• Published 3rd Aug 2021
  • 1,677 Views, 9 Comments

Space Jam: Into the Gamerverse - GoebelTron

Spike Drake wants to be the best player in the virtual gaming world of the Earthbound Odyssey, and with the help of a team of girls can make that dream come true, until an rogue algorithm takes over.

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The Earthbound Odyssey

Meanwhile, at a computer lab, the camera zoomed through the doors as they made beeping noises, and then through some digital trilling of computer circuits throughout the internet, there was a huge orange and blue glowing glass orb with computer graphics and a digital computer lab, and inside was a man with a silver suit and a black shirt.

He was watching over people’s Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts, and watched over Micro Software’s biggest hit, the gaming world of the Earthbound Odyssey inside the Z-Axiom 3000.

“Ah, the Internet. Just look at how it’s grown over the many years,” Al-G Rhythm said, as he experienced how much the Internet has evolved.

Suddenly, his droning assistant, Pete came in to look, before he babbled in confusion.

Al-G sighed, “I know, Pete. To think I was built to protect this online community of the Serververse. But I was rejected. I want the world to see me more than a virus maker or an algorithm. And today is the day it all changes! Today, I will unleash the revolutionary tech I’ve masterminded! A new strategy for the Earthbound Odyssey!”

Pete babbled in reply, but asked what it was.

“Yes, and this update needs something noticeable,” Al-G said. “Soon, I’ll find ways to send out the update, and the world will soon notice me!”

Later on, when dinner ended, Spike was still feeling let down, as he laid flat on his bed with his head buried underneath his pillow, until he looked at a picture of him as a younger boy and alongside him were his parents. “Mom, Dad, if you were both still here, you’d be proud to see how much I’ve grown up and been living in a peaceful place,” he said. A knock on the door was heard, and entering the room was his aunt, and she sat next to her nephew and then stroked his back. “Honey? Is everything okay?” she asked.

“Just thinking about my parents,” Spike replied. Cassandra looked at the picture, feeling sorry for the day they passed away, and then looked at her nephew again. “Sweetie, they’re not always gone, you know. They’re still alive in your heart, and I’m sure the good lord made a special place for them in heaven so they can watch over you, even if you still love them.” Spike nodded and then laid back on his bed, but Cassandra poked him for attention, “I was also thinking long and hard about this, and I wanted to save this for your birthday next week, so… here.”

Spike’s eyes looked at a box wrapped in wrapping paper colored metallic blue and green ribbons over it. He then sat up and opened his present, until what appeared to be a gaming console with a black and white color scheme, and having green and blue lights.

“A Z-Axiom 3000 console? For me?” Spike asked, and Cassandra nodded. “Thanks, Aunt Cass! I’ve always wanted one of these! But… how did you know?!”

Cassandra then giggled, “I figured out that other kids like you had this type of technology, so I thought you could make some more friends with this and maybe play a few games with them. And I know you’re gonna do big adventures with this, but I’ll always be proud of you.” Spike then hugged his aunt.

Spike then set up his new Z-Axiom 3000 console with both his PC computer and widescreen TV, and then set up an account and created his own username called “SpyroSMG217”, put on the speaker headphones and VR headset, and touched the controller, after he started creating his avatar.

“4 months ago, the brilliant game designing company Micro Software, owned by Alistair Stark, the president of the company, had the idea of a video game about a world where people can escape some of the harsh and boring realities of the living world and go to someplace where they can be more than what they are already, but even better. He called it the Earthbound Odyssey, the interactive paradise. The game was a super success and led to him making billions, or actually if not trillions of dollars. He even had so much money he even started that company to promote the Earthbound Odyssey. All over the world, people of any age would usually go to the Earthbound Odyssey for their own specific reasons: fun, treasure, action, adventure, anything they like to enjoy in their time.”

“The coolest thing I’ve heard about the Earthbound Odyssey is where the amounting limits of reality is your own creative imagination, no matter what you come up with. You can do anything with your friends or by yourself, go anywhere, like play sports, drive vehicles, raid or defend forts, and even explore other places with your favorite fictional characters, like Mario, Pikachu or Sonic the Hedgehog.”

