• Published 19th Jun 2021
  • 3,978 Views, 104 Comments

Maids of Honor - Foal Star

Royal Guards start to be demoted into maids by Princess Celestia herself. It's up to the first stallion turned to a mare to stop her

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Chapter two: How a Blaze turns into Amber

A week has gone by since the former guard Spear Point was turned into the maid now known as Mop Head. The mare in question was slowly getting out of bed as she yawned and stretched her limbs, then she walked over to her bathroom, where she then looked up at the mirror. Mop Head’s cheeks flushed pink seeing how cute, with the reflection of an adorable relatively young sexy mare staring back at her. Her more petite frame, short round face and long blue mane, and beautiful two big blue eyes. The whole ordeal was still like she was in a dream. She went about taking a shower, brushing her teeth, braiding her mane and tail. Once she was ready, she went to her uniform dressed over a ponyquin. The mare's cheeks flushed a slight red as she trailed a hoof over the fabric of the maid's outfit, feeling how soft it was. She just had the uniform dry cleaned, and they did such a remarkable job. The mare then dressed herself, adjusting the uniform around her waist and pulling her forehooves through the top sleeves. She then tied a small frilly apron around her abdomen and tied it together with a small teal bow on the back. The maid hummed a small tune as she put on fur white socks over each of her four hooves, and she smiled at herself in a mirror. She was indeed beautiful, and it made her heart sing. Despite the fact, Princess Celestia has offered to turn her back into a stallion multiple times, she was seriously considering staying like this for the rest of her life. She took one last deep breath, then opened her door and squeaked as she was surprised to see her new friend Soap Suds was standing outside. The mare in question was a funny-looking maid with a frazzled blue mane and a white coat with blue freckles all over her face. Out of all the maids, she's been the most welcoming.

"Hey! You're always awake super early!" Soap Suds squealed.

Mop Head's cheeks flushed pink as she threw a hoof and as she replied in a casual tone, "yeah, I'm used to it? Thanks for stopping by Soap Suds."

The white-coated mare just threw herself over Mop Head and pulled her into a tight hug. "Oh, I keep telling you to just call me Soapy!"

"I…I know…s…sorry…." Mop Head stammered; she was still somewhat stunned at how friendly this other mare was compared to the rest of the maids. As the two strolled down the stairs together, other butlers and maids would give her odd looks, most knowing who she was now. Mop Head turned her gaze, and it was evident that it would take some time to get used to a stallion-turned-mare walking around. But some did wave a hoof and flashed her smile, showing that they weren't judging her.

They eventually came upon the group of maids and butlers at the bottom of the stairs. Mop Head stayed in the back of the group, hoping not to get noticed. At the head of the group of the palace staff, a bitter old maid stood over them; she had a grey mane tied in a bun and had her glasses slanted down on her muzzle. The old maid looked more intimidating than she needed to. The head maid had a clipboard as she checked each pony off and gave them assigned tasks for the day. Mop Head slowly walked up to the old mare and bowed her head, cheeks flushing pink. The old mare seemed to hone her glare at the new maid, then snapped, "I see the stallion has reported on time."

"Of course, I have! I always report on time!" the mare shouted as she slammed a hoof to the ground. Mop Head was starting to get extremely peeved at this old mare signaling her out.

"You will not talk to me in such a manner!" The head maid snapped, and Mop Head went into attention, knowing she just incurred the wrath of the older mare.

The mare walked around the two inspecting them, but she mostly stayed her attention on Mop Head. The younger mare had to grimace as the older mare walked around the back and flicked her tail up. Mop Head had to keep herself from bucking the old mare but held stiff as aboard. Dusty Shelves came around and in front of the maids as she said, "there are so many things wrong with Mop Head's uniform. I can't even count how many infractions there are. Soapy, please help the new maid to get prepared for the day."

"Yes, mam," Soapy replied as she performed a curtsey throwing her dress out with a perfect bow of her head. The older mare strutted off as Mop Head had tears coming to her eyes. "I... it's just like when I was a guard…."

"Oh, don't worry about it; Old Dusty Shelves has been here since forever; she does this to all the new maids and butlers." They then both turned to see the butlers being screamed at about leaving crumbs and empty wine glasses last night as Soapy Suds whispered, "trust me, those guys get it way worse."

The two mares snickered behind their hooves as Soapy led the somewhat defeated-looking Mop Head away and helped her get tidied up. The grey coated mare just stood there as Soapy Suds helped adjust her uniform and dust it off.

