• Published 25th Aug 2021
  • 537 Views, 10 Comments

My Little Mages: The Cutie Mage Crusader Dream Trilogy - Foxhelm

A My Little Mages retelling of the three stories of the CMC interacting with Princess Luna in the Dreamscape

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For Whom The Sweetie Belle Toils

Sweetie Belle was standing near the door to one of Rarity’s work rooms in the enchantress’ boutique. “I have to leave for my dress rehearsal soon, Rarity!” Sweetie tried to not shout at her sister like a spoiled child. She knew Rarity was working as fast as she could, but Sweetie was short on time.

Rarity turned from what she was working on to face Sweetie Belle, “I know I promised to help with the costumes for your play.” She said as she lowered her glasses.

Sweetie Belle tried to smile, “I get it, this commission from Sapphire Shores is a big thing and you only have until the day after tomorrow to finish it.” Her voice strained as she tried to not whine or complain. Yet it was clear that she could really use the help Rarity promised.

Rarity sighed as she turned from Sweetie Belle towards half a dozen mannequins, "I still feel it needs a certain je ne sais quoi." She commented as she looked over the commissioned costumes. Sweetie slightly squinted her eyes in confusion over Rarity's word choice. Did Rarity really need to speak Appearench? Wasn't the Princess' Mystican enough? Sweetie asked herself. But she elected to not press the matter, she really wanted to work with Rarity but her older sister was not making things easy. Rarity then spoke, "Perhaps it needs…" She trailed off for a second before finishing her thought, "appliqués."

"Appliqués?" Sweetie asked before she dashed to where Rarity had those components. Sweetie never knew why they were called that, but if that's what Rarity needs.

"Or sequins." Rarity mused aloud as she failed to notice Sweetie had gone to get what Rarity had previously suggested.

"Sequins!" Sweetie cried as she ran to the other side of the room to get some of Rarity's second suggestion only to end up tripping over herself and crashing into one of the cabinets.

This got Rarity's attention as she rushed to Sweetie and helped her back up looking over her to see if Sweetie was injured. After seeing that her sister was unharmed, “Sweetie Belle, I adore having you help me, truly I do, but…” she trailed off as she picked up the items that fell.

Sweetie rubbed her upper left arm with her right hand, “Guess I got a little carried away. It's just that I know how important it is for you to finish this wardrobe in time for Sapphire Shores and her backup dancers..”

Rarity smiled, she knew there was more to Sweetie’s motives, but she couldn’t blame Sweetie for this. Her sister was earnestly trying to help her. “There’s also my promise to help you with your play. I am short on time, but I strive under pressure. So what exactly did you have in mind when I promised to help you with your play?” Rarity asked.

Sweetie smiled as she started to leave the work room, “Just check on the stitching and finish the buttons on the dresses I made for Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and myself.” Rarity smiled as Sweetie exited. While she saw that Sweetie was a songstress, even if Sweetie couldn’t tell right now, she was happy to know that Sweetie was also interested in Rarity’s own skills. “I just want them to look perfect and…” Sweetie’s voice came as she brought in a mobile cloth rack with three.. Rarity was at a loss of words. She’d see Applejack fubble while making more elegant dresses, but even then Applejack was salvageable as they were. Yet Rarity could never articulate what her little sister had sown. “I think I need your expertise.”

Rarity turned her attention from the … dresses... to Sweetie Belle. “So when did you say it was your play?'' Rarity asked, trying to hide the horror and disgust and … and she could not identify what else she felt nor did she want to.

“Tomorrow night.” Sweetie Belle answered with such a large smile on her face. “It’s the opening night!” she added, barely able to contain her excitement of how her play will be received.

Rarity looked at the commissioned order and rubbed her chin, ‘perhaps… but my friends have done so much for me and Applejack and Dashie would have both promised Apple Bloom and Scootaloo to see the play’. Rarity thought. ‘However… I did promise to help Sweetie Belle with the play.’ Rarity took a deep breath, “It’s a tight squeeze, but I can get the dresses ready for the show.” Rarity said.

Sweetie’s smile grew wider as she dove at Rarity, “Oh, thank you thank you thank you thank you! You're the best sister ever!” She squeaked and giggled gitty, much like the school girl she was. Rarity only hugged her sister in turn as she tried to figure out how to make the dresses that Sweetie intended to make.

The following night, at the Magiville Town Theatre, backstage, Sweetie Belle paced back and forth as Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were at ease. “Where is Rarity?” Sweetie Belle asked no one.

Just then Cheerilee walked behind the curtains, “My goodness, girls, it's time!” she informed, She then pointed to beyond the curtains and the currently unseen audience beyond, “And the audience is almost fully seated!” their teacher added before she headed away to let the girls finish their preparations.

Once Cheerliee was gone, “Ah ain't too worried, Rarity, like AJ and Rainbow known about the play for…” Apple Bloom started but stopped as she saw Sweetie Belle rubbing her left arm and giving a nervous smile. “Y'all forgot to tell her until last night.” it wasn’t a question and Sweetie Belle knew it. Apple Bloom grown as she buried her face in her hands, “Ah get that ya were so focused on the writing and the directing.” Apple Bloom then stopped again. “Yah made the dresses didn’t yah.” Sweetie’s nervous smile grew as she showed her upper teeth. Apple Bloom facepalmed herself, “Don’t you remember that talent show fiasco?” Apple Bloom asked hopefully rhetorically.

