• Published 7th Sep 2012
  • 4,143 Views, 69 Comments

Silly Twi gets herself in a bind - DimDough

Twilight tries Colgate's new Pony Haystation console but gets herself in a bind.

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Twilight gets herself in a bind

Twilight Sparkle was lying on the floor with all four hooves up, entangled in the power cord of a Pony Haystation controller. Tight plastic cable was mercilessly tugging and squeezing the purple unicorn’s tender body every time she twisted and turned, trying to break free from its cold embrace.

Fighting the cable, Twilight gradually became more and more desperate and finally started tugging the cord with her teeth. Unfortunately, the only thing she achieved by her actions was forcing the cable even deeper into her soft velvet coat.

I was laughing, looking at Twilight’s fruitless efforts to wrestle with the soulless machine. Nopony could stay calm looking at the way Celestia’s most gifted student was flailing her legs and wiggling her butt. She was even using her teeth, trying to get rid of a few coils of plastic wire around her hooves and belly, and believe me that looked simply hilarious.

“Bwahaha! Twilight, you stupid mule! Stop munching on the power cord or you’ll get electrocuted!” I finally managed to cry out, literally doubling over in laughter.

Twilight turned to me with an annoyed look on her muzzle. “Om-nom-nom… *spit* shut up, Colgate, I know perfectly well that the electrical conductor in this cable is safely covered with thermoplastic sheaths!”

The unicorn struggled a little more but eventually gave up, relaxing the tired muscles of her perfectly shaped legs. It looked like that instead of fighting, she now decided to lecture me on the subject of electrical safety. The longer she was talking, the better she managed to calm herself, clearly finding peace in an excessive use of her lecturing voice.

Soon she began to emphasize her words with knowledgeable gestures of her forelegs. My sparkling white grin became even wider – what’s not fun about being lectured by a pony who lies upside down on the floor with her hooves wiggling in the air?

As Twilight was speaking, my thoughts gradually trailed off to the events of this busy evening. Oh, this night was going to be perfect! I decided to have a slumber party at my place, so I invited all of my friends from Ponyville. I promised we’ll have a great time, playing games on my new Pony Haystation console, while eating heaps of freshly baked hay fries and drinking enormous amounts of ice-cold Sparkle-Cola I filled my freezer with.

Unfortunately most of the ponies called me back, saying they won’t be able to make it on such a short notice. Applejack was always busy in her orchard, Rarity was complaining that a train trip from Ponyville to Canterlot alone will take about an hour and she hasn't finished her Gala dresses yet, and all the pegasi were mobilized by Rainbow Dash to make a tornado strong enough that it'll be able to lift water from the local pond to Cloudsdale.

The only ponies who were able to show up were Pinkie Pie, who would never miss a party for the life of her and literally appeared out of thin air on my doorstep, and a quiet librarian named Twilight Sparkle, who used one of her spells to teleport right outside of my place. As it turned out, Twilight just wanted to restock her toothpaste reserves and buy a new Colgate toothbrush, but she couldn’t say no when I invited her to my party.

Pinkie literally force fed us a batch of very tasty cupcakes she baked in my kitchen in ten seconds flat, and then was looking at us with funny eyes, humming something that sounded like crazy cartoonish version of Manedelson's Wedding March. And Twilight decided to take a look at my new Pony Haystation console— “for science” —as she put it. The knowledge loving unicorn started her research by getting close and intimate with one of the gamepads, get herself in a bind, and basically that’s how she ended up on the floor, entangled in the power cord.

Meanwhile she kept lecturing me. “This is a low-voltage cable, the electric currency of which is so low, that even if I would have managed to bite through the plastic layer and create a short circuit with my teeth, the voltage would be not strong enough to cause me any permanent harm.”

“Silly Twi! It’s not even plugged in – there’s no way in hay you’ll get electrocuted!”

Sitting on my haunches, I scooted closer to Twilight and eyed her amazing figure as she lay on her back. Such a graceful neck, high forehead adorned with bangs of purple with a pink streak in her mane… Sweet Celestia, who would have thought that eggheads could be so adorable?

Our bodies were so close, that I could feel the arousing warmth radiating from the mare’s body. She obviously had broken a sweat while struggling with the evil power cord. My snout was so close to Twilight’s cute muzzle, her huge lavender eyes looking up at me were so defenceless, so inviting…

I felt some kind of a weird hot wave flush over me, wiping clean any remaining conscious thoughts from my mind, leaving only the pure burning desire.

