• Published 20th Jul 2021
  • 1,617 Views, 19 Comments

Bride of Frankenspark's Monster - misskoifishpony

Instead of dying at the hooves of her creator, she is saved by a monster who only wanted a bride... a bride just like him.

  • ...

Our Love Is God

Chapter One: Our Love Is God

At last, it was finished. He had completed the monster’s demand. His monster’s demand. Dr. Frankenspark has created life once again. But,... to call this creation truly complete would be a lie. It was far too similar to the vile beast just waiting outside in the hallway. However, the doctor couldn’t deny that his latest experiment was more delicate and petite in frame than that monstrosity could ever hope to be. But such fragility was needed when technically making a female.

There lived what used to be the gentlest servant that his family had ever known… the kindest governess he could ever meet in his lifetime. Ms. Flutterstine. Convicted for a murder she didn’t commit. Paid with her life for his creation’s crimes. There once lived a pony. A pony that loved a young colt so dearly… a pony that loved his younger brother so dearly… so dearly in fact that they could have been mother and son. She died preaching this kind of love to the court and… the court was not convinced.

As the thunder, lighting, and rain roared outside, Dr. Frankensparkle, at last, took a true good look at his latest creation. He finally let the adrenaline and excitement subside inside him. Allowing his rationality to return once more.

There… there lied now… was his monster’s bride. Reanimated life in all it’s disgusting glory and strange beauty. No, how dare he call this thing strangely beautiful. This thing is not a pony anymore, but instead an animal. No, not even an animal. Not even a precious soul with thoughts and emotions of its own. Just an unnatural mass of existence without a name. She couldn’t possibly be Flutterstine anymore.

How in the world did he assemble such a miscreation like this?

He ignored the impatient pacing sounds of claws scratching against the cobblestone hallway and the locked door. Instead, he focused on how the former Ms. Flutterstine took in her first peaceful breaths of life. She came into this world asleep. Her slumbering state reminded him of a stillborn foal. A stillborn still living in dreams of sweet splendor and wonder. Unaware of the true nightmare awaiting her. Not only would she bear the rest of her existence looking like an ugly menace, but she would be eternally married to a menace as well.

She is no different from how his first monster came into this world. He too was still stuck in the Land of Nod before properly joining the world of the living. His monster’s breath was so peaceful and calm that he had mistook him for a lifeless and failed experiment.

How could I have not seen…?” He asked himself.

Dr. Frankenspark’s own breath quickened as his chest tightened around his heart and his lungs. It was as if a vicious jungle snake had seized him. His mind was soon overwhelmed with images and memories of the mare she once was. How could have he been so blind to such memories while operating on her before? How could he ignore the mare she used to be while dragging her lifeless body out of her grave? How could he hold her dead body as if it were nothing more than raw materials for another experiment? Why use her out all the ponies?! Why not a truly despicable criminal instead?! A soul that could match the evil heart of his first creation. Pick somepony that deserved this horrendous fate!

The perfect mare,” An inner voice reminded him, “You, and you alone, had to create the finest mare in all of creation…

But that still didn’t answer any of his questions, especially his last question.

Was he acting on his guilt perhaps?

No,” He answered himself internally once again, “I have nothing to be guilty for. None of this was my fault. If it weren’t for that monster breathing down my freakin’ neck, none of this would have happened. But that begs the question…was I trying to simply give her another chance at life?”

Dr. Frankenspark pondered why… why did he have to take away her beauty like this? Why did he twist her once radiant form into an indescribable husk of her former self. For Celestia’s sake, she was even gorgeous when buried dead in the deep pit of her own resting place.

She was beautiful like Mother…,” His inner voice reasoned, “She even passed away around the same age as Mother too.

She was kind and loving just like her…,” Dr. Frankenspark added to his inner voice’s remark, “Flutterstine even loved Shining in a way… Mother used to love me…

Why couldn’t he let her rest?! Why couldn’t he just let her stay young, compassionate, warm, and beautiful?! Why couldn’t he just let her be in Heaven with little Shining Armor and the Great Faust herself?! Why did he agree to help the monster that killed his one and only brother?!

Suddenly, Dr. Frankenspark began to feel his empty stomach rumbling about in an unnatural way, causing bile to rapidly form in his throat. He galloped to the nearest bucket and released all of what little his body could offer. The sound of his own weak vomiting echoed within the laboratory.


