• Published 1st Sep 2021
  • 995 Views, 70 Comments

A Griffon's Gang - PonyPixel

The restoration of Griffonstone is postponed as some of the helpers have been kidnapped by a bunch of griffons from outside of Equestria. Some of them might have connections to Gallus.

  • ...

Whipped into Shape

Gallus finished his meal 10 minutes ago. He was now banging his tin dish on the bars to grab the attention of someone. After a couple of seconds of clanging, someone finally approached him. “Hey!” called a voice. Two guards came walking towards Gallus’s cell in a very annoying mood. “Knock that off, will ya!? You’re causing a freaking disturbance to the other prisoners!”

“I’ll be quiet if you let me out,” Gallus retorted.

“Heh! Not happening, kid,” the guard responded, then turned to his partner. “Come on, partner. Ignore that li’l fella.” The younger griffon gave them a low brow and resumed making the noise.

“Gallus, enough with that, please?” Gregoria asked while covering her ears. “It’s not gonna help.”

“Yeah, your friend here is smarter than you,” the guard commented. They reached into the cell and yanked the dish away from Gallus, leaving him nothing to bang against the bars. The guards then walked away, leaving Gallus to try and think of another plan.

As he tried thinking, some more footsteps could be heard. Instead of one of the guards, it was Ocellus disguised as ‘Guy’ walking along with Quartz. The disguised changeling looked in Gallus’s cell. “Gallus!” Gallus looked up to see her standing in front of him, and then she showed him some keys. “I’ve been told by Gideon to take you guys to train,” Ocellus explained.

She unlocked the blue griffon's cell then went for Silverstream’s. As soon as Silverstream was out of her cell, she flew up to Gallus and hugged him tightly. “Okay, Silver, I'm happy to see you, but… we should follow along.”

“I know just… let me have this for a moment,” the hippogriff said. ‘Guy’ sighed as she opened the rest of the cells, letting the griffs out. She gave a wink and a comforting smile which confused some of the students. Smolder was the only student that was supposed to stay in her cell since the Gold Gang didn’t trust her. When opening Gus’s cage, Quartz came in and remove the straight jacket and metal muzzle carefully if he wanted to fight back, but he didn’t.

“I’m sorry, Smolder,” Ocellus said to her at her cell.

“No need to apologize, Celly,” Smolder said, “Just do what’s right and save them and ourselves.”

Ocellus smiled. With the griffons and hippogriffs gathered, ‘Guy’ and Quartz took them to the stairs. “Right this way, kids.”

Guards blocked the paths that allowed anyone from trying to escape. They all headed upstairs and were taken to a large room where weapons were hanging on the wall. Swords, maces, axes, every kind of piercing weapon a creature could think of. Soon, Gram entered the room.

“Hello, everyone,” he said. “I'm hoping my new toy taught you how things will work around here.” He smirked as he looked at everyone in the room, then he saw ‘Guy’ and Quartz were still in the room. “Beat it, you guys. This my job now.”

“Right,” ‘Guy’ responded. She and Quartz left the room with the disguised changeling looking at the kobold. Since this morning, Quartz wasn't like everyone else. Maybe she could let him in on what was happening.

As for everyone else, Gram instructed the griffs. “You two,” Gram said, pointing to Gallus and Sunshine, “Come here.”

Gallus and Sunshine stepped forward, and Gram grabbed two staffs, one red and one blue. He then handed over to them with Gallus holding the red one and Sunshine holding blue. “Now, what?” Sunshine asked.

“What do you think?” Gram asked. “Fight!”

They then trotted to the center and looked at each other. Gallus swallowed his pride before speaking up. “I'm sorry, Sunny,” he apologized, “But I need to get on their good side.” Without hesitation, Gallus started swinging his staff around, smacking the hippogriff who tried to use his weapon to block the attacks.

Gallus then started jabbing Sunshine, who eventually dropped his staff. When the hippogriff did this, his staff lit up with a blue glow and the ground beneath the staff was coated in ice. The griffs jumped back before they could get frozen. Gram was pretty impressed by Gallus's haste and picked up the staff that Sunshine dropped.

“Not bad, kid,” he commented. “You’re going to go far from here.” The blue griffon smiled as he went to help Sunshine up if it wasn’t for Gram stopping him. Sunshine was about to stand up if Gram didn't jab the staff on his back, pinning the hippogriff in place. “As for you… what’d you think you’re doing!?”

“Hey, let him go,” Gallus cried. “He’s suffocating!”