“Could you maybe untie me first?” asked Twilight with a little sly smile on her face, just a second before I completely lost my self-control.

“Oh! R-right! S-sorry! ” I stuttered, coming back to my senses with a jolt.

Sitting on my hind legs, I loomed over Twilight and took one of her beautiful forelegs in my hooves. Quickly, I undid the loops around her body, accidentally touching the soft velvet belly of the lying unicorn.

As soon as my hooves touched her, Twilight’s body tensed up and she let out a soft yelp. Her little puffy cheeks immediately turned peachy pink and she bashfully turned her gaze away from me.

“Now you've gotten yourself in a bind, silly Twi!” I heard a mischievous chirrup behind me.

“Oh buck!” The sudden appearance of Pinkie Pie made me stop dead in my tracks. Twilight’s eyes went wide with her pupils shrinking into tiny pinpricks as she let out an audible gasp.

“Oopsie! Sorry I stole your line, Colgate!” Pinkie cheerfully chimed, bouncing up and down in the doorway.

“Um… Pinks, what are you doing here?...” I began to ask and suddenly gotten an idea. "Look, in the fridge should be five bottles of your favourite Sparkle-Cola..."

I was hoping that the thoughts of sweets would distract the pink party mare from the things happening in this room.

“Yeppers Colgate, I know that! Ooh, and did you like my special batch of cupcakes? There was a secret ingredient in them!”

“W-what kind of ingredient?” Asked Twilight, looking at Pinkie with a spark of realization in her eyes.

“Silly Twi, it's a secret! Anyway, you two love birds have fun!” squealed Pinkie in delight, hopping down the stairs back to the kitchen.

I sighed in relief, springing back to life, and helped Twilight up on all four.

“So… Are we going to do this or not?” Twilight was looking at me with that sly smile on her beautiful face.

“Awww yeah! It's time for Colgate electric vibro-toothbrush!” Being unable to contain my excitement any longer, I pounced on the startled purple unicorn, forcing her on the floor once again.

Twilight twitched a little and let out a surprised gasp when I slowly but confidently plugged my huge throbbing Pony Haystation controller into the glistening and inviting darkness of the console port. It felt so good, you would never believe!

My whole body was energized and tingling when I pressed the power button and the Pony Haystation started to whirr softly. Finally I was about to do it! And not with just anypony – I was about to do it with the sexiest of all eggheads – Miss Twilight Sparkle herself!

Twilight's breathing was getting faster and shallower while her eyes sparkled with excitement she careful put her hooves on my controller. I ever so gently tapped all the necessary buttons, explaining to Twilight how to make me feel good.

“Press this button to jump and this one to fire, got it?” I asked softly.

“L-like this? O-okay, I'll do my best!” said Twilight, licking her lips.

After the foreplay, we felt like nothing in the world could stop us from having the greatest time of our lives. Not being able to resist our mutual passion anymore, we both crushed onto my snuggly couch.

Now the real fun was going to finally start! Both Twilight and I were moving rhythmically, even breathing perfectly in synch. Sparkling beads of sweat formed on the unicorn’s beautiful purple forehead. She opened her pretty little mouth and gave out a musical moan of pleasure as her character in the game killed another hundred of enemy robots, racking up combo points.

My movements became more hectic as I felt the climax coming closer. I struggled the best I could but ultimately gave up, letting Twilight overcome me and just watched helplessly as she finally beat my high score. We both reached the end of the level simultaneously and our cries merged into one musical chorus of pleasure.

I don't remember how much time has passed, this night was a blur of new experiences and unknown pleasures. We finally fell down on my couch, breathless but insanely happy.

“Ouch… I can’t feel my legs!” said Twilight, funnily wiggling her slender forelegs before my face.

“I told you - don't rub it too hard, silly Twi,” I answered and gently wiped the sweat off her beautiful brow.

She smiled at me; her eyes – two brilliant lakes filled with twinkling stars – were peering right into my soul. I moved closer and gently hugged her. She readily closed her eyes, and gave in to my warm embrace while I rocked her to sleep. Soon I felt her warm breath on my neck – looks like the late night gaming session was a bit too much for the bookish unicorn.

Trying to be as stealthy as possible I covered her gorgeous body with my colourful patch blanket and kissed her goodnight on her cute forehead, trying not to get poked by her horn in the darkness of the room. It was clear to me that threads of fate tied us together, and no matter how hard we pull - we are now too closely knit to break apart.