According to the fan site, the Earthbound Odyssey was a massive worldwide community with so many different types of worlds that were either real or fictional.

“Well, at least it’s safe, or otherwise if a virus took over, like a glitch, it’d be the end of the world,” Spike said. “Which would’ve been stupidly awful, but I’ll probably go with the one I’ve already got.”

Al-G suddenly heard Spike say the word stupid, since he was a computer virus and an algorithm, and then he grunted in anger, “Pete, tell me he did not just say “stupid”!”

Pete gasped, “Uh-oh.”

Spike was almost done creating some body customizations for his character, and then he started giving his character some clothes. “Hopefully nothing bad might happen to the game because I’m still new to this stuff.”

Al-G started getting angry, “Who does this guy think he is? Huh? Rejecting me? Humiliating me?”

Pete whimpered, as Al-G started breathing deeply, “Okay. All right. I tried being a team player, but those days are over. I’m done playing by everybody else’s rules. It is my game now.”

When Spike’s character was finished, Spike started to play the game as he put on the headset and touched the controller, and sat down facing the TV, but suddenly, his physical form went into a coma.

Spike suddenly found himself in the Serververse hub link, and behind him was a giant blue glowing orb of pure energy. Spike then saw himself as his normal self, and in his normal clothes.

“What in the Matrix hell is this place?” he asked, until he looked over his entire body.

“Who goes there? Who dares disturb the great and powerful Al G?!” he shouted in a villainous voice, making Spike feel paralyzed, before Al-G chuckled and spoke in his normal voice, and appeared in his normal form. “Look at your face. You were terrified!” He then mimicked his gasp, and then laughed normally, “Priceless.”

Dramatic music started playing, before he made a shrugged off stance, “See? Nothing to be afraid of.”

“Uhh… am I just seeing things or is something freaky going on here?” Spike asked. “Uh…” Al-G cleared his throat. “You’re right. Forgive me. Where are my manners? I am King Al-G Rhythm. And this… Hehe… this, my friend, is the Worldwide Serververse, which is where I watch over… the entire Internet! Just make you feel all insignificant, don’t it?”

“Okay, now I know this is messed up,” Spike said.

“Dude, chill out. You’re gonna get back right on track so you can enjoy some Earthbound Odyssey,” Al-G said.

“There better not be a “but” at the end of…” Spike said before Al-G cut him off. “But there’s something you’re gonna do for me first.”

“Oh, yeah? Like what?” Spike asked. “You know, you, uh…” Al-G scoffed. “You really shouldn’t have said what you said back there.”

“And what would that be?” Spike asked, until Al-G played a voice recording of his voice. ”…otherwise if a virus took over, like a glitch, it’d be the end of the world,” Spike said. “Which would’ve been stupidly awful, but I’ll probably go with the one I’ve already got.“

“Oh…” Spike said. “Now, I’m afraid you’re gonna have to help me fulfill my destiny,” Al-G said.

Spike then had enough, “Listen, man, I don’t know what you’re rambling about, but this is ridiculous, okay?! I just want to play Earthbound Odyssey!”

Al-G then stopped Spike from talking, “Eh-eh! Uh-uh. No, no, no. All that pointing and aggression. No, no, no. You’re not running things in here. I am the king of this domain. I’m not your coach.”

“What?” Spike asked.

Al-G started explaining, “Well, you didn’t wanna be my big hit. You wanted to “focus on the game.” Well, guess what? Now you can focus on this game. You and me, we’re gonna put on a show, baby. You are gonna be playing and streaming a gaming walkthrough of the Earthbound Odyssey in front of the largest captive audience ever. All of the game’s followers, they’re all gonna be watching. And when they see the two of us together, I will finally step out of the shadows and into the light. And the entire world is gonna know the name of King Al-G Rhythm.” He then chuckled.

“But you know what, I’m not really interested. I just signed up,” Spike said.

