• Published 27th Aug 2021
  • 4,875 Views, 277 Comments

Spike: The Unwilling God of Chaos - Silver Butcher

Discord is giving up his role as god of Chaos so he can spend all his time with Fluttershy and picks Spike for the job, Spike uses this to try and get Twilight to treat him as a true equal, and brings a few of his own friends to help him

  • ...

The Great Pillow War

Applejack and Rainbow Dash made their way down to Sugar Cube corner, having been called over for lunch earlier that day by a very excited Pinkie Pie.

"I haven't seen Pinkie so excited about something she claims not to be a party in quite some time," Rainbow said with a chuckle, you think the Cakes are having another baby or something?

"It's probably a Party," Applejack replied, only half listening to Rainbow as she inspected every mare who walked past them.

"I doubt your gonna recognize Rot out of her disguise," Rainbow said as she watched Applejack glared at Carrot top as she walked past them.

"Yeah, but if she mentions it I'll at least have a mental list of who I've stared and can begging investigating who she really is,"

"Your really that mad about the Pumpkin Patch thing?" Rainbow cut off her chuckle as Applejack glared daggers at her.

"No one turns my family's Apple farm into a Pumpkin Patch and gets away with it, even if only for a moment, Granny's still having nightmare's about it," Rainbow shook her head at the thought of a Pumpkin Patch Nightmare, but was saved from Applejack explaining it to her as they arrived at Sugar Cube Corner. Twilight and Rarity were whispering to one another in the back, while Fluttershy was talking to Pinkie.

"...and now Discord and Angel are fighting again, I can't even tell them off cause I can't figure out who's starting it anymore," Fluttershy noticed Rainbow and AJ and pointed them out to Pinkie.

"Alright everypony gather round, I want to introduce you all....to Sugar Cube Corner's newest Employee!" Pinkie motioned to the counter and the Mane 6 stood in silence for a moment before Pinkie leaned over and added "Gingerbread that's your cue to get up," Gingerbread the Mare got to her hoof from where she had been instructed to lay down and stood before the Mane 6, readjusting her little bow tie as she did so and looking at them with her one good eye.

"Oh, my," Fluttershy said as she looked at the left side of Gingerbread's face "You poor thing what happened...?"

"Don't worry," Pinkie said "Rust accidentally brought a Gingerbread Mare Cookie of Cheerilee to life, and Havok turned her into a Real mare, She's missing an eye and Terrified of the Real Cheerilee but otherwise shes perfectly healthy and makes the most delicious Gingerbread I've ever had,"

"Uh?" Twilight said as she looked at Gingerbread and then to Pinkie "Have you considered that they might have planted her on you as a spy?"

"Rust Pinkie Promised me that it was an accident," Pinkie said confidently "She even gave me her secret identity to prove I could trust her,"

"Tell me now!" Applejack demanded "If one falls they'll all go down," Pinkie frowned and moved in closer to Applejack.

"You want me....to break a Pinkie Promise?" She demanded, a fire burning in her gaze, Applejack instantly backdown at the spine-chillingly serious Tone Pinkie was using, Pinkie smiled again and turned to Gingerbread. "Introductions over, Report to Mr.Cake for today's lesson, How to use the Sink," Gingerbread waved to Pinkie and made her way into the back room, merrily singing the words 'Can't catch me' to herself as she did so.

"And now Lunch!" Pinkie cheered as she pulled a table cloth from nowhere and threw it over a nearby table, food appearing on top of it as it landed.

"Alright hear me out," Spike said as he, Sweetie, and Applebloom all sat in the throne room of Castle Chaos, having spent the night and overslept until past noon, they were eating a balanced breakfast of Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows and Spike's own special brand of Chaos Cereal, featuring Marshmallows shaped like Lars the Manticore, "We turn the area outside the Crystal Empire into an ocean, and have a pirate battle with the mane 6 over the open seas," Applebloom and Sweetie whispered to one another for a moment before Sweetie looked back at Spike.

