• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 5,344 Views, 205 Comments

Death Cometh - Dracthul

With the defeat of the ancient horror on Azeroth, the God of Death finds himself in a fragile world. With his power diminished, he is imprisoned, but it is only a matter of time until he breaks free. Will he bend the world to his impervious will?

  • ...

Chapter 15: A Black Wedding Part 1

Author's Note:

Here we go! We are in the endgame now, and the story is ramping up. I predict the story will be around 120k words, so it’s nearing completion.

This chapter is part 1 of what will likely be 4 parts. I hope you enjoy, and as always, feedback is appreciated!

Canterlot is known for many things, such as its extravagant designs, its noble ponies, and being the heart of Equestria’s government. The thing that the city is most known for, though, is its talk. Whether it’s gossip, news, or debates, everypony in Canterlot gets caught up on the latest happenings, usually within hours. The nobles are particularly snobby and condescending, always searching for ways to one-up their peers. They get the latest stories in Canterlot before anypony else. While no pony would admit it, the nobles were some of the most disliked ponies around. Sure, there were some who were loved, but most were just power-hungry.

As of late, all the talk in the city was about three ponies. Firstly, Princess Celestia had been acting a little strangely recently, and ponies had noticed. She would sometimes leave court abruptly or head off to secret meetings only her closest staff knew about. Her demeanor was off in some way. It was hard to tell what it was exactly, but the nobles could see something was wrong.

Secondly, Princess Luna had been trying to integrate into modern society since her return from banishment. She would sometimes make a mistake with her language, causing obnoxious arguments that would end with her apologizing profusely. She still had to adjust to the social norms of the time, something she was finding difficult.

Lastly, at the center of all these talks was Sorin. Claimed by many to be the mysterious stallion who helped bring the princesses back to good spirits, he had quite the reputation. He helped Princess Celestia overcome her doubts at the Gala, and he convinced Princess Luna to keep trying to connect with her subjects. He was also recognized by Princess Celestia herself for aiding the Element bearers when they took down Discord and returned Equestria to peace—his biggest accomplishment yet.

While hardly anypony actually knew him, everypony had their own view of him. Some thought of him as a kind, gentle stallion, while others viewed him as a pompous brute. The nobles, on the other hand, saw him as a threat. This stallion had risen to a position close to the princesses themselves in a short time, and he lived with Twilight Sparkle. He had managed to snake his way next to the most powerful ponies in the nation, and hardly anypony knew his intentions. When the leading noble families went to Prince Blueblood to get his opinion on the stallion, he offered nothing. He seemed almost afraid to speak ill of Sorin, which only made them more worried.

This new hero was a threat to the stability the nobles had. They did not need a newcomer disrupting the order of things. Equestria was a fragile place right now. There were concerns about leadership, untrust in the nobility, and too much attention on one pony. While most of these things were minor, one large push could turn society against them.

Hoping to learn more about Sorin, the nobles came up with a plan to see him up close. It would be easy to do so, considering he was a pony of importance nowadays. A very important event was also happening within a few days at the Canterlot Castle…

“It’s been a while,” Sorin said, his breath turning to frost in the air. He continued his trot into the forsaken village atop his mountain. In the time he had been gone, the entire mountain had turned black, and his blood had spread into the surrounding areas for at least a mile around. The buildings had been turned into crystalline huts, and The Spire had grown even larger. Still, it was not enough for him to use as a proper base of operations.

He came to the center of town, finding Vultrax awaiting him. All fifty Shadowstrikers landed around the two equines as he approached the windigo. They stood at attention with their chests puffed out and their wings at their sides.

“It is good to see you again, master,” Vultrax said with a grin.

“It is mutual, Vultrax. I received your call to return to The Spire. What is it you wish to tell me?”

“First of all,” the spirit began, “we have claimed a large amount of territory around The Spire and are assimilating any creatures we can find in these barren wastes into our army. Second, although we are growing in strength, I believe I have a way for us to bring a large force under our wing.”

“Go on,” Sorin said, fully intrigued.

“As you know, I am a windigo: a creature that feeds off negative emotions. My brothers number in the hundreds, and they are all located in the Frozen North, specifically Mount Everhoof. I am an outcast there, but ever since Equestria was taken over by alicorns, they have been starving, barely able to survive off of the few lost creatures around our home. I can take you to them. They will be eager to follow you if you can show them your strength. The promise of all the food they desire will ensure they come to your side since they can be stubborn. With the windigos’ sheer power and numbers, our army will truly be a formidable force.”

