• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 4,616 Views, 17 Comments

The Secret of the Human World - Proto-pony

The Princess said that the inhabitants of the other realm wouldn't stand a chance against Sunset. They obviously didn't know about the SCP Foundation.

  • ...

The World is saved

"More power than I could ever imagine" said Sunset as she put the crown on her head.

The Six best friends looked on in horror as she transformed.

Little did any of them, even Sunset, know that a concerned third party was watching. This third party spy's on everyone, everyday, every minute. How are they able to do this without the authorities finding out you ask? It's because all the major governments put that third party there. The third party's mission------




At the moment a tactical team, lead by Lieutenant [Redacted], is going to carry out these directives. What had happened was one of the anomaly detection units in the Foundations network of such machines detected a sudden spike in anomalous energies in Canterlot city several years ago. Now it had spiked again in the same place but higher than before.

When that spike occurred the Foundation was ready and appeared on site in minutes. They scanned the anomaly as it was happening and calibrated the Anomaly Suppression Grenades to the anomalous energies. The grenades are designed to calibrate in this way to make opposite anomalous energy to cancel out the anomalous powers of the entity in front of the school.

"Anomaly Suppression Grenades calibrated. Awaiting your order to begin the Containment Operation Lieutenant [Redacted]." Said a Containment Specialist.

They were in a purposefully placed tractor-trailer parked in a loading bay behind the school.

"You know the plan, use Anomaly Suppression Grenades to weaken the entity, then restrain her so the Containment team can sedate her and bring her to one of our Containment facilities." Said [Redacted].

Lieutenant [Redacted] then turned to his number two squad member

"I'll throw my grenade to the far side and you make yours fall a little short". He said.

"Yes sir" the number two operative said.

The team then exited the the truck and moved along the left side of the building before coming to the corner where the dangerous anomaly was. The Lieutenant raised his fist, instructing his team to stop as he peeked around the corner.

Sunset Shimmer saw the high school students peek out of the doors and then go back in again. She laughed and ripped a big gapping hole in the front of the school.

Lieutenant [Redacted] began a finger countdown as he and the field operative directly behind him each armed an Anomaly Suppression Grenade.




Both operatives lobbed their grenades with practiced and professional accuracy. One landed on Sunsets left side while the other landed on her other. Suddenly, what looked like lightning bolts shot out from the cylindrical device. When those bolts came into contact with her she suddenly felt weak. Like the magic was suddenly removed from her as fast as lightning.

"Wha---, no, no, no!" Sunset said before she fell to the pavement below her.

The fall knocked the crown off Sunsets head and it bounced into Princess Twilight's hands. She tried to make a run for the portal undetected.

"Halt. Remain where you are!" Yelled a masculine voice.

It was coming from one of the strange humans with the unknown symbols. Princess Twilight jumps into the portal just as the moon passes the highest point in the sky.

The SCP field operative stops just short. His training telling him not to enter unexplored/unknown anomalies unless ordered to do so. The operative activates his internal comm.

"Command Delta, be advised that an unidentified girl went into the concrete base of the statue." Said the field operative.

"Noted. Return to the initial anomaly and provide security for the Containment Specialists" replied Command Delta.


Equestria, The Crystal Empire

Rainbow Dash was pacing nervously, then all of a sudden, the mirror began to glow and ripple. Then a purple unicorn standing on her hind legs came out of the rippling mirror.

"Twilight!" Five other mares yelled in joyful unison.

However, then they noticed Twilight's blank stare.

"What's wrong Twilight" asked Applejack.

"Where's Sunset Shimmer" asked Princess Celestia.

After a minute of silence Twilight opened her mouth.

"I'm- I'm not 100% sure what happened." She said.


At Site-[Redacted] back in the Human World A lead scientist is sitting in front of their computer. Some research had been done on the subject that calls herself Sunset Shimmer. However, according to camera footage she only got her anomalous properties when she wore what looked like a crown. The scientist, with all the information the Foundation has at the moment, types up the new anomaly into the foundation database. The anomalous subjects had only been contained a few hours ago so the scientist typing knows that the document will get some updates in the future.


Object Class: Safe/incomplete (See recovery report for more information)

Special Containment Procedures: entity is kept in humanoid Containment cell [REDACTED] with remote locks on the windowless door. Two guards are to be stationed outside at all times. In case of power outage, looks have a manual mechanical option controls from security room next to the entity's Containment cell.

