• Published 5th Aug 2021
  • 1,066 Views, 37 Comments

Lylat Sparkle - Norwegian boy

Twilight ends up on the planet Corneria in the lylat System where she is trying to find a way home with the help of James McCloud.

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Home, Crappy Home

James had just entered the financial district of Corneria and Twilight had for the moment forget all about what happened to her in Equestria, she was at the moment mesmerized by the buildings they drove by as she had her face up to the window of the car. She also could see people out on the street, they look like different animals.

“Just how tall is these buildings?” She asked James.

“I’m not sure, some of them are forty floors while others are fifty floors, maybe bigger.” James told her.

Twilight was amazed by what she heard. “Really?” James just nodded. “That’s insane, just how many lives in this place?”

“Around 25 million people.”

Twilight’s brain shut down when she heard that. “What…? How…? How is that possible? Around five hundred thousand ponies live in Equestria. How can so many people live in one place?”

James just shrugged his shoulders. “How should I know, I think for planet around 5 billion lives on this planet.”

Twilight placed both hands on her head. “My brain hurt.” James just rolled his eyes, maybe it would wise not to tell her how many live in the system, she would probably have a heart attack. Twilight decided to ask him something ells. “So, where do you live in Corneria city?”

James took another drag form his cigarette and blew the smoke out of his nose. “I live in the south.”

Twilight tilted her head to the side in confusion. “South?”

“I guess I can explain. You can say that Corneria city is split into four part, north, east, south and west. The rich people lives up north while those who are just between the rich and poor live in the east and west.”

“What about those in the south?” Twilight asked him

James took another drag from his cigarette. “Those in the south, you can say that where the poor live or those who can’t by an apartment, criminal are also high in the south.” Twilight became very nervous when she heard that. “Don’t worry, I live in the better part of the town.” Twilight was a little glad to hear that but she was still nervous.

Then all of sudden they saw blue and red lights coming from behind. “Shit, it’s a cop, I hate cops.” James threw the cigarette out of the window, he then pull over to the side and then went to his glove compartment to get some papers. “Just shut up and let me to the talking.” He told Twilight who just nodded her head.

Twilight watch as someone walk over to James window, he was wearing a blue uniform but she was more focus on the person who was wearing the uniform, it was a tiger who was oranges with black stripes.

The officer flashed a flashlight in the car “Paper please.” The cop said in a male voice. James handed him the paper he found. “Sir, you know that your left taillights is broken, right?”

“I am fully aware officer I just don’t have the money to fix it.”

The officer nodded. “I see.” He then look at the paper, then at James. “Hold on.” He took a closer look at the paper. “Are you James McCloud?” He asked while looking at James again.

“That’s what’s it says on the paper.” James said with some sarcasm, the office didn’t care.

The cop then flashed the light in James face who had to cover up his face. “You really him?” James nodded. “I don’t know if you have heard this before but your my hero.”

James was taken of guard there, he had never heard that before. “Can’t say that I have. Is there something else you pulled me over for or can I get home? I’m tired.”

The officer hand James back his paper. “Sure, you can leave just remember to fix the tail light.”

James took the papers. “I will when I can afford it.” He then started the car and drove off.

Twilight watch as the police officer disappeared from her sight. “He was nice but I was surprised that he didn’t notice me, I am dresses in green janitor outfit after all.”

“He was probably focus on me not you.” James told her while taking another cigarette, he then light it.

“I have wanted to ask you something, what is that in your mouth?”

“It’s called a cigarette,” He took a drag from it and blew the smoke out of his nose and out the open window. “it’s a very unhealthy thing, I don’t recommend it.”

“If it’s unhealthy, why do you use it?”

James didn’t answer right away. “Because I’m an idiot, let’s leave it at that.” Twilight decided not to ask anyone, she look out of the window.

The rest of the way James decided to ask Twilight what her world was like, he said if she told him he would tell her about his world and boy was he surprised. For over four thousand years had Celestia ruled Equestria and her philosophy was friends is magic, James couldn’t help but question Celestia’s way of ruling. Sure, friends is magic sound good on paper but it’s not perfect, eventually it will crumple.

Then James remember something. “Crap, I almost forgot.” Twilight saw James pick up something from between them, it look like a small book, very small book. He then pressed some buttons on it and then she heard a noise. “I really hope that Peppy don’t answer.” Said James.