"But this is my first real chance of doing something really big on my own, and I really want to keep it that way. You know how Rarity is." Sweetie protested as she tried to defend her decision.

Before Apple Bloom or Scootaloo could counter, Rarity came in, panting, with a mobile cloth rack. “I’m here! I’m here! I’m sorry I’m late!” She spoke louder than she should’ve in an attempt to also catch her breath. Once she collected her breath, “I beg your pardon for cutting it so close, but I made some improvements to your original design,” Rarity pointed to the dresses. All three were gowns consistent with those worn by the upper classes between the late 200’s AC and yearly 500’s AC. One was mostly purple with some gold trimming with a long cone hat and another was two shades of light blue with a tall hat that top formed a ‘v'. ``And I had a terrible time with these froofy sleeves.” Rarity said as she pointed to the third gown, it was pink with some gray trim and white lace. Unlike the other two, it would have been worn by a common girl that was brought into a lady’s service. While Apple Bloom and Scootaloo loved the dresses, Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but feel up staged and what made matters worse, Rarity wasn’t even going to be on the stage at all and Sweetie hadn’t even got on stage yet. “It is for the first play you ever wrote, after all, so I made quite certain it came out just so.” Rarity couldn’t help but to praise her work, and to be just the dresses and her work was praiseworthy.

Cheerilee then came in with a slight panic in her voice, “Places!” She all but shouted.

About fifteen minutes later, the curtains rose showing Scootaloo in the blue gown and Apple Bloom in the purple one off to stage right standing as if they were in discussion. Sweetie was on stage left and could not help but give a massive toothy smile as she heard the applause, the oohs and ahhs from the audience. After a second she started walking towards Apple Bloom and Scootaloo as she spoke the first line, “Forsooth and anon, I cometh forthwith and posthaste with glad tidings, miladies.” Sweetie finished with a bow towards Apple Bloom and Scootaloo before the two nodded. The audience then cheered.

After the play as the CMC entered the backstage dressing room, “Wow!” Apple Bloom could barely contain herself from shouting in joy, “A standin' ovation!” she declared as she managed to calm herself slightly.

Scootaloo rolled up her left sleeve to show her arm was covered with small rises, “I still have goosebumps!” she said as she also rubbed her arms.

The two then turned to Sweetie Belle, “This must be like a dream come true for you, huh, Sweetie Belle?” Apple Bloom asked, with pride in her friend’s accomplishments.

Scootaloo was barely able to stifle a cheer, “Ooh, can you imagine if this show was how you got your aura mark?” she asked hoping that her friend found her calling.

“Which do you think you'd get it for?” Apple Bloom asked sharing in Scootaloo’s hope for Sweetie Belle, “Writing, directing, or acting?” she tried to figure out or rather hoped to have narrowed it down.

Sweetie Belle raised her right hand as she shut her eyes and took a deep breath bringing her hand to her chest. She slowly let it out as she lowered her hand and opened her eyes. She smiled, “Let's not get carried away.” she advised her friends, “We've got a whole lobby full of friends waiting to shower us with adoration and praise.” she said as she nodded her head over her left shoulder towards the audience. She then placed her right hand just over her heart and dipped her head with her eyes shut, “Try to be gracious.”

Scootaloo placed her hands together as if in prayer as she looked towards the heavens, “Modest.”

Apple Bloom lowered her upper eyelids as she lifted her left hand and bent her fingers to point downwards, “Classy.”

After the three had gotten out of their costumes and were in their normal clothes with shaded glasses often worn by actors they joined the audience that stayed for the post-show meet and greet. “Here we are, the stars of the show!” Sweetie Belle declared getting everyone’s attention.

“You may tell us how much you loved it now.” Apple Bloom added, trying to also bask in the attention that was due.

“Line forms here!” Scootaloo completed the trifecta as she pointed to a spot on the floor about a meter in front of the trio.

The first of the audience to come was Spike, Twilight’s dragon and familiar. The little guy had grown since the three’s ill fated attempt to look after him. ‘Cutie Mage Crusade: Dragon Slayers’ was not one of their best ideas, sadly it wasn’t even in the bottom fifty. “Wow, you guys were great!” Spike spoke in Draconic, his throat wasn’t quite large enough yet to also speak in Common, but Twilight has visited the school a few times and has hosted How to Understand Draconic seminars at the Golden Oak Library to help everyone understand what Spike said. “I think your sisters would have loved it!” The dragon added with a smile before he bit into a yellow gemstone he had. The three girls lowered their glasses in disbelief as they looked at one another as if they had the answer to a question. Seeing this Spike spoke up, “Yeah, with the time crunch on Rarity’s commission and her promise to help Sweetie Belle, Rarity needed help to get Sapphire Shores' wardrobe ready for morning.” Spike explained. “I was only able to catch the play because they finished your costume just in time.” Spike pointed out, making Sweetie Belle recall how close to curtain call it was before Rarity arrived. “and I drew the long straw to record the play.” he said as he reached into one of the pockets in the dog vest he wore. He showed a recording gem and replaced it. “They all are sorry.” Spike added, hoping that it would bond whatever wounds the girls had. The girls dipped their heads in defeat and all gave an unmistakably forlorn ‘Aww’. The dragon smiled, “Aw, cheer up, the show was great!” he declared, and brought soft smiles to the girls’ faces. “I'll get you some punch.'' The dragon then dashed over to the punch bowl.

