• Published 5th Sep 2012
  • 5,755 Views, 28 Comments

Hypnotized Fluttershy - firebirdabirdoffire

Fluttershy gets hypnotized by Rarity before she goes of to Canterlot for a week

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Chapter 1 - Prologue (Soon to be edited)

Hypnotized Fluttershy
by firebirdabirdmadeoutoffire

Fluttershy was taking care of the animals, but then she heard a crash...

"EEP!!!" she eeped as most of the animals most were shocked by her shocking 'eep' "Okay" she took a deep breath "we don't need to worry" she said to herself and the animals "It's just the mail mare... again".

She looked outside and it appeared to be the caped as her mailbox appeared to broken. No never mind it was broken...

The now broken mailbox only contained only one letter, it was from Rarity.

Fluttershy read the letter out loud (because that's you do right? Read a letter that may contain private information outloud out in the open, not that it's important to this story):

Dear Fluttershy

Do remember that I was VERY vague with my new hobby/studies at the spa?

Well soon I'm going to Canterlot for a week and I need you're help with it before I go.

I asked the mail mare for speedy delivery, so I apologise for the shock you might get when this arrives and the broken mailbox.

Anyway I'm getting off topic, make your done with everything for today this might that a while...

It might make you a little less shy.


Fluttershy was thinking 'Makes me little of my namesake...' she was also wondering what Rarity was studing 'I'm wondering what Rarity was studing'.

She was preparing the animals food for the rest of the day.

"Don't worry I'll back" she said to the animals.

On her way to the Carousel Boutique she came across her friends talking on Ponyville square standing next to fountain and that included Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Twilight and Fluttershy wait what?

She found that she was over there a little strange (naw really) she looked a little sad to "Um... if you don't mind me asking" her friends didn't notice her and looked at the other Fluttershy.

"Um... I'm over here" they looked in her direction looking quite shocked that was a second Fluttershy, well except for the second Fluttershy.

The first one to speak was the second Fluttershy "Hiya Fluttershy" she said with energetic tone that would make Pinkie Pie proud.

It was weird to hear Fluttershy like that, and then the second Fluttershy took off her well crafted mask of her disguise revealing...

"Pinkie!!!" said RD, AJ and Twilight clearly they didn't know that they were talking to Pinkie this whole time (in case you couldn't tell).

Twilight was baffled "How did you..." thinking more about it "Oh yeah... you borrowed a book called 'Advanced pranking for earth ponies'"

"Ah assume that includes a guide to convincing diguises?" asked the Applejack.

"Nope" said Pinkie cheerfully "But does tips how to build a voicebox that can disguise voice voices"

"Ah that explains why you're able mimic 'Shy's voice perfectly" said the conclusion out of Rainbow's mouth.

"Nope i can do without the voicebox" said Pinkie in Fluttershy's voice while putting her mask back on "Um... I was just curious what it would be like in fluttershy's hooves, If it's okay with you... Fluttershy"

Fluttershy now found it EXTRA weird, not just reguler weird.

It's her apologising to herself, on top of that it was Pinkie Pie doing a perfect impression of her.

"It's fine Pinkie" she said with a smile "I just find weird that we can do perfect impressions of eachother..."

They all looked in her direction. "Can you give us an example 'shy?" said a curious looking Rainbow Dash who looks Curious

"Um..." she was thinking about it, she was wishing she hadn't brought it up "Okay..." she said shyly

She took a deep breath and started boucing "Hey did you guys ever notice that either yellow, green, black or yellow with black spots?" She said with Pinkie's voice and mimicing her (dare i say spastic? no eratic is more like it) mannerisms, including looking in different directions and making faces, motions and noices.

She did it so well it was almost scary seeing Fluttershy being so enegetic.

RD and AJ were still laughing despite that tough, Twilight was resisting not to laugh, and just Pinkie looked in awe.

"I mean what about blue, red, purple or even PINK" she squeed "I mean how that taste like for example would the re..." This took a while...

"How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" she swithed positions "A woodchuck could chuck no amount of wood since a woodchuck can't chuck wood" again "But if a woodchuck could chuck and would chuck some amount of wood, what amount of wood would a woodchuck chuck?" and again "Even if a woodchuck could chuck wood, and even if a woodchuck would chuck wood, should a woodchuck chuck wood?" 5th "A woodchuck should chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood, as long as a woodchuck would chuck wood" skipping to where somepony snaps her out of it...

"SNAP OUT OF IT FLUTTERSHY!!!" said Pinkie's voice from the second Fluttershy of all ponies "You're killing them" while pointing in their direction.

"...and that's why taco cake would be goo... OH i'm sorry" she said bashfully blushing from Pinkie loud to Fluttershy inaudible.

"It's okay Sugahcube" said Applejack now just chuckling "Tough Ah kinda feel bad for laughing at you"

"So do I" said RD and Twilight around the same time.

"We should totally prank somepony with the talent you guys have" said Rainbow "Like Rarity".

Fluttershy gasped "oh my gosh. I'm late bye girls" she said really fast as she remembered Rarity's letter and ran off as fast she could which isn't very fast, as she was tired from the Pinkie Impression.

The second Fluttershy asked "Um... does Pinkie come really that crazy across?"

Later at the Carousel Boutique

"Cooomiiiing~" said Rarity "Oh Fluttershy what took you so long? Did I pick the wrong delivery service darling?".

"Oh no just got um... a little sidetracked" said Fluttershy as she noticed the tens of bagage bags.

"Oh well that's ok we still have lots of time to practice, just let me find my reading glasses" she hated to admit it but she had trouble reading without glasses, and refuses to wear outside because it makes her look old (even if it does look good on her).

"Um... are we Practicing?"

"Hypnotism" she said excited
And then cliffhanger happend!

Author's Note:

Do you like riffs? You do? Well you better click on this link right here.
Riff by darkfireshadows and his friend's OC