• Published 20th Sep 2021
  • 755 Views, 11 Comments

Bonds 2.0 - Nailah

Rainbow Dash has always admired Twilight, and she's now ready to take the next step.

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Bonds 2.0

Chapter 1:

Rainbow Dash fumbled and fluttered around her bedroom in Cloudsdale. She searched through her collection of Daring Do books, throwing one after the other to the floor behind her.

"No! Not a single thing here is epic enough," she groaned, dragging her hoof down her face. She looked at Tank, a picture of calm atop her bed.

"What do you think, Tank? What sorta adventure is awesome enough to impress a Princess?" Tank slowly exhaled out a long yawn, closing his eyes and taking a nap.

"No! That is the most non-epic thing ever! No one wants to nap on a date, you silly turtle!" She sighed, shaking her head. "I need to think. Think, Rainbow, think!" She jabbed her forehoof against her forehead over and over, and then suddenly she felt her wings unfolding as she got the spark of an idea. "I can't just take Twilight on any old adventure. I've got to take her on the most epic, thrilling, exciting experience of her life, and there's only one pony awesome enough to pull it all off! Right Tank?" she smirked. She blinked, looking at her pet.

Tank nodded yawning. "I knew you'd see it my way. See ya later Tank! I've got a Princess to handle," smiled Rainbow Dash, giving him a quick embrace and a gentle pet on top of his head, before flying off to Ponyville to see if Twilight was home. When wasn’t she home? It was like she never left her Castle if there wasn’t some life threat upon Equestria. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, as she let out a huff landing on the ground in front of the Friendship Castle.

“Welp, no time like the present. Let’s do this.” Now wasn’t the time to act like some love-struck puppy. She was going to really give this her A-game! Even if she had no idea what she was doing.

“Hey, Rainbow! How’s it hanging?” asked Spike as he had just gotten back from helping Rarity get more gems for another upcoming fashion show. Rainbow Dash bolted straight up into the sky, letting out a yelp of surprise, startled. She quickly realized after initially freaking out, it was just Spike.

“Wow. I’m so lame. I just got scared by a baby dragon.” She pouted, as she flew back down to the ground, and smiled at Spike, mischievously, kicking a random rock.

“Oh, nothing. I just thought I’d drop by and visit Twilight, plus I gotta return this book she lent me. I must say it was quite a fascinating read. Jam-packed full of adventure and thrills, not to mention the hero herself: Daring Do,” smirked Rainbow Dash.

Spike had crossed his arms while listening to her. He heard Twilight calling him from inside the castle. The perfect excuse. “Gotta run. Catch ya later Rainbow,” he waved as he dashed into the castle.


Twilight Sparkle was sitting calmly composed in the main room where the cutie mark table was located.
“What did you need me for, Twilight?” asked Spike.

Twilight turned her attention towards Spike, smiling at him.

“Well...I wanted to talk to you about Rainbow,” she whispered softly so she was certain only he’d hear.

“Yeah? What about her?” asked Spike, not really understanding what Twilight was getting at, but it had to be important if she called him. “

“Speaking of Rainbow, I just saw her not even a few minutes ago. I somehow scared the sugar out of her though,” Spike said, as he rubbed the back of his scales with his clawed hand.

“Have you noticed she’s been acting odd lately?” asked Twilight, as she quickly glanced to the right, to the left, and behind her, to ensure no one was listening to their conservation. She leaned in against Spike’s ear.

“I’m pretty sure she has a crush on me,” Twilight exclaimed, remaining calm.

“You mean you just now noticed that?” asked Spike, crossing his arms across his chest and letting out a huff, and a shrug of the shoulders. “I thought everyone in town knew that. I think Rainbow is the only one that doesn’t know.”

“Yes. Exactly my point Spike. I have the feeling that she’s up to something. She’s been borrowing books from me almost every day!” She extended a forehoof towards her adventure section. “She’s even reading non-Daring Do books. No Daring Do in them! Before Daring Do was all she’d read. Granted, I’m happy she’s so engaged in learning more about literature, but this isn’t the Rainbow Dash I know.”

“Yeah? So? What do you want me to do?” Spike asked, as he shrugged his shoulders. Girls…
“Well...I just wanted to talk to you about it. I mean you’re my number one assistant after all. What would you do if Rarity was suddenly crushing on you?”

“Before or after I fainted from shock?” asked Spike, raising an eyebrow. Twilight seemed a bit tense, but honestly, this was normal in comparison to more...traumatic breakdowns about schedules and deadlines. It was honestly refreshing.
“Spike! Please. Just tell me what you’d do?” asked Twilight*, giving him a big wide-eyed look.