The three turned to face each other and tried to smile. “At least everybody else who was able to stay loved it.” Sweetie Belle argued in an attempt to see the brighter side of things. She then saw a couple speaking. She walked over to them, “What did you all like best? The writing, the directing, or the acting?” She asked with wide eyes.

The two were startled slightly, “Oh my, I-” the woman started only to trail off slightly as she tried to answer the wanting child. “I loved the dresses.” she chose with a nervous smile.

Sweetie Belle started to dip her head, “I liked some of those lines you said.” the man said in an attempt to salvage the child’s psyche, or so he thought.

Sweetie Belle’s excitement shot right up as she stared into the man’s eyes. “Oh, really? Which ones?” she asked.

Realizing too late the mess he got himself in, the man had no choice but to level with Sweetie, “Uh, I don't really remember,” however he couldn’t get his mind off of the dresses, “but you were wearing a pink taffeta dress with lots of chiffon when you said them!” he said noting some of the work that went into the dress. “Whoo-ee, that outfit was a dazzler!” he declared, praising the dress.

The woman then rejoined the talk, “I liked that one almost as much as the one with the lacy trim and all the embroidered cuffs!” she commented on Apple Bloom’s dress.

“That was a nice one too!” the man commented.

Sweetie Belle's face soon rivaled Applejack’s own bemused expression as she looked between the adults. This didn’t last long before she growled childishly. She then walked into the center of the room, “Isn't there anybody here who remembers anything about the play besides the dresses?!” she shouted her rhetorical question. The crowd for the most part didn’t contradict her. Sweetie Belle then stormed out and headed home. She had some words to share with Rarity.

Inside Rarity’s boutique, in her main work room as Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie Pie packed the backup dancers/singers costumes with Twilight verifying that everything was its proper box, Fluttershy was standing still as the living mannequin for the headpiece of Sapphire Shore’s costume as Rarity made the final touches. “Done.” Rarity sighed with relief as Fluttershy was finally able to take the headpiece off.

“All of this is one headpiece?” the druid asked as she handed it to Applejack to place in the final box with the rest of Sapphire Shore’s costume.

Before the paladin could place it in the box, Rarity took it. “Indeed.” she said, looked it over and smiled at her handiwork, “This marvelous extravagance is the crème de la crème of the entire wardrobe!” Her declaration was spot on, as it was the focus piece of the entire order. She then took a cautious breath before she turned it over and pointed to a rather unique stitch in the interior. “But alas, without this key hidden stitch, it's just a…” she trailed off as Applejack took the headpiece and placed it in the box. “I'm trying to think of a nicer way to say 'big bummer'.” she acknowledged her failure to articulate a softer synonym. Having come up with nothing she took a sigh of relief. “Now perhaps we can all at last take a moment to relax.” she declared. Before her friends could move, the door opened and was slammed closed with what felt like enough force to bring the boutique to the ground. Everyone turned to see an annoyed Sweetie Belle. The annoyance that Sweetie expressed was lost on only Rarity. “Whatever's the matter, Sweetie Belle?” Rarity asked as she walked over to Sweetie. “Didn't the play go all right?”

Sweetie scowled at her older sister, Rarity could not be this dense. “Not even close.”

Rarity brought her right hand to her face, “Oh, dear.” she declared as she became worried. “Was something amiss with the dresses I made you?” she asked.

Sweetie’s scowl only intensified. Rarity has to be doing this on purpose. “No, they were perfect, and that was the whole problem!” Sweetie was barely able to not shout at her sister.

It was clear that the two needed space, so Applejack began to mostly shove everyone else out of the room, “Well look at the time, we bette’ take that break.”

Once she was alone with Rarity, Sweetie let her have it. “How could you?!” she demanded her sister answer for her sin. “"Oh, what amazing dresses! Oh, how I love the dresses! Ooh, dresses, dresses, dresses, dresses!"” Sweetie mocked the praise given after the play and tried her hardest to not explode at Rarity. Sweetie knew was too old to throw a temper tantrum. She paused as she looked at Rarity waiting for the confession.

Rarity placed her right hand over her heart and gave a sigh, as if she was relieved. “Oh, so they did like them.” the… what did Diamond Tiara call her… oh… glorified tailor smiled before chuckling unaware of her transgression. “You had me worried, you silly girl.” She patted Sweetie Belle on the head like she was some pet.

Sweetie swatted the hand away. “There!” she all but shouted as she pointed her right index finger at Rarity casting righteous judgement. “I knew it!” she lowered her hand and threw them both up, “You did this on purpose! Stealing the spotlight like you always do! It's my fifth birthday party all over again!” she was barely able to hold her fury in. Rarity deserved it, but Sweetie was in the right and those in the right chose mercy when possible.

Rarity was taken aback as she squinted her eyes as she tried to follow her sister’s train of thought only to realize Sweetie was not only on a different track but going a different speed. “The…” she tried to form the right question to understand, “the what now?”