"I like it, but we should hold off on it, Twilight and her friends are going there for her birthday, we can turn the area into an ocean overnight so we don't have to worry about sinking the train,"

"Sounds good," Spike and Applebloom declared.

"Mass agreement, this prank will be tabled until full team vote then," Spike took a bite of his cereal and pointed to Applebloom.

"Alright so hear me out on this one, we turn all of Ponyville into a maze and set the win condition so that if any one of the Elements or team Backup Harmony find us the game ends, but we cheat as pure usual, and the first 5 of us they catch turn into bushes and shuffle the maze,"

"Oh I like that," Spike chuckled "I vote yay,"

"Oh, can we add some puzzle doors," Sweetie asked "Like....um...you have to wade through a mud pit and part of the maze will open up in the direction of whatever Chaos member is closest,"

"Oh yus," Applebloom cheered, "I say Yay,"

"Motion carried," Spike and Sweetie declared "Good Vote," The Three all chuckled when Babs teleported in, she looked at them, and then around the throne room, it was covered in blankets and Pillows, on the wall she Spotted that Spike had added a Tapastrie of Pinkie Carrying Gingerbread the Mare with Trixie Playing the Pied Pinkie Flute.

"So how was it?" Babs asked as she walked over to them and inspected the box of Cereal Spike had made.

"It was the best thing ever," Applebloom said with a dreamy sigh "I've never in mah life gotten to sleep in, I don't think I'm ever gonna be able to sleep at home again,"

"Honestly same," Spike agreed after sipping some Coco "And the best part was staying up till 5 am,"

"Do what?" Scootaloo demanded as she teleported in "You didn't tell me you were gonna do that, I thought you were gonna just sleep, not throw a party,"

"I am the god of Chaos," Spike retorted "Technically I can make it so we never sleep again...but then it might get kind of dull at night, you can only do so much am I right?"

"I'm sleeping here tonight," Scootaloo declared as Rumble showed up and completed their party.

"What did you guys have a Pillow war or something?" He asked as he looked at the Pillow's and Blanket's decorating the walls and ceiling of the throne room, Spike had a shine in his eye and smiled.

"Well, since you three missed the Sleepover, what say we forgo our usual chaotic planning practices and have a bit of improvised fun today? A prank that only involves us 6,"

Twilight made her way out of the Sugar Cube Lunch gathering first, as she had plans for the day, and was already running late. She Lit her horn and teleported to the Trainstation, finding that her guest for the next few days was already waiting for her.

"Twily," Shining cheered at the sight of her "I'm so glad you called, how's he doing?"

"Rarity finally turned him down," She sighed "He's spent the last few days locked up in his room,"

"No worries," Shining said "I've only ever dated Cadance, but during High school, a Colt who is no longer my friend was in love with her too and tricked me into thinking she was over me, Spent 12 minutes all sad before she fixed the mistake," Shining smiled and Twilight chuckled.

"I was thinking more along the line of you spending some guy time with him, since Discord retired they haven't had their guys night so..." Shining's confident faulted and he looked over to Twilight in shock.

"Discord did what now?"

"He gave all his powers to some random Dragon and retired," Shining looked at Twilight blankly.

"Discord...turned some random Dragon into the God of Chaos," Shining stared at her with a raised brow when the ground shook and the voices of the 6 members of Chaos all cried out in Unison.

"Tremble before Chaos Roar, and Run as we Start our Pillow WAR!" At Ponyville Stream Stood Storm, Rot, and Shade. and at the foot of Twilight's Castle Stood Havok, Vile, and Rust. Both Havok and Shade's eyes began glowing and Pillows began forming around them, taking the shape of the Living armor that roamed their Castle. Shade raised her Hoof and Havok raised his arm and they both cried out in unison.

"Mages To the Back," and 25 Pillow units on both sides moved out and took residence at the back of their respective Pillow Armies. Storm raised her hoof and Vile raised his.