A grin slid across Sorin’s face. “I’m glad you brought this to me; I think your plan will work out perfectly. Before we leave, I must make the necessary arrangements in Ponyville. I shall return soon, and we can begin.”

“I will be waiting.”

“Your loyalty has been outstanding so far. As long as your words hold true, you will be receiving the ultimate gift soon.” He started to prepare for his teleport. “Well done, Vultrax.”

The windigo stood taller as blue light swept his master away. He turned to his underlings. “Half of you, stay and protect The Spire. The rest of you, prepare yourselves to follow me and your master to the north. We have work to do.”

With a “pop,” Sorin found himself back in his room. The sun was making its way over the horizon, and everypony was starting their day. He performed his daily routine before making his way downstairs. Twilight soon joined him, and they left the library together. She and her friends were going to be having a picnic outside Sweet Apple Acres, and she wanted him to join them. He obliged, promising to leave with her in the morning.

They went through town and to the entrance of Sweet Apple Acres, finding the rest of their friends there. They all had little bags with supplies for the picnic, and after a quick chat, they went looking for a nice spot to set up. Before getting too hungry, they laid down the checkered towel on a nice patch of grass open to the sun. It was nice and warm outside, making the spot perfect.

They laid out the food and drinks before taking their places on the ground. Sorin took a nice, long sip of his cool and refreshing water.

“It is gorgeous out,” Rarity said while looking around at the scenery. “Just gorgeous!”

“It is quite delightful,” he answered, taking a moment to take a bite of a tiny sandwich slider. “I’m glad we could find such a spot out here. It’s a shame no pony ever uses these beautiful areas.”

She smiled at him before Twilight dropped her apple after hearing someone shout her name. Spike ran onto the picnic blanket while trying to fully get her name out again, taking heavy breaths as he did. He grabbed his throat as his cheeks puffed up, a burst of green flames coming out of his mouth a second later. A paper scroll dropped in front of Twilight.

Confused, she unrolled the letter and started to read it aloud. “‘Dear Twilight, I am sure you are as excited as I am about the upcoming wedding in Canterlot.’” She paused for a moment. “Wedding?” She shook her head before continuing. “‘I will be presiding over the ceremony but would very much like you and your friends to help with the preparations for this wonderful occasion. Fluttershy, I would like you and your songbird choir to provide the music.’”

“Oh my goodness! What an honor,” the mare answered tenderly.

“‘Pinkie Pie, I can think of no one more qualified than you to host the reception.’” The energetic pony bounded over the items on the blanket, accidentally stepping on a cake.

“‘Applejack, you will be in charge of the catering for the reception.’”

“Well, color me pleased as punch!”

“‘Rainbow Dash, I would very much appreciate it if you could perform a sonic rainboom as the bride and groom complete their ‘I do’s.’”

The bored mare turned into a cheerful spirit upon hearing that she would get to perform such a trick for the wedding.

“‘Rarity, you will be responsible for designing the dresses for the bride and her bridesmaids.’”

“Princess Celestia wants me to,” the designer started to say before clamming up in ecstasy. “For a Canterlot wedding?” She then fell over after a few blissful wobbles, getting a chuckle from everypony.

“‘Sorin, I trust you with one of the most important tasks for making sure the wedding goes as planned. When you arrive with your friends at Canterlot, I will tell you in person what your role will be.’” Sorin raised an eyebrow.

How vague, he thought to himself, thinking of what he could possibly do to contribute to a wedding, of all things.

“‘And as for you, Twilight, you will be playing the most important role of all: making sure that everything goes as planned. See you all very soon. Yours, Princess Celestia.’”

Finally finished reading, Twilight was still lost. “But, I don’t understand. Who’s getting married?”

“Oh, wait! Uh, I was probably supposed to give you this one first,” Spike said, handing her another scroll. She started to scan through it.

“‘Princess Celestia cordially invites you to the wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and—” she saw the name of the groom, making her take in a huge gasp before saying in shock, “—my brother?”


Sorin’s smile almost cracked into a million pieces as his mind erupted into a volcano of anger. Another princess?! And one I did not know of, at that! He started to lose focus of what everypony around him was saying, too overtaken by his fury. Somehow she avoided my detection spells, meaning she may be more powerful than the other two alicorns!

