• Member Since 11th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen Monday


Not much to say. I read stories, try to support the ones that touch me. Now I'm starting to give more. It's a good feeling



Trixie was a showmare. Everything about her was about furthering her natural talent for illusionary magic. So when a certain purple unicorn shunned her for... her just doing her job... why would they do that? Trixie never wanted to hurt anycreature... can't they all see it's just an act?!
Artwork by WhinyChimera13

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 74 )

No idea where this is going but Love it so far!

“Trixie believes that some ponies should use glue instead of lipstick, little filly.”

What does that mean?

I wonder what would have happened if she died?

It means that some ponies should shut up, essentially saying they should glue their mouths shut as opposed to wearing lipstick

I'd have much less of a story, probably

Awe, thanks! Next chapter is nearly done now!

I think I understand the glue part, but what about the lipstick part?

Author was tired and couldn't think of a good insult. Lipstick came to mind for some reason

Ok, that’s understandable.

That amulet must have did something to her brain.

Comment posted by Absentialucci deleted May 19th, 2021

Hey, liking it so far. Maybe add some diversity between the two sides of Trixie though? A different text color or a different line each time since it's kinda two different minds talking?

This… must be a medical facility. That’s the only conclusion I can come to. Somepony saved my life… and I must’ve fallen unconscious. This is probably the room I was moved to after… whatever medical attention was needed had been administered.

This sounds a bit too... Proper for Trixie, personally.

You know, it somehow never occured to me that Trixie should have been arrested for what she did. I shall be following this with interest.

Great idea. Different colors, that is. I just don't know how to do that yet... Experimentation might ensue

The Canterlot Dungeons weren’t that bad, all things considered… Trixie was guaranteed three meals a day, had shelter, and didn’t have much in the way of responsibilities.

Wait, wasn’t she in the crystal empire last chapter?

“So, are you going to keep moping all day, or are you going to bask in the greatness of the one, the only, Rainbow Dash!”

And they say trixie has an ego?

Am I the reason my mother is gone? And did my father leave after he saw that I had killed his wife? Trixie understood that these thoughts were irrational. There was no way she should be responsible for what her parents did. And yet… that feeling of guilt still existed. She got it in her head… but not in her heart.

What does that mean?

I’m willing to bet it’s more than curiosity that drove that question. Especially as everything I’m saying is being transcribed. “Trixie would simply like to work to earn enough bits that she can buy herself another wagon so she can be a travelling entertainer again.”

What does she mean?


Wait, wasn't she in the crystal empire last chapter?

No, she was in Canterlot General Hospital, Princess Cadence just came in to arrest her.

What does that mean?

When a kid doesn't have their parents growing up, it is going to leave scars. Even as people grow up, and understand that things weren't their fault, it's hard to get rid of the guilt. Kids naturally default to "Did I do something wrong?" When their parents are distressed, or in this case, missing. They don't know how to think otherwise. If a kid grows up in that mindset, then it's hard to get over it. I'm not saying Trixie killed her parents, but in her mind she feels like she's responsible.

What does she mean?

Trixie's clever, and if the pony who arrested you comes into your cell and asks you questions, it's usually not for basic curiosity.
And Trixie just wants to be a travelling magician again, that's the job she loves.

Why princess cadence?

So that’s what she meant when she said she got it in her head but not in her heart?

Oh ok.

Cadence's area of expertise is feeling, and emotions. They want to make sure that Trixie is actually sorry for what she did, and that she's not planning on experimenting with dark magic again.

She threatened, but Trixie could see laughter in her eyes. Trixie exhaled, she really didn’t want to hurt Rainbow’s feelings.

How is that possible?

Must’ve had some pleasant dreams, not that I remember them. “You’re set to be released in just a week now! I did some talking, pulled a few strings, and everypony’s agreed that you have served your time!”

Damn. How long has she been there?

Cadence let out a very unladylike squeal, and started prancing on her front hooves. Trixie stared, mouth agape. She’d never seen Cadence act this way before. After a moment, Cadence regained control of her composure.

She is definitely celestia’s niece.

Itimplies that she's being teasing, and playing around as opposed to actually angry

I guess that kinda makes sense.

In other words, it's a more interesting way to say
"Rainbow Dash snapped at her, though Trixie could tell she wasn't serious."
"Rainbow Dash snapped at her, though Trixie saw laughter in her eyes."
Just sounds better, and rolls off the tongue easier. In addition to that, it's more pleasing to the eye.


