• Published 9th Sep 2012
  • 14,758 Views, 616 Comments

Flipside - Bed Head

A retelling of the first two episodes in an Alt. Universe. Spike is the pony, Twilight the dragon.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Celestia sat alone in one of the back rooms of Town Hall, simply looking out the window.

The mayor's aide had been incredibly relieved when her chariot finally landed. She'd been ushered inside immediately to discuss the schedule one last time. Time Turner had seemed quite proud of the idea of revealing her from behind a set of stage curtains. Rarity, who was to draw the curtains for the sunrise, had been almost unable to speak in her excitement.

She could only smile and nod. It was a simple presentation, but there was something appealing about it. Celestia felt a pang of regret at not getting to see the townsfolk's faces at the big reveal.

The white alicorn fought back her tears, looking up to the moon once more. She could see four bright stars slowly moving toward the silver disk. The eye of the Mare in the Moon seemed to only brighten in anticipation.

It wouldn't be long now.

As the moon shone down on Ponyville, a somewhat haggard Spike trotted down the road. Twilight rode on his back, seemingly ignorant of her partner's frown. In the distance the deep-blue of the night sky seemed to be lightening. Dawn wasn't far off.

"It was really nice of Pinkie Pie to help like that," Twilight pointed out as she flipped through a note pad. "Thanks to her we've got more interviews than we could possibly use!"

"Yeah," Spike said, rolling his eyes. "But Pinkie's party went for so long everypony almost missed the sunrise."

Spike gestured ahead, to where several ponies could be seen hurrying toward Town Hall. The lights were on inside the wooden tower, and the sounds of chattering could be heard from within. In spite of all that, Spike still kept an even pace with a deep frown on his face.

"Look on the bright side, Prose," Twilight tried to encourage him. "This way we won't need to worry about trying to get an interview with Princess Celestia."

"That's the whole problem, Twi," Spike complained, stopping in his tracks. "Anypony could have gotten the interviews we have now—"

He felt Twilight tapping her foot claws against his back as she cleared her throat. Spike rolled his eyes again with a sigh.

"I could have gotten them if I'd had more than one day," he insisted. "Look, you're the one that said this was a chance to show Ink Blot my stuff. An interview with the princess would have been great for that!"

Spike began walking again, his head down as the sky brightened to the east. He felt his hat being lifted away though, and raised his head just in time for a clawed hand to pat him between the ears.

"Spike," Twilight said as she patted down his mane. "You got so much done in just one day. I'm sure Ink Blot is going to be plenty impressed."

Spike felt his hat settle back down and he gave his assistant a little smile. She beamed in return, wrapping her little arms around him in a hug. In spite of her using his real name, he nuzzled her in return.

"Besides, the party isn't over yet," Twilight continued. "There's still the sun raising to get to. I'm sure the princess will have a few words for the press after that."

Spike nodded before scrunching his brow. Something about the words 'sun raising' rang in his head. He gasped in sudden realization, eyes flying wide open.

"Oh my gosh!" he exclaimed, breaking into a gallop

Twilight barely managed to hold on as Spike ran full-tilt to Town Hall. He skidded to a halt, pitching the unfortunate dragoness to the ground as he looked at his reflection in one of the windows.

"Oooh," Twilight moaned, clutching her head as she got up. "What was that all about?"

Much to her surprise a green glow answered her. Spike was concentrating, his magic aura covering his body. His spiky mane and tail smoothed themselves out, and his coat shimmered as he telekinetically brushed out the day's tangles. As a finishing touch, his hat landed back on his head, tilting itself as he cast his reflection in a nearby window a wink.

"You're absolutely right, Twi," he said, rustling her spines playfully. "There's plenty to look forward to after the sunrise!"

"That's the spirit!" Twi cheered, ignoring her minor headache.

"Namely my date with Rarity," he said, spinning toward the door. "Thanks for reminding me!"

A dreamy look on his face and his spirits much higher, Spike trotted right into Town Hall. Twilight stood in silence for a moment at her partner's sudden mood swing. Finally, her clawed hand smacked into her face and she plodded after him.

Rarity had done a good job on the decorations, that much was easy to see. Glittering streamers and elaborate banners hung from the walls and ceiling, all of them muted shades of blue. Spike almost felt like he was standing amidst the dark sky above, with dawn approaching. Ponies of every hue and tribe filled the room with laughter and talk, and Spike found himself picking a few out of the crowd.

