• Published 4th Feb 2012
  • 5,781 Views, 221 Comments

Leap of Faith: Generosity Vs. Laughter - Wolokai

Pinkie's starting to lose it, and a Generous Dress Mare may be her only hope of salvation!

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Chapter Six - We Are Gathered Here Today...

(Ok...well I've been beating myself in the head too long about this. My mind keeps screaming 'I TOLD YA SO I TOLD YA SO!!!' and quite frankly I have to agree. I honestly should have gone with my gut and chosen to cancel this one along with Muffins, but...I didn't! To all those who have critiqued and commented on this fic concerning its flaws, I SERIOUSLY can't thank you enough for being on the same page with me. I fully agree AND see where you are all coming from...kind of like standing on the edge of the road with the crowd while watching your smoldering car getting pulled up onto the tow truck and talking with them about how badly that sucked. Any...way, I'm gonna go ahead and grab my shotgun...and blow this fic's head off because I think we all agree that this really...really needs to get killed....fast.)


One and a half weeks later...

"Oh come Fluttershy do stay STILL! I can't properly get your mane up into this clip if you keep moving around like this!" growled a frustrated Rarity, trying her best to slip the white-colored butterfly clip into the squeaking pony's mane and trying not to wrinkle her own pink dress. It had been over a week since Rarity had returned to Ponyville with Pinkie Pie, the two of them having just given Gummy a proper burial on the small hill near Froggy Bottom Bog. Every day since then, Rarity would wait patiently for Pinkie Pie to come visit her, and help her through the grieving process. It was difficult for the first few days...but eventually the bright pink color in Pinkie's coat began to creep back, her mane getting poofier and poofier by the hour. The diva was even relieved to see that Pinkie had even started to draw up plans for the wedding reception, a few layers of stress and a few items on her to-do list disappearing.

"Oh but this dress is so itchy, and my nose itches really badly...and...and I have to go to the bathroom really bad!" Fluttershy squeaked, staring down at the flowering white dress that hung from her shaking body. The dress itself was a gorgeous mix of white and lightish teal-green, with three visible layers of fabric hanging from the back and the main stretch of the dress flowing to the ground with the looks of clouds bordering its edge. The front of Fluttershy's dress was clamped together by a large white, ornate butterfly brooch with a pair of tiny wings clipped behind it.

"Fluttershy the dress is made of silk, it can't itch!" seethed Rarity, finally clipping the frustrating clip into the mare's mane, just behind her ear. "There's nothing stopping you from itching your nose, you have hooves you know! Not to mention the fact that you've already had at least twenty bathroom breaks!" She sighed, trotting around her front and giving her a good look over. She smiled as she took a step back, a swelling pride thudding in her heart as she said "There! You're all ready!" Fluttershy nodded, frowning as she struggled to get up out of the stiff chair without damaging the dress. Rarity watched this display with difficulty, grimacing as the mare finally made it out of the chair and onto her hooves. "Well...that was graceful!" She chuckled nervously, staring over the clock on the far wall and getting a rough time estimate as to how long they had left.

Fluttershy noticed this as well and squeaked in fright when she realized that there was only twenty minutes left before she would be walking. "R...Rarity..." she whimpered, her bottom lip quivering "I...I don't know if I can do this..."

Rarity sighed, rolling her eyes slightly as she thought 'Oh pony...here we go...'. She walked closer to Fluttershy as she spoke, a smile forming on her face "Oh come now Fluttershy....you're just nervous. Every bride gets really nervous right before their wedding!"

Fluttershy blinked, looking towards Rarity with uncertainty and whispering "Th...they do?"

"Of course!" Rarity chuckled "Trust me, you're going to be fine! Believe me when I say that Big Macintosh is even more nervous then you are! When I last checked, the poor dear was standing up on stage and shaking so bad it looked like he was coming down with the disco fever."

This brought a giggle out of the timid Pegasus, a smile forming on her face as Rarity took another look at the clock and lit up her horn with magic. A small camera floated over in front of Rarity from a small table nearby, the lens clicking itself open and aiming at Fluttershy. "One for the scrapbook!" the diva shouted, watching as Fluttershy stood up straight and smiled, waiting. The shutter clicked and the flash went off, the back of the camera quickly spitting out the photo that made Rarity squeal with delight. "Oh darling this is just PRECIOUS! This is going to look so wonderful in a frame!

Fluttershy smiled as Rarity rushed up, giving her a big hug and whispering in her ear "You'll do fine dear...just one hoof in front of the other. Keep your eyes focused on Big Macintosh, ok? Nopony else is there but you and him, understand?" The Pegasus nodded, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath as Rarity lowered the white veil over her face and turned to the door. "Keep an eye on the clock dear, you walk in fifteen!" She squealed in delight, trotting towards the door.

"Rarity, wait!" Fluttershy called out, making the unicorn stop suddenly and turn her head in question. "Um...I just wanted to say...thank you...for everything."

Rarity chuckled, waving a hoof dismissively and moving back towards the door as she said "Oh don't even mention it Fluttershy...it was an honor."


