• Published 12th Aug 2021
  • 1,835 Views, 81 Comments

The First Equestria Girl - Mani-Roar

The origin of Sunset Shimmer and her quest into the human world (EqG not IRL)

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Wondercolt of Personality: Ch. 6

A noisy buzzer went off in the Home Ec kitchenette in Canterlot High School. The shrill bell rang in Sunset’s ears.

“That’s the second layer.” Derpy said, fully concentrated on the strawberries and piping bag in each of her hands. “Can you get that, Sunset?”

“I got it!” Sunset snapped on the oven mitts and yanked the oven door open. Unfortunately, she moved her face too close to the open door too fast. She felt a rush of heat all over her face, forcing her to close her eyes and back away.

“Ack, I keep doing that!” Sunset complained. As soon as she collected herself, she leaned her head back and cautiously pulled out the tin container holding the second layer of chocolate cake. She carried it over to the island table and set it on the pot holder. “What do I do now, Derpy?”

“Toothpick test.” She said simply as she glazed the bottom layer of cake in strawberry frosting.

“Right.” Sunset took a second to find the toothpicks on the counter. There were so many tools and ingredients spread all over the place in a creative chaotic mess. She poked the steaming hot cake with the toothpick. When she pulled it out she brought it up to her face so she could thoroughly inspect it.

“It’s clean.” Sunset smiled, glad that the baking portion was finally done.

“Excellent, bring it over here.” Derpy’s movements were slow and deliberate, like a painter taking her time to make just the right strokes.

Sunset brought the adjustable cake pan over to Derpy’s section of the counter. She snapped the latch on it, releasing the outer wall of the pan. Sunset carefully pulled the pan away leaving the perfectly round cake sitting warm and calm on the counter. Sunset took off her mitts and tossed them back over to the island. One of them landed on the counter and the other dropped to the floor.

“Now what?” Sunset asked, tapping her feet and fingers together.

Derpy handed her a thin, flexible baking pan. “Gotta cool it off, otherwise the icing will melt. Start fanning.” She made the gesture with her hand and Sunset mimicked it with the pan sending rushes of cool air across the cake.

“Let me finish whipping the frosting and I’ll help.”

For the next ten minutes, Sunset fanned the cake like she was worshiping it.

Derby brushed up against her shoulder, giving the cake’s surface a soft touch with her finger.

“Good enough. I got it from here.” Derpy said curt, once more. Sunset knew she wasn’t being rude or in a bad mood. She was just concentrating so hard on the task in front of her.

“Ugh, but I wanna help. I need more practice.” Sunset pouted her lips.

“Did you pack the flour?” Derpy asked.

“No, I fluffed and scraped off the top.” Sunset responded with the precision of a military operation. “The measurements were exact. I even weighed them.”

“Did you add the baking powder?”


“Did you overmix when you combined the wet ingredients?”

“No, I folded until just mixed as ordered.” Sunset literally saluted Derpy, emphasizing her obedience.

“Did you sear the puree glaze?” Derpy narrowed her eyes as she gently placed the second layer of cake on top of the first.

“No, I used the double boiler to gently heat.” Sunset nodded, proud of herself.

“Well then it sounds like you did a great job.” Derpy turned to smile warmly at Sunset. The blond haired freshmen wore a green apron that was covered in flour and chocolate stains. Sunset looked down and saw that her own red apron looked the same.

Once Derpy finished covering the cake in bright pink strawberry frosting, she began placing the full strawberries in a ring around the top of the cake. She smiled and handed Sunset half of the strawberries. Both girls took care to space them equally, the vibrant red bouncing off the fluorescent lighting in the Home Ec classroom. Just as Sunset finished placing her last strawberry, she heard Celestia call out,


Both girls sighed and relaxed their shoulders. Derpy carefully inspected the finished creation in front of them. The pink frosting looked soft and inviting. The bright red strawberries on top looked juicy and full of flavor. Sunset knew the chocolate inside was moist and sweet in just the right way, as she had sampled some from their first attempt. As Derpy told her: ‘Any good cook or baker always tastes as they go.’

“You have flour on your face.” Derpy pointed to Sunset’s cheek. Sunset wiped it off on her fingers and inspected it.

