• Published 6th Dec 2021
  • 1,894 Views, 181 Comments

Age Of Devil Fruits - Madforce Entertainment

Isaac. Just a normal guy dealing with normal problems. But one day, he received a mysterious package in the mail, containing a weird Fruit covered with a swirl pattern which will send him into a strange yet magical world of anthropomorphic… Ponies!

  • ...

Chapter 4: Aftermath: Blame

Author's Note:

Hey guys the chapter comes out tomorrow, thanks for you support.

After her fight against Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash was laying in a hospital bed. She stares at the ceiling, she couldn’t stop thinking about Scootaloo.

Elsewhere in the hospital, her friends were in the cafeteria sitting at a round table.

They were all silent. “Ok, I can’t take this anymore,” Applejack said, breaking the silence. “We need to know what the Cinder Lord did to her!” She said to the others.

“You heard what Tempest said,” Twilight said to Applejack.

“She said Scootaloo did that to her,” Fluttershy said, quoting what Tempest told them.

“And y’all believe that?” Applejack questioned her friends.

“We have to.” Pinkie Pie spoke up with a delighted tone. “Why would she lie?”

“I don’t know. But I just can't accept that Scootaloo would do that to Rainbow Dash! She grew up with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle!” Applejack said, ruffling her hair.

“I know how you feel, Darling.” Rarity said to Applejack, understanding her feelings. “But Tempest wouldn’t just make up something like that, and also we don’t know why Scootaloo did what she did, and yelling about it doesn’t help any of us.” She told Applejack.

Applejack calms down. “You're right, but I can’t help how I feel.” She said, slumping on the table.

“We feel the same,” Fluttershy said. “But for now we can’t do anything but wait for Tempest to finish reporting to Celestia.”

“Hmmm, Maybe we should go see if Rainbow Dash is okay.” Pinkie Pie said.

“Yeah, let’s see how she's doing,” Fluttershy said agreeing with Pinkie Pie.

“Yeah, we should see how Rainbow Dash is doing,” Twilight said, standing from her chair. And the other girls also stood from their chairs, then they walked towards Rainbow’s room.

Rainbow Dash continues to look at the ceiling for the moment she can’t feel any pain, it’s unknown if it’s to do with painkillers or perhaps Rainbow’s mind refused to let her feel the pain because of Scootaloo. She finally turned her head and looked out the window and looked at the clouds above.

“Scootaloo, is this how you felt?” Rainbow Dash thoughts to herself looking at the sky. She remembers when Scootaloo was younger.

“One day Rainbow Dash I’ll fly with you, and the WonderBolt!” Rainbow Dash remembers what Scootaloo once said to her.

“Yeah, and I’ll be looking forward to that kiddo!” Rainbow Dash remembers her words.

“It’s the Cinder Lord’s fault!” Rainbow Dash takes a breath. “No, it's too easy to blame him.” She thinks for a moment. “Or maybe it’s my fault.” She said to herself thinking more. “But someone is to blame right? Who?”

“Sorry Rainbow but we need you.” She heard Twilight’s voice in her hand.

“Wait, did I just think of Twilight’s voice? Why?” Rainbow Dash asked herself.

“I’m sorry Dash, you need to help with another friendship problem.” She heard Twilight’s voice again.

“Why can’t I stop hearing her voice?” Rainbow Dash asked herself once more.

“Sorry Dash we need you, Sorry but this is important, Sorry Dash, Sorry Dash, Sorry Dash.” Rainbow Dash keeps hearing Twilight's voice over and over again.

“I’m blaming Twilight.” She said to herself. “I’m blaming her, come to think of it every time I wanted to spend time with her Twilight always said, sorry Dash we need you and I would just put their needs above Scootaloo’s. Thinking about it more, when did Applejack and Rarity see their sisters?”

Just at this second the door to her room opens. “Hey Rainbow Dash, are you feeling better?” Rarity asked, being the first one in the room.

“We were getting worried about you.” Pinkie Pie said, with her cheery smile.

One by one Rainbow Dash’s friends entered the room, but Rainbow Dash remained silent.

