• Published 30th Jun 2021
  • 1,648 Views, 6 Comments

A Cheesy Reunion - SuperPinkBrony12

Lil' Cheese accompanies his mom and dad on a trip to Ponypalooza to see his grandparents. It also doubles as a chance for him to see two of his most favorite aunts: Limestone and Marble.

  • ...

A Wonderful Day with Pies

Lil' Cheese could barely contain his excitement! He was enthusiastically shouting (some might say screeching given how high pitched his voice could get) while running up and down the length of the train cars as fast as his little legs would carry him! "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" He happily proclaimed, not caring who heard him. "This is going to be the bestest day in the history of fiveever, that's even longer than forever!"

Lil' Cheese's parents (Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich) did their best to ignore the stares their son was getting. This kind of enthusiasm was normal for the son of Equestria's greatest party ponies. At least, that's what they always said whenever anyone talked to them about their son's behavior. But even they had to admit, the colt with a coat color similar to his dad's and a mane color similar to his mom's was making a bit of a scene.

"Now now, Lil' Cheese," Pinkie called as she rose from her seat to tend to her son. "You don't wanna wear yourself out before we even get to where we're going. Then you're not gonna have any energy left to spend when we arrive."

The young earth pony blinked as he stopped in his tracks. He hadn't thought of that before. "You're right, Mom," He said as he immediately ceased his excited running and shouting. "But I'm just so excited! I've never been more excited!"

Pinkie Pie nodded her head as she kindly escorted her son back to the train car where Cheese Sandwich was waiting for them both. "Oh I know, I'm excited too. And so's your dad. We don't usually bring you along on our travels, so this is a special occasion."

Cheese Sandwich looked up from the newspaper he'd been reading, smiling as he looked at his lovely wife and the beautiful son they'd had together. "It's an extra special occasion," He explained while running a hoof through his curly mane and tail, trying to smoothen it out a bit. "After all, this is my first time seeing the rock farm your mom was born on and spent her earliest years on. I can't help but feel a bit overwhelmed at the prospect."

Pinkie lightly ribbed her husband in the side. "Oh come on, Cheese! You've seen my parents before: At the wedding and in the hospital when I had Lil' Cheese," She teased him with a smile. "You know what they're like. And you've also totally met all my sisters before."

"Yeah, but this is the first time I'm seeing them at their place instead of having them come to me," The party planning stallion explained to his wife. "I just hope they don't mention the gray hairs. I'm nowhere near as old as those streaks would have you believe."

Lil' Cheese only giggled, wagging his tail. "Come on, Dad. I think the gray hairs make you look really cool! Nopony else's dad has them, not even Big Sugar's. And his dad is totally cool too. Not as cool as you or Mom, but still cool."

Pinkie nodded her head in approval while looking at her husband. "See? Even the kid agrees with me. So stop being such a silly pony. You're going to love the rock farm as much as I do."

"And don't forget," Lil' Cheese happily chimed in. "I'm going to get to see Aunt Limestone and Aunt Marble, and Grandpa Igneous and Grandma Cloudy. They haven't seen me in ages. I hope they're just as much fun as Uncle Carrot Cake and Auntie Cup Cake, or Mr. Pound and Miss. Pumpkin."

The elder Cheese nodded his head. "I'm sure they will be in their own unique way, son," And he was quick to add. "That's why you need to save your energy and enthusiasm. We've still got a ways to go."

The young earth pony let out a small whine as a result. "Aw, but that's not fair! Why do trains have to take so long?! Why can't we just ride on Gummy like we do when we go to see Aunt Maud and Uncle Mudbriar?"

"Because Gummy needs his rest," Pinkie gently told her son. "He's a big alligator, but even a trip out to Ponypalooza takes a lot out of him compared to just going over to Ponyville adjacent. Besides, there's nowhere to park him. Don't need him wandering away and scaring somepony half to death."

Lil' Cheese only flashed a toothy grin. "Oh, he wouldn't hurt a fly. He's harmless. I don't know why everypony's always so afraid of him. If I'm not afraid of him, neither should anypony else."

"Most ponies don't know him the way we do," Pinkie Pie explained. "Besides, trains can be just as much fun."

Cheese Sandwich nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I take them all the time now! Beats traveling everywhere on your own two hooves. Heck, I just read that they're working on building a new high speed rail line between Ponyville and Canterlot. They're gonna start testing a new model next month. It's supposed to make train travel even faster than it is now."