He immediately lifted his head out from the bucket, and his ears perked towards the faint but familiar sound. He hesitantly turned his horrified, wide eyes towards the one calling his name... and he let out a terrified, murmured gasp at who he saw.

There… there slumping on the operation table was the most beautiful pony he had ever known… the pony that always believed in him and loved him no matter what… the very reason why he became a scientist in the first place…

“M-Mother?” Dusk cried out softly, trails of light vomit falling out of his shivering mouth.

His shaky steps reverberated within the grand and spacious room as he approached the pony he called “His Mother”. His weak, defenseless, barely breathing mother. It reminded him so much of the night of her passing.

“Du-Dusk?” She whimpered out, or rather, choked out. Fighting against the dryness lingering in her throat.

“I’m here, Mother. I’m-”

The unicorn couldn’t finish as he finally absorbed his mother’s new look. He felt his nausea coming back as he saw his poor mom’s appearance melted into the shape of a beastly looking zombie. She was unbearably skinny, nothing but saggy fur and bones now. Her once lovely and light coat was now covered in stitches and had taken a dark, rotting hue. Her once purple eyes were cloudy now. Large, decomposing holes consumed her once elegant horn. A barely feathery pegasus wing was forcibly attached upon her back. Her muzzle was all bone now, blanketed by her thin, flappy, coat of hair. The hair was barely attached to her muzzle; nearly hanging by a thread. Inside this skeletal muzzle were rows of green, pointy fangs.

“Dusk,” She called out faintly while lifting her quivering hoof towards him.

“I’m here Mother!” He sobbed, taking her grotesque, bloody yet boney hoof into his own without question while still fighting his uneasy stomach, “I’m here! Who did this, Mother?! Tell me! Who?! I will make them pay, I promise you!”

“You did…”


“You did, my son.”

His grasp on her hoof loosened and his memory on how to breathe escaped him. His eyes twitched in shock, allowing some moisture to escape from his tear docks. Silence fell upon the lab. Not even the sound of his mother’s breathing could break the consuming quiet of the room.

Then, his hoof began to quake violently as he retightened his hold on her.

“No… NoNoNoNoNoNoNo! I-I didn’t! I couldn’t have possibly!? Not to you of all ponies! You’re my mother!” He yelled at her, hot tears streaming down his face.

“Yes you did,” She whispered bluntly, “You made me into your monster’s new bride.”

“You’re lying! Somepony else did this! I would never make you marry that disgusting-!”

“I can’t marry him, sweetie,” She began to cry, “Please, d-don’t make me. I can’t. I simply can’t.”

“I won’t!” He assured her despite his own mixture of anger, sadness, and confusion during this moment, “I promise you that you won’t! Never on Equestria’s green earth!”

“Please save me Duskie. If you don’t, he’ll defile me.”

“I said that it won’t-!”

“I’ll have his children!” She desperately begged, her fangs rattling while doing so.

“I’ll never let that happen Mother! Never!”

“You don’t understand, you don’t understand,” Dusk’s mother muttered while shaking her head. And this motion made the shaggy fur on her muzzle sway back and forth.

“What do you mean I don’t understand?! How could I not?! Of course I do!”

“He’ll… he’ll do it son,” She interjected darkly, “He’ll look down on me, and with that accursed face of his, and…,” And then, she sobbed once more, “W-Why Dusk… why did you force me into this disgusting body you made?”


“You didn’t have to fight death, my son!”



The lab door slammed open and barged through was Dusk Frankenspark’s incredible yet towering Monster.

“What’s going on Frankenspark?!” He demanded, “I told you to make me a bride, not to scream like a… “

His furious scowl fell as he saw his creator magically lifted a long surgical knife above his head. He never thought he would see the day where the “good” unicorn would cry, let alone express great fury. He also witnessed a glimpse of uncertainty in the scientist’s eyes as well. But above all, this stallion looked like a raving lunatic. Veins popping out from his neck, his piercing eyes looked strained beyond their limit, sweat swamped all over his coat, and his teeth gritted together to create an animalistic expression upon his face.

However, the monster’s slight fear of his creator’s new demeanor rapidly faded when he realized where Dusk was directing that knife towards. Something sparked within his body as soon as the monster’s eyes fell upon the small body on the long, metal table. That spark from within told him, as clear as day, that the creature on that table was a creature of his own blood. A soul bearing his own flesh. A heart made after his own.