"This bow tie itches...how do you wear these infernal things?" a voice spoke out from beside Doctor Whooves, the lightish brown dressed in his best dress shirt and tie.

The Doctor, hearing the colt beside him, sighed and whispered "Oh stop complaining! You should be happy I got one of the special invitations that said I could bring a guest...anything to get you out of Vinyl's house for two seconds is miracle all in its own." Whooves sighed as the grumbles continued next to him, but suddenly smiled as Rarity made her way up the aisle, giving greetings and 'thank yous' to a few ponies sitting near the aisle. He craned his head upwards a bit and spoke as the diva trotted by "Oh Miss Geminavi! Over here!"

The mare stopped, turning her head and smiling as she caught sight of The Doctor. She giggled as she looked at the two empty seats next to him near the aisle and asked jokingly "Third seat from the center aisle, four rows back right?"

The Doctor chuckled and nodded, his eyebrow raising "Remember that do you? I'm surprised you did with all this other wedding business going on! A miracle worker indeed Miss Geminavi!"

The diva blushed slightly, waving a hoof at him and whispering "Oh nonsense, it was the least I could do for my dear Fluttershy. And please....call me Rarity."

"Well then, Rarity" Whooves began, drawing a deeper blush out of the unicorn "I'd like to introduce you to my guest, a colt I'm sure you may be familiar with."

Rarity blinked, craning her head to look around Whooves and towards the dark brown-colored colt sitting to his left. He wore a dress shirt that was a bit...plain, in comparison to The Doctor's, with a matching bow-tie and a small necklace dangling around his neck. Her eyes traveled upwards and she gasped as she caught sight of the brilliant green eyes that stared back at her. She couldn't believe her eyes, stuttering as she tried to keep her cool "Mi...Mister Kurr...I...oh this is such a honor!"

The Pegasus chuckled slightly, looking away nervously and brushing his long brown mane out of his face as he muttered "Likewise Miss Rarity...I can't wait for the wedding to start."

Whooves cleared his throat as the Pegasus sat back in the pew, hiding himself from a star-struck Rarity and muttering "So, how did everything go with dear Pinkie Pie?"

Rarity shook her head rapidly for a moment, as if she were being stirred from a trance. She blinked a few times and finally frowned as The Doctor's question finally registered in her mind. "Well...it's been...slow, but steady. She informs me that the reception is going to be quite the party, so I guess we can assume that she's feeling much better now." The Doctor nodded and smiled as an elderly mare near the front pressed her hooves down on a few keys of an organ, music blaring through the metallic pipes. "Excuse me" She muttered, giving The Doctor a polite bow and quickly moving towards the stage.

She looked up towards the assembly as she trotted closer, making sure everypony was in place. Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie were standing on the left, with their simple, pink dresses flowing out onto the ground. As her eyes flicked to the right, she instantly caught sight of a nervous Big Macintosh, the stallion looking like a wet, frightened kitten left out in a thunder storm. A giggle escaped her lips as she watched Braeburn and Caramel try and play Boulders, Scrolls, Knives' discreetly behind their older cousin. "And last but not least..." she whispered to herself, looking towards the center where a large, white-coated alicorn sat behind a large wooden podium.

Princess Celestia smiled as Rarity trotted up the steps to the stage, her voice reaching the diva's ears even though it was in a hushed whisper "Everything all set?" Rarity nodded, taking her place next to Pinkie Pie and signalling the elderly mare with a quick wave of her hoof. She quickly shared a wink with Pinkie Pie before standing straight, taking in a breath as the ceremony began.

The temple grew quiet as the sounds of the organ blared out from the metallic pipes, the music of the 'Wedding Trot' floating through the air. When the double doors to the temple opened, the crowd turned and gasped in wonder as the mid-afternoon sun gleamed through the entrance and fully illuminated the beautiful form of Fluttershy. Big Macintosh's heart skipped a beat as his fiance' began the slow walk down the aisle, Celestia's warmth and sun guiding her and nuzzling her every step of the way. "That's it...one hoof in front of the other...doing great..." Rarity thought to herself, carefully watching the mare's hoofsteps.

The crowd slowly turned their heads as Fluttershy made her way by, the sun's light shining perfectly through the stained-glass windows above, illuminating her form and her future spot on stage. Finally, the canary-mare slowly made her way up on stage, taking her spot in the sun light and turning to face her future husband. "H...hi" Fluttershy whispered, blushing and looking into his eyes.

"Howdy..." Macintosh whispered back, his own blush barely visible through his red fur.

"Are we ready?" Celestia whispered, a small smile on her face as she looked between the two. After a quick nod from both of them, Celestia held up her front hooves and announced "My beloved subjects, mares and gentle-colts of Ponyville and towns beyond! We are gathered here today to celebrate and formerly announce the joining of these two wonderful ponies, as they take their first steps of true love into the wonderful life of marriage!" She paused for effect, watching as the crowd smiled with glee and stared towards the blushing couple. "It is by my decree and duty as Princess Celestia of Equestria, to unite these two in holy matrimony, and to grace them both with my eternal blessing. Before I can bestow my light, however, I must hear from them the words that shall bind their hearts together, in loving warmth, for as long as they both shall live."