“Rainbow, are you okay?” Fluttershy asked her childhood friend.

“I've been thinking a lot about Scootaloo.” Rainbow Dash answered with a toneless voice.

“I know it’s hard to accept what happened, we’re all having trouble accepting the facts.” Twilight said, to Rainbow Dash. “I just don’t understand why she would join the Cinder Lord. What did he say to convince her to join him?”

“I might have an idea.” Everyone looked at Rainbow Dash. “Or should I say, I might have an idea?” She looks at Twilight. “Scootaloo said to me, she always wanted to fly. And Scootaloo said she wanted to travel the world.” Rainbow said to her friends. She takes a breath. “Twilight do you remember when I asked if you guys could search for the Cinder Lord without me? Do you remember what you said to me?”

Twilight was confused by Rainbow Dash’s question. “I said we needed you to help us.” She answered Rainbow’s question. “Rainbow Dash, why are you asking me this?”

“Every time I asked you if I could spend time with Scootaloo, you always said, you guys needed me. And I would just go along with whatever problem you have.” The girls looked at Each other, then they looked at Rainbow Dash. “I keep coming to the same conclusion over and over again, if you just let me spend that day with her maybe Scootaloo wouldn’t have joined the Cinder Lord. She would still be here with me.” Rainbow Dash said, clutching her hand into a fist.

“Rainbow Dash, are you blaming me for Scootaloo’s decision?” Twilight asked Rainbow Dash in more confusion, who remained silent. “You can’t be serious!? Scootaloo made her own decision to join the Cinder Lord! I can’t believe you would even think to blame me…”

“Applejack! Rarity!” Rainbow Dash cuts off Twilight. “When have you last seen your sisters?” She asked Applejack and Rarity.

“Umm.” Rarity and Applejack just looked at each other.

“Please, just answer honestly.” Rainbow Dash said to them.

Applejack takes a deep breath. “It's been a long time since I last saw her,” Applejack answered.

“Same, I can’t remember when I last saw Sweetie Belle.” Rarity added.

“And what about you Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie?” Rainbow Dash asked the other two.

“I haven’t seen my family in a while, since my brother finally found an actual job,” Fluttershy replied.

“I missed my sister Marble’s wedding.” Pinkie Pie answered, without thinking she covered her mouth knowing how all would look at her.

“Wait! Your sister Marble got married?” Twilight asked in shock. “When?”

“A year ago.” Pinkie Pie mumbled.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Rarity asked.

“Because Twilight needed you.” Rainbow Dash answered for Pinkie Pie.

Everyone was silent again.

“Pinkie Pie.” Twilight broke the silence. “When did your sister get married?”

“During the friendship problem in Griffonstone.” Pinkie Pie replied.

“I remember, we all went there to help the griffons and the dragons stop fighting over land rights,” Applejack stated.

“And if memory serves, Pinkie Pie wasn’t much help.” Rarity added.

“And, it was me and Applejack who found a solution that both sides could be happy with,” Fluttershy said.

“So Pinkie Pie wasn’t needed.” Rainbow Dash said. “And thanks to that, Pinkie Pie missed Marbles' big day.” Rainbow Dash looks at Twilight. “Every time we asked you if we could spend time with our loved ones, you always said you needed us.”

“But wait a second.” Twilight said, to Rainbow Dash. “If I had known about Marbles' wedding I would have let Pinkie go. Also, it’s unfair to just blame me over matters I did not know of….”

With quick speed, Rainbow Dash threw the nearest object, which happened to be a small vase with some flowers. Everyone was stunned by Rainbow Dash’s sudden action.

“Get out.” Rainbow Dash told Twilight.


“Did I stutter?” Rainbow Dash asked rhetorically. “I said, GET OUT!” She screams at Twilight grabbing another object and throwing it at her. “GET OUT OF HERE! RIGHT NOW!” Rainbow Dash screams at Twilight with blind anger.

Applejack caught it midair. “THAT’S ENOUGH DASH!” She yelled at Rainbow Dash. “I know you're not in a good place right now! But screams, and throwing stuff at Twilight will never solve ANYTHING!” Applejack yells at Rainbow Dash.

