• Published 6th Jul 2021
  • 701 Views, 22 Comments

A Bug in the System - JesterOfDestiny

It turns out, there might be something behind Twilight transferring schools.

  • ...

Chapter 3

The school hallways were filled with the noise of the forenoon rush; perfect time for Sunny Flare and Sugarcoat to set their plan in motion. They gathered their friend group together and hid behind the chatter.

“Girls listen,” Sunny hushed to the group, “we have a bit weird favour to ask from you.”

“Sure, what is it?” Lemon Zest inquired.

“When we get back from PE class, all of us should pretend that our phones have been stolen.”

Sour Sweet’s face got filled with question marks. “You’re right, that is a weird favour.”

“What is this for?” Lemon Zest questioned further.

“Well...” Sunny struggled to come up with a smooth explanation.

“Twilight’s phone got bugged.” Sugarcoat came forward.

A quiet collective gasp came from the rest of the girls. “Why would anyone do that?” Lemon Zest said with arms outstretched in shock.

“That’s what we’re trying to figure out,” Sunny Flare continued, “but until then, we need that nobody else around us gets bugged.”

“And we have a suspicion,” Sugarcoat added, “that it was someone in the school staff, so we need a good cover-up.”

“No way am I parting with my phone!” Sour Sweet barked. “Are you out of your mind?”

“Mine’s pretty messed up,” Indigo Zap said, “I should probably get a new one anyway.”

“I was meaning to get the new model for a while now too.” Lemon Zest added. “Though, it is going to be hard to go without my music.”

“Wait, you’re really going along with this?!” Sour Sweet kept barking.

“For sure!” Indigo Zap barked back. “I wanna know who’s been bugging my friends’ phone.”

Sour Sweet saw that she was outnumbered, so she sighed and heeded. “Alright, but you better solve this by the weekend!”

Sugarcoat glanced aside and saw Moondancer and Minuette on the other side of the hallway. She poked Sunny in the side and motioned her towards them. They asked the same favour from them.

Moondancer was surprisingly easy to convince. “Sure, I’ll do it.” She said.

Minuette however was much more stubborn. “What? Are you crazy?” She held her tone back, but it was clear that she wanted to scream.

“What? I wanna know who bugged Twilight’s phone.” Moondancer took the side of reason. “Whoever did that surely doesn’t have the best intentions.”

“But, we’re going to get in so much trouble if they find out it’s a ruse.”

“We’ll just blame it on Sunny and Sugar.”

The mentioned girls looked surprised at first, but then they smirked at the idea. “Sure, that’s fine, you can blame us.” Sunny waved her hand.

“See? It’ll be fun!”

Minuette shook her head. “No, I’m not going to go along with this.”

Sugarcoat shrugged. “That’s fine, but you’re gonna have to stay away from us, just to be safe.”

Minuette’s face showed an unusual amount of ire. “I think I’ll manage.”

PE class went by normally. Beforehand, the girls hid their phones in places only they would look; Indigo Zap put it inside her sport shoes, which she stuffed her socks into afterwards. Lemon Zest zipped it up in a pocket she never uses inside her bag. Sour Sweet, stuffed it into the bottom of her bag, next to several items that she previously misplaced. Sunny Flare put her wrist devices in the very back of her locker. Sugarcoat never even brought hers in the first place.

After PE class, once they put their uniforms back on, they approached their teacher, saying that their phones have been stolen. The teacher looked very vigilantly in the changing room, but found nothing. The girls even showed him their bags, conveniently passing over any potentially suspicious details. The teacher wasn’t going to do a full personal search either, though he was a bit suspicious; students must have pulled similar pranks on him before. That is until Moondancer came forward as well, dragging Minuette along.

“Our phones are also missing!”

Minuette clearly didn’t appreciate the inclusion, but she knew that she can’t get herself out without getting everyone else into trouble, so she went begrudgingly along with it. Sunny Flare quietly thanked Moondancer, before parting ways.

Minuette dragged Moondancer away. “Why did you do that?”

“What? They asked our help.”