“I see that.” Sunset nodded as her eyes were drawn to Derpy’s head. “You have frosting in your hair.”

Derpy ran her hand through her light blond hair and found some of the strawberry buttercream. She licked the dap right off her finger and smiled.

“Mmm, still good.” She beamed at Sunset. Both girls burst into giggles as Principal Celestia walked over to their station.

“Glad to see you ladies are in good spirits.” She grinned at their youthful enthusiasm. “I hope the cake is as good as the mood.”

“I hope so too.” Derpy tugged the front of her apron, catching a bunch of her skirt in her grip as well.

Sunset placed her hand on Derpy’s shoulder as Celestia inspected the cake. Sunset had helped speed up the process but Derpy was the mastermind behind it all.

“Hmm it looks very pretty but…” Celestia paused and Derpy’s shoulders tensed. “The judges may be harsh on the presentation score with how simple it is.”

“Looks aren’t my strong suit.” Derpy mumbled towards the floor.

“Well, not to worry.” Celestia picked up the cake slicer. “The taste test is where most of the points come from.” She dug into the cake, catching two strawberries in her slice. She plopped it onto a plate, showing off the dark brown chocolatey inside. The cake cut easily on her fork as the frosting hugged the side of her utensil. Celestia took a bite and her eyes instantly widened as her jaw dropped.

“Oh my.” Celestia started fanning her face. The sweet tang of the icing contrasted onto the rich cake tingled Celestia’s mouth. Her tongue was alive with flavor as she closed her eyes.

“Miss Hooves.” Celestia was finally able to speak. “This cake is sensational. I could eat this whole thing in one sitting.”

Derpy clapped her hands together in excitement. Her eyes danced as she relished in the approving gaze of her principal. Sunset shot Celestia a wry look.

“Ahem.” Celestia cleared her throat, catching Sunset’s mischievous glance. “Not that I would do such a thing. That would be barbaric.”

“Of course not.” Sunset shook her head, still grinning.

“Very well done, both of you.” Celestia continued devouring her sizable slice of cake, talking around the big bites. “You should be proud.”

“It was all Derpy’s doing.” Sunset rubbed Derpy’s shoulder. “I just helped.”

“Well I must say, we definitely want a strong showing prepared for any Home Ec events that may occur.” Celestia said. “I don’t see how we can possibly move forward without such a great baker on our team.”

“You mean…” Derpy’s face lit up, her eyes almost welling up tears. “I made the… the Friendship Game’s team?”

“Oops.” Celestia held her fork hand over her partially full mouth. She swallowed her latest bite before continuing. “I’m not supposed to reveal results like that.” She winked at Derpy and casually strolled to the door of the Home Ec room.

“I made the team?” Derpy clutched her hands over her heart as she looked up at Sunset.

“Well, we’ll know for sure this afternoon, but yeah, It sounds like you’re a shoe in.” Sunset stood with her fists on her hips. She grinned at Derpy who looked away as she brushed off her apron, full of flour.

“Do you really think we can win?” Derpy folded her hands in front of her apron.

“I…” Sunset paused her answer. Derpy needed to gain her own confidence more than just affirmation. “What do you think? Do you think we’ll win?” She asked.

“I think…” Derpy thought long and hard about her answer. She looked up at Sunset like she wanted to speak. Her eyes lit up with belief, but her mouth wouldn’t cooperate.

“Say it outloud.” Sunset gently commanded. “Make it real for you.”

“I think we’ll win.” Derpy smiled, tapping her toes in rapid succession.

“Then we’ll win.” Sunset grinned out of the side of her mouth. “I don’t know about you, but I’d love to go get cleaned up.” She patted her apron and a cloud of flour wafted into the air.

“Agreed.” Derpy smiled and nodded at Sunset. “Thank you for your help, Sunset.” She reached out her hand and Sunset accepted it. The girls walked together down the hall, towards the restrooms. Their hands swinging in the momentum of their footsteps. Derpy’s feet barely touched the ground and each step felt light as a feather.

“We’re gonna win. We’re gonna win. We’re gonna…”

“Hey, watch where you’re aiming those things.” Someone said as they passed them in the hallway. Derpy’s face instantly fell and she looked at the ground.