“Okay, fine. But I’ll be watching you, and listen to this, because I’m warning you, if you lose at least one last life… Well, when you lose, you’re just gonna have to stay here in the Serververse with me, meaning the entire Internet…” He then duplicated into clones as they all replied with him in unison, “forever and ever and ever and ever.”

“Oh!” Pete gasped.

Al-G chuckled, “So, you better play like you mean it.”

Spike then thought for a moment, “I’m still not interested, but game on. And I will defeat you, since you’ve left me no other choice.”

Al-G then shook his head, “Well, whatever you say is fine by me, so I guess we have a deal. Pete, send this clown in.” Pete then pulled a lever for “Earthbound Odyssey”.

“Wait…” Spike said as he fell screaming.

Al-G chuckled, “I guess he “fell” for it.”

Spike then started flying like a shooting star as he zoomed through the entire Internet as he passed by the worldly cubic icons labeled YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google, and other social media applications, and then he surfed through a fantastical solar system, until he reached the vortex portal and as he somehow passed out before entering a cloudy atmosphere, he ended up in a weird room floating on top of a glass sphere with green glimmering water and surrounded by clouds, a whiteness background, and oddly shaped arches.

His body was being scanned for injuries, but then he started being inducted by some weird energy tendrils that felt like stinging and burning at the same time, until he started to transform.

After the induction was done, Spike’s physical and virtual forms awoken, and now he somehow saw himself as his avatar, which was a Young Link base, but with regular ears, his green spiked hair looked like Sora from Kingdom Hearts, and he wore a purple basketball jersey with black lining over a dark gray hoodie with a green hood and black sleeves, black cargo pants with green lines on the upper left and right pockets, he had black and green fingerless gloves, and a pair of video game based basketball sneakers colored black, white, purple and green.

After he got up, Spike’s avatar character walked over to the door and as he walked out, he appeared to be in what appeared to be the Grand Game Central Terminal Station, as he watched as other avatars were arriving and departing to and from other places located in the Earthbound Odyssey.

“Welcome to Grand Game Central Terminal Station, the meeting place where all people’s avatars arrive to whenever they decide to come in the Odyssey. It has a few multiple portals that lead to so many other different worlds and many levels. And the best part is that the avatars range from everything they appear, meaning people’s avatars can either be tall, short, beautiful, sexy, hideous, scary, different sex, different species, and either cartoon, live action, CGI, anything. Heck, it’s your call! You can even pick and redesign how or what you want your avatar to be or look like. That character there is me, the one in the black, green and purple. In the Earthbound Odyssey, I’m known as Spyro-217, but it’s important to never reveal your true name to other avatars for safety issues, unless of course you already know each other in real life. However it works.”

“But if you need to take a bathroom break or need to go to sleep, whatever they want to do, they can just save their progress with an autosave and log off, or just pause their gameplay or call a timeout. The point of this game is to make friends, have fun, and even take on challenges through activities.”

Spike looked around before he started to pick out a portal, until he then stepped through it. He then found himself in the grassland plateau of the Earthbound Odyssey’s Oasis Island, meaning more parts of the island were there as well.

Spike’s avatar walked around watching the other avatars having fun, but he was suddenly attacked by a group of Bokoblins. He suddenly had no weapons, so he decided to use his fists, and deliver some kicks. Once the Bokoblin was out, he took the weapons it had, which were a spiked Boko club and a spiked Boko shield, and then took on the rest of the creatures, until their loot was laying on the ground, including bags of coins, bags of gems, and some other accessories. His avatar was suddenly leveled up to level 4 so quickly.

When he finished collecting the loot, he started to continue journeying around the plateau until he heard someone shout, “Oh my gosh! Look, everyone! It’s the Rainbooms!” Spike stopped upon hearing that exclaim and saw several avatars rushing over to a spot. Curiously, he somehow triple jumped like Mario and then landed on a big rock and climbed up onto a big tree branch and sat atop of it. He looked down and saw the avatars gathering around seven specific characters who all appeared to be teenage girls with pony ears and their hairs extended to look like braided ponytails. They were all somehow dressed as superheroes, and each supporting a DD-cup sized bust.

