• Published 6th Jul 2021
  • 878 Views, 11 Comments

Sparkle Within Me - Nyx - R M brony

Avery was chosen to become the hope of Equestria future as known as Twilight Sparkle

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Prologue Fate

On a fantastic sunny afternoon, everything is so peaceful. On a lovely day like this, Avery decided to eat lunch outside. Because it rained a lot recently, not much time can go outdoors without getting wet. Thus, he went out to feel the cozy wind and the less moist air. When walking down the street and having yet to decide what to eat, Avery notices a store he never saw before.

“Since when is there a store here? I don’t recall anyone or anything talking about a new shop opening,” he said to himself. Avery was born around here and knew the people, the building here very well. Although he did leave when going to college; however, it’s been years since his graduation. Therefore, it’s impossible for he didn’t know anything about this store.

He feels interested and curious about the shop so he decides to take a closer look. There are no signs or windows showing what this place sells, and with some doubt, Avery walks inside the store. It wasn’t a big store, and usually, a shop like this won’t have many goods, but he saw something he couldn’t believe.

A Pinkie Pie plush, what he always wanted, sitting on the corner of the shelf. He has desired to have a Pinkie Pie plush for a long time; however, he couldn’t find any with good quality.

Besides the plush, there is some candy, cookies, and other sweets as well. For some reason, a store selling the confection has a Pinkie Pie plush. But Avery doesn’t care about that. Because there is a Pinkie plush right in front of him; why should he worry about the plush being inside the sweets shop? Besides, when talking about Pinkie, sweets are always a topic that will bring on so no big deal.

Avery walked toward the shelf with excitement, wanting to know how much it costs, and he knew it must be expensive. The way it looks is so realistic that it made him feel like it was the real Pinkie Pie standing right there. Suddenly, an old voice speaks out.

“Stay where you are, and don’t go near that thing!” an old man walks toward him while yelling. After hearing what he said, Avery was a little puzzled. He thought to himself, ‘why can’t I walk close to it? I don’t know why, but for now, I kept my doubt and better responded to him.’

With that in mind, Avery asked, “Why can’t I walk close to it?”

“I’m trying to protect you due to that thing being cursed!” the old man shouted back with an unpleasant tone. Apparently, this isn’t the first time that a similar scene happened.

“Cursed? Don’t be kidding me! There is no such thing as cursing. Are you sure you are not drunk or something?” Avery jokes back. He never thought that someone would still believe something like magic or anything similar to it. Although he does love supernatural stories, and sometimes imagine having one of those things back when he was a kid. But he already is an adult and he believes in science more than magic; therefore, he only sees those things as entertainment story material.

“I’m sure I’m not drunk at all! And I’m not kidding! That thing is cursed! I’ve seen a lot of people disappear after nearing it!” The old man says, and he looks super furious right now.

“Then how did you put it there in the first place if everyone went close to it disappearing? I mean, come on! What you said doesn’t make sense.” Avery questions him back with logic.

“That thing appears along with the shop. Back when I was still young, I loved to study all kinds of myths, and one day when I was d...!”

Suddenly, the old man falls unconscious. It seems he has a sudden heart attack or something similar to that. Avery couldn’t tell, he is not a doctor after all, but it doesn’t matter now since the old man is passing out. Avery quickly ran toward him.

“Are you ok? I will call the doctor! Don’t worry!” He said with restlessness.

After checking the heartbeats and making sure that he is still alive, Avery took out his cell phone and called the ambulance. However, there is no signal. Avery thought a place like this would at least still have some wi-fi but nope~ which means he needs to leave the store to get a better signal. However, when Avery tries to open the door, it is locked from the outside.

“Huh? How come the door is locked? I didn’t lock the door, and I’m sure he is not even close to the door. Also, did the builder not notice that they built the door invert?” Avery has no clue what’s going on and he tries opening it again several times, but it’s useless. The door is still shut tight.

After a few minutes of trying, he heard the sound of water start dropping, and Avery knew that it’s raining again. The sound of the thunder is super loud, which is not very helpful for his situation. It only made him panic even more.

Now let’s pause for a minute, shall we? You may be wondering why Avery didn’t go looking for a key? Let me explain in some situations when people are under a lot of pressure, it’s unlikely to come up with a solution. The harder you think about it, the more likely you will not think of anything. However, knowing is one thing; being able to overcome it is another thing. Of course, you can argue with me about that one but for now, let’s get back to the story.

It’s been hours for him being locked down in this store and without any way to get out, plus the thunder keeps reverberating around. Slowly getting into Avery’s mind, because he is not a brave person at all. The whole situation just went out of control too quickly.