She turned her head towards the timid mare, smiling as she said "Dear Fluttershy, will you take Macintosh of the Apple Family to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold with caring hooves, in sickness and in health? Are you ready to bind yourself and your heart to this stallion, and to proudly proclaim yourself his wife?"

Fluttershy looked deep into Macintosh's eyes, her heart swelling with love and joy as she whispered "I do...and I am."

Celestia smiled and nodded, turning to Big Macintosh and speaking "Dear Macintosh, will you take Fluttershy, Element of Kindness, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold with strong, protective hooves, in sickness and in health? Are you ready to bind yourself and your heart to this wonderful mare, and to proudly proclaim yourself her husband?

It was Macintosh's turn to stare into Fluttershy's eyes as he proclaimed "To answer both of them questions yer highness...ah say 'Eeyup!'

A light laughter could be heard amongst the crowd as Celestia smiled, raising her head and shouting "Then I, Princess Celestia of Equestria, hereby grant to them my eternal blessing, and happily pronounce them, Husband and Wife! Macintosh, you may kiss your bride!" The crowd roared and cheered as Macintosh moved forward, pulling his new wife into a deep kiss and sharing tears of joy with the happily weeping Pegasus.

When the two finally parted, it was Pinkie who lept forward and cheered, shouting loudly "Alright! Let's get to the Afterparty!!!!"


Rarity and Pinkie Pie sighed, the two of them sitting on their haunches in front of the temple and watching the sun beginning to set. The party had ended only a short while ago, with Fluttershy and Macintosh heading home to their cottage near the Everfree Forest. The two sat in silence for a moment, the sun emitting the same reddish glow that it had on that one morning, the morning Macintosh asked for Fluttershy's hoof in marriage, and the day Pinkie Pie knew for sure that Gummy was not going to make it.

It was Pinkie Pie to speak first, her voice low and soft "Hey...Rarity?" The unicorn turned her head towards her, a questioning look on her face as Pinkie went on, a smile etched on her face "Thanks...for everything. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't helped me through Gummy's death..."

At this, Rarity simply shook her head and smiled, hugging her friend close and whispering "Don't mention it dear...that's what friends are for."

The two of them sighed, watching as the sun quietly set behind the mountains, another day and another chapter closing in the land of Equestria.

~*~The E


I stopped typing, my hooves weary and hurt. I glumly stared at the screen as yet another minute ticked by, signaling to me that I should be asleep already. I sighed, shaking my head as Vinyl spoke out from over my shoulder "Um...that's not how you spell 'End'...Wolokai."

I rolled my eyes, hitting the 'Save' and 'Publish' buttons and hopping out of my chair. "Of course not..." I grumbled, pushing my way out of the door. Vinyl followed close behind as I growled "That story doesn't even deserve an ending, it deserves the damn gallows!"

Vinyl's voice followed me to the kitchen and lingered in my ears as I rummaged through the now open fridge for something hard to drink. I really...really didn't want to remember writing this "What do you mean? I thought it was ok..."

I sighed, pulling out a bottle of cider and placing it on the counter with a light 'bang!'. I spoke as I popped the lid off with my teeth, the beverage practically begging me to drink it at this point "Vinyl that was not, 'ok'. That, was garbage. The plot was more or less terrible, the wrong elements were worked into the story which basically turned it into a giant pregnant mood swing, and for Celestia's sake don't even get me started on the wedding...I could practically feel the hate mail pouring through the veins!"

Vinyl glared at me as I took a swig of the Cider, the brown liquid burning my throat and driving me to cough slightly. She spoke as I tried to smack my tongue against the roof of my mouth, trying my best to get the taste out of my mouth. Maybe Cider wasn't such a good idea... "Wolokai nopony's going to send you hate mail...you're overreacting. If this one was really that bad then just make it up to your fans in the next one!"

I shook my head sadly, staring at the Cider bottle a moment before turning and walking towards the patio door. "What next one..." I muttered, pushing myself out the door and into the cool night air before Vinyl could respond. I hopped into one of the small lawn chairs, leaning back until I felt my back hit the soft fabric. I stared up at the stars in sadness, their twinkling and utter majesty not doing anything to alleviate my heart of worry and defeat.

How could I write more after this...? This was horrible! How could anypony come back from a train wreck like this!?

"No..." I whispered, staring up towards the full moon with sadness and pain echoing through my soul "I can't go on with this...I can't write this anymore..." I closed my eyes slowly, deciding that right then and there...that I was done. I should have stopped one story sooner...but no, went on I did. I dared myself like an idiot...and got burned like I expected. That was it...I was done....

Or so I thought...

No...no matter how hard I wanted to deny it...there was still one left...one Leap of Faith left to go. One that I didn't even know about...one that I did not know who it was about. I did not know when it would be coming...I did not have a clue or care in the world. Nothing could have prepared me though...for the day when it happened. The day when everything went wrong...when everything ceased to be.

One more Leap of Faith for a pony...that nopony...not even me...would see coming....