“Well that was rude.” Sunset brushed off the comment, leaving whoever that was behind them. In a moment they were in front of the bathrooms. However, right before they were about to stop, a young man walked briskly past Derpy. He bumped into her shoulder which caused her to reel back and be off balance for a moment.

“Excuse me.” Derpy meekly offered an apology.

“What did you say?” The boy said with a healthy dose of attitude. His green hair swooped in curvy locks that ended jagged. He wore a denim jacket that had the sleeves ripped off. His black undershirt had some sort of band logo on it. Flash would probably know the name of it.

“I uh… I said… I mean I’m sor…” Derpy was interrupted by the punk rock boy.

“Miss me with that ‘excuse me’ crap. You were the one who got in my way.” He pointed at her and Derpy tried to shrink herself behind Sunset.

“She didn’t mean it like that!” Sunset squeezed Derpy’s hand “she was literally apologizing for bumping into you. Which, by the way, you for sure bumped into her.” She pointed her own finger to match his.

The young man sized up Sunset for a second. He scowled but turned his attention back to the vulnerable looking Derpy Hooves.

“Whatever, I wasn’t talking to you.” he stepped around Sunset to get in Derpy’s face. “I’m talking to you, you walleyed freak. Watch where you’re going!”

Derpy trembled as she tried to look away.

“Hey, look at me.” He gestured to his eyes and then pointed at her again. Derpy hesitantly complied and looked at him.

“Stop it.” Sunset said, but he ignored her.

“I said look at me, not over there.” He yelled in anger, but a sinister grin twisted up the side of his mouth.

“I… I am looking at you.” Derpy said softly.

“Really? Cause I can’t tell. It looks like you’re staring all over the place. Do you have like bug vision or something?”

“Bug vision?” Derpy looked confused. She desperately tried to will her left eye to match her right, but it just gave her a headache.

“Stop it.” Sunset said louder. She could feel her anger rising, but she didn’t want to let it boil over. She knew how hard it was for her to calm down once she started having an episode.

“How do you even function? There’s no way your eyes can focus if they dart around like that.” He leaned in and studied her eyes like they were some sort of science experiment.

“What is your problem?” Sunset grabbed him by the shoulder, but he wiggled out of her grip. His face still digging into Derpy.

“I can see fine.” Derpy replied, clutching her skirt and apron for dear life.

“No way, I’ll bet you wouldn’t even be able to walk if you weren’t holding hands with your girlfriend.” He finally acknowledged Sunset.

“Hey, Derpy has more talent in her little finger than you do in your entire body.” Sunset tried not to shout. Her shoulder and chest muscles tensed as she continued. “She’s the best baker in the school and, I’ll have you know, she’s gonna be on the Friendship Games team.” Sunset cocked her hip out and placed her hands on her sides. She grinned at him with her stubborn confidence. “And if I recall, you got cut after the academic test, didn’t you?”

“S-so what if I did?” he gritted his teeth at Sunset. “But there’s no way she’s gonna be on the team. And if she is, she'll just mess it up cause she’s probably retar-” Before he could finish, Derpy cried out and ran into the bathroom, out of sight. The sound of her sobbing following her all the way.

“Cry baby.” Were the last words he said before he was hoisted into the air and slammed against a locker. “Ahh!” He yelled as the pain of solid steel hitting him in the shoulderblades rang through his body.

“What the hell is your problem, dude?!” Sunset’s face was livid. Her cheeks were bright red and her scowl wrinkled her forehead and cheeks. She knew that getting into a fight would cause her trouble. Especially on the day of the Friendship Games roster announcement. However, her mind was so hot she could barely think straight. Every sob she heard coming from the bathroom fueled her wrath.

“Let me down!” He demanded, wriggling in her grip. “Holy crap you’re freakishly strong.” She held him up by his denim jacket with one hand on each ripped shoulder sleeve. She pushed him harder against the lockers, seemingly trying to make him go through them.

“Do you hear her crying?” Sunset’s eyes glanced over at the girl’s bathroom entrance. “Why would you say that to someone? Who do you think you are?” She stared at the young punk kid, looking for any semblance of remorse. All she got was attitude.