There Princess Celestia was making pancakes and coffee. Dozens of ponies were already in line guards, butlers, maids, and even some nobles. Everypony knew the princess loved making breakfast for her sister, but she would make some extra food for her hardworking staff as well. Mop Head and Soapy waited patiently as they continued walking down the hall and into the kitchen. They picked up some pancakes and eggs before heading to a table where they sat down and ate together.

Mop Head watched as Princess Celestia was cooking, flipping pancakes, and finishing making a few more cups of coffee and straining orange juice into another cup. Mop Head had been a guard for some time, and she never seemed to recognize how maternal she was before. It was adorable watching her cooking breakfast and humming a tune. After the princess started cleaning herself up, she spotted Mop Head staring at her. The maid looked away with her cheeks flushing pink, now feeling self-conscious, having thought of the princess like she was her mother. Celestia walked over and gave the two maids a pleasant smile, then asked, "hello Spear Point...or would you rather be called Mop Head?"

"Mop Head is fine...I think I prefer it…" the mare squealed as she performed a curtsy, almost forgetting to do so.

The princess of the sun gave a nod and replied, "All alright then, Mop Head? How is my cooking?"

"It's amazing! I've never had breakfast like this before in my life!" Soapy squealed as she clapped her hooves together.

Mop Head placed her hooves over her face, and Celestia snickered behind a hoof as she looked over at the embarrassed maid and asked, "I see you made a friend?"

Before Mop Head could say anything, Soapy then hugged her and exclaimed, "yep! I'm teaching her the ropes, and she's doing really well! I've never seen a hardworking maid like her!"

Princess Celestia gave the mare a smile and said, "Even as a royal guard, he was such a hard worker...or should I use her?"

Mop Head was a bit unsure of what she would be called. She wasn't a hundred percent sure if she wanted to stay as a mare or identify as one...at the same time, Mop Head was feeling that she was enjoying herself as a mare more so than she ever was as a stallion. The maid looked upward with a small smile and replied, "she is fine for now...in fact, I am considering staying like this permanently."

Soap Suds perked up as Celestia bowed her head and replied, "I'm glad you've found your destiny, and if you ever wish to change back to a stallion, please let me know."

Mop Head lowered her head and whispered, "thank you, Princess Celestia."

The princess of the sun rose up on all fours and gave one last bow of her head. "Alright then, please enjoy your breakfast before you go off to do your duties."

"Of course, Princess Celestia," both maids chimed, and the princess walked off to perform her own royal duties. The two mares continued to eat their meal together for some time until Soapy asked, "so, are you really considering staying a mare?"

Mop Head sipped at her cup of coffee, taking a pause before she responded. "Yes, I always felt that I thought that I was supposed to be a mare for a long time…. I was always scared, though...I...I think I might be the only pony who thought he was born in the wrong gender."

Soapy Suds nuzzled into her and whispered, "well, I support you, either way, mare or not, you're such an amazing pony."

Mop Head looked down at her blank flank with a defeated look. She never felt amazing...in fact, her whole life, she felt like a failure who was just getting by doing a job she hated. For once, she had an opportunity to change and be something different. But despite her insecurity in regard to her gender and what she wanted in life, the mare nuzzled Soapy Suds back. "Thank you, you're probably the first friend I've ever had."

"Awww, that's so sweet," Soap Suds dawwed as the two wiped their mouths and got up. They went back to the bottom of the maid's quarters again, where the old craggy mare Dusty Shelves assigned their duties for the day.

When Soapy Suds and Mop Head got to the craggy old mare, she glared at them through her slanted glasses. She first gave a scroll to Soapy Suds. "Soapy Suds, you'll take a group of ten other maids and butlers, and you'll be in charge of all the east wing bathrooms, have them cleaned, scrubbed, and make sure they have fresh toilet paper. Also, be sure to spray to light a lavender-scented candle in Luna's bathroom."

"Yes, mam!" the young maid squealed as the old mare looked towards Mop Head with a smirk, "as for you, you will be in charge of cleaning out the entire royal library by yourself, that means you'll organize the books, dust the shelves, clean the loveseats, I don't want a speck of dust in that library!"

Mop Head was stunned as her face grew red, and steam was pouring out of her ears. She was trying to not shout the hundreds of colorful insults and curses at Dusty Shelves. She took in a deep breath, adjusted her uniform, and asked, "why did you assign me to clean the entire library by myself? I was doing fine, performing my other duties."