Originally, he planned to eat lunch then go home. But now, he is trapped inside this dark place with no signal, an empty stomach, and a person that is very likely to die any second needed his aid.

Suddenly, the Pinkie Pie plush pops into Avery’s mind, which should allow him to be less scary. But, he got a weird feeling that it is calling him, and it wants Avery to play with her, hug her, and talk to her? He knows it’s bizarre, but Avery couldn’t control himself. It’s like something or someone is trying to make him do things for them.

Walking toward the shelf, every part of his brain cells tells him don’t do it, and this isn’t normal. But his body uncontrollably keeps walking toward it. It’s just like he got controlled by someone else.

After a few minutes of slow walking, Avery arrived in front of the plush, and he didn’t disappear like the old man said. He felt slightly relieved and thought to himself. ‘Yeah, people disappear when going near it, which is just like how I thought it’s fake.’

‘… Maybe I think too soon.’ When reached out his hand to take the plush, the moment he touched it, the plush started shining with a bright purple light, and a robotic voice suddenly spoke.

“The sparkle of hope confirmed! Prepare to be transported!”

“What the...!”

Avery tries to speak but discovers that he no longer can’t move or talk. He froze at his current spot for some unknown reason.

The robotic voice continued saying, “Checking the identity of hope...... Checking the current dimension code G1......52 Opening the world tunnel in progress... Five percent... Ten percent...”

Avery is super terrified right now because the store around him starts to tear apart, and the giant rain makes all his body and clothing wet. Also, It says the dimension code Avery understands that parallel universes exist, but it doesn’t make any sense. Why him? Why not someone else? And what did it mean by the sparkle of hope? Lots of unanswered questions rampaging in his mind and needless to say, that old man is still on the ground unconsciously; however, there is nothing he can do besides watching.

“Detecting a human life form needed for surgery and medical treatment. Calling the nearest ambulance.”

‘Well, at least, I don’t need to worry about him now; on the other hand, what should I do to get out of this situation anyway?’ Avery thought to himself. Although the news that the old man will be safe means one problem down, he is still in big trouble.

“Tunnel fully opened, transport preparation complete! Transporting in three... Two... One...”


Pain! That is all Avery can feel right now, and he slowly loses his consciousness. ‘Am I dying?’ This is Avery’s final thought before everything turns black.


*Meanwhile, at Canterlot Castle, Celestia’s offices.*

Princess Celestia is looking at the documents on her table. And all of them are about the potential bearers of magic.

Celestia is very anxious. It’s almost the thousandth year of Summer Sun Celebration, and she hasn’t found anypony capable of being the bearers of magic. The closest one she knows is Sunset Shimmer. However, Celestia can see from Sunset’s eyes that this pony had no intention of being kind at all. All she wants is power ever since she showed her that mirror, and her arrogance is what makes her not fit as a bearer. Though she still has time to help Sunset get back on track, whether she will agree to it or not is another issue.

Suddenly, a strong wave of magic energy burst through and followed by a loud noise that sounded like somepony dropped a magic bomb.

“What was that? I know it’s not Luna because I know what her magic feels like, and this magic is nothing like hers! It couldn’t be her! Not to mention, it’s way too powerful, it’s even more powerful than me.” Celestia says with worry in her mind.

Celestia walks toward the window and tries to find where it happens. Looking around, she sees a lot of smoke coming out from the center of the Canterlot.

“Oh, dear! Whatever that was, it must be a strong magic attacking spell. Should I check it out? Or let loyal guards take care of it? For me, the most important thing right now is focusing on Lulu’s return. But as a princess, I should put my subjects’ safety as the priority. What should I do?” Celestia is very struggling.

After a few minutes of thinking, Celestia decided to put her subjects’ safety first and flew toward the area.

In her flying, she can see a lot of residents running around in a panic making her believe she better fly there even faster.

After arriving, Celestia saw a big hole there, which should be created by this magic eruption, when she tried to analyze it she saw Shining Armor run toward her.

“Your highness, I have something important to report about the situation. Would you like to hear it?” Shining said with a bow.

Celestia turns to look at Shining Armor and replies to him. “Yes, please.”

“This abnormal magic was a flash of lightning that somehow appears in the city center and produces a big hole on the ground, as you can see here. By the way, we already contacted the Weather Factory asking if they have any idea about this event. They said the lightning they made with pegasus magic could not create such a big hole on the ground; therefore, it got to be unicorn magic.” Shining response.

“Did any citizens get hurt?” Celestia asked with a face of concern.

“Well, not exactly... We found a little filly in the center of the hole, which seemed to be struck by lightning. But amazingly, though the smoke caused by the lightning coming out of her body, she isn’t injured at all; somehow, her body is completely undamaged. She only has low blood sugar and a little starvation at this very moment.” Shining reply.