"Now come on, Lil' Cheese," Pinkie encouraged as she scooted closer to her husband on the train car seat, leaving a spot open for their son to jump up. "Come sit next to us. Your father and I were up late last night packing for this trip, we don't wanna wear ourselves out chasing you up and down the train."

So the colt with a coat color after which he'd partially been named locked his sap green eyes on the train car seat. He knew that whenever his mom and dad were like this they always expected him to behave (usually rewarding him with a treat afterward if he did). Soon afterward, he leaned back on that curly pink tail of his and used it as a spring to hop up onto the seat next to his mom. He especially loved the way her tail felt when he brushed up against it, it felt so sweet and so soothing.

Pinkie said nothing upon seeing this scene, she just looked across to her husband and gave a knowing wink. "I still got it!" She happily thought to herself.

"Last stop, Ponypalooza!" The conductor's voice called a considerable amount of time later. "All passengers, please gather your belongings and depart. Thank you for traveling with Equestrian Rails."

Lil' Cheese had to will himself to not jump up and run out of the train car as soon as the train itself pulled into the station. He waited impatiently while his mom and dad brought down those thick suitcases they'd insisted on bringing with them, something about their unique senses telling them that a "surprise" would be waiting for them in Ponypalooza.

At last, both parents had brought down the last of the suitcases and were ready to depart. And as soon as they had exited the train (with Lil' Cheese in tow) and stepped onto the platform, who should be there to greet them but a very familiar earth pony mare? She had a bluish gray coat, an opalish gray mane and tail that hung flat against her sides like a mop (Lil' Cheese remembered his mom supposedly used to have a similar mane and tail style), moderate amber eyes and a cutie mark depicting a lime between two rocks.

Pinkie recognized the mare at once and happily threw her hooves around said mare! "Limey!" She cheerfully greeted! "Oh, it's so good to see you again!"

Limestone struggled to fight back a raging blush as she insisted in that gravely tone of hers. "Pinkie, how many times do I have to tell you not to get excited over me in public?! You're embarrassing me!"

"I can't help it, it's always so good to see you, big sis!" Pinkie Pie declared as she nevertheless ended the hug. "You remember Cheese Sandwich and Lil' Cheese, right?"

Limestone firmly nodded in reply. "Yeah, I do. No way could I forget faces like those, they'll never let me," She briefly exchanged greetings with her sister's husband. "How's life in Ponyville been treating you, Cheese? Still enjoying married life, or do you miss the call of the road?"

Cheese Sandwich smiled as he stood next to his wife. "It was a struggle at first, but being with Pinkie Pie has made every day worthwhile. And Ponyville's really nice, it's definitely just as welcoming as Pinkie told me it would be."

Limestone nodded. "Good to hear that," Then she turned to Lil' Cheese and exclaimed in an overly dramatic fashion! "And wow, look at you, Lil' Cheese! You're growing up fast! You're definitely not a diaper dweeb anymore."

Lil' Cheese immediately protested as he bounced up! "Of course I'm not, Aunt Limestone! It hasn't been that long since you've seen me."

The eldest Pie sister only laughed as she playfully ran a hoof through her nephew's mane. "I know, I'm just messing with ya. It's what I do. Still, it's hard for me to believe how big you're getting already. You've even got your cutie mark and everything."

"That's why we take plenty of pictures, so we can preserve the memories!" Pinkie declared to her older sister. "Speaking of which, isn't it about time we head off to the rock farm? I've been dying to show Cheese and Lil' Cheese it for a long time."

Limestone nodded once again. "It's like you read my mind, Pinkie," And she began to trot off of the platform. "Come on, everypony. We haven't got all day."

Thankfully for Lil' Cheese, the walk out to the rock farm wasn't very long. It was little more than a hop, skip and a jump or two from the train station. Ponypalooza was definitely interesting to see compared to Ponyville. Far more "earthly" in tone given the abundance (overabundance you might say) of greys and browns. And there didn't seem to be much as civilization compared to Ponyville, where it seemed like there was always something going on every day.

The rock farm itself was recognizable from afar, perhaps because it was the only building for miles around. And even if it wasn't, that huge egg shaped rock sitting next to the farm house would've done enough to ensure it stood out. In fact, Lil' Cheese couldn't help but ask. "Hey, Aunt Limestone. What's with that weird rock over there?"

Limestone huffed. "That's no rock, that's Houlder's Boulder! It's what this whole farm was based around. So don't get any ideas about touching it, especially not with your sticky hooves!"