Description: SCP-6679-1 appears as a 17 year old girl with deep orange skin. Hair color is the same but with red stripes. Entity is incapable of anomalous activity at this time. SCP-6679-2 is a statue with an equine animal on top. It is capable of producing a portal to a parallel universe.

Recovery Report: Forward Operating Base [Redacted] Dispatched Tactical Response Team 4 of Mobile Task Force Nu-7, code named "Hammer Down". Containment Team 4-7 was also dispatched to site of anomaly. Scanning equipment analyzed the anomalous entity and Anomaly Suppression Grenades were calibrated to produce exact opposite anomalous energy. Tactical response team 4 then moved to corner A-1 of building and successfully stunned the Dangerous entity. Containment Team 4-7 apprehended the subject soon afterwards.

Agent [Redacted] had spotted the missing component to SCP-6678 fall off the entity when she fell after her anomalous properties were suppressed. The crown then landed in an unknown purple girls hands. Agent [Redacted] instructed the unknown person to stop but she then proceeded to enter the base of a concrete statue. Analysts of the statue after the incident has revealed no anomalous properties.

'Perhaps the soldiers need more training so they can reacquire any anomalous object that dislodges from another. I'll make a recommendation after I'm finished here.' Thought the scientist.

He continued with typing up the rest of the documentation.

Addendum #1: when asked about her origins, SCP-6679 claims to be from a parallel universe with equine entities with the same identities as this worlds people. She also stated that "the portal" to this parallel universe only opens every thirty (30) moons and only stays open for a short time.

Addendum #2: O-5 counsel has approved drone exploration of the statue portal when it opens. The Equine statue is now referred to as SCP-6678-2.

Comments ( 17 )

I could see the SCP Foundation undoing everything Starswirl did and try to "repatriate" all of the magical threats from Equestria back through the mirror, which means unpaid overtime for Twilight et all.

Given what the SCP Foundation does you could expect a research team flanked by armed security (and as much tele-kill and anti-magic weaponry as needed) to try and explore the other side of the mirror.

Though given that the mirror transforms humans into ponies, the Foundation would stick to drone exploration when they discover that since they don't know if the transformation would affect their minds.

great story

This is an interesting way to bring together SCP and the MLP universe, I am hoping to see more out of this in the near future; But for now, into the Tracking bin you go!

Interesting crossover. My first suggestion is that, from what I know about what few conventions exist among SCP articles, the larger overarching anomaly usually receives the primary designation. So in this case SCP-6679 proper would likely be the portal and/or Equus itself. My second suggestion is that there’s no way that the SCP would be designated Safe, since they currently have no control over the portal and also because Sunset would almost certainly require some more-than-minimum containment effort even as just a non-magical, intelligent humanoid entity. The rule of thumb for Safe SCPs is ‘stick it in a box and leave it there, alone, indefinitely’.

The thing about SCP most writers don't realize is the entire source material os copyleft. Derivatives of the source material must in turn be released under an identical copyleft license, in the case of SCP, Creative Commons By Attribution Sharealike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0).

This actually presents a massive legal conundrum when mixing it with a proprietary IP like My Little Pony, as since the entire story would have to be copylefted as well, that would mean a copyleft source of material containing characters who's owners want to keep control of to themselves. Hasbro, and other companies in general, only tolerate fanfiction; it's technically copyright infringement, and the copyright holders have the legal right to take down any stories that they please.

So in lies the dilemma: do you leave this story proprietary and violate the terms of SCP's license? Or do you copyleft it and risk it being taken down by Hasbro in the event that people try to use it as a workaround against their copyright?

I don't mean this as an attack against you. I am simply stating concerns. If it were up to me, giving credit would be the only requirement to use someone else's material in a story, and copyright as we know it wouldn't exist, so I certainly have no moral objections here. I just feel the need to say this to raise awareness and caution others against potential legal trouble.

What's 'copyleft?'

Copyleft is a system of licensing that is designed to work opposite to how copyright works, hence the wordplay in its name. While copyright is all about controlling and monopolizing information, especially creative works, copyleft allows such information to be used and shared freely, provided that all derivatives come with the same permissions to whoever those derivatives shared with, and so on from there.

