• Member Since 3rd May, 2021
  • offline last seen 28 minutes ago


Nai hiruvalye Valimar, nai elye hiruva; namarie!



This story is a sequel to Up Through the Roots

"State your name, please."

"Sunset Shimmer."



"Real age?"

*sigh* "24."

"Do you know why we called you here today?"

"Because more Equestrian magic's on the loose."

"That is correct."

"Alright, I'll see what I can do. Where is it?"

"Everywhere, Miss Shimmer."

Continuity: The Song of the Spheres
Branch: The Seekers of the Stars

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 30 )

I’m sorry, but is there a story behind this?


I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Do you mean is there a specific reason I wrote this, or was there something that I left unexplained?


Regarding the reason for writing this, it's no different than the reason any other story is written; because I had an idea and wished to write about it. Regarding its connection to the previous story, they are both parts of a larger continuity, basically forming Chapters 1 and 2 of the bigger story I'm working on.

Now, about the second part, what specific things did I fail to explain properly?

So many things aren’t explain, honestly. It’s like so random.


Ah. Hopefully I can explain things satisfactorily in the following stories, then. :twilightblush:

"Sounds like that's the best I'm going to get for now," he grumbled, crossing his arms. "I'll want to speak with her sometime, though; even if she isn't a threat, there might be others capable of similar feats who are. Her input could help save lives, even if she doesn't understand exactly how she does...things like this."

I'd like to see this report. It could be hilarious.

So there’s more?


Yes, sorry; should have made that clearer. There is more to come.


Quite a bit. If this is Chapter 2, maybe going up to Chapter 20 or further.


Treating the previous story as Chapter 1, this would be Chapter 2, and we can expect to go up to Chapter 20 or further, if the metaphor makes sense.

If the previous story is chapter one, then what’s the one before that?

Oh ok. And it goes up to chapter 20+?


More the sense that "yes, there is still plenty of story left." Exact numbers are still a bit murky (as is, actually, most of the story itself...)

Makes sense. So are we gonna see others with magic like the rainbooms and wallflower or is it just them?


Sunset's jaw dropped; from coast to coast, from the far north to their borders in the south, orange dots, clearly meant to represent clusters of magic, speckled the kingdom. Some were bigger, some were smaller, some were almost too small to see, and there were two much larger ones, larger than her head. One was centered on the Cloudsdale Mountains, the other on the north edge of the map, past Mount Everstep.

Magic isn't just affecting Sunset and her friends; it's affecting everywhere, from sea to sea to sea. Magic's making a comeback, one not bound by geography. Yes, expect to see others, plenty of others, with magic, though probably not as advanced as the girls'.

What do you mean by advanced?


Don't necessarily expect them to have as much training in it, I mean.

What kind of magic powers can we expect?


We'll have to wait and see. :twilightsmile:

Cool. Can’t wait.

Okay, with full context, I do think The Lay of Canterlot would work better as another chapter of this story. Also, while I can appreciate the air of mystery and wonder as you craft your world, I do feel like the more mundane aspects of the setting need to be fleshed out in greater detail. When the setting seems like generic Americanada, throwing in this constitutional monarchy with an unknown map can be disorienting.

Still, this is amazing stuff thus far. It's wonderful to see someone so talented and inspired come in at this late stage of the fandom, and I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing what more you have in store.


Yeah, I definitely get where you're coming from. The problem is, I do have a lot of ideas regarding the setting of EG, but I don't want to simply do a worldbuilding vomit-dump about them. I was hoping I would be able to do it more implicitly, gradually and naturally being revealed through the course of the story, but it sounds like I might be doing that a bit too gradually. :twilightblush: Thank you for the feedback, I'll try to keep it in mind. And thanks for the kind words, glad to know you like it!

Blogs are always an option. They're a great way to provide supplemental material that won't organically fit into stories.

"Not all of them," she sniffled. "One of them, at least, will..." She swallowed. "I dreamt that I saw one of them, one of the girls, geode glinting about their neck. Starlight...Starlight found out about their magic, and she...she..." She shivered. "...They were being crucified by her."

Noooope. Nope, nope, nope. 1001 kinds of NOPE. All aboard the NOPE Train to Fyay-That-istan.

Predestination is a load of road apples. If you can see the future, and you don't like it: CHANGE IT. Go all Xenoblade on her ass and decide the future for yourself!


Celestia knows this, don't worry. Sadly, she also knows that her dreams don't show her everything; her actions may do nothing to actually stop Starlight, or they may even end up helping her. For all she knows, her trying to stop Starlight might end up being the final push needed to convince her to go forward with the horrors Celestia saw. Celestia will do everything in her power to stop Starlight, as soon as she manages to figure out what that actually is.

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