“Don't act like you don't remember.” However mercy had its limits and Rarity seemed only capable of pushing Sweetie past it, and if Rarity was going to make Sweetie choose judgement.... Well the seamstress could not only have her cake, but she could eat it too. “Or are you trying to prove you're a better actress than me too?!” The final charge, Sweetie didn’t want to place it, but Rarity couldn’t let the sleeping dog lie.

“Sweetie Belle,” Sweetie was not making any sense, her fifth birthday, stealing spotlights. Rarity tried, but she kept coming up with 5. However she could see one thing, Sweetie seemed upset at her. “if I did anything to upset you, then--” she started

Sweetie was not having any more of Rarity’s feigning ignorance, “Admit you made those dresses too good on purpose!” The heart of the matter was struck. Sweetie was done with Rarity’s game.

This threw Rarity off. She made the dresses as best she could, she wanted her sister’s play to succeed, and she could help with the costume. “I thought they were supposed to be good.” her voice was slightly above mouthing those words.

“Yes, good.” Sweetie admitted, granting a light reprieve before bringing down the hammer, “Not jaw-dropping amazing!”

“I only tried to do what I thought you wanted.” Rarity tried to plead her case.

Ha!” Sweetie dismissed the plea with her mock laugh as she headed upstairs to her room and slammed the door so hard it sounded as though the building was shifted off its foundations. Inside her room, Sweetie attempted to vent out her ire. “Ugh, I don't believe it. After everything I put up with all week long!” She then started to imitate her sister’s speech, word choice and actions, “"Sweetie Belle, get me some red ribbon! No, that's not red, that's cherry! No, that's not red, that's cinnamon!"”Outside of Sweetie’s room, Rarity was getting ready to knock as she heard Sweetie shout, “For Pete's sake, it's all red!” although it was muffled by the wood of the door.

Rarity turned to Opal, who accompanied her human, “I should probably go talk to her, hm?” she asked. Opal shook her head. The cat seemed to actually read the room.

Just then Sweetie continued, her voice muffled by the door, “At least Sapphire Shores won't be all like "Ooh, who fetched you that red ribbon? Because I don't care about anything else you made. All I care about is that amazing red ribbon!".” the girl did her best to impersonate Sapphire Shores, it was horrifyingly good, Rarity had to admit.

Rarity cringed slightly as her sister’s critique found its mark and was driven all the way through. Made all the more powerful because right now Sweetie was mostly shooting in the dark, metaphorically, “Perhaps waiting would be best.” she said to the cat. Opal just looked at Rarity, as if to say, ‘Told yah. Now, I am going to bed.’ before the feline left Rarity. Rarity sighed and walked back to the stairs.

After Rarity returned downstairs, she saw that only Applejack had returned and had sealed all but the box for Sapphire Shores’ costume. “Ah told the girls tah head home,” the paladin informed. “Tomorrow’s Pinkie’s turn to get Sugercube Corner ready for the day. Fluttershy got to take Angel to the vet, darn lagomorph got in a tussle with a jackalope. Twi, God bless her heart, has to explain to the Town Consul why she keeps reorganizing the Golden Oak Library, and Rainbow’s gonna need some time to figure out how to explain to Scootaloo why she missed the play and not have it sound like you or Ah prepped her.” she explained. “So want to talk about it?” Applejack said as she leaned against one of the walls.

“Sweetie thinks I upstaged her with the dresses I fixed, she even said it was like her fifth birthday. What is she talking about?” Rarity asked. Applejack lowered her left eye lid and raised her right eyebrow. Rarity gave a slight laugh of guilt, “Sorry, forgot you weren’t there and she wasn’t friends with Apple Bloom then.” Rarity then cleared her throat.

“Did yah tell her why you givin’ out those party favors?” Applejack asked cutting Rarity off. This surprised Rarity, but then she recalled that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle have been spending a lot of time together. So Sweetie might have told Apple Bloom that story and the Apples weren’t known to keep secrets from each other. Once the surprise faded, Rarity’s silence spoke volumes. Applejack huffed sorrowfully before she took a nasal breath and looked Rarity squarely, “Well no point in doin’ it now, yah ain’t that high on her ‘want to talk with’ list. But before yah leave with this,” she pointed to the boxed commission they all slaved over that day and night to finish, “tell her.” Applejack then started out. “Ah hope Granny and Big Mac enjoyed the play” she said more to herself as she too had a sister to explain her absence to and could use something to have taken the sting off.

After she had gone to bed and the night went on, Sweetie Belle tossed and turned in her bed unable to sleep. “Ughhh! Hgh, hgh, hgh! Nnngh!” she grunted pounding her pillow in frustration. She growled, “Now I can't even sleep!” she nearly shouted as she sat up in her bed. “Happy now, big sis?” she wasn’t really asking her sister, but Rarity was the target of her discomfort. She growled and got out of bed. She decided to get a glass of water, maybe she was thirsty. After consuming the beverage in the kitchen, and starting back to her room, “I wish there was a way I could take back all the work I did!” was her midnight prayer as she neared Rarity’s work room, it was unlocked and open. Sweetie could just imagine Rarity in her own bed, with a needlessly fancy eye-cover, and snoring. She snorted in dirigion over how her sister could sleep so peacefully. Sweetie then spotted the box with the head piece and saw that it was still unsealed. Even better.” Sweetie then began to giggle sinisterly before she sabotaged the stitch at the back of the head piece. She then went back to bed and finally fell asleep. However this was broken by the muttering of people and the flashing of cameras. Sweetie growledm, “Now what?” she asked before she heard people cheering and saw that she was standing on a stage and was dressed in gown as if for an award.