He could see Thunderlane and Rumble near one of the buffet tables. The younger colt was laughing with Apple Bloom while his brother chatted with Applejack. Big Mac watched the pair of foals with a silent smile on his face.

His quill already moving again, Spike made notes of the party-goers. Cheerilee was surrounded by her students. Based on the broad sweeps of her hooves she seemed to be telling a story... or possibly was trying to swat a fly. Spike chuckled to himself as he jotted both down.

His gaze turned up, and stopped. Rarity was up on a balcony overlooking the main floor. Spike's lids drooped as his dopey smile returned. She was talking to Time Turner, her coat sparkling in the moonlight shining through the windows. He barely registered Time Turner walking through the curtain they were standing in front of as she turned to look down at—

"Hi Mr. Prose!"

Spike's vision was suddenly filled with a smiling, gray face and yellow eyes. He jumped back, nearly crashing into Twilight behind him. Ditzy just giggled as Spike managed to keep his balance on his hind legs just long enough get back on all fours.

"Are you having fun?" Ditzy asked as she carefully balanced a plate of muffins on her back. "Ooh, I'll bet you got a ton of interviews! Especially at that party Pinkie threw for you..."

Ditzy kept chattering away, not noticing as Spike's attention slipped. His eyes floated about the room, spotting a pair of pure-white pegasi in golden armor. His pen scratched out some notes about the guards as the door they stood in front of opened.

Spike raised an eyebrow as Time Turner walked out, his brow furrowed in confusion. He spoke to the guards, both of whom looked skeptical. The earth pony merely shrugged in response to their stares...

The unicorn felt his eyes nearly bulge from their sockets as the pair of soldiers followed Time Turner away from the door.

"Hey, are you alright?" Ditzy's voice broke through to Spike at last.

"Prose?" Twilight hopped onto his back and prodded him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing's wrong," he managed to say, looking from the door to Ditzy. "Hey, Ditzy Doo? I don't suppose you know where that door goes?"

The gray mare's drifting eyes managed to focus on the door in question as her muzzle scrunched in thought. A smile broke out as she nodded.

"Oh sure!" she cheered. "That goes to the backstage for when we have plays and stuff in here."

"Prose..." Twilight suddenly sounded worried as the stallion smiled.

"You don't say?" he asked, quill and paper sparking with a fresh 'Come-to-Life' enchantment.

"Yup, pretty sure at least," Ditzy confirmed as she flapped her wings. "Well, I'd better get these muffins to Dinky before she wonders where I am. Enjoy the sunrise!"

"Oh I plan to," Spike assured her as she floated above the crowd and flew off.

The second Ditzy was gone, Spike trotted toward the door. Twilight's ear pinch didn't even phase him as his magic grabbed the handle.

"What do you think you're doing?" Twilight whispered harshly. "Princess Celestia is probably back there!"

"Exactly," Spike pointed out as he opened the door a crack and peeked in. "The guards left, Twilight. This is a great chance!"

"To do what?" Twilight admonished, still not releasing his ear. "Get into huge trouble for disturbing her? It's only a couple of minutes until sunrise!"

Spike took a step back and sighed in frustration.

"Twilight, just think about how that interview would look!" he pleaded, turning to catch her eye. "If we hurry I can at least get my hoof in the door..."

His lower lip quivered a bit, his eyes wide and shining. Twilight bit down on her lip, then slowly released his ear.

The sound of birdsong began to fill the room, drawing everypony else's attention to the main stage. Spike smiled as a spotlight turned on, highlighting an earth mare with a gray mane.

"Fillies and Gentlecolts!" she announced as Spike edged the door open. "It is my pleasure as Mayor of Ponyville to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!"

With everypony's attention on the stage, Spike's magic grabbed the door and opened it further. He slid in, willing the door to shut behind him and Twilight. Mayor Mare's speech was silenced as the door closed. The young stallion smirked as he started up a short flight of stairs. Twilight still held tight to him, almost trembling out of her scales.

"I still think this is a bad idea," she whispered to him. "What if she gets mad? Or thinks we're spies or something?"

"Spies?" Spike asked, giving Twilight a deadpan look. "From where?"

"I don't know!" Twilight responded in a harsh whisper. "But if she does we could banished! Or thrown in a dungeon! Or ban—"

She was cut off by Spike's hat suddenly covering her face. She pulled it off with a gasp before jamming it back on his head. The stallion just snickered a bit as she glared at him.