Dusty gave her an evil grin and said, "it's punishment for your rude behavior and misconduct this morning, plus forgetting to perform a curtsy in the presence of princess Celestia. I hope this will teach you a lesson."

Mop Head wanted to shout and demand her to apologize. Still, she sucked down her anger, performed her curtsy, and replied, "I apologize; I have learned my lessons; I will go and perform my duties as instructed."

She then trotted off as Mop Head steamed Soapy hopped by, "Hey, I'll get the bathroom cleaned in a jiffy and help you, ok?"

Mop Head had tears come to her eyes. Soap Suds was such a good friend, and the overwhelming emotion was too much for her as she pulled the as she whispered, "Thanks...but I got this, besides I don't want you getting in trouble."

"Ok, just don't overwork yourself, ok?" Soap Suds responded as she looked somewhat concerned for her new friend.

"I won't," Mop Head whispered as she went to the supply closet to grab her cleaning supplies. The mare knew that this was going to be hard and that despite her misgivings being a stallion, she, at the very least, knew that being a mare would be a lot harder than she anticipated. But she was willing to put up with the insults, the mean glares, and the unnecessary hazing. She can endure whatever life throws at her before she can do it again.

Later that afternoon…

After hours of nonstop cleaning, Mop Head looked somewhat exhausted; her uniform was a mess, full of dust, with bits of cobwebs all over her mane. She was breathing heavily, looking like she just ran a marathon. She swept, mopped, dusted the shelves, organized every book on them, and even took a broom and cleared every cobweb off the ceiling. The maid was taking a breather sitting down on one of the loveseats around the library. She then laid back as she stared up at the stone ceiling overhead. The mare cannot believe she just cleaned the entire royal library by herself. Mop Head looked over across the library, and there she spotted a clock and was astonished it was nearly seven P.M.

The tired mare gave an exasperated sigh, "I can't believe I spent the entire day cleaning this room…"

The maid blushed as she thought about how the guards used to joke and mock at the cleaning staff, belittling them. She realized that all they had to do was stand around and walk around the palace. While ever since she was turned into a maid, she had spent nearly every day cleaning the palace, sweeping and mopping floors, scrubbing the bathrooms, and fetching meals for the princesses.

Mop Head got back up on all fours and whispered to herself. "You never really know what others go through until you're put in their hooves."

Her stomach then growled as she placed a hoof to her belly. "Oh dear, I haven't eaten anything since this morning."

She set off out of the library and came through the stairs leading into another corridor. The maid then continued to walk down the aisle, looking outside seeing the sun setting. It was rather beautiful how the sun glistened off the rooftops. She took a second to admire the view and eventually came to find the two guards standing there. One she recognized immediately as Blazing Saddle but most just call him Blaze. He was a light brown coated stallion pegasus with a short-cut red mane and tail. Mop Head lowered her Head feeling somewhat nervous, as the stallion in question was the epitome of "toxic masculinity" he was always bragging about how many mares he's "mounted." He used to pick on him a lot as a guard. She can only imagine what Blazing Saddles would say to her as a mare. With her head bent downward, she slowly trotted through the two guards hoping to avoid their gaze.

She was making her way through the archway seeing the throne room in sight before she heard somepony say behind her. "Hey, so you're the stallion who got demoted, right?"

Mop Head winced; she could feel her heart racing seeing now she wouldn't get by unnoticed. She slowly turned her head and stammered, "y...yes?"

The stallion started tapping a hoof to his chin and asked in a condescending tone. "Wasn't your name Spear something…"

"I wouldn't mind putting my spear into her if you know what I mean," the other stallion snickered.

"Buck, you asshole!" Mop Head snapped at the other unicorn stallion; she didn't recognize him, but other guards usually just go along with Blaze's antics. Regardless she wasn't going to be targeted by some rape joke.

Blazing saddles walked around her, seeming to be checking her out. Mop Head stood there shaking all over, not knowing what to do as the stallion whispered, "oh yeah, she does look good for a mare, too bad we know her true gender."

"S... shut up! You two don't know anything about me!" Mop Head cried out as she stepped backward with her heart pounding in her chest. At first, she thought this would be some light teasing, but she was now scared of what could happen next.

Blazing Saddles then took a hoof and lifted the skirt of her uniform as she stood there terrified. She could feel him gazing her backside over, and in her mind, if he tried to do anything, she would buck him. Luckily he just backed off and scoffed, "What a ridiculous uniform? Honestly, is the princess just trying to humiliate you more than she already has?"

