• Published 18th Jun 2021
  • 701 Views, 44 Comments

The Pony - FIM Fiction

Welcome to a story where you choose what happens.

  • ...


Amber let out a yawn, short and simply. She frowned, and yawned a second time, this one stretching with a lighter tone. She smacked her lips. "Well then, have we all rested?" she asked, looking at her group of... Would she call them friends? Yes, she thought to herself. Yes she would.

"We didn't really rest." Pinkamena said.

"Well, I feel rested." Amber replied.

You know, I thought- Oh! I see. Our own thoughts on the matters pot up like so.

I suppose that's good. Now anytime you whine about something, they'll know it's not me.

Oh, you really didn't have to call me out like that!

Huh. They may get a tone of color, but they still don't get the tone of voice.

Oh. Well I said that playf

Do NOT clarify. That will get annoying.

Pinkamena stared at the scroll. "Hey, you can hear them too, right?" she asked Amber. Wait, can you hear us? "Yeah." Pinkamena nodded.

Amber opened her scroll, checking the words. "Well, I can't, but it's good to know they still can be heard!" She set the scroll on her back, and started trotting towards the mountain. The others started following along.

"So, where are we going? Pinkamena asked as they trotted through the surprisingly dry sand and mounds of snow.

"To find the bats." Amber said, her eyes fixed on the mountain.

"Oh! That's... That's quite the distance!" Pinkamena said, hopping through the snow. "So how long of a trip will this be?"

"Depending on how broken the day is, a hop and a skip, or a few days travel." Amber said, her eyes fixed on the mountain. She stopped. She... She knew how to travel through the land. She turned back to the others. "Stare at the base of the mountain, and follow me." She turned back and began walking once more.

Ambient giggled as they arrived at the mountain base. "Hey, we got lucky!" she said cheerfully.

Pinkamena glanced around. "Huh. I did not expect that. That's pretty nifty!" She let out a small cheer.

"Come on. Traveling through the woods should be a longer trip, if luck is on our side! Ambient said, rushing ahead around the base of the mountain.

"Why would a longer trip be better?" Pinkamena asked.

"Chaos has a discharge. A slow burn of small things are better than a big wammy." Amber explained. They stopped in front of a massive cave entrance, decorated with skulls and flowers. "Ah. Well." She turned to the others. "I guess we're getting that wammy pretty soon. Heh heh..." She coughed awkwardly.

What do you think the wammy will be?

Why are you interjecting?

Well, I just thought it might be fun.

No. Ambient walked up to the cave. "Hoo boy! We're in for it later!"

"You most certainly are!" Pinkamena jumped as one of the skulls started talking. "You think you can just waltz up like this and not offer tribute?"

"I can offer you pony flesh!" Pinkamena said.

"Oh goody!" The skull opened its jaw, a flower poking out. "Stick your hoof here!" Pinkamena pulled out a chuck of meat from her hair, only for the skull to slam shut. "Goodness gracious. I thought you were gonna let me right your arm off. I'm a little disturbed you have that, you monster."

Pinkamena frowned. "Do we need to talk to these Chumps?" she said, pulling out her knife.

"She's armed! Rattle them, boys!" The skulls launched off, nashing as they fell towards Pinkamena. Amber quickly shoved Pinkamena out of the way.

"Woo! You got this!" Ambient sat down, watching as the two fought off the skulls. Surprisingly, the red filly's white glowing stripes did not make her a target. It didn't take long, as the skulls were weak from nature slowly degrading them.

Amber flicked bone dust off of her. "Alright, lead the way."

Ambient hopped up. "Okay!" She took a step towards the cave and halted. "Actually, its pretty dark, and I can't glow bright enough for us all to see... Oh! I know! Just use your glowy words!"

Amber rubbed her chin. "How do I do that again?" She peered at her scroll. "Can you remind me how I did that exactly?"

And so the scroll read, "She found with each step, her breath curled into the mis-matched world. Her heavy breath forms odd and odder shapes that seemed to echo the stars themselves. Some found life, others still blinked and never woke again ."

Amber frowned. "Thank you, but how does that help if they twinkle out?" Pinkamena opened her mouth to speak. Amber quickly raised a hoof. "No, no. I want to figure this out myself."

Amber sat down, rubbing her chin. "With each step, her breath curled. Forms odd and odder shapes that echo. Some found life, and others blinked." She hummed in thought. "Hm Hm. Hmmm Hm." As she hummed, stiff grey shapes floated up, before fading. "Huh. So if I sing... Oh how much is that doggy in the window."

More grey shapes floated up, for her singing voice was just as flat. Ambient smiled, hearing the familiar flatness from her friend.

Amber's frown deepened. "Hm. My breath needs to find life... A story?" She stood up. "Once there was a pony." A white pony floated up, shining dimly, before popping. "Once upon a time, there lived a foal, with a red hood. She wore her hood so often, she was known for it." A pale pony with a red hood floated up, shining brightly. It started dimming. "One day she was sent out with a basket, and a mission. To deliver a basket of goods to a family member." A basket floated up and joined the pony, who started trotting.

"Ooh!" Ambient and Pinkamena clapped. Very impressive!

Amber opened her mouth and shut it. "I do not know anymore of this tale," she admitted, embarrassed. The story above popped.

"So, so long as you tell a story, you're a lantern?" Ambient asked.

"Pretty much."


The two turned to Pinkamena, who had seemed to have broken her spine. That stared in mild surprise as she was now glowing pink. "Glowstick time baby! Let's go!"