“Never. You saw him, he hesitated. That right there shows weakness.” He bumped his head with his fist and kept the staff in place as Sunshine struggled with his tears coming out. Gallus was about to whack the griffon across his head with his staff until Gus pounces at Gram. While he push Gram off of Sunshine, Gram threw him off of himself and started beating him relentlessly until Gus collapsed onto the floor. Once down, the end of Gram’s staff was pressed against his neck. “Wanna try again?”

“If you want a fair fight,” Gus groaned. “I mean, we could take you out. I mean, how many of us are here?” Gram decided to find out. Without warning, he flew towards most of the students and knocked each of them off their feet with just one strike. Some of them knocked other griffons over like dominos. With almost everyone on the floor, he looked back at Gus, who wasn't looking so cocky.

"Ready for round two?" Gram asked. The cranky griffon didn't say anything, he was out of his league.

“Um… Sir, not to be rude,” Gallus spoke, "But what do I do?"

“You just keep listening to orders. You saw what happens when you’re a smart ass like this guy.” Gram went to check on what other weapons as Gallus just looked at the griffons slowly standing up. He wanted to help them, but he felt things would just repeat themselves.

Meanwhile, Gilda was standing as still as possible as Jerick, Afya, and Gale mixed up some dyes to make her body the same colors as the female griff that was tied up. The one tied up had a black beak and talons along with her feathers being beige and her fur being white, basically an inverted version of Gilda's color palette. Along with the crest and tail’s tip being different styles too, there was a lot of work to make Gilda look like the griff that was tied up.

After a while of coating, Gilda now has looked like a replica of the tied-up griffon. “How do I look?” she asked.

“Like a waste of air,” Jerick commented, handed her the mirror. “You looked great.”

“Perfect. Now, I just need to find the base.”

“You sound like you’re rushing into this,” Afya commented. “Do you know this griffon’s name?”

“I do. She calls herself Gwen. And I made sure she was telling the truth.” Gale looked over to see the real Gwen groaning in pain.

“Yeah, we might’ve roughed her up before you got here,” he commented.

“Still, I made sure if she was lying or not.” Gilda walked over to the katana, which she had left leaning against one of the huts. She picked it up and smiled. “Now, where’d they go?”

“The ship with the kids on it went that way,” Jerick stated, pointing towards the direction where the ship left.

“Great. Now, I just have to act like Gwen. Shouldn't be too hard.”

“Good luck then,” Gale said. “Be careful, though, one wrong move, you’re dead. I’ve seen what happens when they try to fake it.”

“Got it.” Gilda held up her talon so she and Gale could have a fist bump. “I’ll pick you back up when it succeeds. Take care of yourself.” After that, the ambassador bravely flew off to find the base.

While this was going on, Sandbar and Yona were allowed to have a break. Instead of being free to do what they want, however, instead, they were shown to some prison cells similar to the ones that the griffs were locked in. The colt and yak were locked in one of the cells with a familiar mare and Minotaur. “You two can take a rest now,” one guard said. “I’ll be back when you’re okay.”

The guard walked off as Bill and the mare looked at the two newcomers and sighed. “You guys understand how things work around here?” the Minotaur asked.

“Sadly, yes,” Sandbar sighed. The colt looked towards Yona, who had already passed out from exhaustion.

“Your friend there is playing it smart. Sleep while you can. You’ll be working for the rest of your days. Since you’re young, you’re going to be here for a while.”

“Bill, will you stop talking like that?” the mare asked.

“What else are we supposed to do? Those griffons are armed to the teeth!”

“The bigger they are, the harder they fall.”

"Except there’s nothing to knock them over.”

“That's why we need to knock them down a peg.” Sandbar could feel the tension between the two creatures, they obviously had argued about this before.

“What are you planning, exactly?” the colt asked.

Bill just ignored him while the mare gave him an answer. “I’ve been trying to think of the best chance we have to take them down,” the mare explained.

“Has anyone else thought of joining this?”

“I tried convincing some of the other ponies and minotaurs, but they’re too scared to fight back.”

“That’s actually what I’ve been wanting to ask. What’s with the cuffs? There aren't any chains on them, so what's stopping you from escaping?"

Bill looked down at the metal cuffs before explaining. “This mine has special gemstones,” he explained. “They hold elemental powers, the favorite of the griffons seems to be electricity, which is what they have in these cuffs. If any of us act out of line, they just turn these cuffs on and we get shocked. And trust me, it hurts.”