"Of course not! I love my new uniform!" the maid shouted once more.

The two stallions then burst into more laughter when Blazing Saddles threw a hoof and snickered, "we're just playing with you pussy."

The other stallion burst into more laughter as Mop Head dropped her gaze, with tears starting to fill her eyes. Pussy, it wasn't the first time she's been called that and not just by Blaze…

"What is going on here!?"

Somepony shouted down the hall. The two guards instantly snapped to attention as Princess Celestia came trotting down the hall; the other guards went to attention as Mop Head performed a curtsy.

The princess slowly walked forward and eyed the stallions; she then turned her attention to Mop Head and asked, "Mop Head, was Blazing Saddles just harassing you?"

Blaze glared at her knowing full well if she talked, something worse would happen as a result. Mop Head gulped and stammered," no...no, he was just teasing; nothing serious ha...happened."

Blaze smiled, thinking he was in the clear, but Celestia shook her head and said, "I know Blaze's "teasing," and I think that comes up much too often."

She turned to the stallion with a cold glare, then growled, "you're already on thin ice as it is, and you still pull a stunt like this!"

"I didn't do anything! Steel Horn was the one who made the rape joke!" Blaze shouted, pointing a hoof at the other stallion.

"N...no, I didn't!" the unicorn stallion cried out.

"Yes, you did! I just commented on her uniform!" Blaze snapped back.

As the two stallions were bickering, Mop Head did her best not to laugh, seeing the two stallions watching so bold a minute go now reduce to foals tattling on each other.

Celestia then raised her wings and shouted, "Silence!"

The two guards instantly clamped their mouths as Celestia's gaze was still on them as she growled, "harassment will not be tolerated under my palace. Blaze, report to my room immediately, and we can discuss your future as a royal guard!"

Blazing Saddles stomped off, looking rather furious as Steel Horn had a smirk on his face as the princess turned to him, making that smirk fade as she snapped, "for your actions, I'll reprimand you tomorrow."

"Y...yes, princess…." Steel Horn whimpered, lowering his head as Celestia then threw a hoof and continued, "now go, you're dismissed for the evening."

"Yes, princess," the guard squeaked once more before running off, knowing full well he was in hot water.

The princess then turned her attention to the library and was somewhat amazed at how pristine it was. The library glistened like morning dew on the grass with the shelves dust-free, the floor squeaky cleaned. Celestia looked around the library, looking for anything out of place. Mop Head just stood there shaking all over, hoping that she did her job well enough. Celestia then looked over and asked, "Mop Head, you did all this by yourself?"

“Y...yes princess…” Mop Head stammered.

Celestia looked around, seeing that the room wasn't just cleaned; it felt like a different room with new satin pillows and a cute violet rug near the window. The maid stood there somewhat nervous, hoping that she didn't miss anything. The princess slowly trotted up to her "Mop Head, you have a hidden talent, and I think that you were born to do more than just clean. You redecorated this place and gave it new life."

"Seriously!? You think I have a hidden talent!" Mop Head squealed; her heart was now racing.

Celestia bowed her head and continued, "yes, this is remarkable, thank you. This dusty old library needed a makeover...speaking of which...I might need your help?"

Mop Head's ears perked up in anticipation, wondering what the princess could want from her. Celestia cleared her throat as she then asked, "I know Blaze and his antics. I've given him stern warnings and even demoted his rank when he was a sergeant. But he clearly won't stop harassing other mares. I think he's a good stallion at heart, but I think he needs to learn a lesson or be forced to find a job somewhere else."

Mop Head paused as she was starting to catch on to what the princess was asking and stammered, "Yo...you mean to turn him into a...a maid?"

The princess nodded as she continued, "Of his free will, of course, if he wants to remain a guard here, you seem to like your new body, but I doubt it'll be the same for Blaze. I expect he will be resentful. If he decides to take the punishment and have his gender and job change for a week, and if you see him improve, I'll reinstate him as a guard."

Mop Head lowered her Head; she wasn't liking this idea at all! She would be basically babysitting a stallion who would try to make her life even more miserable. That's on top of dealing with Dusty Shelves! But she had to remember her place, and the mare cleared her throat as she performed a curtsy and replied, "I don't know, this could end badly, but I'll do my best to keep her in line."

"Thank you, Mop Head; if you do well, I will make sure you're promoted up higher in the ranks of the maids," Celestia replied with a smile before trotting off.

When the princess was out of sight, Mop Head just shoved a hoof into her face and shook her head. "This is a bad idea."