Eventually Twilight heard a female voice. “Hello?”

“Hey Vivian, it James.”

“Hey James, it’s been a while, do want to talk to Peppy?”

James made a face. “No, I don’t want to talk to him.”

“Don’t tell me your still mad at him.”

“I am mad and I don’t want to talk to him.”

Twilight heard a sad sighed. “I wish you two could stop acting like children.” That made James roll his eyes. “Anyway, what do I owe the pleasure for this call?”

“I have a question, do you still have your old clothes from like five years ago?”

There was moment of silence. “Are you going to dress up like a woman or am I’m missing something?”

“For fuck sake it’s not for me, I picked up a girl today and she needs some clothes and I think she about your size.” He look over to Twilight who became a little nervous.

“Did you pick up a prostitute?”

“Do you really think I would sink that low? Look, can you please come to my place tomorrow with some clothes, I will explain then.”

“You want me to come to your place tomorrow, with some clothes for a girl you pick up? Did I get that right?”


Vivian was quite for a second, then they heard a sighed. “Fine, but if I get mug tomorrow I’m blaming you.”

“Oh please, your way tougher than anyone that live in my neighborhood.”

Vivian actually giggle. “That I am. Alright James, I will bring some clothes to you tomorrow, I will be there around 11.pm.”

James couldn’t help but smile. “Great, just don’t tell your husband, I don’t want him to tag along.”

“I will, bye James.”

“Bye Vivian.” He then hung up and tossed his phone where he found it, then he notice Twilight was staring at him “What?”

“Who were you talking to and what were you talking through?” Twilight asked him.

“I was talking to a friend of mine by the name of Vivian Hare and I was using my phone to talk to her, don’t you have phones in Equestria?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, we don’t have ‘phones’ in Equestria, we send letters and I use Spike to send letter to princess Celestia. Well, I used to do it.”

James raised his eye brown when he heard that. “You used your dragon to send letter to Celestia?” Twilight nodded. “So, you used him for your personal gain?”

Twilight used her arms to pull her legs up to her chest. "When you put it like that…” Then Twilight mob became sombre so James decided not to ask her anything ells right now.

When they finally arrived at the ‘border’ to the south of the city, Twilight could quickly see the different. The buildings look more worn out, there wasn’t so many people out on the street and it look, it looked dangerous out there, like something was going to happened.

As James drove longer into the south, Twilight became more and more nervous. “Is safe to be here this late?” She asked James while looking out of the window. “It looks pretty dangerous out there.”

“If you know where you going then yes.” James answered in a calm voice.

Twilight look at him. “How can you be so calm?”

James took a drag from his cigarette. “One get used to it.” Twilight wasn’t sure if she believe him.

They eventually arrived at a place that look like an apartment complex, Twilight could see it was on Hope street and she thought the name was a wrong, she couldn’t see any hope here. Twilight could see two girls making out not far from the parking lot where they park, then she notice someone who was getting beat up near some bushes.

“James, there someone in trouble over there.” She told him while pointing where it happened.

James open the door and walk out, he then look over the car and saw that Twilight was right. “I happens from time to time, it’s best to ignore it.”

Twilight was horrified when she heard that. “How can you say that? When someone is in trouble you help them, it’s the right thing to do.”

James sat back in the car to turn of the motor and got the key. “Not around here, if you help then there’s a change your next, it’s how it works around here.” Twilight then look at him with a pleading look, a look that said help him. James tried to ignore it but eventually gave up. “Fine, just stay here.” He got out and closed the door. “Bloody woman.” He mumbled to himself.

When James got to the fighting couple, he could see that it was a bear that was hitting a lion that was lying on the ground. James then tapped the bear on his should so he stop hitting the lion, the bear then turned around. “What the hell do…” That was all he could say before James punches him the stomach and before the bear could react James gave him an uppercut sending on the ground unconscious, he then walk back to the car not bothering to see how the lion was doing.

When James reached the car he open the door for Twilight who got out. “There, I did my good deed for the day.” He told her as she got out.

“You could have handle that in another way, you know that right?”

“Yes I could but have to understand something, this world is different than yours, people mind their own business here and if you interfere then your next, probably.” Twilight became pale when she heard that. “Look, just stick with me and your safe.” It help a little. James then walk over to his side and got inn, he then open the glove compartment to get the gun, he then grabbed his phone and got out of the car, he then closed it and lock it. “Follow me.” He then walk towards the apartment complex.