Sandbar didn't like the sound of those words. He looked back at Yona, who was still asleep, fearing what they would do if they knew what she was capable of. He didn’t say anything else and just tried to get as much sleep as he could before he was forced back to work.

Gallus and his friends were still being forced into training. Gabby and Gleaming Pearl the next two forced to fight each other, except they were using swords instead of staffs as Gallus and Sunshine did. Gram decided to do this to make sure they would stay in line. The two fighting griffs were both on even footing until Silverstream accidentally activated the electrical abilities of her weapon.

Startled, Silverstream ended up flinging her blade into the air and it stabbed itself in place. “Fantastic,” Gram groaned. “Now, we have to deal with that.”

“I’m sorry,” Silverstream apologized. Gram rose his talon and the hippogriff thought she was about to get slapped, only to see him fly up to pull the blade out. “Here!” He then chucked it back at the hippogriff, who barely dodged it.

Gram landed in front of her and looked at Silverstream dead in the eye. “Try again,” he said. The hippogriff gulped as she picked up the sword, which had been deactivated. She was about to try and fight Gabby again until somebody spoke up.

“What’s taking so long?” called a voice. Everyone looked to see Gideon walk in, not looking happy. “Why are these creatures still fighting one at a time?”

“Sorry, sir, but… they suck,” Gram responded. “I have to pull a sword out of the ceiling before you came in.” He pointed up to where Silverstream had tossed her blade by accident.

“I thought you’d have to try and make that mistake.”

"Well, that kid over there found a way." Gram pointed to Silverstream, who Gideon took a disliking to. The hippogriff backed up a little bit as the gang leader stepped up to her.

“Trying to play dumb, eh!?”

“Um… No, sir,” Silverstream responded meekly. Gideon was about to slap her until Gallus spoke up.

“Hold it! This is only our first day, right?” The young griffs nodded in agreement. Gideon looked towards the blue griffon, who was now the center of attention. “Did you expect us to become master assassins overnight?” Gideon walked closer to Gallus as all the other griffs moved aside.

“What’re you calling me, kid? An idiot!?”

“Well, how long does it usually take to make griffons into fighters?" The griffs that were captured were worried as Gideon scowled at Gallus.

“You're on thin ice kid.”

“Um, sir,” Gram said, “Why are you checking so early?”

The leader sighed with frustration. “I still had no word about Gwen and the location of the young griff. I swear if that kid gets away…”

“Boss, I could go out for a search party and…”

“No, no, and no! You’re showing these kids how things work around here. And because their friend decided to make a run for it, the rest of them will pay.” This struct fear into everyone else.

“Hmm, do I get to use what Gadget gave me earlier?”

“No, we only need that to shut those f***ing creatures up. Just pick a random weapon off the wall, will ya?” Gram smiled and flew off to the weapons on the wall. Everyone watched as he looked at all of the weapons until he finally picked up two different swords, a double-sided blade, and a katana. “Good choice. Alright, everyone, get ready.”

The sound of fast footsteps started approaching the training room. Gideon was already losing his patience as he saw another griffon run into the room. “Sir,” he saluted, “Gwendoline has returned. She is now awaiting orders.”

Gallus and Silverstream felt puzzled because that’s the same griffon who got tied up with the other two griffons in the village, asking themselves how did she escape, since Gale and the camels were looking after it. This managed to bring a smile to the leader’s face, who flew off to find where Gwendoline was. “I’ll be back,” he said, dropped his weapon. She was waiting outside in the airbase, watching other ships land, take off, and load and unload cargo. Gwen, or more accurately Gilda in disguise, saw Gideon approaching her.

“There you are,” he called. “Any luck catching that kid?”

Gilda thought fast and got into character, looking rather frustrated. “He slipped away,” she fibbed. “Though, judging the heat of the desert, he’ll die off before he finds anything useful out there.”

Gideon noticed another griffon was missing. “Where’s Gene? I thought you two were trying to find him while Guy returned with the other prisoners.”

The disguised griffon was surprised by this information. She thought Guy was still left in the village. She almost lost focus and quickly tried to think of an excuse. “Um… Well… He’s still trying to get that kid back. He’s pretty fast."

“Of course he is. Now, get inside and find Guy. I need you to help whip the kids into shape.”

“Yes, sir.” Gilda quickly flew off, though Gideon felt a little confused when she didn’t salute, not to mention suspicious. The griffon in disguise didn’t pay attention to him, she was just trying to figure out where to go. She just showed up in this place and had no clue which way was what. She flew around until she ran into Glynn, quite literally.