Blazing Saddles was now standing alone in the princess's chambers, fuming. He didn't do anything wrong! What he joked a little, it's not like he's ever hurt anypony. So what if he makes them cry? They're just pussies who want their safe spaces, in the real world; no one cares! Celestia treats them almost like foals, and it was insulting to him. Maybe he'll just quit and find a job somewhere else; nobles are constantly hiring private security.

His thoughts were paused as the princess walked into the chamber and went to her desk, where she tapped a stack of paper. The princess gave him a cold stone glare as she asked, "You see this? This is the list of complaints from staff and citizens that you've harassed over the past few months."

"Yeah, so what? You're going to fire me, right? So just do it!" Blaze snapped he had enough of the princess's patronizing bullshit. If she was going to fire him, fine.

Celestia's eyes lit up, "I am considering doing more than that; what you've done could be considered crimes, and some mares are pressing charges against you. I personally won't have any dealings with those, but I cannot have a royal guard with this behavior. This won't be the first time I've terminated a staff member here for harassment. But, most likely, you'll never change. So instead, I have an offer."

"What's that?" Blaze asked as much as he was ready to leave, and the pay was excellent. If the princess was willing to bump his salary, he may consider shutting his trap for a month or two.

"You will become a maid for a week and have your gender changed like what happened to Spear Head. After the week is over and I feel as if you have changed, I'll reinstate your previous status as a guard." Celestia explained with a smile.

Blaze raised his wings and threw his hooves up. "No bucking way! Just fire me already!"

The princess gave a sigh, "I should've seen this coming, but alright."

She then got out the termination form and started filling it out. Blazing Saddles just stood there glaring how dare she even consider he would want to be a mare for a second! He then took a quill and signed his name on the form. Then he dropped the quill back in the ink bottle.

He bowed his head with a smirk being rather pleased to see Celestia’s big butt one last time and snickered, "next time we meet, I'll be sure to stick my spear in that fine ass of yours."

The princess just stood there for a second. She didn't seem angry or insulted; in fact, she looked relatively calm. Then her horn lit up as the tendrils of magic wrap around him as his body started to change. He felt his body morphing with thick muscles becoming much slenderer as his bones morphed and clicked. He felt his skull morphing and he cried out in pain with the octaves getting higher as his face morphed and became more rounded. He groaned, kicking and gnashing his teeth as it was pretty painful. The stallion then felt his mane and tail grow out, and then he gasped, feeling the one thing he cherished the most slowly disappearing. A hoof went down his nether regions, and he realized that his stallion hood was gone, replaced with a hole...a...a….He screamed as he was placed back down onto the ground with his armor now turning into a soft fabric. The gold color turned into a pitch black with the armor growing out, until the now soft black fabric covered his entire backend with the outfit clearly now a dress with white frills outlining the skirt. He looked down to see his hooves now had four black shoes with white socks coming up his legs. Then he felt his helmet which was lopsided on his Head, turn softer on his mane. Blazing Saddles couldn't look into a mirror, but he knew what Celestia turned him into.

The princess then simply got out a new form and started filling it out as she explained, "now, you can be terminated from my duties and be a mare for the rest of your life. Or you can try being a maid for a week, and we can go from there."

"Y...you can't do this, change me back!" Blaze roared, not caring how cute and shrill his voice sounded. He didn’t care if Princess Celestia did this, he will not tolerate this!

Celestia rose up with her hooves on the desk as she growled, "You just threatened to rape me! If I was my sister, she would have thrown you in a cell and have you tried!"

"I... I'm sorry," Blaze whimpered, realizing he was clearly out of line.

Celestia settled down, sitting back on her seat as she presented two forms, "Of course you are, now change your behavior and see how it is to be in a mare's hooves for a week. Then maybe you'll respect them more, and you can be reinstated as a guard."

"Yes...p...princess…." Blaze whimpered as she looked down at the two forms, and she took out the quill again. She went to the one regarding being hired as a maid and saw that instead of Blaze or Blazing Saddles, it had Amber Saddles instead.

"A...Amber?" the newly transformed mare whined, hating the new name already.

"Well, I could've chosen more embarrassing names, but that sounded nice. Besides, it's not like you can change it yourself." Celestia scoffed, pointing a hoof at the forms.

The mare pouted and quickly jotted her new name on the paperwork. Once it was finished, Princess Celestia filed the form away before getting up. "Now, you'll be reporting to Mop Head's room and bunking with her. She'll be the one who will make sure you're performing your duties. It will ultimately be up to her if she thinks you're capable of being a royal guard again, understood?"

