• Published 24th May 2021
  • 413 Views, 26 Comments

Total Chaos Island - Starlight Fan

Discord gets 24 competitors from all across Equestria to compete in Camp Chaotix for 1,000,000 bits.

  • ...

Welcome to the Island

Note: This all takes place after Season 8, Season 9 isn’t canon and it’s summer time. Also I figured with the movie theater I saw in One Bad Apple and the projector that was used in Hurricane Fluttershy, it’s safe to say some technology might exist in Equestria.

“Hello everypony, it is I, the great and magnificent Discord, welcome to Total Chaos Island. Here's the deal; 24 of my dear friends are going to compete for 1,000,000 bits. This place is called Camp Chaotix, there will be cabins for our contestants to sleep in, there is also the Mess Hall where contestants will dine on magnificent foods, the campers will have to survive challenges, the camp food, and most of all each other, find out who wins the 1,000,000 bits on Total Chaos Island.” Discord announced as he stood on the dock of his newest island.

After a commercial break Discord began speaking again “Welcome back, so our little campers are about to show up to compete for the money.” Discord explained.

“And here they come now, our first contestants.” Discord announced “Twilight, Spike, Starlight, welcome to your new home for the next few days.”

“Ugh Discord this place looks terrible, it does not look very healthy.” Twilight said angrily.

“Yeah this place is a dump.” Spike said angrily.

“Let it be known you can’t always expect luxury when competing for money.” Discord said smiling.

“Ugh.” Twilight groaned.

“Come on Twilight it’ll be okay.” Starlight reassured the purple alicorn.

“I sure hope so.” Twilight said heading to the dock along with Spike and Starlight.

Next up was Rarity who was grossed out by the island. “I thought this was going to be a deluxe spa.”

“Haha no, now if you’ll head to the dock you will see your friends down there.” Discord presented Rarity to the dock as she huffed.

The next boat showed up with a miffed Applejack.

“What in tarnation, we’re staying here?” Applejack asked.

“No you’re staying here, I have a resort with my name at another camp next door.” Discord explained.

“I did not sign up for this.” Applejack said angrily.

“Actually you did.” Discord pointed out flaunting the contract in front of her.

“Hmmph fine but I won’t like it.” Applejack groaned heading to the dock.

“Alright next competitor.” Discord said.

Next to show up was Rainbow Dash who looked determined.

“Aw yeah haha I am so ready to win this.” Rainbow Dash said happily.

“You can’t seriously be excited to be here.” Twilight raised an eyebrow “This place is a dump.”

“So what? I just can’t wait to win those million bits for the Wonderbolts.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Rainbow Dash I know how you are when you compete so promise me you won’t lose sight of yourself when playing.” Twilight flew up to Rainbow Dash.

“Don’t worry about it Twilight I’ll be fine.” Rainbow Dash waved off Twilight’s concerns.

The next boat showed up revealing Pinkie Pie.

“OMG hi guys, hi hi.” Pinkie Pie said running up to the dock. “I am so excited to be here, it is so cool we’re all gonna play a game.”

“Calm down Pinkie Pie.” Twilight said.

“Right, sorry I was just so excited.” Pinkie Pie said happily.

“Glad some ponies are happy to be here.” Discord smirked at his guests.

The next boat showed up and the pony who came out was Fluttershy

“Hi everyone I heard of this island where we can all play together for a million bits.” Fluttershy spoke shyly.

Another boat showed up “Welcome one and all to this spectacular performance you know her you love her as well let’s hear it for the Great and Powerful Trixie.” Trixie said revealing herself making everyone except Starlight roll their eyes.

“I see this is the place where we will be competing?” Trixie asked with a glare as she too was annoyed by the living conditions.

“Indeed just head to the dock.” Discord said, directing Trixie to the dock smirking the whole time.

Trixie held her head high and stood next to Starlight on the dock.

The next boat showed up with three fillies getting off together which were Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle.

“Alright the Cutie Mark Crusaders competing in the show together this oughta be fun.” Applebloom said happily.

“Yeah this is gonna be awesome.” Scootaloo cheered.

“Seriously Discord you brought fillies into this.” Twilight said flabbergasted.

“Hey don’t look at me, they chose to show up here and their guardians allowed them to be here.” Discord said holding his claw and paw up in defense.