Tiphoofing out of the room, I could see a soft smile playing on Twilight’s face. I smiled back at her and silently closed the door behind me.

“Looks like you've gotten yourself in a bind, silly Twi.”

Comments ( 69 )

... What did I read?

I don't even know how to react at this... but here, have a mustache: :moustache:


Well the idea behind the picture was to write a clopfic.

But I'm not into clopfics you see, so instead I did some kind of a stupid clop-parody. :derpytongue2:

If it made you smile at least a little bit, then my mission here is complete! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Colgate_beam.png

PS. Oh, and don't forget to brush your teeth! If your teeth are sparkly, you'll get a snuggle from me! :heart:

Read it, got a smile, loved that, good story. also, something you missed.

"She obviously has broken a sweat while struggling with the evil power cord."
has should've been had.


I liked it! Have a thumbs up and a moustache. :moustache:

Also, favourited.


I also thought about this when I read the title.


Thank you very much for your correction, Miss Tamara Bloodhoof! :heart:

You see, I'm not a native English speaker and I am still learning, so please feel free to point out my mistakes! :derpyderp2:

PS. To keep your smile sparkly don't forget to Brushie Brushie Brushie your teeth! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Colgate_beam.png


Okay, half of my reaction was :derpyderp2: and the other half was :rainbowlaugh:
Good job there, now I have a reason to brush my teeth even more! :pinkiehappy:


Well, you deserve at least a thumbs up, aside from the mustache i already give to you. And yeah, for a parody for clopfics, is ok.

P.D.: Just finished lunch, i brused my teeth :pinkiehappy:

The term is "Play Stable". Not Play Station :pinkiecrazy:

...Why doesn't this have more readers?

Short but fun, laughed quite alot.

Stupid Sexy Twilight indeed. :twilightsmile:

>And yeah, for a parody for clopfics, is ok.

S-should I add the information that it's a clopfic parody to the description? :derpyderp1:

>P.D.: Just finished lunch, i brused my teeth :pinkiehappy:

Friendly snuggle incoming! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Colgate_bedroomeyes.png


Thanks for the heads up, Mister Joy Stick! I'll change it right away! :derpytongue2:


No, keep that info as a secret. I think this kind of things work better when they aren't totally expected. But, since there isn't the "Romance" tag, al the clever observing people out there can figure it out.

But i still think you shouldn't say that.


Because it was posted just one or two hour ago at most. Give it time...

You are very welcome. You might as well read my first story. Which has a Play Stable... :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:


For some reason I read that in Pinkie's voice.

And lol, didn't check the publish date, just saw it being added to a group, explains it all xD


For some reason, i was thinking in Pinkie Pie while writing that lines. Even thought putting some pun, like "clevery-clever Mr. Clever-Pants", or something like that.

1235204 1235231 Yes, when I saw that title too, my first reaction was "Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all...nothing at all...nothing at all..."


That's the effect I wanted you to experience, everypony! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Colgate_beam.png

Oh, and just look at that amazing cover picture by Mr. tg-0! Twilight really has nothing on (except for that evil power cord)! Nothing at all~ :twilightblush:

Stupid Sexy Twilight, agree :twilightsmile:

And everybody forgot about Pinkie again! Well, she will have her revenge. Coming up next: Stupid Sexy Pinkie, now with 100% more chainsaws.

"throbbing PonyStable controller"

what have you done


It's just a joke to make my parody look like your usual run-of-the-mill clopfic. The same goes for the "glistering and inviting darkness of the console port". dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Colgate_bedroomeyes.png

It's a comedy, remember! Don't take it seriously~ dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Colgate_beam.png



Bucking amazing.:twilightblush::twilightsmile:

Okay...so...I only have one question. Was that supposed to imply that Twilight got herself into that predicament on purpose? :rainbowhuh:


Thank you very much for your kind words, everypony! This is my first fic ever and it's so heartwarming for me to get such a nice reception! A friendly snuggle to all of you! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Colgate_bedroomeyes.png


That's the best part of almost every story -- you get to be a co-author, and only you can decide in your head what it was all about! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Colgate_beam.png

Everypony knows that Twilight could be a bit nerdy and socially awkward sometimes, but we also all know that "it's always the nerds that are secretly sex fiends" to cite a brilliant story by Mr. Friendly Uncle, so it's really up to you in which light to view this, Makokam.