"Yes, princess," Blaze grumbled; he bowed his head, not bothering to perform a stupid curtsey, and ran out of the room. As he ran down the halls, she felt her heart racing with the silly maid's uniform flaying around her. He just had to be a stupid stallion for one week; it'll be easy just dressing up and cleaning? Then he'll leave this insane castle and never come here again!

Back in her quaint little chamber, with the place having posters of Princess Celestia plastered all over the room, with her uniform dressed over a ponyquin. In the middle of the room Mop Head was humming a tune as she was sitting down on a simple chair eating a dandelion sandwich over a small table and drinking a glass of wine. She was feeling relaxed after a long day's work, and she was told by Dusty Shelves she had the day off tomorrow for her praise by the princess. Soon she'll be promoted from chambermaid to palace maid and one-day head maid. She shivered, thinking how amazing it would be to be on the same level as those old craggy Dusty Shelves. A maid with a bright red mane then burst into the room seething, and looking rather angry, she stomped inside and slammed a form on the table. "We're bunking together! And that's that! You're not ordering me to do shit, just let me eat, and sleep for a week, then we never have to see each other again!"

Mop Head was just sitting there surprised and confused, then it hit her this maid was…She put a hoof to her mouth, trying to keep herself from bursting into laughter." Blazing? Is that you?"

"Of course, it is! But until I'm gone, Amber got it!" The maid snapped as she threw off her uniform and stomped over to the bathroom and slammed the door behind her. Mop Head casually finished her sandwich and drank down her wine as she read some of the forms that Amber set down. Basically, from what she gathered, she was to make sure she didn't harass any other pony and to make sure she performed her duties for a week. As easy as it sounds, she knew Blaze...now Amber was going to make this difficult. She then rose and walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door, then asked, "Need help in there?"

"Nope! I'm fine!" the mare shouted.

Mop Head snickered under her breath. "Of course." She waited, humming as she could hear Amber cursing with her shouting, "how do mares do this every day!"

"Trust me, I had trouble my first time going; just lift your tail and relax," Mop Head chimed.

"I know how to go pee! Just shut up!" Amber shouted again.

Mop Head sat back and waited for the mare to finish when she heard a flush and then the rushing water of the sink. As Amber came out of the bathroom, Mop Head smirked as she couldn’t help to ask, "did you forget to wipe?"

Amber looked over at the mare and snapped, "of course not!” As she stomped off with Mop Head snickering betting she forgot to wipe.

The red-headed mare then took a good look around the small chamber and asked, "where do I sleep?"

"Well, this was rather sudden, so I guess we're sharing a bed tonight." Mop Head replied as she gave her bed a pat.

Amber threw her head up and scoffed, "then you're sleeping on the floor! I'm not sleeping in a bed with you!"

"As if I read those forms, I'm in charge, so you can sleep on the floor if you want," Mop Head snapped back; she wasn't going to take this any lip from Amber.

The red-headed mare slammed a hoof on the ground and shouted, "fine! But you stay away from me!"

Mop Head rolled her eyes and scoffed, "what? I doubt this is the first time you slept with a mare."

She then struggled to get the uniform off her, grumbling as she tried to take the straps from behind her. After some time, Mop Head walked over and asked, "Hey, come on, you need help."

"Just show me how you take this stupid thing off!" Amber grumbled.

Mop Head gently untied the apron around the mare's waist. She could feel Amber breathing seeing how it might’ve been too tight, she then slowly lifted the uniform from her fellow maid making sure gently pull it off her body. Mop Head then helped remove her shoes and finished by taking the little maid cap off her head as well. After that, each sock was taken from her hooves, and she made sure to be gentle. Mop Head then went to a closet and hung up the uniform, separating it from her other ones.

The grey-coated mare looked over and saw that Amber was now just looking at herself in the mirror. She seemed to be hypnotized by her appearance and her new body. Mop Head didn't like Blaze or Amber, but she couldn't help but feel bad for her and slowly came over and whispered, "Look, I've been there, and I know how you're feeling."

"You don't know anything about me!" Amber shouted.

She stomped over to the bed and slipped into the bed under the sheets. Mop Head followed after slipping in the sheets across from her. Mop Head wanted to comfort her, but she couldn't see that Amber wanted nothing to do with her. She snuggled under the sheets and looked up at the ceiling, wondering how tomorrow was going to be like.