The two griffons fell onto the floor with the katana that Gilda took landing beside them. Glynn got up and could see the katana, which looked like the one that the kobolds wielded. Confused, he picked it up as just as Gilda started standing back up. “Sorry, about that,” Glynn apologized. “Why are you carrying this katana?”

Gilda thought fast. “I needed a weapon, and I thought this would be a good one to use,” she fibbed. “Can you just tell me where to find Guy? Boss’s orders.”

“I think he’s in the lab with Gadget and Quartz. Did you get turned around too?”

“It could also be the heat of the desert. WIsh I had those cloaks they were wearing.”

“Same here. Though, the boss doesn’t want that because It’d be a sign of a rebellion or something.”


"That's what I’ve heard some griffs say. I’ll show you where Guy is." Glynn led the fake Gwen down the hall, just like he did with ‘Guy’ the other day.

Gadget was busy repairing some weapons while ‘Guy’ and Quartz were waiting around. Gadget thought they were there for some reason, though it looked like they were just waiting or slacking off. Eventually, Glynn and ‘Gwen’ walked in and the female griffon was surprised to see who she thought was Guy. She does remember he was at the desert tied up with the others. “What are you doing here?” Gilda questioned.

“I was checking on the weaponry with Quartz,” ‘Guy’ explained.

“Uh-huh. Anyways, I’ve been told you’re helping me with the kids. Something about whipping them into shape.”

"Um... Right." The disguised changeling looked at the kobold, who seemed a little upset.

“You go ahead. I think I’ll be fine,” Quartz responded. ‘Guy’ smiled before she and Gwen slowly walked out of the room, leaving Gadget to her work. Glynn decided to walk closer to her, which made the female griffon stop her work.

“Glynn, is something wrong?” Gadget asked.

“I’ve got to take a look at some of the griffons that we’ve captured recently,” Glynn explained. “And… let me tell you… one of them kind of looked like us.”

“Where are you going with this?”

Glynn looked like he was remembering something. He looked back at Quartz, who didn’t look like she was paying attention to them. “You know the egg we had to hide from this gang?”

Gadget paused as she placed her tools down. “You don’t think… You know the chances of that are so slim.”

“Yet, still possible.”

Gadget didn't want to believe it. “Look, we could just do a blood test just to be sure.”

“Okay. I’ll try and get some from him once I get the chance. Just… keep up the good work.” Glynn walked away to do other jobs as Gadget was doing her best to forget what she had heard.

Gilda and Ocellus in disguise got to the training room, where Gallus and the other griffs were being armed with different blades. “About time you got here,” Gram commented. He walked up to 'Guy' and handed him a dagger. “Now, show these kids how to fight like a real warrior.”

The two fake griffons knew they would be fighting the student, which wasn’t going to be pleasant for either of them. However, before Gram could give any instructions, Gallus rose his talon. “Yes?”

“Gregoria and I will be first,” he volunteered.

“Wait, you’re volunteering me?” Gregoria questioned.

“Look, you take Guy. I’m going after the other one over there.” Gregoria was a little nervous but trusted what she had been told. Gram had both volunteers stand in front of who he thought were the real gang members. Once the fight started, it wasn’t exactly what the instructor expected.

‘Guy’ and Gregoria didn't go full force at each other while ‘Gwen’ was holding back against Gallus. The young griffon didn’t. Since Gallus didn’t know it was Gilda in disguise, he didn’t show any mercy. Because of this, Gilda felt like she was dangerously close to losing an arm. The aggression coming from the blue griffon was impressive to Gram. He even managed to knock the katana of Gilda’s talons.

She scrambled to pick it back up only to have an arrow shot at the floor right next to the katana, barely missing her talon. “Very impressive, young one,” Gram commented. “I have a feeling that Gwen is slipping in her skills.” Gilda just sighed as she didn’t feel like she was off to a good start. As for ‘Guy’, she and Gregoria would have to call off a draw since both of them weren't able to get a proper opening. Gram focused his attention on the rest of the griffs, who he knew he still had to train.

“So, now what?” Gallus asked.

“Hmm, you can stay with us, bluebird. You’re smart enough to know how things work around here. Everyone else is going to have to put in a real effort if they want to stay out of those cells.” All the captured griffs got scared knowing that they would be locked up again.

“Um, can I make a small request?” Gallus asked.

“You want one of them to join you?”