He took a deep breath, attempting to keep his disguise up. It is simply an obstacle, one that will be overcome. Her name, Amore, suggests her powers are somehow related to love, so she could be less powerful in the traditional sense than Luna and Celestia. They control celestial bodies while she controls an emotion. It is also possible they tried to hide her since they knew I was free.

He adjusted his smile as he returned to reality. Twilight’s brother was the groom, meaning he would naturally support her friends, including Sorin. This would give him an opening to get to know this new princess quickly.

“As one of your P.F.F.’s—” Applejack started, pointing at her other friends, “Pony Friends Forever—I wanna tell you that I think your brother sounds like a real good guy.”

“He is pretty special. I mean, they don’t let just anypony be captain of the Royal Guard.”

Rarity gawked at the comment. “So let me get this straight.” She took a deep breath. “We’re helping out with the wedding of not only a princess, but a captain of the Royal Guard?”

“I guess we are,” Twilight answered, a little downtrodden. Her friends broke into excited conversation about how wonderful the wedding would be, all while she continued to think about her brother. Sorin continued to sit there, his composure barely intact.

It would be wise to spend time with these two ponies. The royal sisters will not know that I know of their existence yet, giving me the advantage for the time being. Understanding the captain of the Royal Guard will be beneficial as well.

He also realized that Canterlot would be infested with guards since such a political marriage was happening there. A princess would typically require an entourage of protection, and a guard captain would also need one. He would need to operate more carefully while in Canterlot to make sure he stayed hidden. In the meantime, he would inform Vultrax to meet him near the city.

During the long train ride, Sorin had been thinking. He needed to be in Canterlot to attend the wedding and whatever else the sisters wanted him to help with, but he also needed to get to the north. To do this, he would split his conscience in two. Considering that he would be in the highly protected capital of Equestria, he would not need much power to maintain his form there. Instead, he could use most of his essence to travel to the Crystal Mountains. The wedding’s guards would provide him with an excellent cover for this while protecting him at the same time, so it worked out rather favorably.

The train was riding over crazy mountain formations, Canterlot now within sight, when Sorin felt something: a tremendous magical presence nearby. He rushed to the window of his cabin, looking outside. The train rapidly approached a massive purple bubble that surrounded the entire city. He sensed that it would try to repel him from the city, but as he got closer, he could feel the strength of the barrier. It could nearly hold an alicorn back, but it was waning. The spell was slowly deteriorating upon itself.

After cocking his head for a second, he quickly began the process, separating himself into two entities. His blood poured from him, trying to escape the upcoming barrier. A pool formed around him as he felt his mind splintering. If he was correct, the barrier’s weakened state would allow his significantly weaker portion to slip through unnoticed, appearing as just an average unicorn.

The barrier was only a short distance away now, and his blood rocketed from him as it coagulated into a separate mass. It swam through the cart, racing to escape the train. Breaking through a window, it fell onto the ground. Sorin felt his physical form pass through the wall, unfazed. He breathed a sigh of relief, looking back through his window to see his blood already disappearing.

At last, the train slowed to a steady stop, its engine winding down after the long trip. The passengers gathered their things and prepared to exit as the train finally halted at the station. Sorin made his way with the Elements towards the front, going between the carts. They all looked outside at the Canterlot border as they neared the front.

Dozens of guards were lined up on the ground with armed pegasi hovering in the air. More of the Royal Guard were on building balconies overlooking the station. They were all set up as a checkpoint for the train.

Sorin followed behind his friends as they exited.

“Whoa, what’s with all the guards?”

“I’m sure they’re just taking the necessary precautions. Royal weddings do bring out the strangest ponies,” Rarity answered Rainbow Dash. “Now, let’s get going. We’ve got work to do!”

“And you’ve got a big brother to go congratulate,” Applejack told Twilight.

“Yeah. Congratulate. And then give him a piece of my mind,” Twilight answered, trotting away.

Sorin sighed. “She must be upset that he didn't tell her about his wedding, which is understandable.”

“Yes, she is. Ah don’t know what to tell ‘er. It’s best left to family,” Applejack replied.


Twilight went past everypony else, headed for her brother. Sorin trotted alongside his friends, but two guards came up to him. One of them was part of the Solar Guard, the other, the Lunar Guard.

“Are you Sorin?” the Lunar Guard asked in an authoritative voice.

“Yes,” he answered with apprehension. “May I ask what this is about?”

“The royal sisters have requested your presence immediately upon your arrival in Canterlot. Come with us, please.”