The room was quiet after what Applejack yelled at Rainbow Dash.

“Just get out of my room! All of you.” Rainbow Dash yells at her friends once more.

“Alright y’all, let’s just leave Rainbow Dash,” Applejack said to the others.

“Yes, let's leave Rainbow Dash’s room.” Rarity said, placing her hand on Twilight’s shoulder. Gently pushing her out.

One by one everyone leaves Rainbow Dash’s room, and once more Rainbow Dash is left alone in her room.

Twilight and the others sat outside the hospital on some benches. Everyone was processing why Rainbow Dash was blamed for Scootaloo’s discussion to join the Cinder Lord.

After some time has passed Applejack finally speaks. “Ok, I’ll say it.” Everyone looks at Applejack. “Rainbow Dash isn’t in her right mind now. We shouldn’t take anything she says seriously.” Applejack said to her friends.

“But she did have a point.” Rarity said. “Whenever Twilight said she needed us we just helped her without argument.”

“So she's right, isn’t she?” Twilight said, squeezing her knees. “It is my fault Scootaloo left and joined the Cinder Lord,” Twilight said, sounding like she was about to freak out.

“It’s not your fault Twilight.” Pinkie Pie said to Twilight trying to keep her calm.

Fluttershy pulled out a cigarette and began to smoke. “I need this right now.” She said taking a puff.

Everyone looked at Fluttershy with surprised looks on their faces.

“Fluttershy is that a cigarette!?” Rarity asked, a little confused at the sight of Fluttershy with a Cigarette.

“Yes, it is,” Fluttershy answered, taking another drag of the cigarette.

“Since when have you started Smoking?” Pinkie Pie asked in actual surprise. “Wow I’m surprised by this.”

“I started back in high school during the exams.” Fluttershy finished her Cigarette and threw the remains in a trash can. “I was dealing with a lot of stress at the time and Gilda helped with Cigarettes. She even said I looked cool with one in my mouth.” She walks to stand in front of her friends. “I only smoke one whenever I get stressed out.”

“You get stressed?” Rarity asked.

“Sometimes. Now I’ve done some thinking about this and I think we all should take responsibility. Twilight for constantly needing our help and not making sure we were free to help, and us for not standing our ground when something came up with our personal lives. So when Rainbow Dash is better we all must have a sit down and talk.” Fluttershy said to her friends. “Agreed?”

“That sounds like a good idea.” Rarity said, with a smile.

“Yep, I’m for that,” Applejack said, tilting her hat.

“Yeah, that’s a great idea.” Pinkie Pie said, she looks at Twilight who reminds silent. Pinkie Pie placed her hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “Everything with Rainbow Dash will be fine.” Pinkie Pie said to her friend.

Twilight smiled at what Pinkie Pie told her. “Yeah, thanks, girls.”

Approaching them was Tempest Shadow after finishing her report to Celestia.

“Twilight I finished reporting to Celestia, and she wishes to speak to you,” Tempest informed Twilight.

“Thank you, Tempest, I’ll go talk to her,” Twilight said to Tempest and left her friends to talk to Celestia.

(10 minutes ago.)

Tempest was in an isolated room sitting at a table on the table was a box with a strap. She flipped the latch of the box, it unfolded and inside was a white Transponder Snail with Celestia’s mark on one side of its shell, and a turn dial on the other side. Tempest uses the turn dial to call Celestia, as she instructed the number the snail made bop, bod, beeps, and noises. After she finished dialling the number the snail started to go, “Boda Boda, Boda Boda, Boda Boda, Click.”

“This is Celestia, who is this?” The Transponder Snail said, with Celestia’s voice.

“This is Tempest Shadow, I’m calling you to inform you about the Cinder Lord,” Tempest said, to the Receiver.

“And what happened?” Celestia asked.

“It’s not good Princess Celestia,” Tempest tells Celestia everything that happened with Isaac, Scootaloo, and Rainbow Dash. But she did not tell Celestia about Sunset Shimmer. “And for the moment I’m at the hospital with Twilight and her friends. I also sent my search party to look for clues to where the Cinder Lord is heading. He was heavily wounded by Rainbow Dash and he’ll need time to recover, so if we’re lucky enough we might find them.” Tempest said to Celestia.

