• Member Since 23rd May, 2013
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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 33 )

Rainbow Dash: I just had sex with somepony that I love without even knowing their true identity!
Shining Armor: Join the club.

Big Mac: "Ain't it the darndest thing. That happens to me just about every night on the farm."
Also Big Mac: "Oh, and by the way, does anypony know who got AJ pregnant? She won't tell me."

Excellent work! I don't typically go for lesbian since not having a pussy makes it hard to relate to the experience, but this was so well written it surpassed that.

Good! ^.^ Lesbian isn't usually my specialty either, but I'm glad it turned out well!

Ohh Thank God! I was scared they weren't gonna reveal Windy identity to her. The mess with Shining and Twilight in "Love is blind" still haunts me to this day.

I feel your pain:fluttercry:

lol, I should hope so -- it was written for your contest, after all!

Are you also the victim of an anonymous lover who never told you who they were?

No! I just know that guy was referring to "Love is blind" But I knew what that comment sounded like only after I posted it. I should definitely change it before others get the wrong idea.

And by that I mean. I to wish that all was revealed to Shining Armor in "Love is blind"

Now that I think about it. What exactly makes Windy more of a RD fan than Bow. Those two seemed to be equal in that department. So its hard to see Bow being anything less. Did he enter the contest, did he even know about it?

Probably not. Windy must of kept it hidden from him just so she can have guaranteed chance at winning. Cause who else could compete against her than her own husband, the father of Rainbow Dash.

That or the whole thing was rigged from the get go.

“Yeah. Genius.” Beneath the blindfold, Rainbow rolled her eyes. “You’ve been hanging out with your sister-in-law too much.”

Twilight grinned and crossed her arms over her mostly-exposed chest. Oh yes, this was going to be fun. Teasing Rainbow always was. “It was her idea,” Twilight lied. “I let her know about our little fundraiser projects, and she suggested one of her own.”

So it was Windy who came up with the idea and would be the one to fuck RD no matter what. That means everypony who entered the contest were scam out of hundred bits. They never had a chance at Winning at all.

Flim and Flam would be proud.

That didn’t stop Twilight from flashing a smug smile at her, though. “So, not a bad fundraiser idea, huh?”

Yep Windy definitely was the one who came up with the idea.

Rainbow still struggled, which made untying her even more difficult. “I need to,” she said dazedly, still jerking her arms and wings, “need to ... I don’t know what the hay I’m gonna do. But I need to do it right now!”

Did you figure out their ploy and are going to tell everypony who entered the contest that they were cheated and have those two get tied up, blindfolded, gagged, and used by everypony they scam out of their bits. Cause that would be so Awesome:rainbowlaugh:

And seeing how perverted those two are...they would no doubt enjoy it.


or the whole thing was rigged from the get go.

Well, it was written for the Mother's Day contest. Had it been written for a Father's Day contest, I assume the winner would have been Bow. ^.^

And yeah ... I'd intended to hint that it was Twilight's own idea ... but that's not how 'death of the author' literary criticism works! Your interpretation is just as valid as mine as long as it agrees with the text -- and your interpretation is more fun, anyway!

That’s some... well cropped and covered cover art :rainbowderp:

Contests bring out some interesting stuff! ^.^ Definitely wouldn't have put this idea up for a vote without that contest.

E F F O R T!
lol, and it goes deeper than you'd think. In the original, Rainbow's collar says "SLUT" on it, which I didn't think quite fit with the story, so I zoomed way in and airbrushed it out to be a plain pink collar. Not to mention a lot of playing with the text and text background to make it both look good *and* be readable on a rainbow background.
Yeah ... that was a good hour or so in GIMP, getting the cover image just right.

(Also, lol, I submitted this story through moderation just to make sure I'd cropped and covered the cover art good enough for Fimfic's standards.)

The things we do for love clop

That was a good story.

Thanks! ^.^ What's your favorite part?

Fact that Dashie didn't click it together and realized that it was her own mother. If she thought about it she should've known. My favorite part was that Twilight was aroused by Windy Whistles' figure. Overall Dashie's reaction to what Windy did to her.

Most enjoyable.

Super fun! I like how Twilight teased Dash at the start, setting the tone for the rest of the story.

Thanks! ^.^ What's your favorite part?

Good to hear that's working! ^.^

My favorite part? That would be the climax; all the characters are interacting and it is very easy to visualize what is happening. I also enjoyed Rainbow response to the reveal. Her fluster is palpable in the last paragraph.

Really enjoyed this one. Obviously the sex was great, but I also loved Twilight's role as a kind of stand in for the reader. Not exactly an active participant, but someone watching from the side, masturbating as she enjoys the show between mother and daughter. Added a nice extra dimension, seeing her get so turned on by the incestuous fucking that was happening.

^.^ It was really fun to write that!

Gotta say I'm not usually a fan of futa, but you're so damn talented that I still loved it! Great work! You really came to play for this competition!

Not technically futa -- just a strap-on.

But yeah, I'm in it to win it! ^.^

This story was awesome. 11/10 one of my favs.

Thanks! ^.^ What's your favorite part?

She felt so out-of-place hanging from the ceiling completely naked. And why was Twilight dressed like some kind of bookworm dominatrix? What had Rainbow been thinking?

To answer those questions:

  1. What do you mean with out-of-place? Everything is just as it is supposed to be.
  2. Because she is a bookworm dominatrix.
  3. You had an awesome idea.

It was so tempting for Twilight to just let her hands slip a little forward, to let her fingertips brush the sides of those small but perky breasts... But no. She’d be a good friend and not do anything Rainbow wouldn’t want. Well, besides letting Rainbow get her pussy eaten by her own mom, of course!

:twilightsmile:: "Friends have standards, after all!"

Twilight herself, though, didn’t reach her orgasm. That was alright. She could always play with herself – or maybe somepony else – later. Right now, she had to cancel out the spell, stopping the vibration of the strap-on before it drove both of those mares mad with over-stimulation.

:twilightblush:: "On second thought... do I have to?"

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

Rainbow still struggled, which made untying her even more difficult. “I need to,” she said dazedly, still jerking her arms and wings, “need to ... I don’t know what the hay I’m gonna do. But I need to do it right now! ”

I want to know what she's going to do as well, any possibility of a sequel or bonus chapter?

Well, any possibility of a sequel/continuation is probably up to my SubscribeStar supporters to decide.
Honestly, I'm not sure where it would go from here, though... I'd have to put a lot of thought into it. lol, maybe Rainbow goes out for revenge and schemes up some way to get Twilight Sparkle and Twilight Velvet together!

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