He hesitated for a moment. He was weak right now and could not afford to have a conflict with the princesses. On the other hand, it would be suspicious for him to not see them.

Best to play the game for now.

He nodded and walked with them, letting them lead him past the other guards helping his friends. He went through the city, passing by market stalls and small homes. Everywhere he went, there were guards lined along the streets. He had never seen so many guards in one place before.

The buildings became more luxurious as he was brought deeper into the city. The houses looked more like mansions, and governmental offices were around him. The Royal Castle came into view, and so did a bastion of Royal Guards. Rows upon rows of them were lined up in front of the castle’s entrance. He passed them by as he was escorted in.

Down winding hallways he went, eventually being dropped off in a courtyard. The two princesses turned in his direction as the guards saluted. They left him alone with the sisters, disappearing back into the castle.

Celestia was the first to move, making her way over to him, Luna in tow. She gave him a motherly smile, dipping her head in greeting.

“It is good to see you again, Sorin.”

“And I, you, princess.” He turned to Luna, who looked exhausted for some reason. She must have slept badly or something. “I saw all the guards in the city. I hope everything’s alright.”

Celestia sighed. “That’s what we called you here for. As you know, there is a big wedding happening—which would normally require increased security—but an anonymous threat has been made against Canterlot. We do not know who made this threat, only that our sources believe it is serious. Because of this, we have raised security to the max.”

“Whatever the mysterious threat may be, Canterlot will be prepared for it,” Luna added.

Hmm. What potential enemy or rival may I now have?

“That is unfortunate. Hopefully, the wedding will go without a hitch,” he said.

“That’s where you come in,” Celestia started, “your role in the wedding is to stay with the Elements and ensure their safety. You helped them defeat Discord, and I know you have powerful magic, so you are well-equipped for this. I also trust you most of all to do this.”

Luna stepped forward, looking up at him. “Thou shall also be near the couple during the ceremony. We—I—have faith in you, Sorin. We would not ask this of you if we did not know you could handle it.” She put a hoof to his chest. “Thou art one of the greatest ponies I have ever met.”

“Okay. I understand.” She removed her hoof. “I will try to be with them at all times during our stay here. I will make sure they stay protected, princesses.”

“Thank you,” Celestia said. “I knew we could count on you. Whenever you’re ready, a guard outside will take you to them.” She trotted away, giving him one last smile before disappearing behind a hedge.

“So, I guess I’ll see you at the wedding then,” Sorin said to Luna. She nodded.

“It is a busy week for us, but yes. We look forward to being in your company again.” She warmly smiled at him. He smiled back, and she turned around. “We think thou will enjoy thy new privileges.” He watched her sleek form trot away, going wherever her sister had gone.

He let out a quiet sigh, turning to where he came in. He left the courtyard, going up to one of the guards.

“Are you ready to go to the Element bearers, sir?”

“Sir?” Sorin asked.

“Yes, sir. Under the order of the princesses, you will be addressed as ‘sir’ until the wedding is over. You will also be able to act as an officer during that time. Guards of my rank will be at your command, sir.”

“Well then,” he began, “take me to them.”

The blood of Yogg-Saron weaved through the air as it traveled away from Canterlot. The luscious grass below seemed to stretch on for an infinite distance, mountains nowhere in sight. He remembered the map he had studied, meaning the Crystal Mountains were off to the north. His blood slowed down as it approached the meeting place. Diving at the ground, it splashed onto a flat area, blood spreading out before pulling back and forming a pony.

Vultrax trotted towards Sorin, the Shadowstrikers descending from the air to land around them. As their talons found purchase, Vultrax cleared his throat.

“Currently, we are in what I like to call the Northern Plains. Beyond are the Crystal Mountains, and past that, Mount Everhoof. Reaching them would normally take a day at minimum, but I am windigo, meaning I can get there much faster. Follow me.”

The ghostly stallion started to run in circles, rising into the air in a spiral pattern as he did. The Shadowstrikers took flight in pursuit of their commander, and Yogg-Saron’s blood streamed into the air. Vultrax sped up, rising quickly now.

He finally stopped ascending when he looked down, the ground seeming so far away. The thin air made him feel like he was home again.

Home. He took that memory and focused on what it was like. The cold air, the powerful winds, and the flow of energy throughout the mountaintop helped him tap into his connection with his brothers. In doing so, the air around him warped, the winds going crazy directions as a white, ghostly light started to flicker around him.