“I’ll say whatever I want. You can’t stop me.” He struggled some more but Sunset’s grip held firm. She leaned in close to his face, her maniacal expression staring directly through this kid.

“Oh yes I can stop you.” Sunset’s voice was quiet and creepy, her eyes showed violent intention as she coiled up a fist and held it up. “Listen to me, you little punk, you’re going to apologize to Derpy or I’m gonna smack you into another dimension. How does that sound?”

His eyes went wide in fear and he knew she wasn’t lying.

“Please.” He muttered, finally showing some concern, if only for himself and the black eye she was probably about to give him.

“Sunset Shimmer!” A familiar voice yelled from across the hall. Sunset knew that voice well. It was Celestia. She hadn’t heard her that angry since she was banished from Equestria. Sunset lost her grip and the green haired kid dropped to the ground. He barely managed to catch himself and not fall over. “What do you think you’re doing getting into fights?”

Celestia marched double time up to Sunset. Her expression was livid and wrought with disappointment.

“He attacked Derpy.” Sunset stood her ground, trying desperately to get her anger under control. The swirls of rage flowing through her were hot and intoxicating. Once the rage started, it was itching to grow.

“No way!” The boy objected as he brushed himself off. “I didn’t do anything. This crazy girl just went off on me.”

“Liar!” She shouted. “You know what you did, you jerk.” Her hands started drifting back over to grab him again.

“Sunset.” Celestia scolded and Sunset stopped in her tracks. “My office, right now.” She ordered.

“Ooh sounds like you’re in trouble.” The boy grinned at Sunset.

“You’re next, young man.” Celestia pointed at him. “I expect to see you waiting outside my office. I’ll be speaking to you as well.”

“Hmmph.” He grunted, crossing his arms and walking away in the general direction of the administration office.

Sunset winced as more quiet sobs echoed off the tile bathroom walls and out into the hallway.

“Let’s go, Miss Shimmer.” Celestia and Sunset glared at each other. Sunset didn’t want to disobey Celestia, the woman who pretended to be her aunt to keep her at this school. Kept her here with her friends. However, the sounds of Derpy’s cries were too strong.

“I’ll be there in five minutes.”

“I said now.”

Silence echoed and then more sobbing. Celestia’s eyes glanced over at the bathroom entrance. Her gaze softening hearing Derpy’s cries.

“I have to help Derpy first.” Sunset refused to budge. Her heart wrenched in multiple directions. She didn’t want to risk losing another Celestia after getting close so soon. Celestia opened her mouth to argue but stopped.

“Please.” Sunset’s balled fists released and she looked at her open palms. She had dug temporary red calluses on her hand with her nails. “I’m sorry.” She looked at Celestia again, the anger on her face vacated.

“I’ll see you in my office in five minutes, Miss Shimmer.” Celestia stood waiting for her student’s response.

“Yes ma’am.” Sunset bowed to Celestia. She didn’t care what looked weird or what was culturally appropriate anymore. Principal Celestia knew pretty much every secret about her at this point anyway.

Sunset pushed open the bathroom door. She saw Derpy sitting down in front of the communal sink. She had her face buried into multiple paper towels that she was clutching.

“Derpy, are you ok?” Sunset felt dumb for asking. She knelt down in front of the poor girl, placing her palm gently on Derpy’s shoulder.

“You heard him. I’m hideous.” Derpy said, refusing to pull her face out of the paper towel wad. “I’m a freak.”

Sunset shook her head rapidly.

“No you’re not. You’re beautiful exactly as you are. Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise.”

The room fell quiet except for Derpy’s gentle sobbing as she took each breath. The cold hard tile floor was sore on Sunset’s knees, but she didn’t care.

“No I’m not, I’m…” Derpy argued but Sunset grabbed Derpy by the shoulders and pulled her into an embrace.

“Shhh…” Sunset shushed her and Derpy went limp in her arms. She let Sunset wrap her up in a firm hug.

“What’s wrong with me?” Derpy asked, barely able to get the words out.

“Nothing is wrong with you.” Sunset gently rocked back and forth, rubbing the back of Derpy’s head. “You are beautiful. You are worthy. You are loved.”

Sunset repeated the words.

“You are beautiful. You are worthy. You are loved.”