“Hmm, this is a lot to take in,” Celestia said, after hearing Tempest’s report. “First, that Human obtained power from a Devil Fruit, and now Scootaloo has obtained powers from one. Tempest, needless to say, nobody else must know that ponies can obtain powers from the Devil Fruits. Understand?”

“Yes, I completely understand Princess Celestia,” Tempest replied.

“And if she is available I would like to talk to Twilight,” Celestia said to Tempest.

“I’ll go find her and we’ll call you back,” Tempest replied, hanging the Receivers back on the Snail’s shell.

Then leaves the room to get Twilight.

(Present time.)

Twilight entered the same room the Tempest used to contact Celestia. She sat in front of the sleeping Snail and called Celestia.

After a few moments, Celestia answered the call. “This is Celestia, who is this?” She asked.

“It’s Twilight, you wanted to speak to me?” Twilight replied.

“Ahh Twilight, how are you? And how is Rainbow Dash?” Celestia asked.

Twilight sighed at the question from her mentor. “Things could be a lot better,” Twilight replied. “Rainbow Dash blames for Scootaloo joining the Cinder Lord. And to be honest, I think it is my fault for taking so much of her time, and for taking up all my friends' time.” Twilight told Celestia with tears about to form.

“Twilight, calm yourself,” Celestia said to Twilight.

“Yes, I will Celestia,” Twilight said, taking a breath and calming herself down.

“Tell me what happened with Rainbow Dash,” Celestia asked Twilight to tell her what happened between them.

Twilight takes a moment to gather herself. “Rainbow Dash said I took too much of her and the others' time, she blamed me for Scootaloo’s choosing to join the Cinder Lord. And I found out Pinkie Pie’s sister was recently married.”

“She was?”

“Yes, and Pinkie missed it because of me. It was during the dragons, and Gryphon's dispute, and to be honest Pinkie wasn’t much help during that. Twilight said, telling Celestia what happened.

“I see.” Celestia was silent for a moment. “Perhaps I placed too much responsibility on you, and your friend's shoulders. I think you and your friends need to talk things through. Twilight I want you and your friends to leave the Cinder Lord’s capture to Tempest for now.” Celestia said to Twilight.

“Are you sure Princess?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, I’m beyond sure my faithful student,” Celestia replied. “Also I’m afraid I must talk to Rainbow Dash.”

“What about?”

“Scootaloo, she’s the first Pony who has obtained powers from a Devil Fruit, and if word of this starts circulating this may cause a power struggle. So I may have to place a bounty on her.” Celestia explains to Twilight.

“And you want Rainbow’s blessing to place this bounty?” Twilight asked, in shock.

“I think I should talk to her about this, it’s only fair I talk to her first,” Celestia told Twilight.

“I see, she might hate you for this decision,” Twilight stated.

“I know, but she would have hated me more if I never informed her,” Celestia replied.

“Hmm, okay, should I be there when you talk to her?” Twilight asked.

“No, I’ll ask Tempest,” Celestia replied softly.

“Okay, I’ll tell her.”

“Thank you Twilight.” Celestia and Twilight disconnected their call.

Twilight left the room and Tempest was sitting outside. “How did it go?”

“Fine, Celestia wants to talk to Rainbow Dash,” Twilight told Tempest.

“Okay, what are you going to do?” Tempest asked again.

“Celestia wants me and my friends to take some time off, and leave the Cinder Lord to you,” Twilight replied.

“I see, then you and your friends should go home. Celestia and I will talk to Rainbow Dash.” Tempest said, suggesting for Twilight and her friends go home.

“Yeah, I’ll go let the girls know. Good luck with Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said to Tempest.

“Thanks, I’ll see you later we’re done talking to Rainbow Dash,” Tempest said to Twilight.

“Thanks, I’ll get going now,” Twilight said, leaving and waving goodbye.

“Take care, Princess,” Tempest said, to Twilight who waved goodbye.