Yogg-Saron looked on in confusion as he felt a surge of magic around him. He could feel all the pure energy flowing through the skies, traces of powerful magic creating a number of branching paths coming from Vultrax. The memory of his home became physical as he finally tapped into his abilities, linking himself to the other windigos. As he opened his eyes, he could see white paths extending in various directions around him.

“What are these?” Yogg-Saron asked.

“These are the pathways windigos use to travel. These roads were laid millennia ago and have been used ever since to help us move around the planet. We are spirits, but we can only move so fast on our own. With these, we can appear almost anywhere in Equus in a matter of minutes.”

“I can feel how well made these are; the layers of energy are flawless,” Yogg-Saron said, genuinely impressed.

“The paths are kept together by a constant flow of energy into them that is gathered from every windigo. Our mana pools form one collective energy bank that powers these. Since I am a windigo, I should be able to ferry us to Mount Everhoof.”

“Well then, let us begin.”

Yogg-Saron’s essence went slightly behind Vultrax in a way where he could stay in his wake. The Shadowstrikers formed a line behind Vultrax to make sure they could follow him.

The air seemed to become more volatile as Vultrax readied himself. An insanely loud “crack” echoed from him as he shot north, the others right behind him. He flew at incredible speed as he traveled over miles upon miles of pony territory. His comrades were being pulled along the way as he hoped for.

The world became a blur as they rapidly approached the Crystal Mountains, still accelerating. Everything became white as they felt the gravitational force from how fast they were now moving.

Just as quickly as it began, they felt their bodies slow to a stop, their eyes trying to adjust to the new surroundings.

The wind howled as it whipped over dozens of mountaintops, making a whistling sound. Large snowflakes poured from the sky, coating everything in a bright white. A freezing chill drifted across the terrain, cold enough to freeze a pony within an hour. The dark clouds were closer than ever, casting a light fog everywhere. Occasional lightning bolts would crash from the sky, sending out a thundering boom that shook the very stone of the mountains. These were the Crystal Mountains, and before Yogg-Saron was Mount Everhoof.

The tallest mountain around, its peak extended above the cloud line. The body of the landform dwarfed all the others around it. Many smaller peaks were a part of the mountain, each of them widening the whole. It was truly a sight to see.

“Come; my brothers await,” Vultrax said, snapping Yogg-Saron back to the matter at hand. The windigo continued through the air, rising parallel with the mountain. The others followed, scaling the side of Mount Everhoof.

Had the Shadowstrikers not been resurrected, they would have died from the cold by now. Their current forms were impervious to many things that held mortals from their true potential. Bonding with the blood of an Old God makes one push past those boundaries and become something new.

The group neared the peak, passing through the clouds with ease. As they came out on the other side, the air stilled. The howling had ceased, and the wind did not blow. Everything appeared still. There was nothing but a stone peak that looked untouched by time.

The only movement was the blue glow forming at the very top of the peak. They approached it, Vultrax extending a hoof and touching it. As he did, the wind spurred to life again. All around them, a solid ground formed. In front of them was a large door. At its center was a metal disk engraved with images of windigos.

Yogg-Saron’s essence took the form of Sorin, giving him a body again. He watched as Vultrax touched the disk, causing it to light up with the blue glow from before. It connected with him, knowing he was a windigo. The glow faded, and the door split down the middle, opening outward to reveal a hidden civilization.

Past the door was a large frozen plateau. Large structures made from ice that resembled igloos and huts were everywhere. Torches with blue flames burned away, somehow working in the wind. At the center of the area was a massive building that looked similar to ancient strongholds. It had towers like a castle, but it was large enough to house a small army.

Suddenly, a piercing whinny came from somewhere in the kingdom. Almost instantly, dozens of windigos came flying out of the massive building, all of them headed towards Vultrax and his company. More and more came from the building, forming a swarm that was quickly descending upon Yogg-Saron’s forces. He readied himself.

The ghosts in front landed a few yards in front of Vultrax, lining up in long rows. The others did the same, creating a large formation in front of the intruders. At least a hundred of them had shown up.

“Welcome to my home, the Kingdom of Frost,” Vultrax said.

“This is not your home!” shouted a windigo with a deep voice. He flew down in front of the others, landing a couple feet from Vultrax. He was larger than the rest of his kind and had an ethereal crown made of blue fire floating over his head.

“It’s been so long—” Vultrax tittered before donning a serious expression.