"Why does everypony keep saying I'm sticky all the time?" Lil' Cheese blinked in response. "I swear, I'm not sticky! At least, not more than what Mom says is usually for a pony my age."

Limestone just replied. "I can't help being protective of Houlder's Boulder. I'm basically the one who runs this rock farm after all."

Soon afterward, the small group was greeted by the presence of another. It was another earth pony mare, but this one had a turquoiseish gray coat, a dark gray mane with lighter gray streaks, grayish violet eyes and a cutie mark depicting three purple marbles. And it seemed like she had just blown the bangs on her mane so that they wouldn't cover up her right eye. "Hi everypony." She greeted in a considerably more gentle tone of voice compared to Limestone's.

Pinkie knew who this was, her favorite (and only) baby sister: Marble Pie. "Hiya, Marble!" She exclaimed as she ran up and hugged the mare, taking care not to be as tight since she knew Marble wasn't as much of a tight hugger. "Glad to see you've come back from college."

Marble Pie nodded, giving off her signature "Mm-hmm." in the process. "I wasn't going to miss this opportunity to see my favorite nephew, who I loved foalsitting for by the way," She declared as a small smile worked its way onto her face. "Have you grown out of your stickiness, Lil' Cheese? The last time I watched you, I had to take three baths afterward."

"I'm sorry! I swear, I don't know why I was so sticky!" Lil' Cheese desperately insisted and apologized. "Mom and Dad say I'm not as bad as that, but everypony keeps saying being around me is like being coated in tree sap and sugary sweets."

Cheese Sandwich simply patted his son on the head. "It's okay, son. You'll grow out of it eventually, I'm sure."

Limestone opted to add. "Well, at least I'm not the one who has to worry about his stickiness. And that's the least of my problems. I swear, Pinkie, he takes after you way too much!"

Lil' Cheese only grinned. "But my mom's the best! I wanna be just like her!"

Pinkie smiled in reply, looking down at the colt. "You already are, Lil' Cheese. Just don't be in too much of a rush to grow up. You're only young once, after all," But then she smiled. "Although, as your father and I can claim, just because you grow up doesn't mean you have to lose your sense of fun."

Marble then declared. "Well, since everypony's here, let's go inside. Dinner will be ready shortly."

"Hope you all like rock soup. It's good for your teeth." Limestone added while flashing a most unusual grin.

Cheese just whispered to his son as they went inside. "Don't worry, there's some normal food for snacks inside your mom's mane. If you ask nicely, she might let you have some after dinner. Rock soup is an acquired taste from what I hear."

But the little colt only replied. "I'll eat anything! Miss. Pumpkin says so, that's why she doesn't want me helping her or Mr. Pound with baking."

The five earth ponies made their way inside the rock farm, finding it to be rather drably decorated with stone gray walls and dark brown colored wooden floors.

Soon afterward the visiting family had gotten settled in upstairs, Pinkie brought them back downstairs so they could meet two very familiar ponies: A moderate amber coated stallion with a two tone gray mane and tail alternatively styled bushy (for the mane) and straight (for the tail), eyes the most brilliant shade of amber, a cutie mark depicting a pickax, a black stetson hat and a gray collar with a black tie. And a mare with a light cobalt bluish gray coat, eyes a peaceful light arctic blue, a grayish opal mane and tail styled like a mop, a cutie mark depicting three rocks, yellow trim glasses with similarly colored bead chains, and a black scarf with white lines and a small gold locket underneath it.

Lil' Cheese knew them at once as his grandparents: Grandpa Igneous Rock and Grandma Cloudy Quartz. "Grandma, Grandpa!" He happily exclaimed as he leapt up and hugged both of them tightly! "Oh, I'm so happy to see you again! I've missed you so much!"

Igneous and Cloudy gave small smiles as they let their grandson hug them, then when he'd settled down and ended the hug they spoke up. Igneous was the first to do so. "Tis an honor to see thou again, esteemed grandson of mine," He declared in his usual way of speaking, even taking off his black stetson to briefly bow to the colt. "Thou art being thyself well for thy parents, art thou not?"

The young colt nodded, smiled and winked. "Uh-huh. I'm potty trained and everything. Even got my cutie mark!" He happily showed it off, displaying a slice of cheesecake. "It means I'm gonna be a really good baker someday, whenever Mr. Pound and Miss. Pumpkin let me start helping in their bakery."