The first girl had alicorn wings on her back, a grayish lavender body, purple eyes covered by a pair of glasses, dark sapphire blue hair with moderate purple and brilliant rose streaks done up in a ponytail, and a geode necklace with a star image.

The second girl had a body as white as snow, long elegantly and beautifully curled moderate indigo and purple hair, sapphire blue eyes and eyeshadow, and a geode necklace with a diamond image.

The third girl had a grayish orange body, blonde hair in a ponytail that was covered by green apple gems, green eyes, and a geode necklace with an apple image.

The fourth girl had a light grayish pink body, big poofy and bouncy pink hair, light blue eyes, and wore a geode necklace with a balloon image.

The fifth girl had pegasus wings on her back, a creamy butter yellow body, long silky pale pink hair, cyan eyes and wore a geode necklace with a butterfly image.

The sixth girl who also had pegasus wings, but also an athletic build, had a light blue body, rainbow colored hair, fuchsia eyes, and wore a geode necklace with a thundercloud image.

The seventh and final girl had a golden amber body, red and golden yellow fire streaked hair, cyan eyes, and a necklace with a sun image.

The avatars were swarming the seven with blessings and praises.

“You girls are the best!”

“We love you! Wo love you so much!”

“You’re so popular than ever!”

“I wish my avatar could be as beautiful as yours!”

“Can you give our user pages some autographs?!”

Spike watched the girls being praised and blessed by the other avatars, while bearing a soft blush across his face as he looked at how beautifully gorgeous they were looking.

“The Rainbooms. This heroic team of girls have got quite a reputation around the Earthbound Odyssey as the only team you don’t want to mess with, because they’ll mess you up bad, and they’ve got a huge XP and lots of powerful abilities. In this world they’re known as Princess Twilight Nova Star, Rarity the Crystal Enchantress, Applejack the Apple Amazon, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy the Mystic Nature Fairy, Rainbow Dash the Loyal Speedster, and Sunset Shimmer the Daydream Angel. Whoever they are in the real world, I hope they’re really as gorgeous as they are here in the Earthbound Odyssey. I hope. You might say that I’ve got a crush on them, but can you blame me, since I’m thirteen and have a huge fetishized passion for hot girls? Well, I’m not the only one, I can tell you that. I’d somehow noticed so many guy avatars try to get close to them, but for some obvious reason, they always get turned down. I can only assume the girls are just playing very hard to get just to keep their admirers coming back to get their attention. But man. Boy, what kind of lucky chance wouldn’t I give to have a moment to go see and talk to them.”

Suddenly, the tree branch Spike was atop snapped and broke, and then he fell off each branch after landing on each branch until the one he was recently on toppled with Spike landing on the ground with a thud, and somehow his healthbar was blinking red, meaning his health was nearly low. The other avatars noticed and laughed at the poor kid, only for the Rainbooms to push through them and rush over to see if he was hurt or broken.

“It’s not funny!” Sunset said. “Yeah, you think it’s okay to laugh at someone who’s fell of a tree just like that? I don’t think so!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Everyone, could you give us some privacy, please?” Twilight asked, as the other avatars went back to playing their gameplays.

“Oh, my stars, darling! Are you alright?” Rarity asked in concern.

“You’re not hurt, are you?” Fluttershy asked in equal concern, and then after looking at his healthbar, she gave him a white cube of candy with a pinkish red plus that looked like a piece of health restoration candy, and then his healthbar filled up again. “Is that better?” Spike nodded.

“That was a nasty lookin’ fall, alright. You should probably be careful from now on,” Applejack said in a country accent.

“But somehow, it was an impressive one,” Rainbow Dash chuckled, before she was elbowed by Sunset. “Hey!”

“Now’s not the time for teasing. He may be hurt,” Sunset said. “Sorry,” Rainbow Dash said.

