• Published 19th Aug 2021
  • 2,122 Views, 165 Comments

Flash Sentry's EQG Chronicles - Banshee531

Follow Flash Sentry and his friends through their adventures in the newly magical world around them.

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Soccer Showdown

Summer was in full swing, many students enjoying their time off from school. And as they used the free time to relax, they began to unwind and destress in preparation for a whole new year of stress.

Except for the Canterlot High soccer team, which were currently in the finals of the state championship. The team had the best year the school had ever had, even managing to beat Crystal Prep's team. Many were excited about this, but none more so than Rainbow Dash.

"Oh yeah!" Rainbow cheered as she ran out of the changing rooms onto the soccer field, the rest of her team stepping out behind her. "Come on guys, we're just one win away from the national circuit! A whole summer of playing soccer against the country's best! You guys with me?!"

"YEAH!" They all cheered as they ran off to start warming up.

And as Rainbow began her warmup, she stared at the stadium, seeing many of her fellow school students in the stands cheering for them. "RAINBOW!" She turned to see a large group up in the stands, the sight making her smile as she saw Pinkie screaming her name along with her other friends cheering.

She then turned to her competition, the previous year's state winners: The Cloudsdale Wonderbolts.

She always wondered why their teams were only one letter different from each other, but that would have to be answered another time. Currently, that team was also stretching themselves out, the girl soon spotting the one wearing the captain's band and recognizing him from her research.

Soarin Skies. He had made captain this year after the previous one graduated and was doing just as well leading the team, actually managing to get a higher score in some of their games than in previous years. He was a light blue skinned boy with dark blue hair, wearing a uniform that was a combo of light and dark blue with yellow lightning bolts separating them.

The teen spotted her and smirked before coming over, Rainbow deciding to do the same. The pair met each other in the center of the field, "Good luck today," Soarin told her, "I want our victory today to be hard earned, so give us your best shot."

"Oh, we will. But this victory's gonna be ours." The pair kept grinning at each other, though Rainbow had to look up at him since he was about a foot taller than her. "Don't take us lightly because you guys were last year's champs."

"We don't take anyone lightly." Soarin chuckled, "I'm gonna do everything I can to get my team to the national circuit. Even if I have to score a hundred goals."

"Ha, I bet I could score a hundred and one goals."

Soarin's grin got bigger at this, "Okay then, how about a bet? If I score more goals than you, you have to take me out to the food place of my choosing and pay for everything I eat."

"Deal, as long as you agree to pay for my dinner at my favorite food place when I score more."

"Deal!" The pair shook hands before separating, the teams getting into their positions. Soarin wasn't head striker it appeared, that role instead going to a girl named Fleetfoot. Rainbow and her stared one another down as the ref flipped the coin and determined that Canterlot would be kicking off the match.

And with a blow of his whistle, the game was on. Rainbow got the ball and charged, only for Fleetfoot and another player to dash at her. She had no choice but to dribble the ball to the left, only to realize that's exactly where Soarin was. "They led me!" She gasped as Soarin rushed up to her.

Rainbow was fast. Even without her magical geode, she could run almost too fast for the eye to see. And while Soarin wasn't as fast, she had yet to get up to full speed. As such, Soarin got up to her and stole the ball with a quick flick of his foot.

"Hey!" She cried as Soarin zipped past her, now dribbling the ball toward the goal. Rainbow ran after him while her teammates tried to get to him, but Soarin zigzagged around them instantly, Rainbow seeing that while she was faster, he was more agile.

And it wasn't just him. The entire Cloudsdale Team were just as fast and agile, able to get around any of the Canterlot players that tried to block them. And as Soarin got close, to the goal, he passed the ball to a teammate that was open.

"Oh, no you don't!" Rainbow yelled, trying to get ahead of Soarin, preventing the pass, making Soarin turn and shoot it over to Fleetfoot. The girl got the ball and zipped around the player blocking her, the girl quickly spinning and launching the ball into the goal. In the blink of an eye, the ball hit the back of the net and the crowd exploded, Rainbow going wide-eyed at this.

"What...just happened?" Soarin smirked at the question.

"My team scored. I'm not the only ace player you know."

Rainbow gulped at this, only to see the goalie take the ball from the net and kick it over to Rainbow. Narrowing her eyes, she shot from her end of the field across the pitch and managed to get halfway before Soarin caught up with her, Rainbow finding herself slowed down by his teammates. She quickly passed it, only for another Cloudsdale player to swoop in and take it.

