• Published 17th Jul 2021
  • 1,682 Views, 18 Comments

A Caring Kirin - Phantom-Dragon

An ASMR script of you and Rain Shine’s first meeting.

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Meet The Kirin Queen – Rain Shine

You find yourself in a wide open meadow. The birds are chirping. A soft wind is blowing through the trees. You hear the sound of hoof steps approaching. The sound gets louder and louder, until they're close enough to you. You look and find yourself face-to-face with a beautiful Kirin. She’s just as beautiful as the Princesses of Equestria.

Rain Shine says, "Oh! こんにちは。(Konnichi wa.) What's a little creature like you doing out here?"

Rain Shine says, "You heard about us from Applejack and Fluttershy? And you've been wanting to visit us? To see our village and our way of life? Well, let me be the first to welcome you to our humble abode. I am Rain Shine, the leader of the kirins. And you are?"

Rain Shine says, "That's a lovely name. It is a pleasure to meet you. Come with me. I'll get the tea ready for us."

Later, you are in the Kirin Village with Rain Shine. The sounds of laughter and chatting can be heard outside of house. You turn and look to see Rain Shine is performing what is referred to as the Tea Ceremony. She is levitating the utensils and ingredients as she does the ceremony.

Rain Shine says, "I have to say, it's nice of you to come. We don't usually get so many visitors. You could say that, up until Applejack and Fluttershy came to solve our problem, we've always been...remote. So, please don't be too...intimidated by our appearances, or our customs. I know we may not look like ponies, but we are...in some ways."

Rain Shine says, "You think we're all fascinating creatures?" (Giggles) "どうもありがとうございます! (Dōmo arigatōgozaimasu!)"

Rain Shine levitates a cup of tea to you, while levitating one up for herself. She bows her head as she does so, with you returning the gesture.

Rain Shine says, "Here. Have some tea....I hope you like green tea."

Rain Shine says, "Oh. You like it? Is it delicious?" (Giggles) "ありがとう! (arigatō!)"

Rain Shine says, "What is in it? It's a special powder we called matcha. It comes from the leaves we grow here. We use it for all of our green teas. Can't find it anywhere else in Equestria or beyond."

Rain Shine says, "So...how are you enjoying your stay at our village? Do you like it here?"

Rain Shine says, "I'm glad you like it! And I hope you enjoy your stay here in our village. How long do you plan to stay here?"

Rain Shine says, "For a whole week? Well, I hope we can make it all worthwhile then."

Rain Shine says, "Hmmm? Is something the matter? Y-Your-Your face...it's turning red. Oh dear. You're not getting sick, are you? Is it an allergy reaction? Are you allergic to tea? Oh no...I'm sorry. I didn't...Oh? You're not sick? Oh, thank Faust. You're alright. I was a little worried there."

Rain Shine makes a nervous chuckle, before she says, "I'm sorry you had to see me a little worked up. I...It's been a long time since we've had visitors, I...And I really want to make a good first impression, y'know?"

Rain Shine says, "I guess we've all had those sort of...how do you say? Awkward phases?"

Rain Shine says, (Giggles and takes a dainty sip of her tea) "Anyway, tell me about yourself. What do you do for a living? Where did you come from? What are you passions in life?"

Rain Shine says, "Oh! That all sounds lovely. You are quite the unique type of creature."

Rain Shine says, "Me? Well, as I've already told you, I'm the leader of the kirins in this village. I look after everyone as if they're my children. I try to make sure everyone's in order, and stay out of trouble. Though, sometimes...my solutions did more harm than good."

Rain Shine says, "What do I mean by that? Well...it was many moons ago, when in the village, an argument broke out between a couple of kirins. Things escalated very fast. And before I knew it, all of the kirins were turned into niriks. Fiery creatures of destruction, anger, and hatred." (Nervous chuckles) "はい。(Hai.) Scary fact is...when we get angry, we...turn into, what is called...a nirik."

Rain Shine says, "Anyway...after that...ahem, temper tantrum we've just experienced, we worked to rebuild our village exactly the way it was, but...at the cost of our voices." (Sips her tea)

Rain Shine says, "What do I mean by that, exactly? Well...long story short. We realized words can be a curse. To avoid anymore hurt feelings...I declared there to be no more talking. So...we stepped into the Stream of Silence to cool our emotions...and gave up our voices...forever."