Sunset saw herself in her old room in Canterlot Castle back in Equestria. She was crying on her bed, a pillow pushed over her face just like Derpy and her towels.

“You are beautiful. You are worthy. You are loved.”

Sunset looked as the image of her human self laid down in the Canterlot High library. Her tears dripping onto the carpet. Alone. Lost.

“You are beautiful. You are worthy. You are loved.”

Sunset was back in the bathroom, holding Derpy. She lost track of how long she had been there and how many times she had repeated herself. She felt something wet run down her chin. Her own tears were flowing like a waterfall down her face. She felt a soft hand place a paper towel on her cheek. Derpy rubbed the tracks of Sunset’s tears, drying them up and down her face.

“Don’t cry, Sunset.” Derpy’s eyes were still red from her own tears. Sunset put her hand on top of Derpy’s as she wiped Sunset’s face. Derpy released her grip, letting Sunset have the towel. She took it and blew her nose with it.

“Don’t worry about me.” Sunset wadded the towel and chucked it towards the trash can. It was a clean shot that landed in the can. “Are you ok?”

Derpy nodded.

“Thank you Sunset.” She placed her hand on Sunset’s knee. Both girls were still sitting on the floor. Feeling a bit ridiculous, Sunset decided to stand up. She offered her hand to Derpy who accepted and Sunset helped her to her feet.

“I’m sorry about this.” Derpy clutched her hands in front of her.

“Sorry about what?” Sunset looked confused.

“Well, it sounds like you got in trouble because of me. I heard Principal Celestia yelling and then you started crying too. I…” Derpy paused as Sunset grabbed her hand again.

“It’s nothing.” Sunset said.

“It didn’t sound like nothing.”

“It was worth it for a friend.” Sunset squeezed her hand and smiled.

“Thank you Sunset.” Derpy blushed and looked away.

“Are you sure you’re ok?”

“It’s fine. It happens occasionally.” Derpy said, resigned.

“Not anymore it doesn’t.” Sunset tapped her thumb against her leather jacket. “No one’s gonna talk to you like that on my watch.”

“What about Celestia?” Derpy looked nervous.

“I’m sure she’ll understand once I explain to her what happened.”


“Miss Shimmer, your behavior was unacceptable.” Celestia sat up in her desk chair shaking her head at Sunset.

“But he was threatening and berating her.” Sunset threw up her hands in frustration. “He called her-” Celestia interrupted her.

“It doesn’t matter what he said, violence is not allowed in my halls. Under any circumstances.”

“Sometimes you have to fight for those who can’t stand up for themselves.” Sunset folded her arms in front of her chest and looked away.

Celestia let out a long drawn out sigh.

“Sunset, I appreciate that you were trying to protect Miss Hooves. I really do.” She rubbed her temples with her index fingers. “But once things get violent, that’s where I draw the line. And I need you to draw that same line.”

“I…” Sunset didn’t like the idea of promising to never fight under any circumstances. What if he had gotten physical first? What if one of her friends was literally attacked? Was she supposed to just watch and beg? “I promise I won’t get violent.” Sunset looked at the floor, not believing her own promise.

“Thank you, Sunset.” Celestia smiled and drew Sunset’s attention back to the Principal. She smiled back. “You’re suspended for one week.”

Sunset’s smile vanished.


“You threw another student into the lockers.” Celestia scowled. “Legally that’s battery. Our anti-bullying policy requires a minimum suspension of a week.”

He was bullying her!” Sunset’s face grew red again and her voice got louder.

“I’m well aware of the context of the situation.” Celestia raised her voice as well. “And I believe you that he was the aggressor, at first. But those are the rules.”

“It’s not fair.” Sunset slumped back in her chair, her anger simmering under the surface of her skin.

“You’re right, it’s not fair.” Celestia admitted to Sunset’s surprise. “But I need you to hold yourself to a higher standard. If someone insults you or your friends, I expect you to be the bigger person. Is that understood?”

“Yes ma’am.” Sunset mumbled as a terrible thought crossed her mind. “Wait, the Friendship Games are in one week!” Sunset panicked as her breaths quickened.

“Then it sounds like you’ll be back at school just in time.” Celestia said casually.