"What?!" Rainbow yelped, only for Soarin to appear before her, "Hey! Out of the way!"

"Not gonna happen," Soarin replied as Rainbow tried to zip around him, but no matter what, Soarin always kept up with her. The distance between her and the ball dribbling player grew larger, only for the player to shoot at the goal. The goalie leapt for it and just managed to deflect the ball with his glove, but as the ball bounced away from the net as another Wonderbolt player hit it back and scored as the goalie hit the ground.

"No!" Scootaloo cried while the Cloudsdale fans cheered. "How is this happening?"

"I think Rainbow's met her match," Flash commented, "She and this Soarin guy are practically even, so they might as well not be there. And that's the problem."

"Rainbow's the linchpin of the team," Twilight gulped as the goalie kicked the ball to a teammate. "Their whole strategy revolves around supporting her. So with her practically neutralized, the rest of the team can't keep up with the opponent."

Sure enough, Soarin blocked Rainbow from getting into position and forced her teammate the pass to another player, the Wonderbolt soon stealing the ball back. Rainbow soon found she just couldn't get away from Soarin, allowing the rest of his team to have free rein to run circles around the Wondercolts. By the time the first half ended, it was four nothing to Cloudsdale.

"Ahhhh!" Rainbow screamed as she sat down on the bench, "We're getting destroyed!"

"It's that Soarin guy!" One of her teammates told her, "He's like a second shadow on you."

"Yeah..." another member of her team nodded, "I think he realized without you, we don't stand a chance against his team. They're just too good."

Rainbow sighed as she looked over the field and saw Soarin gulping down a bunch of water. Clearly, he was just as tired as she was, while his team barely looked like they had broken a sweat. "I'm not gonna get beaten this easily," she growled, "No matter what, I'm gonna score if it kills me."

The rest of her team nodded, knowing there was no way to stop Rainbow once she decided to do something. They promised to do the best they could to give her the chance as the ref announced the start of the second half, the team rushing back onto the field and the Wonderbolts had kickoff.

Fleetfoot kicked the ball to Soarin the second the whistle blew whilst Rainbow exploded forward as fast as she could, managing to reach him before he could start moving. Soarin glared at her and the pair started fencing with their feet, doing everything they could to get the ball away from the other.

It was here that Rainbow managed to pry it away from him and passed it to her teammate. The girl managed to get it before a Wonderbolt could reach her and began to dribble it towards the net, but several more Wonderbolts came up to her. And as this happened, she passed it to another teammate that managed to catch it. At the same time, Rainbow and Soarin were practically dancing around one another to try and stop the other from being able to help their teammates.

As such, when the Wondercolt reached the goal, he shot it towards the net instead of passing it to Rainbow like usual. The ball soared through the air, but was caught by the Wonderbolt goalie. "Not good enough!" He exclaimed, looking for Soarin, but saw he was still being blocked by Rainbow. As such, he kicked the ball over to another player. The girl caught the ball as several Wondercolts charged at her, but she easily avoided all of them and passed to another player.

The boy caught the ball and pulled it back to avoid a sliding tackle, allowing him to charge up the field. And as he neared the goal, he looked to shoot up at the last second, passed it over to a teammate on the other side of the goal. This player then kicked it right into the goal, making it five to nothing in favor of the Wonderbolts.

Once again, the Wondercolts were being creamed by the Wonderbolts without Rainbow there. She and Soarin continued to block one another from doing anything, as two more goals were scored.

"We're down to the final few minutes," the announcer stated, "I don't see how Canterlot are gonna be able to come back from this!"

"It's over Rainbow," Soarin told her as Rainbow's team had the ball.

The girl growled, "I'm not gonna let it end here." She put everything she had into this one last move, the girl calling up everything her body had learned from her time moving at super speed. She jumped left, then right, then right again with Soarin keeping up with her. She then feinted left and as Soarin jumped that way, only to spin around him and they were soon back-to-back. "See yah!" She laughed before zooming off, Soarin going wide-eyed at this.

Her friends cheered as they saw Rainbow moving at her top speed down the field, quickly catching up with her teammates. "Pass it!" She yelled, her teammate getting ready to kick it to her, only for several Wonderbolts to appear.