“It’s true.” Applejack confirmed for Applebloom.

“My parents allowed Sweetie Belle to participate as well.” Rarity explained.

The next boat to show up had Snips and Snails in it as they left the boat excitedly.

“This is the place Snails, I can’t wait to win some bits.” Snip rubbed his hooves together.

“Ooh water.” Snails was busy staring at the water.

Snips rolled his eyes at his partner as he began walking down to the dock.

“Hi Trixie.” Snips called out happily only for Trixie to turn away from the young colt making him frown.

Soon a boat showed up with two ponies on it, those ponies being Lyra and Bon Bon.

“Oh boy I can’t wait to compete, right Bon Bon?” Lyra said happily.

“I can’t wait either Lyra.” Bon Bon responded with a smile.

Lyra and Bon Bon headed to the dock as the next boat showed up with someone using a zip line it was revealed to be Lightning Dust.

Lightning Dust then did a flip onto the dock and landed perfectly.

“Aw yeah that was totally wicked baby.” Lightning Dust praised herself before glaring at a certain cyan pegasus. “Rainbow Dash.”

“Lightning Dust.” Rainbow Dash glared in return “You have some nerve showing your face here.”

“Oh yeah well I’m gonna kick your butt, and that is a guarantee.” Lightning Dust smirked.

“You won’t be able to beat me.” Rainbow Dash argued.

“Ladies ladies that’s enough, now here comes the next camper.” Discord said breaking up the fight.

Soon the next boat arrived and out came Sunburst. “Hmm, this is the place huh, this seems very unstable.” Sunburst said in a matter of fact tone.

“That’s what I said.” Twilight agreed with Sunburst.

“Oh whatever, just head to the dock.” Discord rolled his eyes.

Gilda was the next to show up on a boat “Well looks like this is the place, can’t wait to win this.”

Gilda then walked down the dock.
Diamond Tiara was the next to show up in a boat.

“Diamond Tiara, welcome to the island.” Discord announced.

“Hmm this island isn’t the best but it’ll do.” Diamond Tiara said somewhat disgusted.

“That’s the spirit.” Discord said with a smirk.

The next boat showed up and who stepped out shocked everyone.

Tempest and Grubber were the ones who stepped out as Discord then greeted the two “ Tempest, Grubber glad you could make it.” Discord said with a smile.

“I figured I’d see some old faces. It's nice to see everypony again.” Tempest said calmly.

The rest of the group were stunned to see Tempest again.

“Oh if you’re scared just know we’re reformed now, so everything is fine.” Grubber reassured the group with an innocent grin.

“Oh we know that already but thanks Grubber.” Twilight spoke out.

Next to show up on a boat was Suri Polimare.

“Suri, nice to see you.” Discord said.

“Thanks Discord.” Suri spoke as she headed to the dock as Rarity glared at her fashion rival.

The last boat appeared and it was revealed to be Derpy Hooves.

“Hi guys, Hi Discord.” Derpy began waving before she tripped onto the dock as she was getting off the boat.

“Are you okay Derpy?” Twilight asked as she helped Derpy up.

“I’m fine thanks.” Derpy rubbed her head.

“Great now that you’re all here, it’s time to meet me at the campfire.” Discord announced.

As soon as all the creatures made it to the campfire Discord began speaking “So this is Camp Chaotix, in this game we will split you into two teams of twelve, you will compete in challenges for immunity the team that wins will gain that immunity and the losing team will vote someone off and whoever has the most votes is out of the competition.”

“Oh my.” Fluttershy gasped.

“And just to be clear, even if I am friends with some of you, no one will gain special advantages because not only is it unfair, it’s also predictable and a major ratings decrease.” Discord announced.

“That’s fair.” Twilight said with glee “At least we all know it’s a fair game.”

“Alright good, now to split you all into teams Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Scootaloo, Snips, Snails, Bon Bon, Sunburst, Tempest Shadow, Lightning Dust, Diamond Tiara, Suri Polomare you are now the Powerful Parasprites, now please head to the left.” Discord said.

“Wait what about Lyra?” Bon Bon asked fearfully.