“But you didn’t have to drag me into this!”

“Drag you into what? Finding out who bugged Twilight’s phone?”

Minuette rubbed her forehead in silent frustration.

“Look, Minuette,” Moondancer’s tone turned stern, “I can tell that there’s more to all of this than you’re telling me.”

“Moondancer, you don’t know what you’re messing with here!”

“You’re right, I don’t know. Care to tell me?”

Minuette stayed silent.

“Great, well I’d like to know. Sorry Minuette.”

The school was quiet. Only the voices of the teachers could be heard echoing through the corridors. Everyone has heard the warnings about keeping their belongings safe and the students went along, because their phones were the one thing they didn’t want to lose. Then the classes went along like normal. That is until the principal’s voice emerged out of the loudspeakers.

“I’d like to see Sugarcoat and Minuette in my office, ASAP.”

The two girls met in front of Cinch’s office. Minuette looked like she was waiting for her death sentence; she stared at the ground, her body shaking with every pulse. There was that ominous feeling stuck inside Sugarcoat’s throat as well, though she was more worried about Minuette telling Cinch about everything.

Cinch called in Sugarcoat first. She took a deep breath and all sense of emotion dissipated from her. She sat down with her legs crossed and her hands in her lap. Cinch slowly stepped to her chair and sat down with a straight back, trying to appear larger.

“I understand, your phone has been stolen during PE class.”


“Did you have it before the class?”


“And then after the class it was no longer there?”

“That is correct.”

Cinch paused to evaluate Sugarcoat’s body language. That shadow she tried casting over her had no effect. Her face was as blank as a piece of paper fresh out of the mill.

“Have you closed the door after you left?”

“That wasn’t my responsibility.”

“Whose responsibility was it?”

“The teacher’s.”

“Would you say that the teacher stole your phones?”

Sugarcoat just shrugged.

“You seem awfully disinterested about your belongings being stolen.”

“I was thinking about buying a new phone anyway.”

“What about the phones of your fellow students?”

“Not my concern.”

Cinch looked really hard to see crack on Sugarcoat’s stone cold poker face. Breaking a diamond would have been easier, than chipping away at Sugarcoat’s outward emotions. Cinch had to silently recognize her defeat, so she let Sugarcoat go.

It was Minuette’s turn. Minuette sat down, looking like she forgot how to sit on a chair, squirming around unable to find a comfortable spot. Principal Cinch sat down behind her desk, her very presence causing Minuette to fidget more.

“I understand, your phone has been stolen during PE class.”


“Did you have it before the class?”


“And then after the class it was no longer there?”

Minuette hesitated for a moment. “Y-yes.”

Principal Cinch tried looking into Minuette’s eyes, but her eyes were going everywhere, except onto Cinch herself. She decided to switch up her questioning.

“The images you sent me from science lab #3... That is not how you found it, is it?”

Minuette’s whole body shook after that accusation, but she said nothing.

“And this whole phone malarkey is all an act, right?”

“I-I don’t know w-what you’re talking about...”

“Oh please, Minuette. The answers are written all over you.”

Minuette said nothing...

“Please, explain to me this sequence of strange coincidences: Sugarcoat just happens to have a bathroom emergency, right after Twilight gives her the key to science lab #3. She then asks Twilight about one of the drawers and Twilight just happens to be looking for a folder right afterwards. Then the two meet and everyone’s phone just happens to go missing the next day.”

“I don’t know...” Minuette whimpered.

“Who else is involved in this?”

Minuette said nothing.

“Need I remind you, that your applications are still in my hands? I could ruin all your chances with a single letter.”

Minuette was on the verge of tears. “Please, I don’t want to do this!”

Cinch saw that a change in tactics was in order and she could have a different use for Minuette. “Very well...” Her tone mellowed somewhat. “I see that I’m not going to get any straight answers out of you, so I have a different task for you. You are going to ask questions to Sugarcoat and whoever else is involved and report back to me about what they know. This is the last chance I’m giving you.”

“I don’t want them to get into trouble.” Minuette pleaded.