Amber nodded. "That will work. I don't really have any stories to tell. I didn't know you could glow."

"Neither did I" Wait then why did you snap your spine if you didn't know this would happen!?

Pinkamena shrugged. "You learn something new every day!" the insane mare said, walking to the opening.

The trio walked into the cave and down a set of rocky steps, Ambient in front, Amber in the middle, and Pinkamena in the back.

"You guys are gonna love Midnight!" Ambient exclaimed as they walked down the steps. "She's really fast and has pretty wings! She's got these really cool teeth..."

Ambient rambled on about her friend as they delved ever deeper. She talked about the games of Gravity Catch they would play, the friends who played Breakball. She seemed to like the schoolbooks they ate, but found Math to be hard to chew. Or in Midnight's case, hard to drink. She remembered one time when Midnight's and Ambient's dads.

When their dads. Ambient stopped in her tracks, simply staring in silence for a moment. She shook her head. "O-oh hey! We're here!" she said, her red tail wagging. And indeed, they had arrived. At the bottom of the steps was a large cavern entrance with a sandy floor, with skulls attached to the top of the opening. Inside this second cave, strange bat pegasi walked on the ceiling, chatting with each other and walking from place to place.

"Wow." Pinkamena said. "This place is blowing my mind."

A bat pegasus foal with bright blue fur and wings looked up in boredom, before noticing the newcomers. Her black eyes flashed. "Ambient!" She suddenly plummeted, landing head first into the sandy floor. She popped her head out, kicking up sand as she ran towards her friend. Ambient had no time to react as she was instantly tackled. "Oh how I missed you!"

"I missed you too!" Ambient said excitedly. "This is my friend Midnight Splash!"

Midnight tugged on her friend's arm. "Common, we gotta get you- Hey waaiit a minute." Midnight stopped, and stared at Ambient suspiciously. "Where's your Dad? Our dads never miss the chance to beat each other up. Did you sneak out?"

Amber's ear is flicking. Amber watched as Ambient's glow seemed to fade to a white stripe of fur. Amber quickly stepped forward. "Don't worry, she's with me." Amber said.

Midnight stared for a few more moments, before nodding. "Well okie dokie! Come on to the stepladder and we'll send you to town!"

"You mean this step ladder?" Pinkamena sai- Where is she? Oh. Over there. Pinkamena had wandered off and found a singular stepladder made out of sticks. She stepped up and plummeted upwards, slamming into the ceiling above. A bat pegasus simply stared at her, before pulling out a small bell.


Multiple bat pegasi in security uniforms arrived and began setting up a trampoline above the step ladder. They dragged Pinkamena away, and set her on a cot. "Ooh, comfy!" Pinkamena said, complimenting the cot.

Are her wings upside down? Amber continued to watch, trotting -Shame. I forgot she can't hear us anymore. I don't suppose the dear readers could make both

If you dare and ask anything of them, I will make sure you regret it.

Duly noted. Amber watched as Ambient hopped off the stepladder, twirling through the air as she fell towards the trampoline, Midnight flying around her in excitement. Her ears twitched as she looked back. "The cave goes deeper." She turned upwards. "Pinkie! Keep an eye on them!" Before Pinkamena could reply, she was already running towards the steps.

"Well okAY!" Pinkamena started convulsing and shaking, sliding off the cot. "O-o-h! I-t-s a Doo-zy!"

Amber arrived back at the step, her eyes flicking as they heard some unknown sound. She went past the stairs and into the dark- She's going into the dark.

The cave formation grew rougher. More natural. Amber stumbled over sharp rocks that lacked any sort of flat bottom sides. She moved blindly, listening for a sound to guide her. That's when I hear it.

Amber arrived to a part of the cave where water dripped from the ceiling. In the center of a large chamber steed a tree.


A woven knott of oak bound a pony. Stiff and old. Little escaped the cage but, for a ream of long...long mane...that trailed in curls of vivid rainbow light.

Amber walked up to the bark. She remembered words from last time she encountered this. But last time felt... like a mistake. This one?

"Once Upon a time, there were two sisters. One of day, and one of night. They kept the world in Harmony." A white and black pony floated up. "These sisters could not stand to see their ponies becoming truly free, and so sought out the Elements of Harmony, their Pillars already lost to time." Crystals floated above the ponies head. "And so they sought to lock away chaos. To turn the Lord to stone. But he played a trick on them. A terrible trick." A tall spindly creature of many colors laughed as the two ponies writhed. "He bound them away, with a requirement for their freedom. One would need to be entirely loyal. Unwavering. Believing wholly that chaos was better than order. Only such a person could set them free." The pictures floated down and covered Amber in a pale light.

"I have been on the other side of the tree. I know how wonderful that land can be." Amber said, setting her hooves on the tree. She pushed down on the flanks, where the cutie marks should be. "I set you free." For a moment, nothing happened. "I suppose it's just an old mare's tal-"

Light erupted out of the tree, blasting Amber back. As she blinked the spots out of her eyes, she noticed a shape barreling towards her. She opened her arms wide for a hug, and felt hooves around her neck. Well that's not right.

Celestia slammed into Amber, pinning her to the ground. She let out a scream as she throttled the smaller mare. "DIE!"

DEAD: 0, N/A

A reminder: Things can naturally occur in the story, but ultimately you choose what happens next. Even if it's something like a nuke drops and we must suddenly switch to survival of Ponyland, or continuing on the current adventure but the Wasteland is here.