• Published 15th Aug 2021
  • 3,635 Views, 153 Comments

That One Time: Two Princesses Enjoyed Their Harem Honeymoon - TheCrimsonDM

Celestia and Luna married the mane six, now they have a harem and a honeymoon to deal with. In all honesty, happily ever after isn't all it's cracked up to be. At least there'll be room for orgies.

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Chapter Eleven: Of Tense Backs and Cold Baths

Chapter Eleven: Of Tense Backs and Cold Baths

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Swimming had been fun, but it wasn’t going to last forever. Twilight and the others dried off before finally returning back downstairs. At this point she hoped that nopony would question her about what she was doing up there. It was already embarrassing enough that Fluttershy intruded and then joined in, to think that the others might have even an inkling as to what she'd just done was worse.

Of course Fluttershy was keeping her distance now. It was just a few feet but it felt like miles of distance. It was clear that Fluttershy felt horrible about the incident in the pool, and Twilight didn't hold any ill will toward her for it. Fluttershy was finally being playful with her, and then it backfired. She wondered how much longer she'd have to wait to see that side of Fluttershy a second time? Too long she feared. If there was anything she could do now to make Fluttershy feel better she would, but unfortunately it wasn't going to be that simple.

Nothing was ever that simple.

They exited down onto the second floor of the Bluebird Manor and the first thing that Twilight noticed were all the eyes on them. It was like everypony in the building was staring directly at them, and she wasn't quite sure how to deal with that. Still she needed a proper bath after the pool, and before she could get there Celestia had to speak up.

"Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. Did the three of you go swimming in the pool without showering first?"

Twilight looked over at her. "Oh, um, well I suppose we did. We were clean though so it shouldn't be-"

Celestia cut her off. "Clean? Twilight Sparkle, having ludicrous amounts of intercourse with these two does not make you clean. Please try and refrain from hopping into the pool after having sex again in the future, thank you."

There were a series of giggles at Twilight's scolding. Well so much for the whole plan of not letting the others know. She got into the bathroom, and Rainbow Dash followed her. Fluttershy seemed to hang back. Twilight looked at her. "Come on, we might as well all bathe at the same time."

Fluttershy pawed at the floor. "I'll um, g-get the next one."

Twilight wasn't going to force Fluttershy to bathe with her or anything weird like that. So she closed the door and started the tub. Well today was going to be an awkward mess all around now wasn’t it?


Rarity had to admit, she felt a little bad for Twilight. Not only did Twilight actually think that her attempt to jump into the pool would hide the fact that she just got out of a threesome with the other two, but she then had to be scolded in front of everypony for it too. Even Rarity had struggled with suppressing a giggle at Twilight and the face she made when she realized everypony knew exactly what she'd just done.

She wondered if she should make it up to Twilight somehow. She wasn't really sure how to do that, but she wondered about it. There was one problem though. One that even Rarity couldn't miss. Something had happened between Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. Something that was pulling Fluttershy away from them. Wouldn't the sex have brought them all closer? It sure brought Rarity closer to Fluttershy when that had happened, so why wasn't it working now?

She was determined to get to the bottom of this mystery and then to fix it. After all, what kind of loving wife would she be, if she didn't fix these kinds of issues before they became real problems? A very poor wife indeed. Well, okay she was rich now, they all were, so she couldn't be poor, but she'd still feel pathetic.

Well with Fluttershy just standing awkwardly in front of the bathroom door, she figured there was no better time than the present. She got up from her seat on the couch and walked over to join Fluttershy. Once there she took a seat by the mare. Now that she was this close she saw the tense muscles in Fluttershy’s body. The mare was stressed out, and could really use a nice tender massage by Aloe and Lotus, but those two were so far away. Rarity would have to take up the reins and fix this mess.

"How are you doing Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy glanced at her. "O-oh, um, I'm f-fine."

"Darling, you are about as fine as I am a stallion. Now tell me, what happened?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "I'm fine."

"No matter how much conviction you use, I won't believe you."

Fluttershy shut her lips after that. Seemed direct questioning would get nowhere here. Fluttershy was shutting down and hard. So that left only one real option to break her out of it. Rarity's horn lit up and she began gently pulling Fluttershy toward the bed. "Come now, if you won't talk, at least let me help you feel better."

Once at the bed, Rarity helped lift Fluttershy up and put her face down onto the bed. She had forgotten just how well shaped Fluttershy' rear was. She would feel bad about enjoying this if it wasn't for the fact they were already married. Rarity climbed up onto the bed and positioned herself behind Fluttershy. Fluttershy made a tiny noise but otherwise didn't protest, and Rarity enjoyed that as her hooves reached out and began stroking up and down Fluttershy's back. Her entire back and both of her wings were utterly tense.