Despite all rational reason and doubt, that creature on the table shared the same yet artificial spark of life that made him who he was today. This spark, despite how overwhelming it was, felt strangely natural for the monster. It was like reclaiming a lost, forgotten puzzle piece of his mind. Everything was so much clearer yet calmer than it was before. Seeing that creature in the middle of the lab made the monster’s cold body to, at last, feel warm. For once, he could actually hear his heart beating and his soul raging about inside his form. Yes, that’s what this spark was. His soul.

Is this?” The monster pondered, “Is this what belonging feels like?

His instant, animalistic need to protect one of his own, future mate or not, took over and that need manifested into the light of magic itself. The monster’s magic glowed slightly of his “father’s” pink equestrian magic, but the magic also encompassed the shades of dark purple, blue, white, and yellow energy. This electric, lightning-like magic made his eyes and claws shine in it’s mighty light.

With a quick snap of his deformed paws, the monster’s magic took over the knife and commanded it to fly towards Dusk’s eyes. Meanwhile, Dusk quickly snapped out of his blinded fury as soon as he felt his hold on the knife was gone. He yelped and ducked when the sharp object darted towards his face.

Before the stallion could process his current predicament, his heart jumped when he beheld his monster landing upon the operation table and scooping the new biological atrocity into it’s bulking arms. His monster roared with the voice of a dragon, and used one of his fiery claws to slash him in the face. Dusk hollered in agony as he fell upon the unforgiving laboratory floor. Not only did his left eye sting from the potency of his monster’s powerful lion’s paw, but his eye burned from the incandescent spark of his creation’s magic.

He didn’t even know that his gruesome experiment could even use magic. So then, why did he even ask for his help in the first place?! Maybe… just maybe… his creation didn’t know? Which would mean… that he… just helped his monster to discover his full potential.

Despite his aching head urging him not to do it, he lifted his bloody gaze. Through his weakened vision, he saw his revolting masterpiece. Standing in the tall, opened window with the storm blowing roughly behind him. His glowing eyes were staring him down as if he was nothing more than an irritating rat to dispose of. He held his new yet sleeping bride protectively against his chest.

And through his still delusional state, Dusk saw, not Ms. Flutterstine, but his mother as the monster’s bride.

In a low yet booming tone, the monster bellowed, “Just remember Frankenspark, you’re still alive because of me. Because I decided that would be so… despite everything fiber in my being screaming inside me to kill you right here… right now…

Dusk twitched in fright when the monster pointed his enchanted claw towards him. This made the monster smirk, and then snickered, “Don’t believe me, Daddy dearest? Well then, take a good look at that crimson slash across your pretty little face.”

Dusk gulped in response to his growling threat.

“But I won’t of course,” The monster reasoned while looking down and admiring his sharp and magically magnificent paws, “Cause unlike you Frankenspark, I’m a creature of my word. I’m a reasonable creature. I can think before I act. I’m capable of thoughtful mediation and precision. But above all,... I am no hypocrite. “

As his eyes drifted away from his talons, he turned his attention to the stormy skies outside and clarified sarcastically, “It’s not your fault that you’re like this Frankenspark. Oh no no. Despite my justified anger, I can see that… you’re a victim. A victim to a sappy yet hypocritical equine society that worships a goddess that preaches peace, love, friendship, and harmony with all living things. Be good to one another, and you will receive the same treatment right? At least, that’s what I thought… before you disowned me.”

The monster couldn’t help but chuckle a little before continuing with, “I genuinely thought that if I was kind enough, if I was simply compassionate and loving towards you ponies, maybe… just maybe… I could be accepted… despite my monstrous unnaturality. After all, not every pony in Equestria couldn’t possibly be like you, right Dadda?”

His lighter, casual tone quickly darkened as he pointed out with, “Wellll,... turns out… I was wrong, wasn’t I?”

Dusk’s silence continued to irritate the beast, and this made him to hasten his little monologue, “It wasn’t until now that I realized why those ponies were cruel to me… why you, specifically, were cruel to me… and more importantly, why you even dared to lay one hoof on my future bride.”

Dusk’s panting breath quickened at the mention of the pony corpse in the monster’s arm; his single good eye still not tearing itself away from her.

