• Member Since 29th Oct, 2014
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6 Months after the series finale was a hell of a time to start writing fanfics

Comments ( 35 )

"Sweet Celestia, that means your foal is going to be double inbred!"

"You're going to have twins, and then they'll commit incest and give birth to a race of super-mutant inbred pony Morlocks!"

Yikes. That was almost a good story. Were you drunk when you wrote the last scene or something?

Wow, great job with this. Great writing for Zephyr, he comes across perfectly. Plus Angel is a good little shit too. And setting it in the PPUP setting, forcing you to subject Fluttershy to the pillory treatment despite your former resistance to do so makes this all the sweeter. All ponies must be lewded, no exceptions!

I can only assume you ask due to this ending clearly being the finest example of great American fiction since the likes of Hemingway? It was almost a good story, but then the ending elevated it to a classic.

I'm so happy you liked it! I was honored to be picked to write a story for an author whose stuff I already had read and liked (https://www.fimfiction.net/story/460030/abc-always-be-conceiving is BRILLIANT).

Ive found that the classics are often well regarded only because they were revolutionary in their time; any work of fiction rendered a classic has only ever caused me stress and bewilderment if I've been misfortunate enough to be tasked with swallowing it. My tastes lie in the grand epics that balance gripping action with shadowed intrigue, drizzled over a healthy portion of magic, and adventure. I will occasionally indulge myself in a short dessert, but I do still prefer they at least pretend to be intelligent.

OK, the way I interpret this is that Fluttershy passed out and then everything after that was just a dream, because TOO many bad things happened at once for it to feel realistic.

Zephyer probably got bored after she passed out and left, but because of the poison he was in when Fluttershy passed out, her mind went to the WORST possible scenario, which is what we saw here.

That's how I see it anyway.

This is somehow better than it should be.

How? The premise is already so fucking good!

Yep, that Glimglam's goin' right into the reaction bin.

...okay, back to work on some hot and/or confusing Spiharynx.

10920556 10920682 10920722
This is an excellent example of knowing your audience when writing.
And while, to the casual observer, the ending could strike as a bit jarring,
it should be understood that this story was written for a story gift exchange event.
I applaud manta999 for knowing exactly for whom they were writing.
They tailored the style of the story to suit the recipients tastes in, eh... comedy of the non-sequitur variety.
And by all evident accounts, they knocked it out of the park in that regard!

Well said. The author here was saddled with the unfortunate burden of having to write for someone with incredibly poor taste and a juvenile sense of humor who prefers shit-posting over actual, decent prose. And he delivered fantastically.

Y'all are making it sound like I didn't want to end a clopfic with the Kool-Aid Pony bursting through the wall after everypony says "oh no" like in Family Guy.

Man, this series was already kinda out there with the premise but that took such a buzzer time at the end there. Still a fun read that, not enough stuff with Fluttercest as it were. Can’t wait for the next chapter of the main story when’re that will be
Also my only real gripe with it.

Fluttershy grit her teeth at the hypocritical remark. She was usually such a meek pony, but her older (albeit far less mature) brother always had a way of bringing out her stubborn side.

Zephyr is her younger brother and Flutters is the older one

I legit thought that he was the big brother.

Easy mistake, he is a lanky lad that Zephyr

Please learn to use the Non-consensual tag.

okay that's fair. My apologies to the author. I should have considered that.

OH YEAH indeed

I liked that.

She was usually such a meek pony, but her older (albeit far less mature) brother always had a way of bringing out her stubborn side.

Unless you’re going for a somewhat different dynamic here, could’ve sworn in his reveal episode it was stated he was younger.

As mentioned in another comment, I totally thought he was the older brother.

As much as I'm a biiiit off put by the non con tag, I'd say it's ambiguous enough to say I'm ok with it. And it's not like it's actually taking itself seriously, especially at the end so, I still really enjoyed this. I really enjoy your pillory fic in general so, a Fluttershy chap is exactly what I wanted. With impreg too, my favorite kink so, I'm pretty satisfied.
Keep up the good work, dude. Looking forward to that Rarity chapter. Hoping Spike returns for that one.

Hot take...Hemingway was a great writer...and shit person?

I ignore Zephyr and the end and give it a like...

The crystal cool aid pony.... Could actually happen

Wtf xD

Whenever I write my next shitpost story I’m stealing you’re ending of The Kool-Aid pony burst through a wall with an OH YEAH!!

I think I actually stole it but I can't remember from where :applecry:

(My emotions reading that it’s already stolen)

The morlock bit was inspired by The Simpsons.

-Homer, is this story going anywhere?
-Yes, eventually I become king of the Morlocks.
-...But Morlocks are from the future?

Simpson can be the smartest/wittiest show ever some episode and others it’s so dumb.

Twilight showing up had me guffawing. Good stuff.

This was written by no mere mortal hand - it is the work of gods.

I feel bad for their foals.

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