“Hmm, alright then. Just remember, kid, if the one you pick screws up, you’re both in trouble. Choose carefully." Gallus looked at all of the griffs. None of them wanted to be there, but he had a feeling that Silverstream wouldn't last long given how she acted when she thought she saw the Storm King in the tunnels beneath the school.

“I choose Silverstream,” he proclaimed, pointing to the said hippogriff.

“Okay then.” Gram flew over to the hippogriff then dragged her by the wrist over to Gallus. Gram then looked at Guy, who was out of breath just like Gregoria. Before the griffon in charge could speak up, his leader spoke first.

“You made a pretty nice choice,” Gideon commented. “I wish I was feeling as proud of you. Unlike others.” He glared at the disguised Gilda, who just stood up. “Since you’re doing a bad job of fighting, you could give them a tour of our base.”

“Ugh… Yes sir,” Gilda responded. She quickly grabbed Gallus and Silverstream and pulled them out of the room. Gideon was getting suspicious of how hastily ‘Gwen’ left, not to mention the lack of a solute. He was forming a plan to keep an eye on her.

After getting out of earshot, Gilda brought the two teens to a stop. “Alright, are we alone?” the disguised griffon asked.

“Why do you want to know?” Gallus asked. “You’re…”

“Not the griffon you think I am. It’s me, Gilda.” Both students were surprised by this.

“You too?” Silverstream asked.

“What do you mean ‘you too’?”

“Ocellus is also here,” Gallus explained. “That griffon you know as Guy, that’s her.”

“So that’s why he’s here and in the village,” Gilda muttered. “Alright, so what exactly is your plan here?”

“Right now, it’s to figure out this place’s in and out so we can plan the best ways to get out of here. Since you’re here, you can help us out.”

“Right then, but first…” Without warning, Gilda smacked Gallus on the side of his head. “That’s for flying headfirst into an unknown gang.”

“What? You’re here too.”

“That’s wasn’t fully my choice. Just listen to my orders and don’t be foolish.” Both young griffs nodded before following the disguised ambassador down the hall, for which they would need some help in directions.

“Wish we had Ocellus right now,” Silverstream admitted. “She got a chance to look around.”

“I’m more concerned about Smolder, not to mention Sandbar and Yona,” Gallus admitted. “We have seen them since they went underground.”

“Underground?” Gilda asked.

“I’m pretty sure they said something about a mine. I think they’re being worked down to the bone.” Gallus was wishing he planned things out a little bit better, but it was too late to change that now. All he had to do now was keep his guard up and hope for the best.

Down in the mines, Sandbar and Yona were sound asleep. This would come to an end when they heard a loud banging noise. It woke them up and they looked around to see the guards unlocking their cell. “Back to work, you two,” one called. As the door open, the two were forced onto their hooves and taken to another set of carts to pull.

“How long Yona and Sandbar asleep?” Yona questioned. They wouldn't be answered as they were threatened with a whip.

“Enough with the queries, now move!”

The colt and yak walked away pulling their empty to be loaded up. Sandbar looked around to see if the mare or Bill was anywhere. However, the blinders made it a bit hard to do this. “Yona want to get out of mine.”

“Me too,” Sandbar agreed. “We need to figure out how to get out here.” The two kept looking around the mine for anything that could be an exit. The ones they could find had guards keeping watch, meaning sneaking through them would be impossible while they were there. Until then, the two would be forced to go back and forth with empty and loaded carts.

During this, Yona would be doing most of the worst as Sandbar was deep in thought most of the time. When they came to a stop to load up with gems. Most of the miners they could see looked dead inside as they had pretty much given up. Sandbar didn't want to give up that easily though and kept thinking about what to do. The best option would be to get to know more about the miners.

None of the minotaurs were wanting to speak with the colt though. They thought if they didn’t keep up the work, they would receive a shock from their cuffs. Most of the ponies pulling the carts didn't have time to stop, like the minotaurs they didn’t want to be in trouble with the griffons. Sandbar felt that there were only two creatures he could talk to in the mines, the mare, and Bill.

After bringing one of their loads to the top to be taken away, he noticed that Bill was digging near the top of the mine. He was making small trenches in the ground and there were bars of metal sitting next to him. After a bit of digging, another pair of minotaurs lied the bars of metal in the grooves. “Those must be more tracks for the mine carts,” he guessed. He felt a jolt as he slowed down, meaning the carts Yona was pulling caught up with him.

"Sandbar needs to keep up work," Yona noted.

“I'm sorry. We can't stay here forever. I'm trying to think of something.” The colt looked around at the minotaurs and ponies forced to work.