As the twelve aforementioned went to the left of the area, Discord began calling more names “Spike, Starlight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Trixie, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Lyra, Grubber, Gilda, and Derpy Hooves you are now the Daring Dragons.” Discord called out. “Now campers, you will sleep in different cabins, Parasprites on the left, Dragons on the right, and you will be eating in the Mess Hall.”


Discord: You will also be able to share your deepest thoughts in the confessional, let the audience know what you’re thinking.

Tempest: It appears the others are not over my actions as one of the Storm King’s followers, well I will prove to them I have changed.

Derpy(was facing the wrong way): I don’t get it, where’s the camera?

Lyra: I can’t believe I’m not on the same team as Bon Bon,(breathes in and out) keep it together Lyra you can do this.

Confessional Ends

“So you have a few minutes to head to your cabins until lunchtime.” Discord announces.

Soon the teams began settling in their cabins, at the Parasprites’ cabin Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy began talking.

“I don’t trust Suri or Lightning Dust.” Twilight whispered.

“Me neither, I say we all make a pact to vote them off.” Rarity said.

“Agreed.” Twilight said giving Rarity a hoof bump.

“I’m in too.” Fluttershy nodded.

Suri, while not hearing this exchange, raised an eyebrow.


Suri: It’s obvious those three are an alliance and it’s also obvious they don’t trust me at all, so I’ll need a few allies to stay in the game.

Confessional Ends

Meanwhile at the Dragons’ cabin Rainbow Dash began giving a speech “Alright team, here’s how it’s going to go, I am the leader around here.”

“And why should you lead the team?” Applejack asked raising an eyebrow.

“Obviously because I’m awesome and I have been on a lot of teams so I think I know how this type of thing works.” Rainbow Dash answered egotistically.

Applejack just rolled her eyes at this.

Applejack: Rainbow Dash better not let the competition get to her head again. Now I’ll try not to let the competition affect me either but I’m not sure about Dash.

Confessional Ends

Soon the campers found themselves at the Mess Hall, where Iron Will wa serving the food.

“Iron Will serves three times a day and you will eat it, three times a day, so grab your tray and get the food.” Iron Will commanded angrily.

Every creature started grabbing their trays with their mouths and began getting their food which was gruel.

As soon as every creature got their food, they began sitting down and eating it.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie does not allow herself to eat peasant food, she eats only the finest of cuisines.” Trixie complained, angering Iron Will.

“Was that complaining I hear?” Iron Will calls out from the kitchen.

“No, this is acceptable, I will eat it immediately.” Trixie said in fear.

“That’s what Iron Will thought.” Iron Will said angrily.

Starlight sighed at this display.


Starlight: Don’t get me wrong, I love Trixie and all but she really needs to think before she speaks.

Confessional Ends

“Are we all enjoying our meals?” Discord asked teleporting into the room making everyone except Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie glare at him.

“Good, so the first challenge is in ten minutes, meet me at the bottom of Mount Discord.” Discord said.

“What do you think he’ll make us do?” Starlight asked Spike in fear.

“Knowing Discord, he will make it difficult.” Spike said, sighing.
Soon the campers found themselves on the bottom of Mount Discord.

“Welcome to your first challenge, in this challenge you are going to race up this mountain.” Discord explained.

“Sounds simple enough.” Pinkie Pie beamed.

“But there will be geysers erupting hot steamy water, and here’s the catch, no flying and no magic, any use of wings or magic will result in you starting the race over again, the team that gets all their members up there first wins immunity.” Discord continued.


Starlight: No magic, huh. Well I guess this will be interesting.

Rainbow Dash: Ha, even without my wings I can still go super fast, so those Parasprites better watch out.

Confessional Ends

“On your mark, get set, Go!” Discord announced making all 24 players run up the mountain.

“Who will make it to the top of the mountain first, and which contestant will be eliminated first, and will Trixie ever shut up? Well we know the answer to the last one, but for the rest of the questions find out on Total Chaos Island.” Discord announced to the audience before cutting to a commercial break.

After the commercial break the Powerful Parasprites and Daring Dragons are seen racing to the top while avoiding the geysers.

Snips and Snails were running around in circles while Suri was watching the two with interest.


Suri: Perhap I have just found my first two allies, after all they are dumb enough to do whatever I want.

