• Published 18th May 2021
  • 321 Views, 20 Comments

I'm bored - spike the lone wanderer

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1-I'm bored-1

''I'm bored!'' I said while lying down on my bed, dressed to the nines, all in black, looking at the white ceiling of my room. School is over which means I now have 3 months of relaxation with my friends or my sister's friends yet I don't like leaving my room today. I could read a comic on my bed, or watch some videos on my phone yet I'm too lazy to grab my phone on the nightstand next to me. I feel like a rock, It may sound strange simply to the fact that a rock is ...well a rock's a rock! I don't know how to describe it! It's a hard thing that can be moved, most of them. Me, I feel like an irremovable rock...A mountain if you prefer. I feel like a mountain, heavy and not very interesting.

I am a mountain that nothing can move, yet I can be damaged by time or by people.

When I look around me, all I see are boring things reminding me how boring life can be. Stuck on the wall next to my bed are boring movie tickets, souvenirs from when I was happy and not bored. One of them was even kissed by one of my sister's friends as a token of appreciation for the nice time together. Next to those tickets, There is a poster for the school prom that I tore from its original wall to put in my room. In my memories, it was one of the most horrible nights of my life because I was with her.

All these events are nothing but boredom and sadness

When I turned my head to the right, my gaze landed on the small unicorn plush that was about to fall into the void, with no hope of rising up back to us. I never liked this stupid unicorn, I don't like unicorns! I don't like things that can give people hope, or that try to make it look like the world we live in is a magical world where there is no such thing as pain and sadness. Children's fairy tales say that unicorns are gentle creatures that will never hurt others! So why do I feel pain when I look at this fucking unicorn ?! Why did I want this plush in the first place? Why did I kept something that makes me feel mad when I look at it? Why did I endure all those horribles events such as those 2 bits movies about love or this damned prom where I ended up crying like a baby or this carnival where I spent all my money for this stupid unicorn! In the end, all I got was pain! So answer me, why did I do all these fucking things ?!

Why did I do all this only to end up sad?

I can't take it anymore, I've had enough of this damned stuffed animal! With an aggressive gesture, I violently grabbed the plush with the aim of throwing it so hard against the ground so that it could shatter like the thing in me. I could feel the blood in me boiling with rage, I had become the avatar of the most chaotic of the Seven Deadly Sins, anger. My fist was raised in the air, the plush strangled by its embrace, it was just a question of time before the unicorn meets the ground. I was there, sitting on the edge of my bed, my fist in the air, ready to throw the stuffed animal to the floor but yet I couldn't do it, I couldn't do it. Why? Why couldn't I do it? I lowered my arm and looked at the unicorn in order to understand why I failed to hurt it? Why did I do this? What is the meaning behind all this? Why did I do it?

You did it for her

I...I did it for her ... I did everything for her ... All those things that I loved doing with her! I enjoyed watching romantic movies with her while holding her hand. The best day of my life was when we kissed at the end of the slow dance during the prom night. When I got home, I cried with joy all night long. Her eyes turned to stars when I won this plush for her. She said it was our child to her friends and my sister. The first time I met her was here in this house when my big sister invited her new friends for a sleep-over. I was just a kid when I first met him and unlike the other grown-ups who saw me as just an insignificant brat. She ... she was nice to me, we spoke together, we even played together and when her parents came to pick her up, I hugged her goodbye. I remember my father gave me the good old thumb up...After this day, my heart belonged to her, and years later, she gave me hers. I loved the things we did together but now I hate them because they remind me of times in my life when I was happy with her by my side ... I miss her so much! She was happy! I was happy! we were happy together ... but now, I'm sad ... and alone.

Because you loved her

I loved her ... and she loved me ... so why did she have to leave me? Why did she have to leave us? Why did she have to take her car on a snowy day? Why did I ask her to come to join me ... why did she die because of me? Tears run down my cheeks, I can't control my sadness anymore. I'm crying like a newborn baby breathing for the first time. My sobs finally alerted my sister who entered my room. When she saw me crying and holding the stuffed unicorn, she understood my sadness. She sat down next to me and hugged me, I did the same, causing the unicorn to fall to the ground, on one of its legs was embroidered the name of the one I'm mourning; Rarity

And now she is gone

Author's Note:

I'm so depressed today!

Hope you enjoyed it! I wanted to try something new, I was a bit tired of the way I write my fanfics usually. Don't hesitate to post comments and don't forget the green like!

Peace out!

Comments ( 20 )

😢 sad but good.

Sup Dude! Yep I'm
good! What about you man?

I’m good how ya been! It’s been a while

Yep, One year of college down , 2 more to go.

Damn lol now I understand why you don’t talk to me

Yeah about this I'm very very sorry!
Right now I literally have 3 months of summer break-even through summer's not here.

Lol It’s cool man as long as you don’t forget about me we’re cool

Count on me, friend!
Btw, how is your life going in California?

Eh I’m alive so I’m good lol how’s school

Good to hear, sorry for the long reply, been a busy day yesterday.
Frankly, this first year of college was....fun I guess, first half of the years was at school then the covid arrived, and boom, zoom meeting for everyone except Friday because fuck it.

Damn I can only imagine how hard it’s been for everyone going to school or college

It was not that hard but damn, where's the motivation? Also for the last lesson and test, I was naked in front of my computer.

Because I can.
What's good anyway? Right now I'm watching Eurovision, some of the songs are really good yet some of them are shit.

I’m working right now it’s so boring

Damn dude, still working with old people?
Be strong bro !!!

Yeah I’m still working with old people I enjoy it

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