“You ponies,” A vile tone leaking through as the monster mentioned the word ‘ponies’, “despite your demeanored nature, you all just love to speak through the language of violence. Violence against me. Violence against each other. Violence against animals, and hell, violence against nature itself! You are all violent and malicious beings deep down inside. I had no choice but to fight and kill in order to remain in this truly anarchy filled, survival of the fitness world that you ponies had created.”

Despite his vengeful tone, emotion couldn’t help but reveal itself when the monster stated, “How else were you supposed to find me if I didn’t kill your brother?”

“H-Huh?” Dusk uttered out hoarsely in confusion.

Shit!” The monster internally cursed himself, “Why did I just-?!

The monster rapidly shook this off, and snarled with his fangs gleaming brightly under the light of his glowing eyes, “My point is Dr. Frankenspark… unlike you, at least I can admit that I’ve killed and that I’m a monster. You and the rest of pony kind could never do that. Don’t believe me? Again, take a good, hard look at that new mark permanently smeared across your pathetic pony face.”

Dusk answered his monster by shivering silently. Fearing internally for his mother’s safety instead of his own.

The monster scoffed in response to Dusk’s silent answer before remarking with, “I dare even say that I’ve helped you. You would have been considered an unredeemable murderer by your lowly community if I didn’t pin your brother’s death on that mare instead of you. I’m your savior, dear Dr. Frankenspark. Your angel, your devil, your potential, your worst, your highs, your lows, your joys, and your woes. I’m all that you could have been yet can never achieve. I’m all that you could ever hope to be and more.”

“You may have created us,” The monster gestured towards Dusk once more, causing the unicorn to jump a little in terror, “but our lives are no longer in your hooves. The creations have surpassed their master, and you are no longer our father and our God. As a matter of fact,...”

The monster then pronounced coldly, “I’m your God now.

Dusk’s heart immediately yet heavily sank to the bottom pit of his stomach at those four little words.

“Not that pathetic Goddess Faust. Which means,... w-which means…”

Words escaped Frankenspark’s monster when he finally looked down at what he sheltered in his hold. And he cursed himself for not looking down sooner. She was not a spiraling, serpentine, chimera-like wretch like he was. She was far more equine than he could ever be, closer to the pony that had created her. But this quality was not what made her beautiful in his eyes. There were many things about her that made her absolutely beautiful.

Her long, wavy grey and black mane and tail looked like the soft night sky in his eyes. No, more like pure moonlight. Especially in the light of lighting coming from outside. His eyes widened when he spotted a single strand of pink in her hair. He deeply admired this bright little surprise. His gaze wandered to the thin yet velvet looking fur that covers her neck… it continued on for the rest of her body. The color of her coat reminded him of a daisy bud just gaining it’s light yellow petals. A perfect metaphor to describe the tender being in his arms: a flower ready to bloom and show the world it’s grace and beauty.

How could a spiteful stallion like Frankenspark create such a wondrous, living spirit like her into this hateful world? This world will never understand her beauty and grace like he could. They would kill her out of envy just like his creator tried to do.

She may seem pony-like on the outside, but upon closer inspection… this monster would tell you that she’s indescribable,...unique,... and special. Untouched by the corruption that lied in Frankenspark’s heart, in all ponies’ hearts, and… in his own heart.

Is… is this love?” The monster wondered, as he brought his face closer to her.

Despite not knowing what he was feeling or how he should feel at this moment, he closed his eyes and nuzzled his nose into her cheek as gently as he could. Fearing that he would break her or wake her. As much as he longed to see her eyes, he was afraid of what she would think of him once she took a good look at him. Will she find him beautiful or monstrous? Plus, he didn’t want her to wake in this dark laboratory he did. He didn’t want Dr. Frankenspark to be one of the first people she meets in this existence. How could he possibly explain to her that her creator tried to destroy her before taking her first breath?

He also feared that his violently beating heart and that his purring chest was roughly pushing against her fragile, single pegasus wing.

“She is your new Goddess now,” The monster sighed joyously, completely forgetting that he was talking to Dusk and getting lost in his companion’s heavenly scent and stitches, “This, Frankenspark, is why I let you live. Every God needs a mortal to worship them. And who better to worship us than y-”


“Uhh, what?” answered the monster, breaking his contact with his new mate and stared down at the unicorn with bewilderment, “What in the world are you talking about Frankenspark?”