Rain Shine says, "Looking back on it. It seems rather ridiculous, I know. But thankfully, Applejack, Fluttershy, and one of our own, Autumn Blaze, all worked together and found the solution to our problem. And they were right. We can't give up our emotions, or our voices, just because we're scared of a little pain. And like Autumn Blaze says...or sings. Rainbows won't light up the sky unless you let it rain..."

Rain Shine lets out a deep sigh, and says, "But still...I wished we had learned that sooner. A long time ago...I was a terrible leader back then."

Rain Shine says, "Hmm? You don't think I'm terrible? That's sweet of you to say, but...it's the truth. I made a bad decision, and I've paid the price for it...with my little kirins."

Rain Shine says, "Oh? はい。(Hai.) We're not perfect, like you said. As a leader, we only do what we thought was for the best of our people's future. We make mistakes now and then, but we learned from them...and we become a better version of ourselves..." (Giggles) "You're right. I can't sulk about the past all the time. I have to keep moving forward for a better future. Because for what it's worth, I want to share this life to the rest of the world. To show them what we the kirins have to offer."

Rain Shine says, "Thank you. I'm glad I had this talk with you. It's nice to...how do you say? Vent now and then?"

Rain Shine giggles, "It's amazing. Isn't it? We've only known each other for what? An hour or so? But it already felt as if we've known each other for a long time."

Rain Shine says, "Well...I hope you enjoyed the tea. I'll show you to where you will be staying for the nights. Speaking of which, I...would you be interested on an outing with me, later tonight?"

Rain Shine says, "You will? やったー!(Yatta ̄ !)"

Rain Shine says, "What? My face is red? No!" (Giggles) "I'm not sick!"

It is night time. The crickets are chirping as you walk out of the house to meet with Rain Shine.

Rain Shine says, "こんばんは。(Konbanwa.) Good evening."

Rain Shine says, "Oh? I'm glowing?" (Giggles) "Thank you. I...My eyes? What about my eyes?"

Rain Shine giggles, "Oh. They shine like stars? Like diamonds in the sky you say? Thank you." (Blushes) "You look amazing as well. Anyway, come with me. I want to show you something."

You follow Rain Shine up to the mountaintops. The sounds of crickets chirping grew fainter and fainter the higher you climb, replaced by the soft winds blowing as you reach the top.

Rain Shine says, "Isn't this spectacular? Every night, I like to come up to the top of the mountains all the time, to look down on the world, to feel myself at peace with the serenity the night has to offer. It's relaxing. Calming. And beautiful."

Rain Shine says, "Oh? You think I'm beautiful as well?" (Giggles) "Stop it. You're making me blush."

Rain Shine says, "Still...why did they ever call these mountains the Perilous Peaks? Here, we call them the Heaven's Towers. Because when I'm up here, I feel as if I can just touch the sky! I've always loved this feeling ever since I was just a little foal." (Takes in a deep breath)

Rain Shine says, "You know. It's strange...but I believe it's fate that we meet...and bring out the best in each other."

Rain Shine says, "Hmmm? Oh. I don't know about beautiful, I..." (Giggles) "Stop it. All this flattering is just too much. I can't."

Rain Shine says,"You're not flattering? You really think I am beautiful? Even after hearing about...my mistake?"

Rain Shine says, "I guess it does make sense. The darker our mistakes are, the brighter our realizations are...and it shows our inner beauty, inside-out."

Rain Shine says, "Hmm? You...want to...Of course! I don't mind a hug." (Sounds of hugging) "I feel soft and warm to you?" (Giggles) "That's all part of being a kirin for you." (Yawns) "Oh wow. I didn't realize we were out so late. Let's get back down and sleep for the night."

You follow Rain Shine back down the mountain to the village, where the crickets are still singing their songs.

Both you and Rain Shine walk together, but to her house, and walked in together.

Rain Shine says, "Thank you again for spending the night with me." (Kisses) "Good night."