own for a bit before I can send you there.”

We look up and thought about what he said and we smiled "thank you for everything you're doing Eddy" Harley says with some genuine happiness. I looked at him then a thought occurred to me " excuse me Mr. Edward but what did Solar mean by have family with us?" Calypso and Harley also looked at him questioningly.

"First off, don't call me Eddy," Mr. Ed said out of the corner of his eyes. "Second, my son is very empathic and is also able to see the aura of those around him. He is very shy, but very kind too. He takes after his mother in many ways. Thirdly, by family he was referring to all of you as a family, but also Paradox. Solar can see the bonds that tie us all together," He says walking to another machine. "He may have also been referring to me and the others here."

We looked at each other in understanding but then it became confusion when thinking about Paradox being family 'He did seem familiar but... I don't know' I inwardly sigh but what Eddy said hit me and judging by the expressions of Calypso and Harley it hit them as well and we stared at Eddy with surprise, and shock but for me I was grateful, and surprised but also unsure. Looking to Calypso and Harley I could tell they felt unsure as well. We were unsure because it felt like we were abandoning our old family, and I didn't know how to feel about that.

“I know those looks,” Mr. Ed says. “You’re not abandoning your old world or your old families. You still have your memories of them and their spirits will remain in your hearts as long as you never forget,” He smiles, “That said, there’s nothing wrong with accepting a new family as well. You three are all that’s left of your universe outside Paradox and he can’t interact unless necessary. You should be happy you’re here and have a chance to meet new friends, make new families, and share the experiences you have from your old lives.”

We look at each other in understanding and we smile and look back at Eddy. "Thanks for the reassurance and we would be happy to accept being a part of your family." I say with happiness the other 2 nodding in agreement. "So I heard about your wives and children and we've already met Solar. So will we also be meeting the rest?" I ask him curiously Calypso and Harley nodding in agreement.

“Luna is giving Tia a break from Summer at the moment so Luna is with the baby,” Ed thinks. “So, she’s probably raiding the kitchen for some tea and cake right now. The kids are playing in the gardens and Chrissy was watching them. Amore is teaching right now. Twilight and Pole should be around seeing as Nyx is with the twins. Hmmm… Spike has been in the workshop lately so we can check there. Rarity might be in her shop here in Canterlot if this is. If they’re not here we can always pop down to Ponyville. I just need to stay here,” He says wavering hand signs and another Ed appears in a puff of smoke. “I’ll leave him here to ma=on it or things on the seed project. Come on, we can stop by the gardens to see the kids and Chrissy for a sure visit.”

Edwards led the way through his lab and out another door but this time we ended up in large marble hallways adorned in red,blue, and gold. It all looked familiar and then I recognized some ponies, obviously as they had horns, tail, wings, etc. But they looked more human. Then it hit me, we were in canterlot Castle.

“Welcome my little ponies,: He motions to his world as the sun shines down. “To my world…”

We stood there in surprise and awe. Calypso began to tear up at the sight of her old home of Canterlot for obvious reasons. Harley was looking at the children with a smile because of the cuteness and I was just taking in the scenery. I had only been to Canterlot twice in all my life in equestria and it always seems to be more beautiful every time.

"How about we go see the kids first," Ed smiles as he teleported us off the balcony into the gardens.

"Uncle Ed!" A deep purple hair alicorn filly says shooting into Ed's arms.

"Is your mother here Nyx?" Ed asks.

"No, momma stayed back home to reorganize the lab. Dad is on duty but he let me stay with uncle Spike until Chrissy came and got me to play with Solar and Morning," Nyx smiles.

We walk over.

"Morning chrissy," Ed waves. "They behaving?"

A mare with green hair, and a gnarled black horn looks over. "Eclipse is playing mainly with the Pokemon but Morning is.."

"Daddy!" A little filly with burning red hair and white horn and wings drops down from the tree.

"Rough housing with the fighting types again," Ed says flatly. "Girls," He looks at us. "Meet my kids, Solar Eclipse you met already. This Morning Star," He motioned with his eye to the waving little girl. "Their mother is Luna. This is Chrysalis. TIA adopted her. My is Twilight and Polearms daughter." He motions to the older filly in his arms. "Calypso, Diana, Harley meet part of my family."

We smile, I wave at the fillies, Calypso neales down in front of this world's version of her kid and says "hello Nyx." She smiles at the filly and finally there's- "OH MY GOSH THEY'RE SO CUTE!!!" Harley exclaims with a wide smile.

"You're my mom from another world but your magic," My notes. "It's the same as mine, Solar's, and aunt Luna's."

Ed sets Nyx down and grabs a hold of Morning as she tries to fly away. "They're sweet as can be but can be a handful. Being alicorns here means they age faster than normal. Solar and Morning are actually approaching a year old now."

"I'll keep an eye on them," Chrissy says looking over. "You do what you need to. It looks like you have your hands full anyways."

"Thanks Chrissy, come on girls we're going to the school next," Ed motions and we follow to a building not far from the castle. It looked like Celestia's school but with extra, everything. "This is advanced Crystal magic, my girlfriend, Amore, is the one teaching." Ed points.

We look in awe at the school. I look over at Calypso and see she used her magic and summoned an ink quill and paper and started taking notes. Harley was excited and skipping around I was smiling and said "this looks amazing Eddy." I look at the school and see the newer looking parts of the school "how long did it take to add all these new parts?" I ask curiously.

"Depending on what was needed anywhere from a second to about five minutes, maybe thirty at most," Ed thinks.

