• Published 18th Aug 2021
  • 2,379 Views, 71 Comments

A New Generation, and an old mare - Paradise Oasis

Applejack's jaded view on the newest pony generation

  • ...

A Sunny Day

"Whoa... I cain't believe the earth ponies of this town would stoop to... 'eliminating' other kinds of ponies." Applejack shook her head in disbelief. "I know relations between the three tribes have degenerated in the past few centuries, but things seems to have gotten worse than I could ever have imagined."

"Yes, I was rather shocked by it, myself." Argyle replied, adjusting his glasses. "I know that in past years, each pony community used to send such foals to the tribe they resemble- unicorn babies to Bridlewood, Pegasus newborns to Zephyr Heights, and so on. But I think the xenophobia in the eath pony lands has gotten so intense, that those in power want to eliminate ponies of the other types altogether."

"If that's the case, we've got to get those two foals out of here." AJ pushed her coffee aside. "So, who are these two poor little foals?"

Standing up from the table, Argyle trotted over, and pulled out a photograph, and set it in front of Applejack. She looked down to see two newborn foals wrapped in blankets; a purple and pink unicorn colt with an aqua mane, and a pink Pegasus mare with a pink and green mane.

"The colt's name is Sunrise Song, and the filly's name is Twinkle Bloom."Argyle sighed, sitting back down, and drinking his coffee. "The mother chose to give birth at home with the aid of a midwife mare, and the parents and the mare agreed to keep the Fraternal twin's secret, and they have been hiding them from family and friends under the excuse of them having equine colic since birth."

"Then we'd better get them outta here before them ornery government troublemakers find out about these two youngins'." Applejack noted, finishing her cup of coffee. "The best plan would be ta run mah stand fer the normal two weeks, then quietly pack em' up an' take with me when I leave."

"That would be the best decision, as it will be easier to not arouse suspicion that way." Argyle agreed, cleaning up their coffee cups, and taking them to wash in the sink. "Just stay here with Sunny and I, and act like nothing has happened."

"Ya'll better do a good job of keeping them hidden, Argyle. And I'll just pur-tend I'm not trying to save to foals lives" AJ sighed, trotting over to the window, and lifting the curtain with her hoof to look out at the town. "This is going to be quite an interesting two weeks."


As the day wore on, the earth ponies of Maretime bay went about their business. Mares and Stallions typed away on their hoof computers in their office cubicles, pony landscapers worked on lawns with their trimming tools in mouth, and window washer equines scrubbed all of the dead bugs and filth off with their wipers. Everypony was annoyed and grouchy about the overly long work day, unhappy they were only halfway through...

....until afternoon break time came, and Sunny zooming through town on her roller skates, pulling her delicious smoothies along in a freezer trailer behind her. She stopped at stores and office buildings all along her route, doling out her frozen treats to anypony who would buy, turning the grumpy frowns of her customers into smiles as delicious drinks helped them through their dreary day.

"Here's your order, Miss Whinnymane." Sunny passed a bag containing two drinks to the secretary with her mouth. "Have a nice day!"

"Thank you, Sunny!" The office mare replied, tossing her a coin. "See you tomorrow!"

As she skated along and delivered the smoothies, Sunny was happy to hear the grateful thanks from many of her customers. But the mutterings and grumblings of other ponies also reached her ears, including many unkind words from those who did not truly understand her.

"Stupid filly, when is she going to stop with all that harmony bearer nonsense, and grow up?"

"She thinks we can live in peace with the Pegasus and unicorns? What a dreamer!"

"If she loves other pony types so much, why doesn't she leave here, and go live with them?"

Even though she pretended not to hear, their cruel words hurt Sunny. Why couldn't they understand, she just didn't think it right that different kinds of ponies for no reason! And she didn't believe all those stupid propaganda films and stories- the horror movie where Pegasus hunted down and ate earth ponies. But so many of her friends family, and neighbors regarded her as a naive little filly. It was so hard, when so many ponies saw her hopes and dreams as a stupid joke.

As Sunny continued skating along her route, she noticed a familiar young stallion step out in front of her path. Bringing her cart to a screeching halt, The mare rolled her eyes in annoyance at the male pony with the sheriff star on his sash.

"Heya, Sunny." He smiled at her, trying to be cool and failing. "Funny meeting you here this time of day."