I SAID,” Dusk hollered in a growling tone before charging towards the monster, “LET HER G-!

Before Dusk could finish his battle cry, the monster magically struck Dusk and sent him crashing back to the floor. This magical blast however was not as ferocious and powerful as it was before. The blast was made just enough to knock out the scientist.

The monster then looked down at the unicorn with a disappointed glance. He then sighed, “Oh how the mighty have fallen Frankenspark, oh how the mighty have fallen indeed…”

Like a proud horned owl, the monster opened his wings and flew into the storm.


A rainbow maned, light blue coated pegasus stallion barged through the lab’s doors, searching the chemically scented room for his dear friend. His attention was drawn towards the open windows, which brought in nothing but buckets of rain and wind into the area. His wings flared in shock when he spotted the unconscious unicorn in a puddle of storm water.


The pegasus took the trenched doctor by the shoulders, shaking him back into consciousness and begging for him to open his eyes once more.

“Dusk! Buddy! Speak to me! Dusk, wake up! Dusk!”

Author's Note:

Man, it's been so long since I've written something and published it, let alone a new story entirelyXD I really shouldn't be adding another series to my plate, buuutttt... I couldn't help myself;) Lol! Which brings up the question: are you guys interested in me continuing this story or should it just be a oneshot? I have the beginning of a Chapter 2 in production just in case you guys say yes;) Lol!

I hope you guys enjoyed my AU/what if scenario to Ink Potts' Frankenspark story aka their take on the Frankenstein story/musical. Not only that, in a way, this is my little AU/what if scenario to the whole "what if the bride of frankenstein's monster lived instead of dying?" Frankenstein is my favorite monster novel, so I hoped that my writing invoked the feeling of reading the original novel version of this story despite mainly following what was set out in the musical and in Ink Potts's animatics. Crossing my hooves that they see this story and hopefully like it <3 I'm quite curious of their reaction to thisXD

Let me know if any artists out there reading this story is interested in drawing cover art for this story^^ I would love a retro Frankenstein movie poster esque cover art for this story^^ <3 I thin that would be quite fitting;) Lol!

Thank you so much for reading & have a lovely day/night wherever you are:)

Comments ( 19 )

Oh my god this is written beautifully! I can’t wait for more’

I think it might be best to get through your other projects first, so that handling the bunch won’t be too stressful.

But either way, I’d love to see this continued. :D

Oh man I really liked that. It's been so long since Ive had a good Fluttercord type story to read, and I love this whole concept, the atmosphere, how you've written the characters. I would love to see what comes next in this story, it's just too good!

Omg, I never thought of this idea, and have to say that the way you write this story is amazing and beautiful.

I seriously hope you continue this and I'm sure it'll become a very interesting fanfic. But don't pressure yourself, I know you have other projects and to much at once can be stressful. But yes, I do hope you continue with this story, and if you do, then I can't wait for the next chapter 😍

Oooh, I love this concept! I really would like to see this continued, but I also understand if it needs to wait while you work on the other projects and series you have, or if you want to leave it as a oneshot.

There's a lot of things I like in this chapter alone—like how during his psychotic break, Dusk's "mother" brings up some of Dr. Frankenstine's fears about the monster's bride from the original novel (that the bride would reject the monster, his terror at the thought of them having kids). And do I detect that the loss of his mother was the motivation of Dusk's initial experiments? It'd be more of a motivation than I remember the novel's Dr. Frankenstine having.

Another thing I liked is how "the monster" doesn't go by a name in this chapter...perhaps Flutterstine will give him his name, or he'll come up with it on his own?

And the monster's sheer adoration for Flutterstine was...sweet and heartwarming in its own right. That sudden gain of magic through his will to protect her...! :heart: I doubt there's completely love there, since she's not even awakened yet, but at least he's finally found some sense of belonging.

There are so many things I have to wonder, like...will Flutterstine remember anything when she wakes up from when she was alive? How will she react to Discord when she does? What will Dusk do, now that he's been left scarred and they've fled? I eagerly look forward to any continuation you may give this.

Sorry for the lack of cover art:( If you’re interested in making a cover art for this story, let me know here on Fimfiction because I would love some cover art for this bad boy^^

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Oooh, I love this concept! I really would like to see this continued,

Oh good, so glad that you would like this story to continue & this concept (thank Ink Potts for their original AU & for their animatics to inspire this story):)

And do I detect that the loss of his mother was the motivation of Dusk's initial experiments? It'd be more of a motivation than I remember the novel's Dr. Frankenstine having.