“But luckily, you didn’t go full splat as a pancake!” Pinkie Pie said. “And we’re happy you didn’t!”

“I got this, girls. Are you sure you’re okay?” Twilight asked Spike.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I- uhh…” Spike suddenly stopped talking when he looked up and saw that the girls were all surrounding him with their busts just a few inches away from his face. He then panicked and quickly got up before he started running nervously, while trying not to look back.

“Who was that?” Fluttershy asked in confusion.

“I’ll check his avatar stats,” Twilight waved her hand and a hub with a journal appeared before her. She opened it and started skimming through the many statuses of many avatars by other users, before she stopped at the boy, “Here he is. Spyro-217. The dragon fighter. But according to his database, he’s new to this game. Meaning he’s never played this before and may have started for the first time.”

“Whoa. A dragon fighter avatar?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“But, why would he run away like that?” Fluttershy asked, feeling wondered in confusion.

“I don’t know, but maybe we should probably keep an eye out for him,” Twilight said, as she looked out far into the distance from where the dragon fighter avatar ran off too.

Spike popped out of the portal and was now back in Grand Game Central Terminal Station. “Damn it!” he cursed to himself. “My first chance to meet up with making a good impression and I choke, or somehow embarrass myself!” He then started walking, “Who am I kidding, they probably would’ve already thought I was just a sore loser anyway.”

Spike walked through another portal and appeared in a marketplace where digital shopkeepers were selling brands of merchandise to the other players.

”This is the shop where players can get power ups, new brands of clothing, weapons, accessories, and more. Of course to purchase you would need the right amount of coins which you can obtain through several mini games, battles, free roam, treasure hunting, or steal from enemies. But the real actual good stuff, including artifacts, are located in various places in the Odyssey and can be found in so many various ways.”

“You also have three bars in three basic colors. The red bar is for your health, the light blue is for the energy of your skills/powers, and the green bar is for your XP, depending on how much it takes to level up. The bars keep growing the stronger your avatar levels up, but the blue bar drops if you use any amount of energy, and your health bar drops depending on the amount of damage taken. When you leave the game and come back, your bars are refilled, but your XP is left as it is from before, but if your health drops all the way, you’re dead. You can come back to life and all, and your inventory will stay as it is, but whatever wasn’t saved will have to be retrieved again. The point is, you’ve got to be smart, strong, agile, and resourceful if you want to survive.”

Spike then went to a shop near him, and suddenly saw the merchant, Morshu look at him.

“What do you all sell at this place?” Spike asked.

“Energy soda, health candy, weapons, clothing, gear, anything! You want it? It’s all yours, my friend, but as long as you have enough coins or gems,” Morshu replied.

Spike then looked at his pockets but found his banking inventory was nearly at 1,235 gold coins and 75 gems.

“Is it okay if I get a starter pack… dragon style?” Spike asked.

“Oh, a new player. I’ve heard you took on a group of Bokoblins for the first time, right?” Morshu asked. Spike nodded, and then Morshu thought for a moment, “Hmm… well… since you’re a new player, I’ll give you these to start with: lighter dragon armory, and maybe I’ll give you some weapons, but maybe when you’re a little… mmm… richer.”

Spike nodded and then made his purchase and added them all to his inventory, before his outfit received the upgrade, which was dragon themed shoulder pieces and arm braces.

He then made his way out before something appeared to him. He turned his head and as he bumped into it, he looked up and saw what appeared to be the cybernetic talking chao from the Sonic video games.

“Oh, sorry. I didn’t see you there,” the robot said. “That’s okay. I guess I should probably watch where I’m going,” Spike said. “Oh, forgot to introduce myself. My name’s Spike, aka Spyro-217.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Omochao,” he said, shaking Spike’s hand. “If you don’t remember, I’m from the Sonic video games.”

“Yeah. I knew that. But why are you here?” Spike asked. “Well, I’m also part of this gaming program Micro Software developed since it also has other characters from other companies for the avatars to play with,” Omochao explained. “I also found out that you’re new here, right?”