Awright Sparkly! Your silly story is getting some serious readers! Well done!

I lol'd! You did a great job! Congratulations!



Twifight Sparkill! Aw thank you so much for finding time to check out my silly story! :heart:

And boy am I glad that you liked it! Please tell everypony on mIRC channel too, I kinda feel urge for more apples... :applejackconfused: I mean more readers! :derpytongue2:

PS. Oh, and after you eat a pony cupcake, don't forget to brush your teeth! You crazy psycho, you! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Colgate_beam.png


I'm sure I'll see you in mIRC again soon, Sparkly! As for readers... yikes! YOU'RE DOING AWESOME!

... and I'm only half psycho, on my mother's side.


Sometimes the best parodies are the ones that make nearly zero effort to hide what they're parodying.
Nice work.

It was definitely a fun read, she totally did it on purpose, eheheh.:scootangel:

Cute little story :3

“Awww yeah! Now it’s the time for action!” Being unable to contain my excitement any longer, I pounced on the startled purple unicorn, forcing her on the floor once again.

Twilight twitched a little and let out a surprised gasp when I slowly but confidently plugged my huge throbbing Pony PlayStable controller into the glistering and inviting darkness of the console port. It felt so good, you would never believe!

I choked on my paddlepop, you bastard!:rainbowlaugh:

Sugary soda, in the home of a dentist? Glorious blasphemy! :pinkiecrazy:

Thank you for your kind words, ElectroNeko! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Colgate_beam.png

Yes, Sweetie. You see when two ponies love each other very much, they seek solitude together an then they... join the Imperial legion and put an end to the Stormcloak rebellion once and for all! :pinkiecrazy:

Oh... my. I hope you're okay, Cascadejackal? :fluttershysad: Oh please everypony, don't read my silly fanfic while eating -- it's a choking hazard!

Wow! If I had seen this picture before, my silly story would have had quite a different ending! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Bonbon_OMG_LOVE.png

Why hello there, sexy Twily~ dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Colgate_bedroomeyes.png How about you and me go upstairs and... you know... play a friendly game on my new Pony Haystation? :scootangel:

Yeah, Colgate party like a rock star -- gallons of sugary fizzy drinks, enormous amounts of greasy food and of course a lot of hot sexy action! :pinkiehappy:


That is completely your decision, Captain McMuffin, sir. But if you smiled, even barely, while reading this silly story -- then I know I feel that my mission was a success! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Colgate_beam.png

I... but... how does a port glisten? This was a very fun read. Too bad it was just a parody. :twilightsheepish:

1239098 :raritywink: ehehehehe, probably. :rainbowlaugh:

I love this story, but I keep seeing it appearing in my 'Unread Chapters' list. Why is that? :twilightoops:


Sorry GeodesicDragon, it's only been 4 days since I've created an account here, and I tend to read all the stories offline on my Android phone, so I am afraid I have no idea what's wrong with that "Unread Chapters" list of yours. :rainbowhuh:


Well it's just a comedy act, don't take it too seriously, TPurnell18! Of course if you like the idea, then by all means -- she's clopping alright! :rainbowlaugh:


S'aright. Probably just a bug. :derpytongue2:



-is partially how I feel right now.

Well, that was entertaining, in an odd sort of way. At the same time it was silly and ridiculous, it was also kind of sweet. Here are some nitpicks:

-Earth ponies and unicorns were complaining that the bus trip from Ponyville alone will take about an hour,
The word "bus" kind of jolted me out of the FiM world and into some sort of alternate one whre buses exist. I don't know if that's what you were intending to do, but it just sounded odd to me.

-Sitting on my haunches I scooted closer to Twilight, lying on her back, and eyed her amazing figure.
Just a bit confusing as to who was lying on their back due to the way it was formatted. It would read much easier like this, "Sitting on my haunches, I scooted closer to Twilight and eyed her amazing figure as she lay on her back". Something like that.

-“Sweet Celestia above why are you so sexy, stupid Twilight?!” I heard a mischievous chirrup behind me.
This is a really nitpicky nitpick that would be better suited coming from a pre-reader, but I shall say it anyway; "[...] so stupidly sexy" would have read better then "so sexy, stupid Twilight". As it is now, it sounds odd.

Again, I quite enjoyed this story. It was a lot of sllly stupid sexy fun. :pinkiehappy:

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