“And the winner of "Best Writer, Director, and Actress" goes to…” a man listed off the words from forward of her on a stage listed off three awards. “Sweetie Belle!” he declared as the spotlight then showed on Sweetie and the crowd started to chatter and cheer for her as recording gems clicked images of her. Sweetie smiled and waved as she went to the end of the stage to give an acceptance speech. Before Sweetie could say a single word lightning cracked as everyone turned to see a storm cloud appeared that slowly in part took the form of Rarity. The people started to panic and flee with many screaming.

As the Rarity-cloud began to rain, “Don't go!” Sweetie pleaded with the crowd, but none heeded her. The only response she got was a evil laugh from the Rarity-cloud. “Stop! Why do you have to ruin everything?!'' She challenged the cloud of her sister. Rarity-cloud growled at this.

Yet before the Rarity-cloud could do anything, “Enough!” Echoed the roaring voice of Princess Luna. The Rarity-cloud whimpered before it was destroyed as Luna floated from the now revealed moon and landed on the stage next to Sweetie Belle.

“Princess Luna!” Sweetie greeted the night’s princess. “It's really you!” she declared before she paused in thought. “Or am I dreaming?” she asked. Luna only lowered both her eyebrows in slight bemusement. “Oh, yeah, you just rescued me from a maniacal laughing Rarity-cloud. So I am dreaming.”

Luna nodded before she spoke, “Older sister that often shines more brightly, We understand the feeling.”

Sweetie didn’t need Luna to expound on it more. The truth of who Nightmare Moon, The Maiden in the Moon were was public knowledge at this point, and thus the past relationship between Luna and Celestia. Luna then started to leave floating back into the moon.

“Wait, come back!” Sweetie pleaded as she started with a slow walk, and quickly picked up her pace as she traversed the stage. “Luna? Can you hear me? Thank you for what you did!” It was then that Sweetie saw that she was standing in the air. “Help, Luna! Luuuna!'' She cried as she fell from the sky down several series of stairs only to end up hitting the railing of the stairs of her old house, when she and Rarity lived with their parents, before their father’s business forced him to travel constantly. As she recovered she saw that she was looking at a gathering of small children between the ages of four and six, with a fifteen year old Rarity as the ‘adult’ in the room. The children were cheering. Sweetie then turned to her left and saw Luna there.

“This is where your mind brought us, Sweetie Belle, where and when are we?” the princess asked.

“This is my fifth birthday party!” Sweetie answered as the memory came. She then turned from the top of the stairs and looked into the room that she and Rarity shared then. There, a five year old Sweetie Belle was trying on one of Rarity's dresses, had put on some of Rarity’s lipstick and was wearing a pair of Rarity’s shoes. Rarity was the prettiest girl Sweetie knew then and always knew how to make an entrance. “I decided to make a grand entrance. I made myself all beautiful, just like my big sister.” Sweetie told Luna as they watched her younger self start her way out, tripping on the large high-heels once, but recovering. The two followed the five-year old Sweetie as she headed to the stairs, “Finally, I was perfect, and then went to the stairs to enter like the belle of the ball. When I finally came out of our room, I found the party going on without me.” Sweetie informed as they witnessed the child almost swarming Rarity, “And I kept posing at the top of the stairs, waiting to be noticed, but all I heard was…” she continued to narrate before she trailed off.

As she trailed off one of the girls invited said, “These party favors are the coolest!” before she blew into a party buzzer, almost right in Rarity’s face. “Awesome!” another child exclaimed, “Where did you get these?” the second child asked. Rarity gave a smile, “Made them myself.” she said. Sweetie didn’t seem to notice, but Rarity’s tone was of an attempt to keep control, she was after all only fifteen and she was the oldest person in the house and there was an army of four, five and six years. “And of course, you'll all want cake, won't you?” she asked, feigning that she was able to handle this, but was just barely able to keep herself together. The children cheered. “You're the greatest, Rarity!” another child shouted. “Who needs a birthday girl when you've got the birthday girl's amazing big sister?” a fourth child asked another.

The five year old Sweetie sniffled before running back to her bedroom to cry, this was the worst birthday ever. As the two observers bore witness, “That's when I learned 'never try to shine with my big sister around'.” Sweetie concluded. She didn’t shed tears, but she was still crying, years later.

Luna nodded, “An understandable conclusion to make,” Luna confessed, for she too felt like she could never shine with Celestia around. However she has learned one can shine in many ways and she also knew that younger sisters often assumed the worst of their older sisters when they only see so much. Presently, Sweetie only knew so much, she needed some perspective. “But perhaps you have jumped to it too soon?” She asked. “One more often than not, does not have the whole story.” She said before she knocked on the wall and the two were back downstairs on the day of Sweetie Belle’s fifth birthday party.