As such, the ball shot straight up into the air, only for Rainbow to leap up, the speed she had built propelling her higher. The crowd gasped at how high she got, Rainbow swinging her leg around and slamming it into the ball. "RAAAAAAAAAAH!" She roared as she kicked the sphere as hard as it would go, the ball exploding toward the goal.

The goalie dived for it, but as he did, the ball curved and flew past him.

"GOAL!" The Canterlot crowd exploded right as the ref blew the whistle to end the game. "That's it, Cloudsdale is once again State Champions!"

Now it was the Cloudsdale crowd that cheered as the Wonderbolts moved over to hug each other. Rainbow was laid out on the ground, exhausted from that last effort. She couldn't believe she had lost by so much, but was also happy she at least managed to score a goal.

In that moment, a hand reached out to her and she saw it belonged to Soarin. "Nice shot," he said as she took the hand and let him pull her up. "You're really good."

"So are you. I've never had anyone able to keep up with me like that."

"Well, this was fun. We should play again some time."

"Maybe we can play after you're finished paying for my meal," Rainbow countered, Soarin raising an eyebrow, "Don't forget about our deal. Your team might have scored seven goals, but none of them were by you." She smirked at this, "But I managed to score one goal more than you."

"Oh," Soarin gulped, "Right. Alright...I guess we'll have to discuss when you wanna go out."

Rainbow nodded, but realized neither of them had each other's phone number, and neither had a pen to write it down. "You got email?" Soarin nodded and told her the address, Rainbow constantly repeating it in her head as she nodded. "Alright, I'll send you the place I wanna go when I'm free."

"Got it," Soarin nodded before walking away. "See you then." Rainbow headed back to her locker room, where the coach was waiting for them. Despite the horrible loss, he was rather lenient since they were going up against the previous state champions.

And once Rainbow had changed, she headed out and found her friends waiting for her. "Rainbow!" Pinkie ran up and threw her arms around her. "You were great! I don't care that you lost!"

"Thanks Pinkie," Rainbow giggled as the others gathered around her.

"That Soarin guy was pretty good," Flash added, "I didn't think anyone without magic could keep up with you." Rainbow nodded back, "Say, what were the two of you talking about after the game?"

"Yes," Rarity narrowed her eyes, "I hope he wasn't attempting to rub salt in the wound."

Rainbow shook her head, "No. We were talking about the bet I won." They all raised an eyebrow at this. "Since I scored more goals than him, he now has to take me to the food place of my choice and pay for anything I eat." This statement caused Rarity to gasp.


Rainbow leaned back at this, "No," she shook her head, "He's just-"

"Taking you out to dinner and paying for the meal, which you two will no doubt be eating together." Rarity smirked as she pointed at Rainbow, "That's called a date, darling."

Rainbow's eyes went wide as she turned to the others, who all nodded in agreement. Rainbow had a date. Her face suddenly turned bright red, as the image of her and Soarin having a sappy date like she had seen in those movies her friends liked appeared in her mind. "No, no, no, no!" She shook her head again, "That's not happening! I don't do dates!"

"Oh, but you do now," Rarity squealed, "This is so exciting!" She quickly grabbed Rainbow's arm, "We have to go and buy you a gorgeous dress for your date." Rainbow blanked at this, "Then I'm taking you to the beauty salon to get a complete makeover!" She started pulling Rainbow along as the girl now tried to escape, but somehow Rarity had gained Applejack strength.

She turned back to the others and whispered, "Help me." But her friends all shook their heads.

"Sorry Rainbow," Applejack giggled, "Looks like yer on yer own." The others laughed at this as Rainbow groaned, then noticed a bus driving past her. That bus had the Cloudsdale team on it, Rainbow happening to see Soarin sitting at the window. As the two locked eyes, Rainbow couldn't help but notice her heart starting to beat really fast as she imagined that image with them again. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad

Author's Note:

It's been a while since I did one of these, but I hope you like it. A lot of you have been hoping to see some of the other girls get their Equestrian boyfriends, so hope this help with that..

Comments ( 10 )

Ooh unexpected Rainbow/Soarin ship, color me interested!:rainbowhuh:

Great chapter and here's hoping we get to see Rogue.

That's awesome, hope we get to see more between EG Rainbow and EG Soarin.

And Rarity, not everyone has to get all prettied up for a date ya know.