Cloudy adjusted her glasses carefully, examining the cutie mark in all its detail. "Tis truly a fine cutie mark for a young one of thy age," She spoke up in approval. "Why, seeing thou now hast made me feel as if I were only slightly older than thou art now. There is little doubt in mine mind that thou shalt grow up to be a wonderful baker in thy own right one day."

Pinkie Pie grinned even while nervously massaging the back of her neck with a hoof. "Yeah, I'm sure he will be. I mean, when he got his cutie mark he was trying to make cupcakes for his entire class. And let's just say he overdid it on the ingredients. Oh, the looks on Pound and Pumpkin Cake's faces. I know they know it was an accident, but boy were they mad."

"But you helped me make it up to them by baking them an apology cake, Mom," Lil' Cheese explained. "Besides, you told me that their first time baking didn't go so well either."

"Maybe, but I think they need a little time to cool off before they consider letting you help again," Pinkie responded before looking at her parents and asking them. "Say, where's Maud? I thought she was going to be here. I mean, I know she's seen Lil' Cheese more than anypony else here besides Cheese and I, but still."

Igneous spoke up as he gave the answer. "Maudalina wrote to inform us that she wilt most likely be delayed. But she shalt still try her best to be here by tonight."

"Did she give a reason why?" Cheese Sandwich asked. "Pinkie and I saw her just a few days ago, and she seemed perfectly fine."

Cloudy only answered. "Maudalina dids't not provide us with a reason, nor dids't we inquire of her for one. It is a matter that only she shalt known about until she wishes to inform us otherwise," Then she clapped her hooves together. "Now come, we shalt not discuss the matter further. Let us adjourn to the dining room for supper."

"But the food isn't ready yet!" LIl' Cheese blinked in protest as he looked around.

Marble simply explained to her niece. "You can help us set the table. We always do that before we prepare our food."

Limestone was quick to add. "Plus, before we eat we have to say grace. It's something we always do on the rock farm, it's a way for us Pies to remember the importance of a good day's labor."

The young colt reluctantly sighed. If that's what his aunts were telling him then he saw little reason to complain, even if he didn't like it. "Okay. I'll help." He promised.

"Just be sure to wash your hooves really good before you do so. I don't want you getting the plates all sticky!" Limestone firmly insisted.

So it was that Lil' Cheese went to wash his hooves, making sure to scrub them thoroughly just like his mom and dad had instructed him to do countless times. At this point it was almost like second nature to him. Now if only he could figure out how to pull stuff out of his mane like his parents always seemed able to do, he could pull soap and water out whenever he needed to wash his hooves.

Upon exiting the washroom, the little colt prepared to join his parents and his aunts in the dining room to help with the preparations for dinner. He'd never tried rock soup before, but he was certain that once he did he was going to like it. He had to if his grandparents and his aunts Limestone and Marble enjoyed it. He was a Pie too, and if Pies ate rock soup and liked it then by extension so should he.

But before any preparations could be undertaken, all on the rock farm heard a knock at the farmhouse door. Could it be?! It didn't seem likely that it was anypony else.

Without bothering to wait for anypony else, Lil' Cheese rushed right to the door to open it!

Into the farmhouse through the open door stepped a very familiar looking earth pony mare and stallion, the mare wearing that iconic dark green tunic of hers that for some reason looked like it had shrunk somehow given that it no longer fit around said mare's waist.

Lil' Cheese knew these two ponies by heart! "Aunt Maud, Uncle Mudbriar, you made it after all!" He happily exclaimed as he hugged them both! His shouts of joy soon drawing the rest of the farm house's occupants over to greet the guests.

Mudbriar was the first of the two that had been at the door to speak up. "We humbly wish to apologize for our abrupt arrival after we previously said we would be delayed," He explained while looking across to the mare. "But my wife was insistent on traveling here in spite of a recent difficulty that has presented itself."

"I didn't want to wait until after the reunion to tell you all the news," Maud explained in her usual dry tone of voice, smiling ever so faintly. "Especially you, Lil' Cheese. You're my favorite nephew. And you're a very big reason why Mudbriar and I have this important announcement to share with you all?"

Pinkie Pie almost gasped! "Maud, are you saying what I think you're saying?!"

Maud Pie firmly nodded. "I am, Pinkie Pie," And as all eyes fell upon her she declared without her tone of voice changing much. "I'm pregnant, everypony."

"Did you hear that, Lil' Cheese?!" Cheese Sandwich enthusiastically told his son! "You're going to have a cousin."