Damn. How long has she been there?

Around half a year. I wasn't planning on saying it in the fic, but I was going off of it having been a half a year. That way the dynamic between Trixie And Rainbow Dash, as well as the dynamic between Cadence and Trixie would feel more natural.
I'm... not the greatest at writing filler dialogue, so this was my workaround.
It'll likely never be mentioned exactly in the story, but it'll be implied that it was a less than a year.
But I had half a year in my mind when writing the characters.

She is definitely celestia's niece

I'm glad it seems that way! I was honestly a little worried about my portrayal of her in this chapter. Glad to see it seems to fit with her character.

Heh. I didn't even realize I'd passed 10k words last chapter...
This really started out as a project for me to do a deep-dive into Trixie as a character. I never quite got the general dislike she got from the fanbase.
Now it's something much bigger, I have plans. Lots of them!
Hope you all stick with me through what will likely be a wonky update schedule.
Thank you so much for being here on this journey with me!

“I want you to help out with dishes again tomorrow. And if we’re not too busy, I’d like to get you out front to learn how to bus. You can expect some bits tomorrow as well, and if you needed it, you could stay the night again. Same rules though. You’re welcome to stay here as long as you like, provided you clear your sleeping space before we open tomorrow, and that you help with whatever we need you to help with. Deal?”

So she not only has a place to stay but also a job.

Trixie wiped her brow, and concentrated on the ground in front of her. She was finishing up her fortieth hour of community service, and had just enough time to head to a public shower to freshen up before going to the café, which she now knew was called New Elysium Lane for her next shift there. She’d been learning a lot, and was really starting to get to know her two coworkers. Their dishwasher had quit soon after Trixie had shown up. So, now it was just the three of them, and she was… starting to see them as a sort of family. The cook, who insisted they only call him ‘Cook’ was a maelstrom of rage when behind the kitchen door, but was an absolute joy to be around when the café was closed.

Why did he quit?

The stallion froze, the sheer weight of the cook’s voice overriding his flight. The cook marched menacingly up to him, and Trixie watched in awe as the cook leaned down, and whispered in the Stallion’s ear.

He seemed to freeze as he listened, face going pale, before nodding meekly. He looked up towards Caramel, who was shivering behind Trixie.

Did he threaten to cook him in his next meal?

Did she get hate?


Why did he quit?

Sometimes people just quit. No work ethic, didn't like the workplace, found a better job, just got lazy, multitudes of reasons.
I honestly didn't pay much attention, as that's exactly what I'd do in real life if somebody just up and quit after calling in last second.
It's happened before, you're left shorthanded and usually screwed by unexpected business, and you just gotta deal with it.

Occasionally. Not all the time, but more often than not

“His name is Nimble Skies, and he’s simply the most handsome pegasus I’ve ever met! His coat is a perfect grey, accented beautifully by his short, dark blue mane. He has this single streak of orange down the middle of his mane, and his tail nearly matches his mane color scheme perfectly! And I get lost in his light green eyes so easily…”

Nearly match? How is that possible?

Caramel smiled, but Trixie could see gears moving in her head.


“Well… I actually met her in the Canterlot Dungeons…”

I thought they met in ponyville.

“Yeah well… you’re alright, kid. Would love t’keep ya working for us. Now git! Y’have a friend to visit! Trixie nodded eagerly, already looking forward to seeing Rainbow Dash again. She nearly danced through the door, she felt so light on her feet.

I thought she was going next week.

I'm on phone, so I won't be able to quote things lol.
But most ponies have colors in their mane and tail match, they generally follow the same color pattern too.

As for gears...
Again, artistic expression. Trixie was just saying that she could see that Caramel was thinking.

And yes, technically they met in Ponyville. But Trixie and Rainbow only really started talking in prison. So, Trixie doesn't consider seeing Rainbow in Ponyville as meeting her.

Ah, yeah. I meant to say "upcoming week" not "next week" fixed now, danke

I know that, but she said it nearly matched.

Thinking about what?

So she’s leaving now?

For now, yeah. But she'll be back at the cafe.
It's her job now.
As for the tail, I was picturing just a single blue stripe from the base of the tale, and following through to the end.
If it was a two dimensional pony though... he'd probably just have it colored half blue

Ok, I guess that makes sense.