Tempest enters the room to collect her Transponder Snail.

Rainbow Dash stared at the wall where she threw the vase at Twilight, she just looked at the wall.

“I know why I threw that vase, but I didn’t know what drove me to it.” Rainbow Dash said to herself.

There was a knock at the door, and the door opened. Tempest stepped inside. “Hey Rainbow, how are you feeling?” She asked.

“I’m feeling better, physically at least.” Rainbow Dash replied. “Why are you here?”

“Princess Celestia wanted to talk to you about…something important,” Tempest replied, setting her case on a table and opening it to reveal her Transponder Snail. “Are you ready to speak to her?”

“Umm…Sure.” Rainbow Dash said to Tempest who began to dial Celestia’s number.

After a few moments, Celestia answered the call. “This is Celestia, am I talking to Rainbow Dash?” Celestia asked.

“Yes, it’s me.” Rainbow Dash replied.

“How are you feeling?“ Celestia starts the conversation by asking Rainbow Dash how she was feeling.

“I’m feeling better, why do you want to talk to me?” Rainbow Dash asked, having a somewhat idea why Celestia wanted to talk to her.

“That’s good to hear, Rainbow Dash. I need to talk to you about….Scootaloo.” Celestia said to Rainbow Dash.

“Huh, you want to talk about Scootaloo? And not Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked in confusion.

“Yes, the ordeal between you and Twilight stays between the two of you,” Celestia replied.

“Okay, why do you want to talk about Scootaloo?” Rainbow Dash asked again.

“Tempest informed me that Scootaloo has eaten a Devil Fruit.” Rainbow Dash's hands clenched into fists. “And she’s the first Pony to eat a Devil Fruit and gain powers. Rainbow Dash, I’m afraid I must place a bounty on Scootaloo’s capture.” Celestia explains and waits for Rainbow Dash’s response.

“WHAT!? WHY WOULD YOU PLACE A BOUNTY ON SCOOTALOO!?” Rainbow Dash yells at Celestia.

“Allow me to explain please,” Celestia asked Rainbow Dash to let her explain her reasons for her decision.

Rainbow Dash takes a breath. “Okay, I’m listening.” Rainbow Dash replied, grinding her teeth.

“Her reasons for eating the Devil Fruit are still unknown to us, but she’s the first pony to have options powers from a Devil Fruit. But if she can option powers from a Devil Fruit then others can as well, this could start a power struggle between all my citizens. I can see now in my mind's eye, Pony and other creatures fighting for the Devil Fruits killing one another, these Fruits are treated as trophies paid for in the blood. War will rise from Scootaloo being the first Pony who has Devil Fruit powers.” Celestia explains to Rainbow Dash who goes wide-eyed upon hearing this.

“Rainbow Dash, I don’t take pleasure in making this decision. I feel sick to my stomach, but I have to do what I must. I must protect my citizens from all threats even from their greed. You practically raised Scootaloo yourself, and I thought I should inform you before I go through with decisions.” Celestia finished explaining.

Rainbow Dash imagines Pony fighting like animals for the Devil Fruits, picturing Scootaloo being hunted by power-hungry maniacs. Then sees her body impaled by swords, Spears, and her body laying in a pool of her blood.

“I can’t believe that could happen.” Rainbow Dash said, shaking.

“I know, I couldn’t believe it either. But I’ve lived long enough to know that power corrupts the minds of countless Ponies. This is the only option we have to end this before it starts.” Celestia told Rainbow Dash.

“I see.” Rainbow Dash takes a second to think. “Okay, do it.” Rainbow Dash said giving her blessings to Celestia.

“Thank you, Rainbow Dash. I shall contact you when the posters are ready for circulation, for your approval. I must go now, I’ll speak to you soon.” The snail closes its eyes meaning the call has ended.

“That’s a lot to take in,” Tempest said, putting her snail back in the case.

“Yeah, could I be left alone for a while?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Of course.” Tempest leaves the room.

Rainbow Dash thinks to herself once more.

“Scootaloo, you're in a world of trouble now, and I don’t think I can save you.”

To be continued…