• ...

the talk

Author's Note:

Thanks for the positive feedback I'm getting! As thanks here's a ( slightly longer than usual ) chapter!

"So why were you in a locker?"

"Just drop it already Sunset. Please."

It was shortly after school. Sunset had found Morty in a nearby locker and was walking with him to Sugarcube Corner.

"But I...oh alright."

Morty said nothing. He was already in a slightly bad mood from being stuck in a locker to having one of his friends get him out.

There was silence the rest of the trip there. Once they got there the rest of the girls were already waiting for them.

"Hi girls", Sunset said.

"..." Morty said nothing.

The rest of them noticed Morty's mood. Thankfully none of them commented on it.

"So what are we going to do Pinkie?" Applejack asked.

"Well I was thinking we could have a slumber party", Pinkie said.

"Where at?" Rarity asked.

"Um...maybe at my place? That is if you want to..." Fluttershy said.

Meanwhile, Morty was lost in his own thoughts.



He then noticed everyone at his table was looking at him.

"Oh sorry. Just have some things on my mind", he said.

"Do you...want to talk about it?" Rainbow asked.

"Um, I'm fine", he insisted.

"So what were you talking about?", he said trying to change the subject.

"Oh we were talking about a sleepover at Fluttershy's place", Pinkie said.

"Cool. So I take it you're all going then?" Morty said.

"We sure are...wait a minute", Applejack said.

"What?" Morty asked.

"You make it sound like you're not going", Sunset observed.

"Well, I would love to it's just that...you've all known each other longer than I have", Morty explained.


"And quite honestly I don't think Rick would let me go", he concluded.

"Hmm maybe that's true but he doesn't have to know", Pinkie said.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"I think what pinkies trying to say dear is that you just come whether he wants you to or not", Rarity said.

"Um Ill think about it", Morty eventually decided.

"Yay!" the girls exclaimed.

"Group hug!" Pinkie said.

"Wait what?" But before Morty knew it he was being hugged.

He didn't know what to think. On the one hand, it was nice if a little uncomfortable. But on the other what would Rick think about it?

Eventually, he said, "Um I have to go."

"So soon?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah, Rick doesn't like it if I stay out too late."

"Oh, one more thing Morty," Applejack said.


"Can you tell us about this Rick person you speak about?"

That wasn't what Morty was expecting to hear.

"Um, I'll tell you all later", he said.


"Ok gotta go bye", and with that, he was gone.

"I think I dodged a bullet there. But just to be on the safe side I should refrain from talking about him if at all", Morty thought.

The next day...

Morty was late to school...again. And to top it all off the day before his teachers gave him extra homework.

So as a result he had to stay up late doing it and he was exhausted.

Something his friends picked up on at lunch.

"Um, Morty?"

"Huh? What? Oh, sorry girls. I'm just a little tired."

"Uh yeah we can tell", Rainbow said.

"So are you going?" Pinkie asked.

"Um...yeah I'll go. I don't have anything better to do anyway", he said the last part under his breath.

"Yay! This is going to be so much fun!"

"Um, before I go though I have a request?"

"Sure Morty what is it?" Sunset asked.

"Can you leave me out of the girl stuff?"