But while I was asking, Calypso noticed Amore but at that moment Calypso thought it was Cadence and the memory returned to her as she felt tears in her eyes and she ran to her and hugged her while crying and saying "I'm sorry" over and over again.

After Eddy answered my question I heard Calypso and I turned to see her hugging Amore and she's crying the other two noticed as well.

“There, there,” Amore pats Calypso’s head. “It’ll be okay little one. You’ve all been through a lot so fast. Class dismissed for today,” she calls out and every pony packs up and leaves. “Let it out,” Amore strokes Calypso’s hair.

After crying for a few minutes Calypso let Amore go and noticed that it wasn't actually Cadence. "I-i'm sorry I-i thought you were someone else but thank you for the reassurance and comfort miss…" Calypso said to Amore not knowing her name.

""I'm taking a stab in the dark here but I'm guessing you thought I was Cadence," Amore says as she keeps comforting Calypso who sadly nods. "You're not entirely wrong, little one. Cadence is my descendant. Technically my granddaughter by many generations. She and a shining Armor are both in the Empire ruling it as Empress and Emperor right now."

Calypso stays quiet for a minute then says "I thought they might have been doing that but when I saw you I-i thought…" she trails off tears threatening to come out again. but she held them back "I'm sorry it's just… we just lost everything and seeing someone who looked like Cadence… it just brought back the memories… I never got the chance to say goodbye." She said in sadness as the tears finally fell.

Amore looks at Ed, “I think it would be best if she saw them.”

“I sent a letter last night giving the details,” He says. “As soon as they finish with court they’ll be here before lunch using the rune Teleporter.”

Amore nods, “Good,” she looks at Calypso, “Would you like to learn about the crystal magic we use in the Empire to build our houses?”

Calypso brightens up a little and nods her head. As we began walking "where to next?" I ask Eddy, curious as to where we're heading now.

“Well, we could head to Ponyville if you two want,” Ed suggests. “I’m sure there's someone there who would love to see you.” He smiles leading us into the castle and into a workshop where a familiar green hair lad was working.

“Can I help you?” He asks, not even looking up from his work bench with gemstones and thread in front of him.

"Is that spike?" I hear Calypso whisper as she's still trying to move on from what happened. I don't say anything because I don't know what to say to help her. Harley puts a comforting hand on Calypso’s shoulder and gives her a smile. Trying to comfort her Harley then goes back to her hyenas who were still following us and proceeded to pet them.

“That is the Gemstone Alchemist, Spike Everfree,” Ed confirms. “My top student, right behind Twilight. He is also my top engineering student that isn’t formally trained in one of my schools well above Twilight.”

I go over to Calypso and give her a hug to help her calm down. Usually, she would be ecstatic to learn something new but she's still not over what happened. So it's best to try and help her, after giving Calypso a hug I walk up to this world's Spike and introduce myself and my friends. "Hello there Spike, my name is Diana, these are my friends Calypso, Harley, and her two hyenas," I tell him while reaching my hand out for a handshake.

“It’s nice to meet you but I can’t exactly look up from my work at the moment,” Spike says, taking a piece of thread and placing it in what he’s working on,” That’ll do for now,” he remarks turning around and punching up his goggle to reveal a Spike in his later teen years. “You all look like you’ve been through hell. Let’s get you down to Ponyville,” he motions to a stone area of the room.

We step in and soon are all warped away into another workshop none of us know. I take note of the various limbs, tools, parts, and other items around this place. It kind of reminds me of a doctor’s office fuse with an auto body shop.

“It’s an automail prosthetic shop,” Ed says. “Whooves Auto-Muffin shop.”

"Woah… impressive." I say to Eddy I look more closely around the room "are we in ponyville now?" I ask due to never experiencing rune teleporting.

“Yes we are,” he confirms.

I nod then I become thoughtful about what me and the other discussed last night. 'I'll wait till we're done with the tour' I thought as we continued walking through the Auto-Muffin shop.

“This place is my first shop and run by the resident time pony and good doctor. John Whooves. He runs the Automail while his wife Derpy runs the muffin shop on the other side of the wall,” Ed says as we walk around. “The backroom is where the doctor and sometimes Spike when he’s asked perform the attachments. The shop’s closed for now though as it’s opening time yet. Where do you girls want to go?”

We look at each other thinking about the same place and smile "let's go to sugar cube corner." I say to Eddy with a smile.

“If that’s what you wanna do,” Ed says as he walks out the back door. “The Cakes are away on vacation so it’s just Pinkie over there right now. No doubt my dear student already knows about your arrival. A word of warning though, she is more powerful than either of you. The only thing she can’t get around is me and void barriers of my design.”

“I’ll see you, girls, later,” Spike says. “I need to get the threads I refined over to Rarity before one of her clients gets in. Later,” he waves walking toward the beautique.

"Bye spike." Harley says and we wave at him and follow Eddy. "So Eddy, after our visit to Sugarcube Corner do you know a place we're we could train? Because we need to understand what we're capable of and I want to see if I can unlock super saiyan." I ask him.

"Normally I'd let you use the Time Chamber but Tia is using it to take a mini vaca at the moment," Ed explains. "She really needs to take it easy since Summer birth and it gives her some quality time with our daughter. Something that Luna was able to get but only due to her getting very sick. There is a fort I used to train my students in before the chamber. Does that sound good to you?"

"Yeah that sounds great, thanks." I say gratefully to Eddy and we continue on towards Sugarcube Corner.

To be continued...

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