Cinch let out a self-satisfied laugh. “Oh, so there is trouble!”

Minuette tried hiding her shame in her palms.

“Would you rather let down all your future patients, just to defend a gaggle of petty pranksters?”

Minuette squeaked disapprovingly.

“Very well,” Cinch smiled like a crocodile dragging its helpless victim into the depths, “then all you need to do is give me a list of who’s involved and your path to medical school is open.”

Finally, she let Minuette out as well. Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare have already been waiting for her outside, alongside the PE teacher and Dean Cadance. They had their own questions to the students, but neither of them was nearly as ruthless as Cinch.

Cinch turned to her colleagues and announced: “I declare them both innocent.”

Her colleagues were relieved, but Sunny and Sugar knew what was up.

“It would have been strange if two of our best students were involved with stealing.” Dean Cadance stepped forward. “Is there a reason these two were called in specifically?”

“I just had a few basic questions for them. I knew Minuette would never disappoint me.” She placed a hand on Minuette’s shoulder, pretending to reassure her, but they both understood what she was hinting at.

Once everyone left, Sunny and Sugarcoat went after Minuette.

“So, what did you tell her?” Sunny pried for answers.

“Please, leave me alone!” Minuette pleaded.

“You didn’t tell her about our plan, did you?”

“No! Sunny, stop!” Minuette turned around to face them both. “She already knows what you’re doing. You must stop right now before it gets out of hand!” She then ran away.

Sunny and Sugarcoat looked at each-other, already thinking of their next course of action. Clearly, Cinch was onto them. If they truly are in danger, then that’s even more reason to uncover what Twilight was trying to uncover.

Once again, Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare were talking to each-other, through the comfort of their own rooms. Having sifted through the list Twilight has given them, they were extra tired that night.

“I watched all three documentaries Twilight has given me, each one nuttier than the other.” Sunny Flare was barely able to keep her eyes open. “I sat down thinking it was going to be fun, but halfway through the second one I was losing my mind.”

“That’s probably why Twilight told you to take it with a grain of salt.”

“Of course the nuttiest was the longest!”

“Alright, what have you found out?”

“Well first of all, the Changelings were a criminal gang, who pulled off some pretty high calibre heists. They were masters of disguise and used their skills to blend in with their targets. Nobody’s really sure how far their influence reached. Some say it was only the city, some others say the whole world! And then something about mind-control rays and a list of politicians who are actually changelings in disguise.”

Sugarcoat rolled her eyes. “Of course...”

“Apparently, a bunch of information has been leaked by an ex-changeling. He operated under the name Thorax and with his help the police were able to round up the most important members. All except one: Their leader, Chrysalis. Not even the gang’s members knew who this leader was, not even their voice.”

Sugarcoat thought back to all the pictures of Principal Cinch that Twilight has left in that folder. Could Cinch be Chrysalis?

“Their bases were scattered in different abandoned places, or hidden sections of institutions. The rest is wrapped in mystery.” Sunny Flare threw her notes behind her. “A lot of it is ‘top secret’ information and even the stuff that’s available to the public is full of redacted, so the conspiracy theorists just eat it all up. Apparently, this Thorax guy also said the number 5705, but never explained what that’s about.”

“Isn’t that a song by an old rock band?”

“Yes, the City Colts. Obviously, they’re involved as well.”

“Interesting...” Sugarcoat was ready to read her own notes, but suddenly the mindscrew just exploded from her laptop screen.

“Watch out sheeple, they are in control of our prison system and use their hi-tech mind control machines to tap into your children’s minds and make them follow that one politician I just so happen to not like! Buy my product to be protected!” She then slapped herself with both palms and groaned quietly.

That was one of the few things that could make Sugarcoat giggle.

“Anyway,” Sunny gathered back her sanity, “what have you found?”

“So I went to the library to read up on the cold war between the Equestrian Republic and the Crystal Nation.”

“Wait, we were taught about that.”

“Yes, but we haven’t been taught the whole story. People don’t tend to talk about just how bad it was.”

“Let me guess, they keep it a secret to control us?”