Nice one! Great introduction to the human version of Soarin. Soarin and his team beating Rainbow and her team in soccer sorta reminds me of how Soarin beat Rainbow in a race before they officially started their relationship way back in Season 2. The parallels are interesting.

She always wondered why their teams were only one letter different from each other, but that would have to be answered another time.

Yeah, that always confused me too.


Rainbow leaned back at this, "No," she shook her head, "He's just-"

"Taking you out to dinner and paying for the meal, which you two will no doubt be eating together." Rarity smirked as she pointed at Rainbow, "That's called a date, darling."

Rainbow's eyes went wide as she turned to the others, who all nodded in agreement. Rainbow had a date. Her face suddenly turned bright red, as the image of her and Soarin having a sappy date like she had seen in those movies her friends liked appeared in her mind. "No, no, no, no!" She shook her head again, "That's not happening! I don't do dates!"

Clearly Rainbow didn't think that through when she accepted Soarin's bet. Maybe that's why Soarin made it in the first place. Sneaky.

That ending was a lot funnier than it should have been. :rainbowlaugh:

If theres more love included, i have high hopes on Spike the Dog X Princess Thunder Guts, he deserve it.

Dang, she got bamboozled.

Hey Banshee got an idea for thins fic. A reprise of this song.

But with The Equestria Boys singing it.

[Equestria Girls]
Yo, Yo!
[Flash Sentry]
Girls your Forgetting thought
And the wind does blow', and we're can go with the flow
Me and my boys can pull of the Swagger
[Equestria Boys]
That's right!
[Lightning Blitz]
There are some sharks I'm these water tonight (Iron Core: Sharks!)
Hold up, I don't see no rings
Who would want stop you from doin' our thing
You've got all with your bling-bling
[Iron Core]
Wild smile's on deck too, and it's
[Equestria Girls]
Fire he'll bring
[Wild Smile]
We hunkies on a yacht-y
It's a special kind of party
Setting sail so we can play
Because it's anchors away
We got floaty-woaties, beach toties
Kings of the sea
We're Brave, Courageous
[Equestria Boys]
Don't you agree?
Hey, hey, hey, hands in the air
Oh, oh, oh, wind in our hair
We're hoppin' on, so float along
'Cause EB's on this yacht
Hey, hey, sippin' on lemonade
Shinin' bright, but we're throwin' no shade
Exclusively, we're V.I.P.
'Cause EB's on this yacht
Oh, no!
[Flash Sentry]
The sun's beatin' down
Rouge fell asleep too when no one was around (Wild Smile: What?!)
Now he's got a burn and a serious frown
That won't even stop me from really gettin' down
[Equestria Boys]
DJ, drop that beat
She still knows what we need to make us move our feet
Divin' in the pool to escape the heat
[Lightning Blitz]
Now we're getting hungry, and it's time to eat
[Wild Smile]
Lobster on a silver platter
'Cause the costs don't even matter
All expenses are paid
EB crew
[Equestria Boys]
Got it made!
[Wild Smile]
Little boats are driftin' by
Seagulls up in the sky
We're a picture of perfection
As we wave to them
[Equestria Boys]
Hey, hey, hey, hands in the air
Oh, oh, oh, wind in our hair
We're hoppin' on, so float along
'Cause EB's on this yacht
Hey, hey, sippin' on lemonade
Shinin' bright, but we're throwin' no shade
Exclusively, we're V.I.P.
'Cause EB's on this yacht
We're livin' our life like
This moment never ends
Sun shines on us so brightly
When we're chillin' with friends
Springer: Worldwide, y'all! Equestria Boys crew! Keepin' it hot on a yacht! And it's aaaaaall good!
Hey, hey, hey, hands in the air
Oh, oh, oh, wind in our hair
We're hoppin' on, so float along
'Cause EB's on this yacht
Hey, hey, sippin' on lemonade
Shinin' bright, but we're throwin' no shade
Exclusively, we're V.I.P.
'Cause EB's on this yacht

I could think of any better lyrics so if any of you know that can do better please let me know.. (No seriously please let me know I'm not trying to anger or anything like that to you guys.

Next chapter please

So, will Sunset also get some romantic tease with someone (she is bisexual so a guy or a girl works) like the rest of the Rainbooms or will she be the only single person in her entire friend group? It'd be pretty sad if she was the only single person among the group.

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