“But how am I supposed to practice with the team?” Sunset blushed suddenly. “If you even still want me on the team.” She said much quieter.

“Well you should have thought of that before you attacked a fellow student.”

Sunset pursed her lips.

“What punishment is he getting?”

Celestia paused for a moment.

“A week’s worth of detention.”

“I get suspended and he gets detention?” Sunset started shouting again.

“You got violent and he didn’t.” Celestia’s words were final. “That’s how consequences work.”

Sunset was silent for a long time. Celestia allowed her some time to process her lecture.

“So how does the suspension work?” Sunset asked.

“You cannot be on campus for one week…”

Sunset cut in. “But my dorm room is my only…”

Celestia cut back in. “With the exception of your housing, if you would let me finish. I’m not going to leave you on the street, Miss Shimmer.”

“Oh… right.” Sunset looked embarrassed. “May I be dismissed?”

“Yes, you’re free to go.” Celestia nodded. “We’ll see you in one week, Miss Shimmer.”

Sunset got up to walk to the office door.

“Get some rest, Sunset.” Celestia’s voice sounded much softer. “Clear your head. Go into town and explore. Really get out there and see what this world has to offer. Maybe this week will do you some good in that regard.” She finally smiled again.

“Thanks.” Sunset smiled back. She felt her breaking heart mend back together a little bit. She hadn’t lost this Celestia. Not yet. Never again.

Sunset stopped right as she got to the door.

“Can I please use the library at least?” Sunset begged.

“No.” Celestia said harshly before lightening up again. “There’s a big library in the city. You should go check it out.”

Sunset’s eyes lit up at the suggestion.

“Ok, I understand.” She walked out the door but immediately leaned her head back inside. “Can I still go look at the Friendship Games roster posting?”

“Yes, Sunset. The suspension starts tomorrow.” Celestia nodded.

“Oh ok.” Sunset thought for a second. “When are you going to post…”

“In the next few minutes.” Celestia answered the question before she could ask. “I realize everyone is waiting for my final cuts.”

“Yeah there’s a crowd over here.” Sunset finally left Celestia alone in her office, closing the door behind her.


A crowd of students stood shoulder to shoulder in the main hall of Canterlot High. All eyes were glued to the push pin bulletin board next to the front entrance to the atrium. Atop the board was a banner that read: “Friendship Games Final Roster.” However, beneath it was an empty spot waiting for the list to be hung up.

Sunset wiggled her way into the mess of students. The mass of bodies reminded her of Flash’s rock concert.

“Hey Sunset.” Flash called to her from just a few bodies over. Sunset waved back to him and tried to squeeze her way over to him.

“Excuse me.” She said as she tiptoed sideways past people in the crowd. Flash did the same and in a moment they were next to each other. Flash instinctively reached to grab Sunset’s hand but bailed out at the last moment and rubbed the back of his neck instead.

“I heard you got sent to the principal’s office.” Flash said, clearing his throat. “What was that about?”

“I got suspended.” Sunset said, looking at the floor.

“What?” Flash’s jaw dropped. “Why?”

“I shoved some prick who made fun of Derpy’s eyes into the lockers and threatened to kick his butt if he made fun of her again.” Sunset bluntly admitted.

“Oh!” Flash’s eyes went wide. He looked concerned if not a little impressed. “Who was it? Who was making fun of her?” Flash’s eyebrows furrowed. A tinge of anger sinking into his voice.

“I’m not sure.” Sunset racked her memory. “He seemed familiar, like, other than seeing him here at the school. I feel like I saw him somewhere else too.”

“What did he look like?” Flash tried to hide the fist he was balling by his side.

“He had like green swoopy hair and a ripped jeans jacket.”

Flash Sentry's eyes went cold. He stared so intensely it made Sunset nervous.

“That’s Rush Riot.” Flash gritted his teeth. “My old band’s drummer.”

“Oh that’s why he looked familiar!” Sunset tapped her forehead with her palm. “I saw him at the show when I first, erm…” She watched as Flash raised an eyebrow. “Got here.”

“Gotcha.” Flash nodded knowingly. “I’m surprised you didn’t recognize him right away.”

“I’ll be honest, Flash.” Sunset's cheeks reddened just a bit. “I was mostly focused on watching you the whole concert.”