Before Sweetie could say anything, she saw a few of the children on the couch, some on the floor, all of them bored. “Where's Sweetie Belle?” one of the children asked. Rarity seemed calm to the children, but an adult would not be fooled, “I'm sure she'll be along any moment.” she said before she looked up the stairways pleadingly, trying to summon Sweetie Belle. Another child yawned, “I'm tired of waiting.” she said before she got up and started to leave, “I say we get out of here before we all keel over from boredom. Who's with me?” she asked. The children silently agreed with her and they all started out. “Poor Sweetie Belle. Nobody's gonna come to another one of her parties after this fiasco.” Rarity was looking around, desperate to find some way to keep the children there. “Don't go!” she begged. “You'll miss out on the, uh,” she continued to struggle until she spotted the box of party favors she had made, “party favors!” she declared as she levitated the box over and began to hand them out, her composure having returned. “I was going to save them 'til the end, but…” she trailed off. The events played out similarly to Sweetie’s memory until the younger Sweetie Belle left. “Oh, no-no-no.” Rarity countered. “All of these things were Sweetie Belle's idea. I just assisted with the execution.” Rarity gave her most convincing lie ever, all to save her sister’s face.

Sweetie couldn’t help but smile, “I guess Rarity wasn't trying to steal the spotlight.” she soon realized. “She was trying to save my party.” Now with the right perspective, Sweetie found something in her heart, actual forgiveness. She then turned looking to find Luna, failing to see her, “Luna? Luna!” She soon found herself falling into water and was swimming with a pod of dolphins as they squeaked.

Soon Sweetie saw that she was in Rarity’s work room. “Should I hem the cloaks now or wait until I'm there?” Rarity asked as she was looking over each of the items in each of the boxes. “I could hem them now,” Rarity thought aloud, “but I might have to redo them…” she trailed off. Sweetie was about to ask when this was, but she allowed this all to play out. Rarity continued to think, “But if I wait until I'm in Chantalot to hem them, Sapphire Shores might not get the best first impression…” Rarity continued to weigh her options. Sweetie continued to watch. “Ooh... Sapphire Shores is such a big star and such a stickler for details.” Rarity frit. “What if everything's not perfect enough?” she asked. Sweetie’s mouth hung agape as she saw the similarities between herself and Rarity. Rarity then slapped both her checks with the palm of her hands. “Oh, step up, Rarity, stop this foolishness.” She said and took a breath to collect herself. “You've done your best and left nothing to chance!” She said to herself and the resealed all but the box with Sapphire Shore’s own costume. “All that's needed now is a good night's rest.” she said as she turned off the lights and headed to bed.

Sweetie sighed, “I hope everything goes alright for her tomorrow.” she stated.

“Hm.” came the voice of Luna from behind Sweetie Belle. She then turned to her right to see Luna standing right next to her, “How curious you should say that.” That stuck Sweetie far harder than she ever expected. Soon she opened a door and gestured towards it. “Go.” she ordered Sweetie. “Go see what the future holds if you fail to rein in your worst instincts, as We once did.” cautiously Sweetie obeyed and soon found herself at the auditorium where Rarity was going to present the commission to Sapphire Shore.

After Sapphire and her crew had tried on everything, Rarity then reached into the last box. “And here it is! The crème de la crème--” she started.

“Noooo!” Sweetie screamed but could not move.

“The pièce de résistance…” Rarity started as she held out the headpiece.

“Don't!” Sweetie screamed as she continued her struggle, but was rooted in place. The headpiece then fell apart as Sweetie gasped to be followed by Sapphire’s backup dancers also gasping.

Rarity looked at the remains of the headpiece. “The headdress!” Rarity was mortified at the sight.

Sapphire turned away from the sight, “Looks like I made a mistake here.” the singer said and started to lead everyone away.

Rarity was still transfixed on her failed works. “But, but this is impossible! I, I, I checked and rechecked everything! This couldn't have happened!” She pleaded almost too loud, begging Sapphire to remain and to understand.

“You sure about that, honey?” Sapphire asked, her tone clearly mocking. Rarity was left speechless and could only stare blankly at the floor, all her work, in ruin. Sapphire’s backup dances started to laugh with Rarity soon weeping, burying her face into her hair.

“You made your point, Luna!” Sweetie cried and tried to break free of the hold of the dream as Sweetie saw Rarity’s business collapse, the boutique fall apart, and Rarity fall into destitution. “Wake me up, Princess Luna, wake me up, wake me uuuup!” Sweetie Belle pleaded and screamed, only to suddenly gasp awake in her bed. She panted before she rushed out of her room. She threw open the door of Rarity’s room. “Rarity?” she asked before she looked in, only to gasp as she saw that Rarity was gone. Sweetie then ran down stairs to Rarity’s workroom, “Oh no!” she shouted. “I'm too late! She left for Chantalot!” as her own sin came crashing down on her.

After getting herself together and getting her friends, Sweetie was on the first train to the capital she was able to catch. As the train traveled the Starfield Plans, “The key is for you two to distract Rarity long enough for me to put the stitch back in without her noticing.” Sweetie surmised her plan.