For instance, if you write a story about SCP, being derived from the information on the SCP wiki, it would have to be licensed the same way. This means anyone is free to take a copy of it and modify or add to it, then share their altered version. That altered version could then be taken and built on further, so on and so forth. Original versions still exist, and credit for previous versions must be given.

With this, a single story can have many branches, opening up into its own multiverse of stories that all coexist with the canon prime timeline, a timeline which may in turn also borrow from its offshoots, creating a massive collaborative network. This isn't just good for creativity by giving everyone a shared foundation to bring their ideas to life with, but the philosophy extends further into other fields, such as technology that can better benefit everyone by being controlled by no one, unable to be held hostage by monopolistic corporations intent on only allowing the most wealthy access to things that could make people's lives better.

Take content creation tools for example. A program used by, say, an animator can cost hundreds of dollars, meaning one must either already be wealthy, or commit a crime, in order to compete in the field. An open source alternative can be used for free, and people contribute to making it better with code and financial contributions, knowing the improvement of this tool makes things better for everyone. For a project like this, a copyleft license ensures that no one could take the project and keep their additions to themselves and monopolize their innovation.

The monopolization of innovation is an anti-competitive move that is often misportrayed as fair competition by conflating procedure with resources. If someone gets a melon first, that's fair because that's a limited physical resource, but a piece of code can be copied indefinitely, so there is no scarcity, and if everyone is allowed the same copyable tools, everyone is able to compete using their skills and ability to produce a product, which also means that since there are more people able to make the same thing, no one can jack up the price to whatever they want.

I've gotten off track, though. I would encourage people to copyleft their creative works. People will use what you make without permission anyway, so doing this means you'd be free to use what they make as well, so what would be infringement under copyright is instead collaboration. I know many creators fear someone running off with their idea, but what you have will still exist; it cannot be stolen, only copied. If you use copyleft, you won't just not need to protect your intellectual property by destroying another's creativity, you'll be helping yourself by giving yourself a new source of inspiration to draw from.

An interesting thought to think of.

Poor Sunset Shimmer, being in SCP containment is not fun. On top of that, it's extremely likely that the EQG main 6 were all amnesticized, so that's not good for them.

Me interesa mucho está historia, ya que de lo poco que he visto, creo que utiliza la mayoría de los fundamentos de la Fundación SCP y espero ver si llega a desenvolverse en las otras películas y diría la serie, pero creo que ahí no se podría debido a interferencia de la Fundación SCP, solo me queda esperar y ver como está historia sigue, si es que la continuas.
Y me quedaría remarcar que como se han narrado los hechos, Twilight Sparkle se fue por el portal y en su prisa dejo a Spike en ese mundo.

I am very interested in this story since from the little I have seen I think it uses most of the fundamentals of the SCP Foundation and I hope to see if it gets to develop in the other films and I would say the series but I think it could not be there due to a interference from the SCP Foundation I can only wait and see how this story continues if you continue it.
And I would be remarking that as the events have been narrated, Twilight Sparkle went through the portal and in his haste he left Spike in that world.

If there is a spelling error it is due to the translator.

Special Containment Procedures: entity is kept in humanoid Containment cell [REDACTED] with remote locks on the windowless door. Two guards are to be stationed outside at all times. In case of power outage, looks have a manual mechanical option controls from security room next to the entity's Containment cell.

What is even being redacted here?

Nice, I'd love a possible sequel to this

I absolutely love both MLP and SCP. I even made my OC an SCP, and seeing a fanfic crossing them makes me so happy that I'm not the only one.

Bruh, Hammer Down is a little overkill. City Slickers probably could have gotten the job done. Seriously this is why Site Directors don't make the calls for which containment team to leave on standby.

Well this was really good and extremely rare so far...And one of 0 crossovers out there about EQG...and MLP (there both MLP) Please continue this with the SCP foundation Exploring the Other side of the mirror...But first they would use a drone first...And then... Some MTF Squads the teams that deal with magical anomalies And other stuff like that, And as they first discovered they'll be turned into ponies but they're minds are still same...They found a way to prevent that transformation with a device....if equipped By an MTF operative and them enters the portal He wont transform into a pony... once on the other side...If the Device Is take off....It won't do anything to them they won't transform into a pony...it is designed To prevent them from transforming only when they Passed the portal....But they still have to keep it.. it's still very important.... please continue this 😓

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