Applejack spoke up from nearby. "Um, Rares, what are you doing?"

"Oh hush, Applejack. It's not my fault we all have a giant open room for our bed chambers."

Applejack's eyes widened. "That's, that's a good argument, but what are you doing?"

Rarity offered her a smile. "Giving Fluttershy a way to relax."

Rarity's hooves began to dig into the soft, but tense muscles at Fluttershy's shoulders. It was going to be hard work, but she was determined to see it through. After all, who else would be diligent enough to make Fluttershy feel better through a loving massage?

Applejack watched with some interest for a few minutes. Rarity was well aware that the others were watching her as well, but she paid them no heed. This was a moment for rarity and Fluttershy, the others could come and go as they pleased. Rarity of course was no slouch. She was going to dedicate herself to Fluttershy’s needs and go as far as Fluttershy needed. Slowly she worked through those muscles, making each tense muscle melt under her hooves, and occasionally making Fluttershy moan with the effort. Working on the wings was perhaps the most challenging part as she had to first stretch them out and with how stiff they were that was easier said than done.

Of course a lady like Rarity had her ways. Mostly through brute force of magic, but she had her ways. Once she had laid Fluttershy's wings out, she got swiftly to work massaging each one individually. The small noises, the moans, and the way that Fluttershy would writhe beneath her from the loving massage were almost enough to drive Rarity crazy herself. There was a very real part of her that wanted to forget why she was here and just take Fluttershy then and there, and Fluttershy would probably love it.

She kept her composer, making sure that once this one was done, she could go up and enjoy the Jacuzzi all by herself. Those hot jets were going to feel good against certain parts of her anatomy after this.


Twilight sat in the bathtub, allowing the hot water to soak into her fur and muscles. Rainbow Dash was next to her, holding her by the waist almost as if she was worried that Twilight was going to drown in a bathtub. That also brought to mind the fact that Fluttershy had pulled away from her too. Now she had a few problems and Twilight didn't want to deal with any of them. Couldn't she just do what she always did throughout her life and ignore the problems?

No, not this time. Her problems were spreading out and hurting those she loved and that was where she had to draw the line. Being irresponsible with herself was one thing, being irresponsible with her lovers' hearts was an entirely different one. She would find a way to fix this. She promised herself. She still wanted to clean up first though.

Clean up and not think about the fact that Celestia scolded her in front of everypony. Or the fact that everypony now knew exactly what she, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy had been up to the whole time. There wasn't going to be much in the way of room for secrets in this relationship. Looking over at Rainbow Dash she had to wonder how much Rainbow was hurting inside.

"Hey, champ." Twilight tried to keep her voice soft and warm.

Rainbow Dash offered a weak smile. "Sup, Twily."

"Rainbow Dash, you okay? I know I scared you. I'm sorry."

Rainbow Dash's lip quivered for a brief moment. There was a real weakness in her eyes, one that Twilight had so rarely seen before. A deep hurt that took Twilight's heart and crushed it into a messy red paste. "I'm good."

"No, you're not. It's my fault and I'm sorry. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, anything at all, I will."

Rainbow Dash looked at her. "It's okay, I promise. I'm cool, you're cool, Fluttershy's..." Rainbow Dash cringed and quickly hid her face away into Twilight's neck.

Twilight knew that Rainbow Dash wasn't good with letting her emotions out, or talking about them, or even facing them. Still it wasn't healthy to do that. Twilight stroked Rainbow Dash's side and spoke carefully. "It's okay, love. You can talk to me."

"I can't believe I yelled at her. Me? At Fluttershy. I never do that. I never fight with her. Am I evil?"

Ah, so there it was. Something Twilight could relate too very well. "It's not just your fault. I'm at fault too."

"How could you be? It's not your fault you can't swim."

"I could always try and learn again, sure the water scares me, but if I just kept trying to learn to swim, maybe I wouldn't be causing problems for you two."

Rainbow Dash squeezed herself tighter to Twilight. "I guess we all screwed up then."

"I guess so... but that doesn't mean we can't fix it. We just need to try."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "I'd like to fix it. I don't want Fluttershy to hate me, or, or even worse, to be scared of me."

Twilight nodded. She knew a friendship problem when she saw one. That was the one field in which she was skilled in. "We'll fix this. I promise."

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