"You worry too much, Twilight," Spike told her as they reached the top of the stairs. "Look, it won't be long. I duck in, ask if she can give me a few words after the sunrise, and leave. Nopony else will even know we were here!"

Twilight started to open her mouth, when a sudden tingling sensation over her entire body cut her off. Spike shuddered as the same feeling overcame him, like thousands of spiders scuttling over his body. His horn sparked as clouds of black mist formed in the small backstage area.

"What's going on?" Twilight whispered, her claws digging into Spike's shoulders.

"I'm not sure," Spike answered, walking as softly as he could.

His quill and paper hovered by his side as he finished climbing the stairs. A short hallway greeted him. One door in particular sat open, with strange swirls of black curling from it. Swallowing hard, the young reporter edged closer...

"In just a feeeeewwwww mmmmmooooooommm..."

Celestia's eyes widened. The sound of Mayor Mare's speech was warping and distorting as an unpleasant tingling ran down her wings. The white alicorn got to her hooves, looking through the window once more.

Her heart sank as she saw the pristine, white surface of the moon outside.

"So you've finally come," she said, lowering her eyes and wings.

There was silence for a brief moment, before a chilling laugh filled the room. Celestia turned away from the curtain as clouds of black magic coalesced before her. Slowly, they took the shape of another alicorn. One almost as tall as she was.

"Oh, did I keep you waiting?" a voice to match the laughter asked. "Well don't worry. Starswirl's 'Time Pocket' spell will give us plenty of time to catch up."

The clouds surrounding the mare dropped away. Celestia could only stare in a mixture of horror and acceptance at the pitch-black alicorn before her. Decorative blue armor covered her graceful body, reflecting the stars in her ethereal mane.

Before she could speak, Celestia sensed magic swirling around her. By instinct, her horn started to light. She quickly squelched it as the black clouds wrapped around her into a silent whirlwind.

"Honestly, Celestia? I'm unimpressed," the mare chastised, flipping her mane a bit. "I expected some resistance at least."

"You and I both know how much damage our last battle did," Celestia responded, her eyes shut as she spoke. "I won't do that to my little ponies. Not again."

"I suppose that shouldn't surprise me," the dark mare admitted, stepping closer. "But really? Nothing at all?"

Celestia merely stayed silent, her eyes closed. Her thoughts struggled to turn away from what was happening. She remembered sunlit days spent laughing with her subjects. Beautiful nights brought forth by—

"No army? No champion to stand for you?" Her opponent's voice interrupted, as her wings flared. "You didn't even try to bring the Elements of Harmony?"

Celestia merely remained silent, her mind back on the horror that was happening now. The black alicorn snorted, tiny clouds of steam coming from her nostrils.

"How typical," the other alicorn growled, scraping at the ground. "Even when I'm about to banish you, you still won't pay attention to me!"

Celestia opened her eyes, focusing directly on the mare. Her words from earlier that day echoed in her head. Her hope that this could be talked out. One look in the eyes of the monster before her abolished that idea.

"Is this the part where I beg for mercy?" Celestia asked, feeling her anger rise for the first time in eons.

The night-themed alicorn before her drew back in surprise. Celestia drew herself to her full height. A righteous anger swelled within her.

"Is that how you pictured it?" she challenged, wishing she could step closer to emphasize. "My allies scattered, me broken and whimpering for help?"

The black alicorn grit her teeth in response, anger flooding her eyes.

"Luna knew I would never endanger others for our battle," Celestia went on, not wavering as she locked eyes with the nightmare. "But you're not Luna anymore. You're just a twisted caricature made of nothing but bad dreams. Small wonder you picked the name you did."

"Shut. Up," the armored princess spoke through clenched teeth, her mane and wings flaring.

"I thought you liked that name," Celestia goaded, eyes narrowing. "You are not Luna. You are Nightmare Moon, and I won't give you the satisfaction of breaking me!"

Celestia felt a sense of release. After one-thousand years, finally facing this creature that had taken over her sister. Seeing the anger, the sheer frustration directed at her and only her. Nopony else.

That anger slowly gave way to a sick smile. Celestia raised an eyebrow as her once-sister began to chuckle.

"Is that so?" Nightmare Moon asked, her body flaring with a dark aura. "Yes, I suppose you've had time to prepare. Nothing I could do to you personally would work."

A bolt of black energy lashed out behind Nightmare Moon. A strangled cry sounded from behind the door frame. Celestia gasped in horror as something was yanked hard into the room.

