• Published 12th Sep 2012
  • 1,137 Views, 29 Comments

Blueblood Un-jerked - The_Master

Blueblood is now the worst stallion in canterlot, or is he?

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Chapter two, Introductions

On the way to Ponyville, Blueblood was almost sick with worry. "What will happen when she recognises me?" he thought. "She might start throwing things at me, or she might poison my apples! She might even stop supplying the royal family!" As Bueblood began hyperventilating, his butler Autumn breeze simply sighed and said, "Calm down your excellency, I'm sure that affairs in Ponyville will go smoothly." Starting to breath again Blueblood said, "Are, are you sure?" "Positive!" Autumn breeze replied. So Blueblood simply calmed down and practiced his introductions untill they arrived in Ponyville.

When they arrived, Blueblood was relieved that his premonitions of a "country town" weren't at all correct. He looked around and saw that there were plenty of ponies to ask around, and they seemed friendly enough so he started walking. As he was about to ask a light teal unicorn mare for directions, he caught out of the corner of his eye a familiar pink earth pony glaring at him from across the street. As he turned to look however, the pony he now Identified as Pinkie Pie raced off in a pink blur. "Let's get out of here Autumn, we can look somewhere else." Blueblood said as he was urgently trying to get away from the area he was spotted. In his rush he did not see where he was headed and crashed into Twilight. "Ow! Well that's one way to make an introduction." he said as he got up to identify just who he hit. Twilight got up and said, "I'm sorry, I was just reading Luna's astronomical guide to the night sky and-wait, you're that jerk stallion from the gala Rarity told us about!"

Blueblood winced as introductions weren't going as well as he had hoped. "Yes, and I was hoping to apologise. Could you point me in the right direction?" he said. Twilight's negative demeanor fell as she decided to give him a chance. "Her boutique is down the street, a few houses down and to the left, cant miss it." "Thank you, Twilight was it?" As she was walking away Twilight stopped and exclaimed, "How do you know my name? Blueblood replied, "I would be ashamed of myself if I didn't know the name of Celestia's personal protege and element of magic. My name is Blueblood, for future refrence." And with that he left a confused Twilight in the dust.

Now well on his way, Bluebloods view of Ponyville went from crisp and clear to mud as something blasted into him. Now recovering from his dirt-nap, Blueblood heard a muffled "Hehe, excuse me?" Blueblood deadpanned, "There ARE other ways for somepony to introduce herself you know." Fully cleaned off, Rainbow Dash got up and upon seeing blueblood, equiped a scowl that could sweeten lemons. "Your that jerk stallion that hurt Rarity!" she exclaimed. Blueblood sighed, "I have a name you know, and it's not jerk stallion." RD replied angrily, "Well I dont really care. You hurt my friend and I have half a mind to kick your teeth out mister!" Smirking, Blueblood replied, "Do I sense feelings for a certian somepony?" Rainbow dash's reply came out as smoothly as if somepony shoved a large brick down her throat. "W-W-W-WHAT?!? Um I, gah, I didn't mean it like that!" Blueblood was finding this absolutly hilarious, "Oh I never knew the best flier in Equestria was such a softy! And for another mare no less!" Rainbow Dash, now blood red, was mortified that her words could be twisted in such a way. "Shut up!" she shouted. Blueblood was on the verge of tears, this was too good. "I-I, *gasp* cant, breath! Bahahaha!" Rainbow dash shot off, convinced that she could not salvage the situation right now.

After he recovered, Blueblood began to feel bad and made a note to explain later that he was only poking fun, and went on his way. As the Boutique came into view, Blueblood remembered that she liked roses, and stopped to pick up a bouquet before he made the encounter.
As he approached the flower stand, a pegasus bumped into him while getting into line behind him. Blueblood was getting irritated at this point, "Is there no method of introduction other than crashing into me?" as he turned around to confront the pegasus. "Oh I'm so sorry, I'll just be on my way." The yellow pegasus replied timidly. Blueblood froze as he recognised the pegasus as Fluttershy from the gala. Pushing all fear aside he replied, "No, It's my fault, I should have payed more attention. Are you all right?" The timid pegasus replied, "Yes, I'm fine, I was just getting some petunias for my garden. My last ones died of overwatering." Realising that Celestia's words rang true, and this pegasus wasn't the animal maniac she appeared to be at the gala, Blueblood spoke up, "Autumn Breeze! Where are you?" Appearing from seemingly nowhere the butler, who had not been seen since the train station, calmly answered, "I never leave your side, visible or not my prince."

Not sure if he should be reassured or worried, he brushed away the fact and focused. "Autumn, I want you to get me a bouquet of roses, and a basket of petunias for the lovely mare." He gestured at Fluttershy, who turned sheer red and hid deeper into her mane than thought was physically possible. "Oh that's not neccesary." she said. "Think nothing of it, it's of no financial burden on me. I am a prince after all." Autumn Breeze then returned with the flowers and said, "It's 11:30 sir, perhaps you could invite Rarity to lunch afterwards." "Excellent Idea, have a fine day miss Fluttershy." Taking her newly aquired flowers, Fluttershy perked up and said, "Oh thank you so much! I will!" and with that, she took off toward the other edge of town. having finally prepared himself for the encounter, Blueblood strode toward the boutique.

He turned to his butler, "Autumn, I'll handle this one alone." "Of course sir." Replied the amber earth pony as he slinked away. Blueblood knocked on the door and waited, wondering what kind of reaction he would get out of the unicorn. As the door opened, Rarity's expression upon seeing him went from confusion to broken hearts and untold rage. "YOU!" she exclaimed. "Yes, and I-" but before he could finish, the door slammed shut with decapitating force. Miffed at the impudence, Blueblood smiled and said, "So your going to play hard to get. Don't worry my love. I am an expert at siege, and your hearts defences will crumble and melt before me in due time." And with that, Blueblood began devising ways to have Rarity hear him out.