Confessional Ends

Suri then went in front of the two colts and began speaking “Stop running, both of you.”

Snips and Snails immediately stopped running and began panting.

“Listen you two, I know it’s scary but if you follow me, I can guide you two out.” Suri spoke softly.
“Okay.” Snips and Snails said smiling.

Meanwhile Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust began racing each other.

“Ha, you’ll never defeat me Lightning Dust.” Rainbow Dash laughed.

“Oh yeah, how about now.” Lightning Dust said as she pushed Rainbow Dash into an already erupted geyser at lightning speed making Dash fly up into the air and then back down as Lightning Dust ran forward.


Rainbow Dash: Did you see that? That jerk totally cheated, she is so going down now.

Confessional Ends

Applejack and Pinkie Pie then ran up to Rainbow Dash whose back was now red.

“Rainbow Dash, are you okay?” Applejack asked, concerned.

Rainbow Dash then got up “Oh I will be, once I take that cheater down.”

“Whoa that looked fun I wanna try.” Pinkie Pie said, sitting on a geyser before it erupted sending Pinkie Pie up into the air.

“Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.” Pinkie Pie cheered before falling back down.

“That was fun, but it was a little hot.” Pinkie Pie said happily even though her flank was now red.


Applejack: I have no idea what goes on in that Pinkie Pie’s head sometimes.

Confessional Ends

Soon Lightning Dust made it to the top of the mountain.

“Aw yeah, do I win?” Lightning Dust asked happily.

“Not so fast Lightning Dust you have to wait for your whole team.” Discord smirked at the pegasus.

“Aw nuts.” Lightning Dust groaned.


Lightning Dust: Man, what is taking those losers so long?

Confessional Ends

Soon Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie were the next to arrive at the top of the mountain.

“Ugh I lost to Lightning Dust, this is so uncool.” Rainbow Dash huffed.

“Don’t get so down sugarcube, besides we haven’t lost yet, our whole team has to show up.” Applejack comforted.

“Yeah I guess you’re right.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile.

Meanwhile Fluttershy was walking carefully so the geyser wouldn't erupt at her, as Twilight and Rarity were next to her trying to get her to run.

“Fluttershy darling, we have to run or the Daring Dragons will beat us.” Rarity exclaimed.

“But the geysers scare me, I don’t wanna be hit by one.” Fluttershy says in fear.

“I know it’s scary but all you have to do is run around them and you’ll be safe.” Twilight explained.

“You really think so?” Fluttershy asked carefully.

“I know so.” Twilight said happily.

Fluttershy then began running around the geysers with Twilight and Rarity following her.

Soon we see Starlight and Trixie running together as they were running past the geysers and made it to the top of the mountain.

“Phew we made it.” Starlight sighed in relief.

“Gah, where are my teammates?” Lightning Dust asked enraged.

Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity then showed up, “We’re here, we’re here don’t yell.” Rarity said exasperated.

“You guys were taking forever.” Lightning Dust said angrily.

Tempest, Suri, Snips, and Snails all ran up to the top of the mountain.

Hmmph, too easy.” Tempest snickered.

Snails began speaking “Thanks for helping us Suri.”

“Yeah, we were really scared.” Snips said happily “But we’re glad you were there to help.”

“No problem little ones.” Suri said happily, making Twilight and Rarity raise their eyebrows.


Rarity: What is that manipulative mare up to?

Suri: All according to plan.

Confessional Ends

Gilda then soon ran up to the top of the mountain.

“Great job Gilda.” Rainbow Dash prraised.

“Thanks Dash.” Gilda said.

Meanwhile Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara were running across the geyser fields scared.

“Hey Scootaloo, I’ve been wondering, do you wanna form an alliance?” Diamond Tiara asked.

"Sure, that sounds fun, uh what’s an alliance?” Scootaloo asked sheepishly.

“It’s where we vote together and we don’t vote for each other.” Diamond Tiara explained.


Diamond Tiara: My mom made me watch some game shows on a projector, so I’m pretty much a pro at these things.

Confessional Ends

Sunburst, Lyra and Bon Bon then made it to the top of the mountain.

“Aw yeah, we’re so going to win this Dash, we only need two more teammates to show up.” Lightning Dust bragged.

Rainbow Dash growled at this statement and resisted the urge to pounce her.