“Well, what I would do is what felt right. How do I feel about the person? Do I think we could work? Stuff like that. I thought you knew that kind of stuff though. Doesn’t seem like you’d need me here to hold your hoof. I mean you’re Princess Twilight, you can figure out any problem with ease. Half the time I’m stumbling over my own words.” Spike frowned as at this point, there wasn’t much to say. Twilight had to figure this out on her own. This was something even he couldn’t give her the answers to, she had to find them herself, and he knew she would. She always did.

“Alright. Thanks, Spike. I can always count on you.” Twilight smiled, wrapping her hooves and wings around him, and embracing him in a tight hug before letting go of him. She took a deep breath and straightened out her mane.
“How do I look?” she asked him.

“Like a Princess,” retorted Spike with a slight raise of a brow.

“Well, I should go see what Rainbow Dash wants this time. Do try not to make too much of a fuss while I’m away,” warned Twilight as she petted the top of his scales.

“Don’t worry, Twilight, you can count on me,” said Spike, beaming.

Twilight Sparkle took a deep breath and went trotting casually to greet Rainbow Dash at the entrance to her castle. She didn’t know why her knees were wobbly as she walked, or why her teeth chattered ever so slightly, as her fur stood slightly on edge. Nervous? Her? Never...She didn’t even know how to feel. She had always admired Rainbow’s confidence but for her to have a crush on her, it just felt...different. She wasn’t sure it was the right word, but it was the one she was going with.

Rainbow Dash paced back and forth in front of the castle’s entrance, waiting for Spike or Twilight to show up. She found herself ogling Twilight as she approached her.

“Hello there Rainbow, what brings you here today?” asked Twilight, her eyes darting back and forth, and noting the book in Dash’s wings.

“Came to return this book. And to see if I could maybe check out something else while I’m here.”

“Of course. I have plenty of books you might be interested in. Were you looking for something specific?” asked Twilight*, attempting to remain calm, but the slight pink tints of her cheeks were rather hard to hide, though it didn’t seem to her like Rainbow noticed this at all.

“Yes, actually. I’d like to check you out today,” smirked Rainbow Dash with a grin.

“Me? But...I’m not a book you can read. I um...am flattered, but what do you mean exactly?” asked Twilight, fidgeting slightly. It was very clear that Rainbow admired her in many more ways then she realized, but just what was her plan?

“I want to take you on an amazing adventure, just like the ones Daring Do goes on. I mean I can’t let you just stay cooped up in your castle! You need to get out every once in a blue moon and stretch out those amazing wings. Come on, please…” begged Rainbow, putting on the best pout face, and puppy dog eyes that she could muster. She knew it would make it impossible for her to say no at that rate.

“Rainbow Dash, you know as well as I do that I have important duties as the Princess of Friendship, I can’t just go galloping off on an adventure whenever I please.” Twilight sighed, as she stared back at her friend. Seeing her there, looking so...adorable.

“Please…” begged Rainbow. She wasn’t about to give up. It was now or never!

“Where exactly are we going?” asked Twilight with a heavy sigh. Maybe it would be okay, it had been rather quiet lately, and she couldn’t deny a nice getaway would do them both some good.

“To a Daring Do museum, it’s filled with artifacts and lore on Daring Do, and the evil monsters and ponies she faces! I figured an egghead like you would like it,” explained Rainbow Dash with a grin.

“I suppose a little time away from the castle would be a refreshing change of pace. Alright, I’m in,” said Twilight, as she felt Rainbow grabbing around her by her forehooves and hugging her closely. She felt slightly choked by how tightly she hugged her frame, but said nothing as she was simply elated by her words.

Twilight felt Rainbow Dash grabbing her by the forehoof, as she spread out her wingtips to soar into the sky. Twilight followed suit, by spreading her own alicorn wings. She was grateful that Rainbow Dash had taken the time to help her get used to her new wings.

It had been rather awkward and clumsy at first, and even now she always felt this nervousness within her gut, whenever she flew. She smiled softly at Rainbow as she took off into the sky first. Twilight followed after her, as she took off after her, coming up so she was flying beside her.

She didn’t know what this adventure would bring, or how it might affect the friendship she had with Rainbow, but if there was one thing she knew. Rainbow Dash and her would always have a bond, no matter what, they were connected.

Comments ( 11 )

This is great so far. I gonna track this!


And the Twidash ship sets sail again.

That cover art makes them look like kaiju.


Why were there asterisks after Twilight and Spike's names?

Sorry must have missed that in editing mode. I think I caught them all. Thank you for letting me know.

Wait wasn’t there a other story with the same picture

there was, this is the new edited Verizon. The old one is still available via Fimfetch.

Comment posted by spyrofan354 deleted Oct 3rd, 2021
Comment posted by Nailah deleted Oct 3rd, 2021
Comment posted by spyrofan354 deleted Oct 3rd, 2021
Comment posted by Nailah deleted Oct 3rd, 2021
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