• Published 24th Aug 2021
  • 4,951 Views, 280 Comments

Anon-A-Miss: New Student - vvHunterr

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Enrolling in CanterlotHigh

Logan knocked on the door to the principals office and waited for a response.

"Come in," he heard an elegant voice say. Logan let himself into the office and saw a middle aged woman at the desk. She had light transparent rainbow hair and wore a light brown suit.
"Hi," Logan said. "Name's Logan Pace and I'm new here, and I

was wondering if I could get my schedule," he said.

The woman looked at him and smiled.
"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Logan. I'm Principal Celestia. And I was actually already expecting you." She went reached into her desk and pulled out a sheet of paper.
"Here, this is your schedule of all your classes and seeing you're new here, you can tour the school if you want first." Principal Celestia said.

Logan started to leave the office. "Sound great. Thanks, Principal."

"It's my pleasure," Celestia smiled. Logan left the office and closed the door behind him.

Logan walked out of the office and looked down at his schedule.
Human Anatomy He smiled to himself. It was one of his favorite classes. The next one after that was Pre-Calc. He groaned a little. Math was not his best subject, but at least he had Canterlot History after. He loved learning things in the past. His other classes, they were things like Science, Physics, and one of them was Phys Ed. Feeling satisfied with his schedule, he put it in his pocket and looked up, just in time to see Sunset walking towards him.

"Hey," she said. "I see you got you're schedule. Would you still like me to show you around?"

"Yeah, that would be great," Logan said.

"Alright, come on. I'll give you a tour." Sunset said gesturing him.

"And this is where the gym is." Sunset said as she was giving Logan a tour.

"Wow," he gasped. "You know, this reminds me when me and my friends back where I came from, we used to go to the local gym and shoot a few hoops." His smiled started to fade as he said. "I do miss them alot. Hell, I even miss my old school. I made quite a few friends there."

"Aw, well I'm sure you can make alot of friends here," Sunset reasured him. Definitley more friends than me, that is. They left the gym and walked down the hallways. Suddenly the bell rang and the hallway was crowded with students. Logan then noticed that they turned thier heads in his and Sunset's direction. They were giving off jeers and dirty looks.

"Um, Sunset. Am I doing something wrong?" he asked. He was getting a bit uncomfortable with what looked like people giving him death stares."

"No, no. They're probably just nervous about you being a new student," Sunset quickly lied, but she knew the truth. it's not him, it's me. The thought sent a shiver down her spine. Sunset and Logan quickly moved down the hallway.

"This is where the library is at," Sunset said. Logan looked around in amazement.

"Damn, this is even bigger than at my old school." He said. By the way, is there any sports clubs I can join? I really like soccer."

"Oh yes! We do have a sports club! We have almost all clubs you can think of." Sunset replied.
Logan laughed a little. Sunset then showed him the rest of the school. Logan thanked her and went to his first class. He approached the door and took a look at his schedule to be sure. He opened it in let himself in.

"Hi," Logan said to the teacher. He wore a brown blazer jacket, red pants. He was gray skinned and had white hair.
"Is this Human Anatomy? I'm new here."

"Well greetings to you," the teacher smiled at him. "I'm Mr. Discord. I teach Human Anatomy. We were just about to start our lesson."

Discord turned to the class. "Everyone, this is...um"

"Logan Pace." Logan said.

"This is Logan, and I want you all to make him feel welcome here." Logan waved and so did the class. He settled himself at an empty desk and took out his notebook. Discord then started to teach them on them about the skeletal system.

The rest of Logan's classes went more or like Human Anatomy. He then heard his stomach growl and as if on cue, the lunch bell rang. Logan went into the cafeteria and got in line. He picked up a lunch tray and looked at all the different food options. These look better than my the one's at my old school, he thought. He got a few pizza slices and a fruit bowl and orange juice. Then he saw the cash register and realized he had to pay for this. He began to get a bit worried because he didn't have any cash on him and he didn't pack his own lunch. He approached the cash register and the lady. He hoped his mother had put in some cash in his account. But the lunch lady told him he didn't have any. Just then he saw Sunset walk over.

"Oh hey, Sunset," he said. Sunset smiled at him. "Don't worry, I got you covered," she said as she reached in her pocket and handed him a twenty dollar bill. Logan looked at Sunset gratefully.
"Thank you, so much. Remind me to pay you back later." Sunset giggled. "No need, please don't."

"AHA!" Said a voice making both Logan and Sunset jump. A girl with rainbow hair, blue jacket and dark bye jeans stormed up towards them.
"So not only do you steal people's secrets, you also steal thier money too!"

"No, that's not what happened," Logan began to say but was cut off. By another girl. She was orange skinned, wore a white collard with green on the shoulder shirt, and a blue skirt. "It's ok, partner, you don't have to lie." she said.

"Rainbow, Applejack, it's not what it looks like!" Sunset said.

"Quiet!" Rainbow snapped.

"It's true," Logan said. "She gave me this twenty." Applejack looked at Logan.

"Listen, I know you're new here but if there's one person you need to avoid. It's her!" she said pointing at Sunset who once again pleaded her innocence.

"I don't how many times I have to tell you it wasn't-"

"What do you not understand about being quiet?!" Rainbow snapped again. Sunset whimpered a little.

Logan sighed.
"Ok this is getting a bit retarded." he said flatly. "If Sunset here really wanted to steal my money, she would have done it in an empty hallway where no one could see her. Why would she want to do it here where everyone can see?" Rainbow and Applejack were lost for words.

"Listen, uhh what's you name?" Rainbow asked.

"Logan. Logan Pace." he answered.

"Ok, Logan. Listen, we're only trying to help. You don't have to lie. We got your back if this lying bitch tries to steal your secrets!" Rainbow growled while looking at, Sunset. "Isn't that right, Sunslut Shimmer?!"

Logan shook his head. "I'm so sorry but I just can't believe she would do something this awful. She was really friendly and gave me a tour." He tried to justify.

"Sugarcube, that's exactly what she does," Applejack said softly. "She makes you feel comfortable and pretends to be your friend...then she stabs you in the back just like she did to all of us!" she suddenly shouted.

"And you will never make another friend again," Rainbow said to Sunset with so much venom. That did it. Sunset ran out the cafeteria crying. What disturbed Logan the most was what appeared to be other students cheering and laughing gleefully at Sunset's sobbing.

"Sunset, wait!" he started to go after her but was held back by a super strong force. It was Applejack.

"Don't bother going after her," Rainbow said. "She's just trying to make you feel bad for her considering your new here and she's going to take full advantage of you."

"Trust me, you'll soon realize we're right." Applejack said as she let go.

"By the way, wanna be friends?" Rainbow asked. Logan wanted to punch her in the face so badly but decided to compose himself.

"You can sit with us and our friends," Applejack added. "And unlike that lying bitch, we can be actual friends."

Logan looked at the two girls disgusted. "You know, you really shouldn't jump to conclusions, and after seeing what you did. I think I'd rather be alone."

He angrily but calmly walked away to comfort Sunset.
"I guess he'll have to learn the hard way," Rainbow said sadly.