Meanwhile Derpy was getting hit by every single geyser she came across due to her clumsiness. Her entire coat was red.

“Ooh something smells hot.” Derpy exclaimed happily before realizing something, “Oh wait, it’s me.”

Grubber and Spike were getting tired as they ran, so they started to fall behind.

“Oh boy, I’m getting tired.” Spike said, sweating.

“You said it, I don’t know if I can take it any longer.” Grubber exclaimed.

“We have to, for our team.” Spike said trying to motivate Grubber.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle then managed to make it to the top of the mountain.

Soon the five remaining racers, Spike, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, Derpy, and Grubber began racing to the top, the first ones to make it up were…

Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara.

“And the Powerful Parasprites win today’s challenge.” Discord announced happily.

The Powerful Parasprites cheered at winning the challenge while the Daring Dragons groaned.

We then cut to the Mess Hall where the Daring Dragons began having a team meeting.

“So what do we do now?” Applebloom asked, confused.

“We have to figure out who we’re going to vote off.” Rainbow Dash answered.

“If you ask me, I think it should be either Spike, Derpy, or Grubber.” Gilda said.

“What? Why me?” Grubber asked fearfully.

“Because unless I’m mistaken, you three didn’t finish the race on time.” Gilda replied angrily.

“That is a fair point.” Trixie said, agreeing with Gilda.

“Guys, come on I know I didn’t make it on time but I’m a great competitor please don’t vote me out.” Spike begged.

“I’m with Spike, he’s pretty useful, I think we should give him another chance.” Starlight said sticking up for the dragon.

Spike smiled at Starlight glad someone was helping him out.

“I say we vote out Derpy, she got hit by every single geyser.” Trixie said.

“Well I say we vote out Grubber, we’re gonna need all the strength we can get and no offense Grubber but you kinda lack it.” Lyra argued.

“Then why don’t we vote out Applebloom or Sweetie Belle, they aren’t that strong.” Grubber said defensively.

“Don’t you dare talk about my sister that way, and she is strong, she does hard work on the farm every day.” Applejack said angrily.

“Sorry.” Grubber apologized meekly.

“Oh Daring Dragons, it’s time to head to the elimination ceremony.” Discord announced.

Soon it was night time and the Daring Dragons found themselves sitting on logs at the campfire ceremony.

“Campers, here is how it works, you will go to the confessional and write in the ballot who you want out of the game, the creature with the most votes will be eliminated from Total Chaos Island and you can never come back, EVER.” Discord said.


Spike: Sorry Derpy.

Starlight: Grubber and Derpy both mean well but I don’t know who to vote for.
Applejack: How dare that varmit try to throw my sis under the bus, I’m votin’ for Grubber.

Confessional Ends

“You have casted your votes and made your decision, so I am going to call your names out, and whoever I call is safe and will get a marshmallow, if you don’t get a marshmallow you’re eliminated.” Discord explained.

“Rainbow Dash.”




“Pinkie Pie.”




“Sweetie Belle.”

“Campers I have two marshmallows left, the three of you did not do well in the race today. Next one safe is…” Discord said.


Spike sighed in relief as he caught his marshmallow.

“The last one safe is…” Discord said.

“Grubber.” Discord announced throwing Grubber a marshmallow.

Grubber sighed in relief “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Applejack glared at Grubber fiercely, making Grubber gulp.

“Derpy, the dock of shame awaits.” Discord announced solemnly.

Derpy then walked to the dock of shame.

“Sorry Derpy.” Lyra apologized.

“It’s okay guys. I’ll see you all later.” Derpy said happily.

The team waved Derpy off as she went on the boat.


Rainbow Dash: Derpy’s nice and all but she’s a bit of a klutz, sorry Derpy I had to vote you off.

Confessional Ends

“Well that was a shocker, will Grubber escape Applejack’s wrath, will the Powerful Parasprites win another challenge, and will Suri and Lightning Dust survive in this game? Find out on Total Chaos Island.” Discord announced.

Author's Note:

So yeah I eliminated Derpy, hopefully I portrayed her well, also no I didn't eliminate her because I dislike her, I eliminated her because I had no plans for her. I have plans for Grubber so I needed to keep him in. Sorry Derpy fans.