"Oh, hi Hitch." She replied putting on a fake smile. "No surprise I'm here, this is part of my smoothie route."

As the sheriff learned in close to her, Sunny tried to hide her annoyance. She had known this stallion since kindergarten, and he had been trying to get her attention since he was little; first as a friend in elementary school, then as a boyfriend in high school. He was kind of adorkable, in his own way- his desire to protect and help other ponies was strong, it was why he had become the town sheriff. But Hitch was far too serious for her tastes, and the stallion and her had fallen in and out of friendship over the years. Right now, she just wanted him to get out of his way so she could get back to her job.

"Say, I just happen to get off duty about five today, and you should be done with your smoothie route by then." He motioned towards a local restaurant with his head. "Want to meet at the Rainbow cafe for a hay burger?"

"I don't think so, Hitch, I'm kinda busy today." Sunny shook her head, trying to move around Sunny. "My aunt AJ has stopped by for a visit this week, and dad wants me home early."

"Applejack? The farmer pony? Yeah, I saw her in town this morning." Hitch started to follow her. "Hey, let me walk you home after we're both done, I want to talk to her about buying some of her crop."

"Thanks, sheriff Trailblazer." She smiled back at him, "But I think I'd prefer to skate home by myself tonight."

"Hey, why do you always try to ignore me?" Hitch asked in frustration, turning to face her. "I protect you and every other pony in this town, Miss Starscout!"

"Yeah, like you were protecting me when you threatened to arrest my last boyfriend." She stopped, narrowing her eyes. "You don't even try to hide it, ya know?"

"Yeah, just like you spiked my last girlfriend's smoothie to give her the trots!" Hitch snapped, before turning away in anger. "I don't even know why I waste my time on you!"

"Well, your a waste of time, too!" Sunny snapped back, also turning away. "Good bye!"

The two started off in opposite directions from each other in anger. But as they moved away from each other, a small smile formed on each of their faces, as they looked back over their shoulders at one another.



The two tried to hide their soft smiles from each other, as Sunny skated off with her smoothie cart, and Hitch trotted away on his patrol.


It was past evening, when Sunny finally came skating home, and found Applejack out gazing up at the stars. Taking off her helmet and knee pads, the younger mare when over to join the older mare, in gazing up in wonder.

"They all look so amazing up there, aunt AJ." Sunny said in awe, totting over to sit beside the other pony. "I wonder if the old legends are true, that an alicorn pony named princess Luna fashioned the stars long ago, and raised the moon to bring on a beautiful night."

"Yeah, Sugar Cube, that's true. And we earth ponies once were in tune with the land, and had our own magic to make plants grow." The farm pony replied, not taking her eyes off the stars above. "There was once a time that ponies controlled all of the major workings of this world... now they can't even control themselves."

"I think it's so sad, that we can't get along with the other ponies anymore." Sunny closed her eyes. "You and daddy used to tell me all sorts of stories of old Equestria, aunt Applejack. What happened to that wonderful world where everypony got along?"

Applejack winced at the question, before answering it with another one. "What do the stories say happened to it, sugar cube?"

"There are lots of different legends. Some stories say Princess Twilight Sparkle ruled Equestria for a century in a golden age, before passing the throne to her student, Luster Dawn, who failed to keep friendship alive in Equestria." Sunny looked at the other mare. "Other stories say Twilight was betrayed and killed by another student of hers who went mad, named Starlight Glimmer. The history classes only say that after the alicorns went away, ponies stopped being friends with anypony who was different than them."

"The alicorns had nothin' ta do with the fall of friendship, Sunny." Applejack shook her head. "There are still alicorns alive- Princess Flurryheart's daughter Empress Dazzleglow in the Crystal Empire, Princess Skyla of blissful island... heck, maybe even Cadence is still out there somewhere." AJ looked back up at the stars. "No Sugar cube, it was ponies losing love and kindness for their fellow equines. If the three tribes won't open their hearts to each other, if hatred is more important to a pony than friendship. Well, that;s a problem that not even an alicorn can fix."

"So it's up to individual ponies to restore friendship and harmony." Sunny looked back up at the stars again. "I really wish I could be one of the ponies to do that."

"Who knows, sugar cube." AJ laughed, putting a reassuring hoof on the young mare's shoulder. "Maybe some day, you will."