“Maybe Yona could smash through griffons.”

“Not yet. We need to think before we risk it all.” The two came to a stop so they could be unhitched and then take another lot of carts. Both sighed as they set off once more.

After walking around like decapitated chickens, Gilda, Gallus, and Silverstream were lost. Not the best time to do so when they were in an enemy’s base. “Okay, we need a miracle now,” Gilda commented. “If not… then we’re all dead.” Around the corner, they could hear some footsteps getting closer to them. Feeling that they were going get caught, to their surprise, it was Glynn.

The griffon with metal wings looked at the three griffs. “You're having trouble getting around, are you?” he questioned.

“…Probably,” Gallus responded. “We were supposed to have a tour but Gwen here has a bad memory. You mind if you give us a claw?”

“Of course. This way.” Surprised by his humbleness, the three griffs followed Glynn around the base. He showed them places such as washrooms, the cafeteria, and even the medical center. The center was something that Glynn seemed to know quite a lot about. Silverstream decided to ask the question.

“Are you a doctor?” the hippogriff asked.

“Just a simple medic,” Glynn responded. “I can show you some of our technology.”

“No thanks,” Gallus responded.

“I think Gideon would leave you alone if you said yes,” Gilda noted.

Gallus rolled his eyes and groaned. “Fine.”

Glynn took out a syringe and held Gallus's arm. “Now, hold still.” He then jabbed the needle into him, which caused a bit of pain and annoyance to Gallus. After taking some blood and put a ball of cotton and a bandage on his arm, Glynn then showed them a small machine.

“This right here is just something we use to test blood. Though, it’s nothing special to the crystals we mined.” Opening a drawer, Glynn showed the griffs a small purple crystal. It glowed when it touched his talon.

“Woah! What does that do?” Silverstream asked.

“It’s a strange one, but whenever it making contact with a creature's skin and they are as still as possible, it works as a way of keeping up the nutrients in your body without having to consume food or water."

“You're kidding me,” Gallus spoke. Glynn chuckled.

“I know it sounds farfetched, but it works. I could show you if you want.”

“Thanks, but no thanks,” Gilda spoke. “I’m doing whatever I can in order not to get yelled at by Gideon.”

“…Right. I understand.” Glynn watched the griffs leave the room and made sure they were out of sight. Once they were gone, he fired up the machine he was showing before telling them about the crystal. He inserted some of Gallus's blood then got another needle to get some of his own. After waiting for a minute, a note was printed from the machine, giving the results of the blood test. Glynn was shocked at first, then let out a disappointed sigh.

The trio went down the hall, pondering what was taking Glynn so long. They would have to wait for answers as they ran into Guy, or that's what it looked like. He looked at the two students and then who he thought was Gwen. The disguised griffon looked around the place to make sure they were alone. “Have you ever heard of anyone named Ocellus?” she asked.

“I'm not sure what you're talking about,” the fake griffon said.

"Ocellus, don’t worry, this is Gilda," Silverstream said. "She’s in disguise like you."

The three all looked the hippogriff, not impressed. “Silver, you got lucky," Ocellus explained, speaking with her original voice. “This is one of the riskiest missions we've ever done.”

"Look, we weren’t expecting Gilda to be here," Gallus informed. "What are you doing outside of the training room?”

“Gideon said that you were taking too long. Just… hurry up. I don't think we can keep up the act if we can’t keep up with his commands.”

“Look, kid, I’m doing my best, but your poor planning is going to get us killed."

“I didn’t account on you being here,” Gallus noted.

“Enough with the argument!” Ocellus begged. “We’re in hot water as it is.” The three griffs all remained quiet before Silverstream spoke up again.

“Let’s just keep up with orders,” she said. "I'm not finding out what he does to creatures that don't follow orders.” This was a good idea and Gilda had something to add.

“Just tell the griffon in charge that we were just finishing the tour and I was sick of these two,” Gilda said.

“Good plan,” Gallus commented. “I'm going to report back to the training room. Silver, come with me.” The hippogriff followed her boyfriend. Ocellus kept up her act as Guy and followed her friends in case Gram would wonder where she was. Gilda decided to look around the base and find anything that could be helpful.

As for Glynn, he was looking to find Gadget. He was holding the note that the machine had printed. “I hope this test would be wrong,” he muttered. Taking a deep breath, he set off to find Gadget and tell her the news.

Author's Note:

Sorry, this one took so long guys, I've been adjusting to my work schedule.