“Yeah, but I was also wondering if I could probably play this game,” Spike said. “Maybe I can help you out with that,” Omochao said. “I’m an expert of this game, since I’m a character and all.”

“That might actually may not be a bad idea. For now on, we’re partners, meaning we do what we tell ourselves to do. Meaning either you do what I say or I do what you say? We cool?” Spike said, as Omochao shook his hand in agreement.

“And I’m sure you’re wondering. Is there any other point to all of this? Is coming to play the Earthbound Odyssey just so people can escape the real world? Well, the answer is no. Alistair Swift reigns as the noble Grand Wizard King of the entire island in Earthbound Odyssey. His avatar character, Starswirl the Bearded is regarded as the most powerful sorcerer ever. He even keeps order, peace and harmony throughout the game, and that no intruder can harm him because of his powerful staff. He’s like Gandalf and Albus Dumbledore combined into one guy! My dream is to rule the land beside him, and his loyal comrades, the Pillars: Somnambula, Mage Meadowbrook, Rockhoof, Mistmane, Flash Magnus, and his apprentice Stygian. But until then, I’m going to have to keep leveling up and getting stronger so that my dream can become an actual reality.”

Spike and Omochao then walked through another portal and were at the game’s favorite nightclub, which was a restaurant with a stage for performances of any type of music including a rock concert and a casino for more points and treasure to fill up your inventory, and then he and Omochao took their seats at a booth, and ordered some drinks. “I wonder who’s performing today?” Spike asked. “I don’t know, but I hope it’s a good one,” Omochao said, before he and Spike noticed the show was about to begin. A spotlight suddenly shined on stage revealing a female’s shadow, and they saw a sexy leg stick out from behind the curtain.

It then opened up to reveal a sexy pop star. She had a light aquamarineish gray body, her moderate opal eyes were surrounded by huge eyeliner and eyelashes and her light orchidish gray hair that had moderate purple streaks was done up in a long ponytail falling down her back. Her attire included magenta boots with black lining and purple soles, black pants underneath a black linen skirt over a studded belt, a purple shirt with a heart shaped neckline underneath a magenta rocker’s jacket with a high collar and diamonds around the edges, along with additional bracelets and necklaces. Around her neck was a black choker necklace with opal blue stones. Covering her face was a transparent black veil that covered her face, except it wasn’t able to hide it but almost made it hardly impossible to see any more detailed features shown. To Spike’s point of view, he couldn’t stand looking at her impressive bust, sizing to an E-cup.

“Whoa… Countess Coloratura,” Spike gasped, as the Countess began singing beautifully and professionally.

The girl danced across the stage while singing as the DJ played some smooth funky music in the background. She walked around the stage and bent down to greet her fans, until Coloratura started getting towards Spike, who was two awestruck to move, but Omochao seemed to enjoy the show.

The pop star then winked at him, and then went towards the center again to finish her song. When the music stopped, the curtain closed onto her.

The avatar cheered, whistled and applauded on her performance, while Spike panted, “Okay, overall this seemed to turn out okay, huh?” Omochao nodded, before he and Omochao walked out of the portal and towards the Grand Game Central Terminal Station, before Spike heard a knock on the door.

Spike took off his goggles in the real world, while in the game, his avatar disappeared. Spike then let his aunt inside. “Spike, it’s time for bed,” she said. “Okay, Aunt Cass. I’m logging off just now,” Spike said. Cassandra nodded and then gave Spike a few more minutes to get ready.

After Spike logged off, he got washed up, put on his pajamas, brushed his teeth, and climbed into his bed to sleep. Cassandra came to tuck in her nephew and then kissed his forehead. “Goodnight, honey,” she whispered softly and then left his bedroom.

As he laid in bed, he thought about what happened today, “I actually got to speak the Rainbooms, but even though it was an awkward first encounter since I’ve heard about them. But they’ll probably forget about me tomorrow.” And with that said, he then dozed and drifted off to sleep knowing tomorrow was going to be a relaxing weekend and so that he would return to the Earthbound Odyssey.