“Oh… right.” Flash grinned like a goofball, rubbing the back of his neck again. “I’m glad you think I’m… I mean… thanks for the compliment?” He shrugged his shoulders with a nervous laugh.

“Flash.” Sunset narrowed her eyes at him. “I want you to repeat after me.”

“Heh, ok sure. Don’t make me say something bad though.”

The side of Sunset’s mouth curled into a wicked grin.

“I’m Flash Sentry and I’m hot stuff.” She pointed her thumb at her jacket.

“I’m Flash Sentry and I’m… hot stuff.” He repeated hesitantly, giggling at the end. “Oh my God that sounds so cringe to say.” He glanced around and saw a few wry looks from his fellow students who heard his boasting.

“It’s not cringe ‘cause it’s true.” Sunset slipped her hand into Flash Sentry’s. Their fingers linked together. Flash smiled at her warmly with a tinge of red on his cheeks.

“I wish I was there to get suspended right alongside of you.” Flash stared forward, past the front of the crowd, at the empty bulletin board. Celestia was walking towards the crowd causing everyone to chat with each other louder as she got closer.

“That jerk had it coming.” Flash leaned over so that only Sunset could hear him. The increasing murmuring of the crowd helped hide their conversation.

Sunset knew she shouldn’t encourage violent thoughts. Celestia would certainly not approve. Yet she couldn’t help but grin deviously back at Flash in agreement. The crowd parted, making way for Celestia to walk up to the board. She stuck a push pin in each corner of the list, letting the results display in front of everyone.

“I think we have a solid team this year, everyone.” Celestia smiled as she addressed her students. “I’m looking forward to seeing all of your talent and skills on display. Now, if you didn’t make the list, it doesn’t mean that you’re not talented or special. I had to make very difficult strategic decisions that I felt gave us the best chance of winning. There are many incredible young people at this school whose names did not make the list this year. I’m so proud of you all. The final cuts I had to make hurt me at my core. I wish I could let you all show your stuff at the Games. We have so much to offer here at Canterlot High. And that’s why we're going to win!” Celestia held her fist in the air as she shouted her final sentence. The student body erupted into cheers at her moving spontaneous speech. Celestia quietly excused herself as the students rushed forward to read the list.

Slowly, the pair got closer to the bulletin board. “I’m so nervous, I can’t look.” Flash turned his head away from Sunset, still holding her hand in his. “I know I didn’t make the team.”

“You don’t know that.” Sunset shook her head. “Heck I might have been taken off the list because of my suspension. Let’s go look together.”

Flash nodded in agreement. The duo stepped forward together to look at the final list. Many students were grunting in frustration, disappointed that they didn’t make it. The fallen stepped away one after another. As the crowd thinned, Sunset noticed that everyone from the spirit club was standing near her and Flash. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Rocket to her right. She stared intently at the short list of only twelve names. Instantly she saw her name and then Flash’s as well.

“We made it!” Sunset looked gleefully at Flash who sighed, more relieved than happy. Sunset’s eyes scanned the list. Tempest, Rocket, Derpy, and Minuette were all there. The full squad was finally coming together. At this point, the crowd had dwindled so much, it was mostly just official Friendship Games team members standing in front of the list.


While Sunset, Tempest, and the other members of the spirit squad were high fiving and congratulating each other, Fancy Pants stood alone directly in front of the board. He stood tall with his hands in his pockets. His elegant attire and stature as pristine and refined as always. He truly was one of the finest talents Canterlot High had to offer.

But his name wasn’t on the list.

One by one the realization hit each member of the spirit squad. Their ranks went quiet until there was a deafeningly awkward silence in the grand atrium.

“Fancy Pants…” Tempest spoke up first. She walked behind him, placing her hand on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be.” Fancy Pants stood tall. A soft smile curling on his lips. “You heard Principal Celestia. We’re overflowing with talent this year. It was inevitable that someone would be left out.”

“But we’ve been on the team together every year.” Tempest looked dejected, despite the fact that Fancy Pants was the one who didn’t make the list.

“It’s not right.” Minuette shook her head. “Our Senior squad members are broken up. It’s not fair.” She walked to the other side of Fancy. Her and Tempest were now flanking him. “What is Celestia thinking?”