“If we're not too late already.” Scootaloo pointed out the glaring hole in Sweetie’s plan.

Apple Bloom was looking out the window, her mind elsewhere as she was focused on the idea of seeing Sapphire Shore, “Oh, my gosh! I can't believe we're goin' to see Sapphire Shores! I'm such a huge fan! I know all her songs!” she declared.

Scootaloo nodded with closed eyes, “Like, 'Get Your-” she started to name one of Sapphire’s songs.

“This isn't a trip to see Sapphire Shores!” Sweetie Belle cut her friend off before she could finish, as if she alone truly appreciated the gravity of the situation. “It's a trip to save my sister from a horrible future!” she tried yet again to make that fact clear to the two.

“'Serves Her Right'!” Scootaloo seemed to ignore Sweetie Belle’s point. As soon as Sweetie Belle gasped in horror, the severity of Scootaloo’s less than stellar time management dawned on her. “It’s another of Sapphire Shores' songs!” she tried to explain.

Sweetie’s face betrayed her confusion. “You seriously didn't know that?” Apple Bloom was not able to understand how Sweetie wouldn’t know any of Sapphire’s songs. “Don't you listen to her music?” she asked.

Sweetie gave a weak smile and trailed before she answered Apple Bloom’s question, “...I prefer show tunes.” Scootaloo and Apple Bloom could only give an ‘Ugh.’ in frustration.

Inside an auditorium in Chantalot, on a stage, Sapphire Shores and half a dozen backup dancers were all in their workout attire and were practicing the choreography for one of her numbers for the show. “Five, six, seven eight, ba-bam!” Sapphire directed, finishing the routine with a shack of the hips and a stomp of the left foot with it in front. And the lights turned off and then back on.

Rarity applauded from the audience seats, “Oh, bravo! Fabulous! Magnifique!” she declared.

“You’re too generous with your praise, Rares.” Sapphire said as the dancers took a moment to take a short water break. The singer then turned back to the backup. “Alright, one more time, from the top.” she declared. “And this time please, let's not embarrass me in front of my favorite designer this time?” she ordered, as she winked to Rarity, before she bobbed her head to recall the beat of the song this routine went with, “And a-one, two, three, four!” she declared as they started.

Outside, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were denied entry by an Earthborn security guard. Given his size, he was likely a former ESM. “But you have to let us in!” Sweetie pleaded. “I'm Sapphire Shores' designer's sister! You have to believe us!”

The guard was a professional and thus was unmoved, “Sorry, but my job is to make sure Sapphire Shores doesn't get interrupted all day.” he said as he looked down at them. “Especially by fans like you, trying to sneak a peak or get within two meters of her.”

“But I'm not a fan!” Sweetie tried to protest, in desperate hope that it would let them in.

Said hope was murdered in less than a second when Apple Blood said “I am!”

Which was then buried two meters deep the following second when Scootaloo said “Me too!”

Sweetie Belle looked at her friends and lowered her upper eyelids, “Not helping.”

Back inside, the backup dancers were all on the floor panting. “Now, that's how I like it!” Sapphire declared and applauded them, “You rocked it, girls! Get some water and be back in ten.” she ordered before she shifted her full focus to Rarity. “Rar-i-ty, come on up here and show me what you brought me. Sapphire wants to see it and to love it!

Yet again outside, the CMC managed to get to the back of the building and make a slight human pyramid for Scootaloo to fly to a window on the second floor and let Sweetie and Apple Bloom in. However, as Scootaloo tried to hover, “Almost…” she strained as her wings beat as hard and as fast as they could, but gave out. They all crashed into the ground with Scootaloo giving an “Oof!”

After getting out of the pile of the CMC, “We've gotta get in there, now!” Sweetie panicked. She started to look around. She spotted the next closest building was a multi floor restaurant and it had a banner that was also connected to the auditorium they were trying to get in. She then looked at Apple Bloom’s bow, that thing had been through effectively seven layers of Hell and it was still flawless. Sweetie couldn’t help but grin as her plan came together.

Back inside, Sapphire’s back up dancers were dressed in the costumes Rarity made, a full body blue suit with golden false skirts and head pieces, a less risqué take on the costumes often seen on certain carnival floats. Sapphire nodded in approval, “Okay then. Liking what I see so far.” she admitted as she also looked at herself in the mirror. Her’s was mostly white but adorned with sapphires and gave the hint of belonging along the coast. However she couldn’t help but notice that she lacked her own headpiece. “So is this the whole shebang?”

Rarity smiled as she went to the last box, “Actually, I saved the best for last!” she said as she closed her eyes, “And here it is!” she started to open the box, but stopped as the window to her left shattered as Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo came crashing in.

Before Rarity could even register what just happened, Sweetie Belle pulled a cherry red ribbon from one of her dress pockets and stole the box, with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo following her as if nothing happened. “You gotta see this with the cinnamon ribbon! You'll love it!” Sweetie shouted before she was gone.

“Sweetie Belle?!” Rarity shouted, still very much confused. However she was able to collect herself faster than anyone else in the room. “Just a moment! My sister has a flair for the dramatics.” she said and ran after the three. Sapphire looked to her backup dancers and they just shrugged their shoulders. This was Sapphire’s idea, she was the boss, she would get the credit, but she was also due the blame.