"Air Force Take flight," Followed by 25 Pillow soldiers growing wings and doing as they were instructed, Rot and Rust both walked to the front of the still unites and called out.

"Ground Troups Follow me to Battle," and the Remaining 50 units all began marching behind them. The Mages following in the back with Havok and Shade tailing them and with the Air Unites circling above with Vile and Storm at the center of their respective unites. Now mobilized the two armies made their way to their selected Batte Field, The Area right outside Sugar Cube Corner. Where Twilight had Teleported herself and Shining, and where her friends had now gathered.

"...So they just tell you how to stop it?" Shining asked as he looked at the two approaching armies. "All I heard them say was Tremble and Run,"

"Once they get here they'll tell us what's going on," Twilight said as the two armies came to a halt and Havok and Shade approached as representatives from each side.

"Twilight," Havok said casually "Could you and your friends move? Where trying to have a fight,"

"Well, how do we stop it?" Twilight asked, Havok and Storm looked at one another.

"Get out of the way," Shade replied "This ain't a prank it's a fight,"

"You're going down Storm," Vile called from Havok's team.

"All I have to do is turn and you lose moron," She called back "Takes you like 2 minutes to go left,"

"It does not," He snapped back "It only takes me 5 seconds,"

"That's 4.8 seconds longer than it takes me," Storm laughed back.

"Can we just fight?" Rot complained "I wanna see If I'm stronger than Rust or not,"

"Brute strength can't beat a pony trained by Princess Luna in the art of Swordsmanship," Rust retorted.

"Do what now?" Twilight demanded, only for Shining to grab her with magic and rush out of the way. "Shining," Twilight snapped.

"Twilight I'm gonna be frank with you, I once asked Luna to train me and she said I didn't meet the skill level required to train with her, I don't care what the usual is if that mare was trained by Luna that means she's stronger than me, and as the Captain of the Royal Guards Might I also add that this is a good opportunity for you to observe their fighting skills and learn more about your enemy," Shining took a seat and the rest of the mane 6 followed suit, Pinkie providing snacks. Shining checked on Twilight and found she was already taking notes on team Chaos. He sighed and turned his attention to Havok.

"FIght," Havok and Shade yelled before teleporting away, the Pillow masses rushed forward and began smacking at one another, Rot slammed the ground where Rust had been and was instead met with a smack to the back of the head as Rust used a Body Pillow as a weapon. Shining instantly felt stupid about his moment of fear.

"I...I forgot about this being a Pillow war when she mentioned Training under Luna," He said red-faced "Sorry about getting all serious on you,"

"No, it was a good idea," Rainbow said as Vile and Storm met in the sky and began throwing hoofs at one another, their attacks were perfectly synchronized as clouds began swirling around them. While the Pegasi seemed to be stuck in a stalemate Rot was moving faster than the eye could see and leaving behind massive craters in her wake as she attempted to land a hit on Rust, who had spent her time on Team Chaos training in the art of paper folding and drawing, along with mimicking as many of Luna's sword moves as she could, as such her attacks on Rot were all filled with purpose and skill, each one hitting their mark, Rot meanwhile was only using her brute strength, but they both knew that all Rot needed to do was hit her once to claim victory. Rot was so concentrated on trying to hit Rust that she was taking out her own shoulders in her blind advances.
Havok and Shade were both sitting on the roof of Sugar Cube Corner drinking some tea.

"This is nice," Havok said as his mages fixed those destroyed by Rot, with Shade's doing the same, "I think Rot will demand Rust let her join her in training with Luna, might do her some good, she's kind of become addicted to fighting ever since Applejack first hit her,"

"It's not her fault," Shade said sadly "She's always wanted her sister to treat her as an equal, and I think she's deluded herself into belive that physical combat is the only way to go about that now,"

"She wants Applejack to treat her like she treats Rainbow," Havok sighed "But Applejack will always be overprotective at her core when she finds out Rot is Applebloom, I get the feeling she's gonna knock me flat,"

"What?" Shade asked, losing interest in the fight."