"No..." she pleaded, feeling tears form.

A unicorn stallion, purple in color with a green mane. He twisted and struggled in Nightmare Moon's telekinetic grip. His own magic feebly tried to break her hold on him as Celestia stamped one hoof.

"Let him go!" she demanded.

"You don't want to know who he is?" Nightmare Moon taunted, floating the stallion closer. "Come now, young colt, tell us your name."

"P-p-purple Prose," he managed to stammer out, cringing in fear.

Celestia's mind was reeling. There wasn't supposed to be anypony else. This was supposed to just be between her and Nightmare Moon. Now the former Mare-in-the-Moon was smiling as she levitated Prose overhead.

"And just what were you doing back here?" she asked.

"I'm a journalist," he squeaked out, a press pass floating from his hat. "I just... I was trying to... to speak with the princess..."

"Please," Celestia begged, her voice cracking. "He has nothing to do with this! Just let him go!"

Nightmare Moon was ignoring her, looking blankly at the press pass.

"Jour-nal-ist?" she asked, glaring at Prose as she enunciated each syllable.

"Yeah," he said, nodding frantically. "I just report news, that's all!"

"Ah, a herald," Nightmare Moon's smile returned. "Then you can be of use to me in a moment."

Celestia struggled to scream as Purple Prose was shoved to the corner of the room. Nightmare Moon rounded on her once again. The black whirlwind around Celestia increased in intensity, slowly obscuring her vision.

"Don't worry, Celestia," Nightmare Moon taunted as she faded from view. "I'll make sure you can see us. You'll get to see just what a good job I'm doing taking care of your little ponies."

Celestia's eyes widened in horror. Her magic struggled against the winds, straining to break her free.

"No!" she managed to protest.

She was flying away, soaring into the night sky. But still her eyes could see Nightmare Moon turning back toward Purple Prose. The stallion trembled with fear as the mare of darkness approached him. The first of many, she was sure.

Celestia let out one last, futile scream.

"... the ruler of our land," Mayor Mare's speech was still continuing.

Twilight dashed through the door back into the main room. Her heart was thudding against her ribs so hard it was a wonder they didn't crack. She leaned against the wall, struggling to breathe, only to jump as a hoof fell over her shoulder.

"Twilight, it's alright!" Cheerilee's voice spoke up. "It's just me."

Twilight found herself looking up at the purple school teacher. Time Turner was also trotting over, glancing from Twilight to the door she had just run through.

"Are you alright?" Cheerilee asked, leaning closer to the dragon. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"And what were you doing back there?" Time Turner asked as he approached. "Is Purple Prose in there too?"

"Yes!" Twilight shouted, gesturing frantically. "And so is... oh no..."

"... The good, the wise... " Mayor Mare continued.

Twilight's heart nearly stopped. The last few moments felt like a bad dream, but all too real. She recalled being shoved toward the stairs by Spike's magic, him gesturing at her to run. The stallion struggling against the magical grip of...

"We have to stop the ceremony!" Twilight shouted frantically. "Now!"

The dragon tried to run to the stage, only for Time Turner to block her path. The tan stallion put a restraining hoof on her and shook his head.

"Hang on now, Miss Twilight," he said in a gentle tone. "I'm afraid you're not making any sense."

The dragoness opened her mouth to protest, but her voice died in her throat.

"... Princess Celestia!" Mayor Mare finished her speech with a grand gesture to the upper balcony.

"No," Twilight whimpered, staring up at the curtains as Rarity drew them. "Oh no, no, no, no..."

There was a gasp from the audience.

Standing in the spotlight, behind the now drawn curtains, was Spike. He cringed as the eyes of Ponyville fell on him. Rarity slowly approached, her face a mask of confusion.

"Mr. Prose?" she asked, peeking past him as though trying to see if Celestia were there. "What are you doing here?"

"I—" Spike cut himself off as he felt a tingle in the back of his head.

Say it like I told you.

Spike swallowed hard and stepped forward, leading Rarity away from the curtains as he did.

"F-fillies and gentlecolts," he stammered out, black winds beginning to whirl behind him. "It gives me great pleasure to present... the return of Equestria's Princess of the Night..."

His gaze fell to his hooves as he heard the crack of thunder behind him. He didn't dare to look back, though he could already tell what had happened. The audience was staring in shock as the black alicorn appeared on the balcony.

"... Nightmare Moon," he said, quill and ink floating themselves back to his saddlebags.