“How could that happen? Did any of you talk to her asking about what she knows?” Celestia is surprised and asking with a very serious tone.

“Sorry, your highness. When we arrived, the filly had already fallen unconscious and was transported to the hospital right away. But we found something interesting. The profile in the hospital has no record of the filly. It was like lightning and she appeared out of nowhere at the same time.” Shining answer.

“I see... After the filly is awake, I would like to talk to her myself. Let me know when she wakes up and also give me a document about how much damage has been made.” Celestia said with some deep thought.


After receiving the order, Shining sees Princess Cadance fly toward them. They look each other in the eye for a moment with a smile on their face; then Shining leaves to perform his duty as captain of the loyal guard.

“So, when are you two going to have a foal in the future?” Celestia can help but tease Cadence a little bit. She knows how much they love each other, yet both are too scared to take that first step.

“Auntie~!!” Cadance’s face blush like a red apple although she is the princess of love, she only got her horn and title a few weeks ago, and she still tries to adapt to her new life.

“Ok, ok, I’m just kidding! Now, what brings you here, my niece? To help or to check the situation, I’m assuming?” Celestia asks while eyeing the scene with some thought in her mind.

“Yes, I came here to ask about this. According to what I learned, a unicorn’s horn can sense the magic being cast. The stronger the magic or the user is, the easier it gets detected. I only started learning how to use magic a few weeks ago, but even I can feel that magic burst through. How strong was that spell, auntie? I’m curious! Plus, after seeing these destructions, I’m even more curious.” Cadence asks while eyeing the scene as well.

“Cadence, I don’t know either. But I do know this caster is way more powerful than me.” Celestia answered while hoping nopony else overheard her words. The last thing she needs right now is to make citizens’ feelings even worse.

“But, How?! Aren’t you the strongest magician of all Equestria?” Cadence asked in shock. She can’t believe what she heard. The pony, who she thought of knowing everything, doesn’t know what happened, and not to mention telling her that the caster is even stronger than her.

“No, I’m not. I know somepony who is stronger than me, but that pony has been gone for a long time.” Celestia said, and a grieved feeling crossed both her heart and her face.

“Who? Who’s magic is stronger than yours?” Now, Cadence really wants to know the caster, who is a mightier magician than Celestia.

When Celestia is about to answer, a maid runs toward them, speaking in a hurry. “Sorry, your majesty, but I came here to inform Princess Cadance that her night lesson is about to begin, and we hope that she can get there on time.”

“Thank you.” Celestia said to the maid, then spoke to Cadance, “It seems we have to leave this topic for another time. I think it’s time for you to take off, my niece. Learning is an important thing.”

“I understand that, but I will get to the bottom of this afterward. See you later, auntie.” Cadence nods and follows the maid.

After Cadence leaves, Celestia flies back to her office. On her way, many thoughts ran through her mind. Arriving at the office she sits down and stares back at the document on top of her desk. Cleaning her mind and listing the questions she had down in her mind.

Could she be the one I have been waiting for for a long time? The bearers of magic and the hope of getting Lulu back on my side? She has a strong magic ability, that’s no doubt, but is she good or evil? Will she be willing to help me? Who is she, what happened to her, what did she know? I think all my questions will have answers after she wakes up. Right now, all I can do is wait. However, one thing I’m sure about is that the spell has the same feeling of mother’s magic. Though it’s very weak, I barely recognize it, it’s still too similar to mother’s magic.

After a few minutes of planning Celestia stands up, staring outside again, but this time she isn’t staring at the city, but the moon instead, then she speaks to the moon.

“I miss you so much, sister! I wish to play with you, hug you, and chat with you, not to mention seeing your face again. I’m sorry, sis! For not noticing your pain and loneliness.” Tears streaming down from her cheeks.


On the hill nearby, there is a white alicorn with a red mane and ink cutie mark watching and said, “That’s all I can do to help you, Tia. What will happen next is up to you, and I hope you and Lulu will forgive each other and rule together again as sisters! I’m sorry I couldn’t be there with you! I have my own problems that I need to deal with and have to face the consequences of my action. You are not the only one who misses her. I miss her too, both of you!” A drop of a tear rolling down from the white alicorn cheeks.

Suddenly, a dark figure appears from the shadow and says to the white alicorn, “Time’s up! Please come with me right away.” The dark figure speaks with a cold tone.

“I’m coming!” The white alicorn looks at the castle and the moon once more and walks toward the dark figure.

With that, the white alicorn and the dark figure disappear in the flash of light. Go back to the place where they were supposed to be.

Author's Note:

My first time writing and feel free to giving me suggestions.