“N-no, they just don’t talk about it.”

“Oh, okay...”

“Anyway, so there was a long period of peace between the Equestrian Republic and the Crystal Nation. This is when we were just about to go for a full union and form into one single country. But at some point, this guy called Sombra got into power through dubious means and threatened to go to war with the Equestrian Republic. This is when the bunkers were built in schools, because for a while there was a real threat of bombings.”

“How come that part was always skipped in the curriculum?”

“I think they’re trying to keep peace in the country and not aggravate any harsh feelings.”

“And what happened to Sombra?”

“He got deposed with the help of Equestrian armies. Though Sombra himself was never officially found.”

“I bet there are some juicy conspiracies around that as well.”

“There are, but I didn’t go into them.”

“So bunkers in schools, huh? Do you think it’s got something to do with that crack in the wall at the pools?”

“Yes, actually, that’s exactly what it is.”

“Wait, really?”

“I found old blueprints from the time in the library’s archives and that’s where the bunker was supposed to go. Some schools turned theirs into storages or science labs. Ours just sealed it away and never mentioned it again.”

Sunny Flare thought for a moment. “Wait, what do the two things have to do with each-other?”

“You remember when you said, that the changelings operated from abandoned and hidden places?”

“You think that’s what the Crystal Prep bomb shelter is about?”

“It must be. Why would Twilight send us all this material if they were unrelated?”

“We gotta get in there somehow. When we have swimming class tomorrow, we should definitely take a look at it. Without raising any suspicion, of course.”

“I don’t think we can afford any more suspicion.”

“What do you mean?”

“Cinch is definitely onto us. What do you think why she called in only me and Minuette into her office? She knows that we’re onto her.”

“You’re right! That’s probably why she was so scared afterwards.”

“Cinch probably still has her blackmailed.”

“Definitely. Tomorrow, we’re looking at that crack in that wall!”

Earlier that day, Minuette and Twilight met up at the park. It was Minuette who messaged Twilight and Twilight was happy to catch up with another friend. This time for real.

“I’m honestly so glad to have transferred to Canterlot High.” Twilight had a relaxed smile on her face. “Things are a lot more lax there.”

“The competition is not as ruthless, I presume.” Minuette replied.

“There is no competition at all. I mean sure, it’s a lot less competitive school in general, but it was still a surprise.”

“Not that you have any need to compete at this point. Universities will be crazy to not accept you.”

“You could always transfer as well.” Twilight proposed. “Lyra is here, along with Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts. You guys could be together.”

“Nah, they’d be a distraction. They’d want to hire me as singer for their band and I just don’t have time for that.”

“Oh yeah, that’s a thing they do. Steel Unicorns, right?”

“Right! They just released their new album this week: Rainbow Rampage.”

“Cool, I’ll check it out, even if it’s not really my thing.”

“Better put it in your bookmarks, so you don’t forget it.”

“Alright I will.” Twilight took out her phone.

Suddenly, Minuette grabbed Twilight’s phone and chucked it into a nearby lake. Before Twilight could get a word in, Minuette grabbed her by the shoulders. “You need to help me!”

“W-what’s going on?”

“It’s Cinch! Sunny Flare and Sugarcoat somehow found out about your research and she is now using me to ruin their lives!”

Twilight stared in complete silence. She escaped from Minuette’s grasp and pushed her glasses back into their place. “What is Sunny Flare doing in this? I only wanted Sugarcoat to continue my research.”

“You what?”

“Y-yeah, I deliberately lead Sugarcoat into the lab to find my notes. I wanted her to carry the research to the very end. I don’t know what Sunny Flare is doing, but if she doesn’t turn it into gossip, then we could pull it off.”

Minuette pinched the bridge of her nose, then grabbed Twilight again. “Twilight, you must get them to stop!”

“No Minuette. I’m sorry, but if we don’t carry this through terrible things could happen. We are this close to solving the mystery!”

Minuette suddenly turned grim. “I see I’m not going to get you to believe me. I have something to show you and I guarantee it’s going to change your mind.”