"I'm confident that Applejack will hear me or Rot say, Applebloom accepted my offer of power, and all shell hear is that I turned her sister into a creature of Chaos,"

"Well don't worry," Shade said as she patted Havok "I'll blast her through a wall if she tries that,"

"Well, ain't you sweet?" Havok chuckled "So why did Vile and Storm wanna fight so bad?"

"Eh, they both wanna take on Rainbow, they said the winner gets to be her permanent Chaos Counterpart,"

"Storm is so winning that," Havok sighed sadly, "Vile lacks the practice and the agility to beat her, same for Rot she focuses only on strength, the real question is who wins, Rust or Storm?"

"Now that is what I can't wait to see," Shade sipped some tea. "But tell me this, why didn't you wanna fight me?"

"Bah, I like you too much to fight you," Spike replied simply "You know I've been thinking it over, and I want you to take command of the group if the need ever arises, it probably won't but I just in case it ever does, your in charge," Shades eyes turned pink and she quickly forced them to go back to white.

"I...I appreciate that Spike," Before They could continue Rust swung her Pillow down and hit Rot in the back of the head, and Rot in turn attempted to turn on the spot, only for Rust to slink her free hoof around Rot's back leg and twist her up into the air, Rust grabbed the Body Billow and swung into Rot's belly.

"Body Pillow slam!" Rust cried out as She slammed Rot into the earth, Rot cried out in an exaggerated manner and exploded into a pile of very small throw Pillows. Rust tossed the Pillow over her shoulder and turned to Shining.

"What say you Captain of the Guards, wanna fight while we wait for the Pegasus? I'll even give you a handy cap and only use the body Pillow,"

"I don't feel like being beaten into the ground with a Pillow," Shining replied with a sweat drop on the back of his head as he looked at the massive crater Rust had just made "Thanks but no thanks," Rust shrugged and stood at the ready, with Rot gone form the battle Havok's team began advancing on the ground front and Shade sent her mages up to aid in the sky battle when it became clear the ground had been lost. Vile was sweating as he tried to find a flaw in Storms onslaught when suddenly his eyes turned Yellow and he shot back.

"Ah, it seems you noticed," Storm said with a cocky smile "Yes Vile, I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm really not," Vile was shaking as Storm approached him slowly. "That's right buddy, this entire fight, All I've been doing while you attacked me at full force and speed, has been mimicking your slow moves, so tell me Vile..." Storm disappeared and before Vile could react Storm stuck him in the back and he shot into the ground "...Can you copy mine?" Rust watched the dust clear and all that remained before her and Storm was a Vile-shaped hole filled with mints. Storm smiled as Shade's troops wiped out Havok's air force once the sky belonged to Shade her air united began diving Havoks unites, at the center of the battlefield Storm Flew over Rust as the two stared at one another. The Mane 6 and Shining were staring at them in shocked silence, save for Rainbow, who was shouting.

"Did you see that!?" She demanded as she shook Pinkie "She moved so fast I almost couldn't see her, I almost thought she teleported behind him!"

"Yup," Havok said as he appeared next to her "Storm has perfected the art of combat speed, she can't move that fast in, say a race, but she can move faster than most can see for a short burst in a small surface area, Rust has also mastered this skill," Havok smiled and then felt the eyes of Team Harmony staring at him.

"Why are you practicing Combat?" Twilight demanded.

"Well Rot told us she's pretty sure Applejack wants her dead after the Pumpkin Patch incident the other day, so I gave us all Anime themes Fighting powers...just in case any of the rest of you also felt that way, I even chose who leads in the event you guys turn me to stone or something,"

"Don't be silly," Pinkie said "You gave me the gift that is Gingerbread the Mare,"