This idea was inspired by the hints given by the Frankenstein musical and Ink Potts's Frankenstein animatics where Frankenstein's mother had a bit more of a presence in the story, and I took these hints and essentially ran with itXD Lol!So yes this wasn't in the original novel, not really:twilightblush:

Another thing I liked is how "the monster" doesn't go by a name in this chapter...perhaps Flutterstine will give him his name, or he'll come up with it on his own?

These are all good questions, and it could make one wonder if Flutterstine could perhaps have a new name in this life of hers?;)

And the monster's sheer adoration for Flutterstine was...sweet and heartwarming in its own right.

Yeeeaaahh something like that, yeeaaahhh :twilightblush: Lol!:rainbowlaugh:

That sudden gain of magic through his will to protect her...! :heart:

Be still our Fluttercord shipping hearts:heart:! Lol;)

I doubt there's completely love there, since she's not even awakened yet, but at least he's finally found some sense of belonging.

Oh good, so glad that you were able to pick up on that cause that's what I wanted to go for: Not only is our girl not awake yet, but Discord in this story just meet her & it's my own critique on the whole "when Frankenstein's monster first saw his bride, he fell in love" by saying more of "he felt an instant kinship with her because she was the same species as him. She came into this world similar to how he did. And because of this, there's a bond that the monster can instantly feel and this has been intensified because he's been alone ever since he was created.

There are so many things I have to wonder, like...will Flutterstine remember anything when she wakes up from when she was alive? How will she react to Discord when she does? What will Dusk do, now that he's been left scarred and they've fled? I eagerly look forward to any continuation you may give this.

Once again, these are all very good questions and so glad that you're asking them cause that's what I wanted to leave my readers asking after this chapter ended:) Thank you so much for giving this a read^^!

Ohhh my goodness I loved this read ! I actually don't know much about the actual book Frankenstein, but this was really interesting. Considering I don't have full context and don't have any clues as to what will transpire later on, I would love to read what goes on next ! Especially to what his new bride will think of him, or how she'll describe herself.
Super excited ! Thank you for blessing us with your wonderful writing :] :heart: :twilightsmile:

Oh good, I’m so glad that you loved reading this chapter/story^^!<3 Especially since you’ve never read the original Frankenstein book along with never seeing or listening to the Frankenstein musical I assume? Correct? Don’t worry, you don’t have to read the book or see/listen to the musical to understand or proceed or appreciate this story because not only is it loosely following this MLP AU created by Ink Potts but it’s a new AU/alternate take from the original story itself. My goal is to make it accessible to all:) Daww I don’t know about blessing, but I’m so happy that you enjoy my writing to this degree & that it makes you smile:) <3

So whats the deal with chapter two? I read this to write your review and wonder if there will be more?

Due to the positive reception so far, I’ve decided upon writing a chapter two and continue with the story:) I am in the middle of writing chapter two as we speak^^ The story lives on!:D LolXD I look forward to your review & I hope that you liking the story so far:)

The concept is very interesting! The range of emotions displayed in just one chapter are incredible as well. The way we see the doctor (actually a university drop-out but let's ignore that) is losing his sanity, lost in what he created which is later cut by the almost adorable tenderness the monster displays when he looks at his new bride (and the affection for her being the things that trigged the powers we know from the show is a such a neat detail). Not to mention, you made the link between the monster's creation and the doctor's mother's death much more clear than it was in the novel, which is very cool.
I can't wait to see more!

I wrote the review for the first chapter:
My Little Reviews & Feedback

I think I be intrested in doing some cover art for this!

This story is really interesting it's got my attention ❤️

This is absolutely amazing! I really adore this idea & I do hope you pursue it! The writing is fantastic and the dialogue really reminds me of the original story - especially with the ongoing monologues. Great job and I hope to read more from you!

Its been a while since I actually read a fanfic here on FimFiction. With real life and all, haven't really sat down and perused the material on this site, so let me tell you that this was a great story to pick up and read through. Especially with October drawing nearer. I'm just sad I didn't find it sooner. Excellent work Missy!

This is truly amazing, I've been waiting so long for a story like this.

I would love to see more chapters. This was great!

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