Twilight was about to follow him when she notice that she didn’t have any shoes on her feet. “James, I’m barefoot.” She said while looking down on her feet.

“Just watch where you are going.” Twilight just frowned as she followed him.

They were about to walk up some stairs when a door open and a wolf with gray fur step up. “McCloud, your late with your pay, hand over the cash.” He then notice Twilight. “And why are you bring home a whore?” Twilight was offend by what he said, she was no whore.

“First off Rydel, I get my paycheck on Monday so you will get your money then.” He then pointed his thumb at Twilight. “She is no whore, she is someone who needs help so I’m letting her stay at my place for a while, do you have a problem with that?”

Rydel spat on the ground. “Your to nice for your own good, you know that right?”

James just gave him a blank look. “I’m aware of that.”

Rydel then lean against the doorframe. “Fine, she can stay at your place but only for a two months but then she have to pay rent like the others, got it?”

James started to walk. “I got it.” Twilight followed him.

As they walk up the stairs. “That guy was a creep.” James smiled of what Twilight said.

They eventually arrived at James place, room thirty two which was on the second floor. “Here we are, home, crappy home.” Said James as he open the door.

As Twilight walk inn and the first thing she saw was a living room with a couch, which had a pillow and planked? She also could see a table and chair, the room also had a two windows. James walk past her and sat down on the couch, he tossed his phone and gun on the table, she decided to sit down on the chair.

While walking she notice a giant black box standing on a coffee table? “James, what’s this?” She asked the fox while pointing at the black box.

“That’s a tv, you don’t have a tv in your world?” Twilight just shook her head. “What heck you guys do to past the time, read?” She gave him a nod. “Dear god, I would die of boredom if I was in your world.”

“We do others things than read, I study which is probably the same thing.” She look at the tv again. “Just what does this ‘tv’ do?”

James took the remote and turned on the tv which scared the crap out of Twilight, she didn’t expect it to come to life. “and another criminal escape the police. Next month is three years ago since planet Venom attack the others planets in the Lylat system and…” James turned the volume off.

“What in Equestria, what kind of black magic is this?” She asked him as she back away a little.

“It’s not magic, it’s technology something we have in this world, you don’t have that in your world?”

“No, we don’t have tv in my world.” Twilight decided to sit down in the chair. “I’m starting to wish I never came here.” She pull her legs up to her chest and mob came sombre.

“Look Twilight, I can’t imagen how your felling right now but I promise you that I know someone who can help and I will call him now,” He picked up his phone. “considering I forgot to do it.” He dialled the number and held the phone to his ear. “Hey Beltino. It’s James.” Twilight heard some mumbling. “Yes, I’m good. Listen is possible we can come by your office on Monday? There something you need to hear.” More mumbling. “Yes, I said we. Look, I can’t talk about it over the phone, can we come to your office on Monday?” Mumbling. “Great, we will se you on Monday.” He hung up and then look at the clock on the phone. “Holly crap, it’s teen in the evening.” He look out the window and saw that the sun was gone. “I didn’t know that.” He then let out yawn. “Do you want to go to bed? Because I want to.”

“Not really, but I’m a little tired and I really want to lie down.”

James got up. “Then follow me.” Twilight got up and followed him.

They didn’t have to walk far considering the apartment was small, James then open a door and they were in a bedroom. “You can use my bed to rest on, I usually sleep on the couch.

Twilight walk in and saw that the room was pretty small, I had a bed, a desk and a closet for clothes.

“It’s pretty small.” She said while walking to bed, she felt it with her hand and it felt pretty soft.

“Yeah, these rooms are, I had a hell of time getting in the bed, thank god I had help. Well, see you tomorrow, god night.”

“God night.”

James then closed the door and Twilight was all alone, she managed to see thanks to some light came through the window. She decided to lay down on it and look up at the celling and she couldn’t help but wonder if her ‘friends’ even missed her, did princess Celestia missed her? Did they even care about her? All those question flew through her mind as she eventually fell asleep.

Author's Note:

I hope that you all like the chapter, I'm not that good when it comes to describe stuff, like James apartment.

We will go back to Equestria in the next chapter.