“Trust in the process.” Fancy Pants said directly to Minuette. “Trust in Celestia. If these are the names she chose then this is the strongest possible showing Canterlot can have. I care more about winning than participating.” His fellow seniors fell silent. They each rubbed one of his shoulders, showing their silent support and solidarity. “Besides, you’ll need at least one spirit club member to hype up the audience. I’ll have the perfect outfit for it too.”

“We’re gonna win for you, Fancy Pants.” Sunset spoke and Fancy turned to face her. “We’ll get you that win, I promise.”

“I know.” Fancy smiled back at her. His face was smiling, but his eyes were full of sadness. Rocket nodded in agreement, but stayed silent. He was a junior himself and had seen Fancy Pant’s talents on display in the previous two Friendship Games.

“Bring it in?” Fancy pants forced his smile wider and placed his hand out. All the members of the spirit club offered their hands as well. They were soon followed by Rocket and the rest of the Friendship Games roster. All thirteen of them stood in a group huddle.

“For Fancy Pants.” Tempest said, pumping her free fist in the air. Everyone nodded in response. “3, 2, 1…” Tempest led off.

“For Fancy Pants!” The group shouted and the sound traveled up into the school rafters echoing in the halls for a moment.


Author's Note:

And that's the end of book 2! :derpytongue2:

Friendship Games start in book 3. See y'all at the Games :ajsmug:

Comments ( 6 )

Yeah typical bs punishment. Schools.just don't get pacifism doesn't solve a thing.

“Oops.” Celestia held her fork hand over her partially full mouth. She swallowed her latest bite before continuing. “I’m not supposed to reveal results like that.” She winked at Derpy and casually strolled to the door of the Home Ec room.

Still a possible sign she might've made it. :ajsmug:

“S-so what if I did?” he gritted his teeth at Sunset. “But there’s no way she’s gonna be on the team. And if she is, she'll just mess it up cause she’s probably retar-” Before he could finish, Derpy cried out and ran into the bathroom, out of sight. The sound of her sobbing following her all the way.

Now he's done it! :twilightangry2:

“Sunset Shimmer!” A familiar voice yelled from across the hall. Sunset knew that voice well. It was Celestia. She hadn’t heard her that angry since she was banished from Equestria. Sunset lost her grip and the green haired kid dropped to the ground. He barely managed to catch himself and not fall over. “What do you think you’re doing getting into fights?”

Oh shit! :twilightoops:

Silence echoed and then more sobbing. Celestia’s eyes glanced over at the bathroom entrance. Hey gaze softening hearing Derpy’s cries.

Her gaze*

“Thank you, Sunset.” Celestia smiled and drew Sunset’s attention back to the Principal. She smiled back. “You’re suspended for one week.”


“You got violent and he didn’t.” Celestia’s words were final. “That’s how consequences work.”

Can't argue there. :ajsleepy:

“Hey Sunset.” Flash called to her from just a few bodies over. Sunset waved back to her and tried to squeeze her way over to him.

waved back to him*

Flash nodded in agreement. The duo stepped forward together to look at the final list. Many students were grunting in frustration, disappointed that they didn’t make it. The fallen stepped away one after another. As the crowd thinned, Sunset noticed that everyone from the spirit club was standing near her and Flash. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Rocket to her right. She stared intently at the short list of only twelve names. Instantly she saw her name and then Flash’s as well.

Who's rocket again? I might have forgotten whoever he or she is... :applejackconfused:

“Trust in the process.” Fancy Pants said directly to Minuette. “Trust in Celestia. If these are the names she chose then this is the strongest possible showing Canterlot can have. I care more about winning than participating.” His fellow seniors fell silent. They each rubbed one of his shoulders, showing their silent support and solidarity. “Besides, you’ll need at least one spirit club member to hype up the audience. I’ll have the perfect outfit for it too.”

Always think on the brighter side! :scootangel:

I can't believe my editor and I missed two glaring mistakes like that...

Thank you for the catch :derpytongue2:

Rocket is the red haired track junior from chapter 2 and 3 of book 2. Full name Saturn Drive.

Ah thx, must've forgot about him or something.

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