Sweetie’s friends managed to throw Rarity off as the younger Magicborn was able to find a door and a room to work in. She gave a huff of relief. “Busy morning?” Sweetie looked up to see Princess Luna. “You’re very much in the waking world. We just figured you could a little more assistance, but the kind We can offer when awake.”

Sweetie sighed as she fell to her knees, “...I wish none of this ever happened…” she was on the verge of tears. She looked to the Princess of the Dreamscape, “What am I gonna do?” pleading for guidance. Luna opened one of hands, in it was a spindle of thread and a needle. Sweetie looked at the offering as soon it clicked, “I can even improve it!'' She cheered and took the needle and thread and started to remake the stitch she pulled out, with a new take. Luna couldn’t help but beam.

After Sweetie finished and was about to place it back into the box, when the door opened with a kick. Rarity had Apple Bloom’s right ear in her left hand and Scootaloo’s left ear in the right hand. Rarity took as deep and calming a breath as she could. “I would like to know what in the wide, wide realm of Mystica this stunt of yours is all about, and I want to know now!” she ordered as she tried to maintain some composer, however she was closer to her wits ends than not. “Do you have any idea how important this job is to me?” she asked electing to get to the point.

“Actually, I do.” Sweetie answered as she took a step from the box. This disarmed Rarity, causing her to release her hold on the other CMC present. Sweetie dipped her head in shame, “I was upset at you for stealing the spotlight from me at the play, so I pulled out the center stitch to the headpiece so it would fall apart.” she confessed. Seeing Rarity agape, Sweetie got ahead of her sister’s question, “But then I realized I didn't want your future to be ruined forever and ever, so I came back to change it before it was too late!” she said as she opened the box. “So... “ she reached in and pulled out the modified headpiece, “here it is. It's all fixed. Please forgive me.” Rarity’s rage was gone, but she only expressed bewilderment. “Trust me. Sapphire Shores is gonna love it.” Sweetie smiled. Rarity sighed and placed the headpiece back in the box. She didn’t want to, Sweetie could tell, but Rarity was going to go out on that limb.

After getting back to the stage, as the building’s maintenance staff cleaned up and fixed the window, Sapphire was scowling at the sheepish sisters. “Rarity, this isn't going to work out.” Sapphire’s tone was professional, level and rational. “You don't get to my level of success without learning to read the signs, and this situation has bad luck written all over it.'' She expressed her reasons for ending her contract with Rarity.

“I understand completely,” Rarity nodded, she was a business woman too, and deals fell through all the time. “But before any decisions are made, please try the headdress.” she asked. Sapphire nodded and accepted it. “I know it’s not the big blue eye for the forehead you ordered.” Rarity admitted.

“But take a real close look at the stitching.” Sweetie said as she held up a mirror.

Sapphire covered her mouth, but her beaming smile was unmistakable as she saw the outline of a swimming dolphin instead of the blue eye. “You are amazing Rarity,”

“Actually, it was Sweetie Belle’s idea.” Rarity confessed as she smiled at her sister.

Sapphire nodded, “I don’t know how you knew, Sweetie Belle, but you discovered my lucky animal. They always swim with me in my dreams before any of my successes.” She then hugged the two. “Well looks like we’re going to be renewing the contract.” Sapphire then turned to her dancers, “Alright girls, let’s get back to work.”

As Sapphire and her backup dancers started to do the routine in the costume, Rarity turned to Sweetie Belle. As if she sensed the question, “It just came to me in a dream.” She informed her sister. Sweetie then took an apologetic sigh, “I'm sorry I got jealous about those dresses. I know now that you were only trying to help.”

“It’s alright Sweetie, you tried to move Heaven and Earth to rectify your actions.” Rarity forgave Sweetie, “There is something I need to tell you about your fifth birthday-”

“You were just trying to save my party, thank you.” Sweetie once again got ahead of her sister.

Rarity smiled, “But I did miss your play. Is there a chance AJ, Dashie and I could catch an encore?” she asked.

Sweetie shook her head, “I don’t think the play went all that well. To be honest, I have to admit the costumes were the best part.” Sweetie acknowledged. Rarity only hugged her sister before Sweetie returned it. “Well, Spike did record it, will that be enough?”

“Certainly.” Rarity answered as the two remained in their embrace.

The following night, in The Golden Oak Library, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Twilight and Pinkie watched the recording of Sweetie Belle's play Spike made. After watching it, “Sweetie Belle really has an act for words.” Rarity said as she dapped the corners of her eyes. “It was as if she wanted to sing so many of her lines. I could feel the passion.”

“Scoots’ got some acting chops.” Rainbow added, “She was so fluid in her movements, it was like she was the Baroness.”

Everyone turned to Applejack, the paladin was left in tears and her voice stuck in her throat. It didn’t take her friends much to conclude why Applejack didn’t say anything. They were words for Apples alone. But her smile betrayed the joy she felt.

Twilight, Pinkie and Fluttershy could only look at each other befuddled, How could they see anything beyond the dresses? the three asked each other in their minds.

Author's Note:

And so we know that the Sweetie Belle tolls for us all... okay bad joke.
I hope you enjoy the few changes.
Foxhelm out.