Trixie opened her eyes, and saw a heart made of flowers floating in her magical aura. She jumped back, startled, and lost her concentration. The flowers she’d picked floated softly to the ground.

That’s actually pretty good for a magician.

Trixie slowly came to a halt. She’d conjured a vase of hard telekinesis, filled with water, and within she kept her flower arrangement. She sighed, as she focussed on her illusion magic. With a pop, the flower arrangement and telekinetic vase had disappeared from reality. Below her, she could see the citizens of Ponyville moving around, going about their business.

How long did it take her to get there?

That hurt. More than it should have. These ponies aren’t worth your time. But they’re right! I’m not worth anything! I’m a terrible pony, and deserve no happiness! That’s wrong, and you know it. You’ve made mistakes, but that doesn’t excuse the actions of these ponies. Yes but… they still feel this way, all the same. I made them act like this! You did no such thing. These ponies acted on their own volition. Nothing you did caused any of it.

Honestly, I wouldn’t care.

Trixie slowly rose to her hooves. She felt tired. So… so tired. She didn’t know how long she’d been laying there, but the sun was beginning to set at this point. She inhaled, shuddering. Then exhaled. She could do this. If the ponies of Ponyville wouldn’t forgive her, she’d make it so they saw her as forgivable. No matter how long it took. No matter how hard it would be. If she never succeeded before she died… well, she could rest easy, knowing that she’d done her best. But first… she needed to find Rainbow Dash. And she knew just where to look. During their many late nights of talking, Rainbow had described a certain grove of trees that she loved to nap in. Sometimes she just needed some shut-eye after a long day of clearing clouds. If Trixie couldn’t find her home, she could find her at that grove of trees. She was sure of it. A newfound determination flowed through Trixie. She would prove to these ponies that she was worthy of being forgiven. And she’d do it one pony at a time. Rainbow Dash was the best pony to start with, but she would not be the last.

I might need to take off more than one week here...

I don’t see why she wants to work hard to earn their forgiveness.


That's actually pretty good for a magician.

While Trixie doesn't have the sheer power of Twilight, she did work as a showpony putting on magic shows for, what seemed to be years.

How long did it take her to get there?

It was around a day's journey. Meaning probably eight or so hours.

Honestly, I wouldn't care.

I wouldn't either. But Trixie is a showmare first and foremost, and she works in a café. The way a customer or show-attendee reacts is directly indicative of how much she'd earn. Even if she didn't care to begin with, she would learn to care. This'll be explored more in-depth later in the story.

I don't see why she wants to work hard to earn their forgiveness.

Trixie wants to make amends, make up for what she did to them. The only way that's possible is if they forgive her. I'll be exploring this more in-depth in the story, and likely in its sequel too.

I have an idea for a sequel, yes.
Probably won't be as feel-good as this one

What do you mean by that?

I intended this story to be pretty lighthearted for the most part.
There's a few heavy bits here and there, but overall, I wanted a nice story that explored Trixie as a character

Happy Fourth everyone!
Had a small bought of writer's block, but I'm over that now!
Hope you all liked the chapter!

“That amulet is ancient. Created during a time where wars between the four tribes was common, and the ponies ruled through fear, and power. Unicorn, Earth Pony, Pegasus and Thestral. All shed each other’s blood, never truly unifying. That amulet was created by an ancient order of unicorns, one of the ruling families at the time.”

Thestrals count?

“The Prisms were a family of powerful unicorns that desired to rule Equestria through conquest. They pulled together their resources, and performed rituals of forbidden magic. Infusing the essence of their desire to conquer into the amulet, in the hope that it would give them strength. By doing this, they created a persona that is focused on conquest through blood and subjugation. When they bestowed the amulet to their champion, one ‘Celeste Prism’ she became one of the greatest warriors of the era. The sight of her sent armies of thousands into a panic. But the amulet corrupted her, and her family had to eventually put her down.”

Talk about “tough love”.

Luna’s eyes widened, and she shot forward, pulling Trixie into a hug. Trixie tensed, and couldn’t feel herself relaxing into it. Yet, Luna didn’t let go.

Ok, didn’t expect that.

This can’t end well… I hope Rainbow and I can explain things before I find myself dismembered...

Don’t you have magic? If she tries something just lift her up.

Good and nice story, excellent work.

Thank you so much!
I'm glad you like it!

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