The little colt practically leapt into the air in excitement from the realization! "No way! Oh, that's just the most awesomest thing in the history of... well, I don't even know when!" It took him about a minute or so to come back down to the ground, landing on his tail to cushion the blow. And when all four hooves of his were on solid ground again, he eagerly asked his Aunt Maud. "So, is the baby pony gonna be a colt or a filly? Ooh, or is it gonna be twins like Mr. Pound and Miss Pumpkin?!"

Mudbriar was quick to correct his nephew-in-law. "We do not yet know what our foal is going to be, or if it will be foals as in more than one foal. We only just found out about the news yesterday."

Maud explained. "I wasn't feeling very well, so Mudbriar insisted we go to see a doctor even though I told him it was probably just a bug. It wasn't, I'm pregnant," Then she looked to Lil' Cheese. "You're a very big reason why. Being around you and looking after you from time to time was so much fun."

Mudbriar firmly nodded. "Indeed. So it was that your Aunt Maud and I decided that perhaps we should consider having a foal of our own."

"Wow! I bet you told that to the stork and he heard your wish!" Lil' Cheese fondly exclaimed while wagging his tail not unlike a dog!

"You could technically say that," Mudbriar replied. "And it is because of that that we do not yet know all the details. We have not even begun to set up a nursery yet."

Pinkie just smiled as she trotted over. "Hey, you can borrow some of Lil' Cheese's old foal stuff if you'd like. It's still in good shape."

But Maud told her sister. "I think we'll make our nursery ourselves. Rocks and sticks are sturdy building material after all," Then she added. "But you're welcome to come shopping with us for the foal. And Mudbriar and I would be honored to have you plan and host the foal shower for us."

Igneous then spoke up. "That be enough for now, everypony. Tis truly remarkable to be presented with such news now. But we shalt not be discussing the matter any further."

Cloudy added. "It does not make for acceptable dinner conversation, after all."

Lil' Cheese just smiled. "Hey, that's okay. Just hearing this announcement and getting to see Aunt Maud and Uncle Mudbriar again is good enough! This is the best day ever, even more so than the day I got my cutie mark or the day when I had my cutecenera! I can't wait to tell Big Sugar about this! Boy, is he gonna be jealous!" And he excitedly raced away to the dinner table, his mind racing with a million thoughts a minute.

"Let us just hope our foal is not as rambunctious as Lil' Cheese whenever he or she arrives." Mudbriar nervously commented as he saw his nephew's speed.

Maud only smiled while looking up at her husband. "I'm sure we'll manage regardless of what the foal is like. We did a pretty good job looking after Lil' Cheese when he was a foal after all."

"Even if he was unusually sticky, and apparently still is." Mudbriar declared in reply.

Limestone chuckled. "Hey, join the club. I mean, the kid's impossible to stay mad at. But boy, he sure knows how to make it hard to love him. And if you ask me, I'd say his parents encourage that."

Marble simply blew her bangs out of her right eye again. "Oh, I don't know about that. He's a real sweetheart once you get to know him."

Author's Note:

Just like the last time I wrote a fic featuring Lil' Cheese, I'm drawing heavy inspiration from A Slice of Cheese, especially in regards to the name Big Sugar (even though I think that's been canonized by now). And yes, once again I'm siding with Lil' Cheese being a boy, not a girl.

I also wish to apologize for Cloudy and Igneous' way of speaking. I'm still not the greatest at writing "Ye Olde Elizabthian English" despite having a rough framework to go on for what it should be like.

I specifically wanted to make this my 200th fic since it features Pinkie Pie, my absolute favorite mane six member and one of my all time favorite characters on the show. Celebrating this major milestone with her (albeit indirectly) just seemed right.

Comments ( 6 )

Congrats on your 200th story! :pinkiehappy:🎉

REALLY good job on the exchanges, characterizations and general wrap-up in this downright sweet and enjoyable one-shot. :-D Definitely quite logical for your 200th story. :-D REALLY understood how excited Li'l Cheese got about actually getting to travel with his parents. And Maud's going to have a foal of her own? Well, definitely good of her to tell the entire family all at once.

Certainly looking forward to more of your work in general.

Seriously ?!
200th story ?

Well that certainly does deserve a congratulations !! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:🎉 🥳 🎉

10882039 10881459 I specifically wrote this so it would be my 200th story. Never thought I'd get this far when I started out.

Adorable story! I'm glad Cheese is getting a cousin! Any stories on Maud babysitting Cheese/the MaudMarr baby being born? Good job writing the old Equestrian Ponish and congrats on the 200th (at the time) story!

11540803 Not yet for either of those story ideas.

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