"Technically that was Rust," Havok noted as Storm and Rust began their battle, using their battle powers they both vanished and met in mid-air, Storm striking Rust Pillow with pinpoint accuracy, Rust instantly released it as she felt its weight flying back at her and she knocked it towards Storm, who vanished and appeared behind Rust and only just managed to block, knowing Storms plan from the start, Storm also anticipated this and kicked out, this time Rust disappeared and Storm shot downward and kicked at the earth, Rust appeared and grabbed Storm's leg and then they both disappeared and only the sound of them striking each other could be heard, within a few seconds they had decimated each other's forces and they where all that remained of the battle. Havok returned to the top of Sugar Cube Corner where Rot and Vile were watching the fight, thanks to their own powers they could all watch in real-time as Rust and Storm tried to out-predict one another. After a few minutes, they both appeared on the ground again, bruised, breathing heavily, and coated in sweat.

"Um...excuse me?" Rust and Storm looked over and Found Fluttershy had left the safety of Sugar Cube Corner and now stood before them "I don't mean to be rude, but I'm sure whatever made you guys start fighting in the first place can be worked out with words," Rust and Storm stared at Fluttershy, then each other.

"Wait, why are we fighting?" Storm questioned. Rust looked at her for a moment.

"I have no idea," Rust replied simply.

"Wait, I don't remember either," Havok cried out from the roof with a laugh.

"I thought this was a prank," Shade shot back "Didn't think we'd be fighting each other,"

"I heard Fighting and gave no cares as to why," Rot cheered happily.

"I remember asking if you guys had a Pillow war last night," Vile recalled, "I think that's what set it off,"

"Oh," Rust said "hu...." Without any further words, all of team Chaos exploded into Pillows matching the color of their harmonious counterparts

"What just happened?" Shining demanded in confusion as The Mane 6 began filling back into Sugar Cube Corner.

"Honestly I have no idea," Twilight said with a groan.

Team chaos was laughing in their spy tower as they watched team Harmony fille slowly back into Sugar Cube Corner.

"That was stupid," Vile cried out "Oh let's do it again with the Anime powers cranked up to 11,"

"No, no we have to wait for this day to fade from their minds, then we return with the powers cranked to 11," Havok chuckled as he snapped. In the throne room, a Tapestry of Rust Swinging a Body Pillow at Storm appeared. "Alright that was fun, but chaos can't be fun all the time, let's get to work picking out our next couple of pranks, then spend the rest of the day preparing the ultimate sleepover for tonight,"

"What about Shining?" Shade questions "isn't he here for you?"

"Eh, everything my Double ganger does I also do, so it's not like I'm actually missing out on much, and regardless this is way more fun than being lectured about relationships by Twilight and Shining," Havok gave his team a salute and walked out the nearest Window, They watched him fly to their floating island before Rot looked over to Shade.

"So, Havok declared you second in command?"

"Couldn't have happened to a better mare," Storm said "Now come on we got work to do,"

"I saw your eyes turn pink," Rot added, wiggling her eyebrows at Shade "Does Someone have a crush?"

"Oh..." Rust said sliding in next to them "...Not too bad a pick if I do say so, Havok's got spunk I'll give him that,"

"You want us to help you tell him?" Rot asked with a grin "A chaotically romantic Dinner for two maybe?" Shade's face turned light red and the group chuckled at her embarrassment.

"Shut up," Shade snapped back "I don't know what your all talking about, we're just good friends," Shade teleported away and VIle looked around.

"Wait...our eyes show our emotion?"

"Yeah," Storm replied "That's why yours turned Yellow when you realized I was toying with you,"

"They did no such thing?" Vile snapped back. As Storm and Vile began arguing Rot and Rust both dipped out the nearest window.

Shade appeared in the Throne room, her eyes still glowing light red. "Dammit," She muttered, "It's only a matter of time before Spike notices to, but I'm not sure I'm...ready for a relationship. What if he wants me to hold his hand in a romantic fashion!?" Shade's entire face turned dark pink at the idea of such a lude act. "Oh....but I kind of want to though," Shade took a seat on her throne and silently pondered if she was ready to start a relationship or not.

Author's Note:

I did my best to make the fights feel Anime, not sure if I nailed it or not to be honest.