• Published 7th Sep 2021
  • 2,152 Views, 261 Comments

Magical World - madhat886

There is a connections to all the magic found across the dimensions. And in her quest for revenge Sunset Shimmer will show it to different groups what it is.

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Chapter 29


In their new base, which is the back of a laundromat the guardians of the veil, W.I.T.C.H., are with their friend Elyon. The girls have fixed up the backroom of the laundromat making it into a clubhouse for them when they’re on duty as heroes. Mirage their mentor is handling the paperwork to allow them to operate as heroes in the backroom. The girls are using the laundromat as a meeting place and hangout, till the paperwork is done.

Currently the girls are helping Elyon to get ready for her meeting with Sunset Shimmer on the behalf of the other magical worlds. Seeing how the only magical worlds that actually have diplomatic ties to the UN are, Ephedia, Meridian, and Rainbow Land, the magical worlds didn’t have much of a choice in choosing who would talk with Ms. Shimmer and clear things up. Ephedia has already sent Ellira to talk with the UN, seeing how she has been living on Earth for years. Leaving either Elyon or Rainbow Brite to talk with Ms. Shimmer, it wasn’t a hard choice.

“Ok I know you’re intimidated by Ms. Shimmer…. I know just think of her being naked,” Cornelia said remembering how to beat stage fright.

“Imagine Ms. Shimmer naked?” Elyon asked as her mind made an image of her standing in front of a naked Sunset Shimmer.

Elyon’s face turn red as she pictures herself standing in front of Ms Shimmer naked. A mature woman who has a tone and muscular body that is also extremely stacked, each of her breasts are about the size of Elyon’s torso and the same goes for her massive jiggly butt. If Elyon were to press her head between either orbs, her head would be engulfed in the soft jiggly mountains of flesh and that’s for both front and back. She’s nothing but a small slender young girl comparing herself to a fully grown and mature woman, not help by the fact that Ms. Shimmer is now over 9 feet tall.

“NO! I LIKE BOYS!” Elyon shouted out.

“Great you broke her,” Irma said seeing how Elyon face is red and her eyes blank.

“Telling her to imagine Ms. shimmer naked so she won’t be intimidated by her, doesn’t work when she’s hot,” Taranee said.

“She was already hot to begin with and now, she’s now mega hot. Remember the pictures of her when she came back still wearing what she wore when she was zap into the tv world? And with her being all but immortal, she will always look like that when we’re old,” Hay Lin said and felt very depressed at the idea that when she’s old and looks like her grandma, Ms. Shimmer would still look the same.

“Geee thanks for reminding us,” Will huffed as she and the others also felt depressed at the thought. Followed by everyone else, thinking that when they’re old and bodies are shutting down, Ms. Shimmer will be still as she looks now.

“So what do I say to her?” Elyon asked nervously.

“Just tell her the truth, she is very informal,” Taranee said to Elyon.

“How should I start? How do I tell her what the magical worlds want,” Elyon said as she looked through her notes.

“Wanting the princesses and the soldiers to be released and her giving them what they want,” Irma said looking at the notes.

“The other kingdoms just want to have everything remain the same form them,” Hay Lin said.

“Guys!” Will said showing them her iPad with a special report playing on YouTube.

The girls crowded around the screen watching the report of the latest news that Ms. Shimmer just made public. People who are thought to be just fictional characters turn out to be real and that what they could do was thanks to magical items they found. They were captured by soldiers from the magical worlds and the memories of them were erased, replaced by them becoming works of fiction to discredit the people who still remember.

The French hero Nyctalope, only remembered in old books.

Wendy the good witch, now just as a comic book character.

The Phantom is now a old comic book superhero.

The Fury, a heroine who is only remember in old comics.

The Shadow, Spring-Heeled Jack, Fantomah, Nyoka the Jungle Girl, The Clown, Spider, Funny Man, Fly Man, The Scarecrow and many more. The list went on and on with more people who discovered a magical item or learn magic on their own and tried to make the world better. Only for the magical worlds to send soldiers to capture them or kill them, erasing them and making them just works of fiction. (1)

And what happen to the witch Hilda who was trying to help her country of Germany after the First World War. They captured her and erase the mind of her childhood friend who had alway been with her, Hitler who without his friend in his life turn into the monster the magical world made him. Which during the war, the magical world used as cover to capture any magic users. The magic world only stop once technology got to the point where while they could erase memories they couldn’t erase the films and pictures. And once superheroes became a thing, they couldn’t operate as they did before.

“As you can see why you can’t trust the magical worlds, they been doing that kind of thing for centuries now. It’s the reason why once I control the magic, I’m cutting them all off. They have more than proven that they can’t be trusted with magic,” Ms. Shimmer said on the video and then the video ended.

“Grandma is wrong about the magical worlds, they’re the bad guys,” Hay Lin said.

“I can’t side with them anymore,” Elyon said getting up. “I’m joining Shimmer.”

“I’m with you,” Cornelia said.

“Me too,” Will said with the others nodding in agreement.

“They been in charge for too long,” Taranee said.

“They should know what it’s like to not having magic to push others around,” Irma adds.

“Girls let’s go,” Elyon said leading them out to tell their parents what they’re going to do before going to Paris.


Paris, France -

Inside the women’s prison Bloom and the other fairies have been imprisoned since they were arrested with the female soldiers of the army sent to arrest Sunset Shimmer. The army and Bloom’s group have all been deposited of their magic by Shimmer, leaving them to be arrested and awaiting their hearing. Bloom has no idea what her parents were thinking of sending soldiers to arrest Shimmer, all that did was confirm to the people of Earth that the magical worlds are more than willingly to do anything to keep magic only in their hands. That’s Shimmer was right about hiding and hiring villains to steal magic and everything else she did so that the magical worlds wouldn’t make her disappear.

Nearly a week ago Shimmer had release proof online of the number of people who had been taken and erased from memory by using magic to make people forget. Bloom was shock at the news that the old pulp fiction French hero Nyctalope who she has read the books, was real and he had a magic helmet that allowed him to do what he did. And there are so many others who are only remembered in fiction, all of whom were captured and imprisoned or executed. Which caused lots of unrest as Shimmer used her magic draining machine to undo the spell that rewrote the memories of the people who were around at the time.

Seems that the spells used to alter the memories of people can be undone if the one whose mind was change has the magic draining machine used on them. The magical worlds only stop because of the raise of the superheroes in America and how easy it is to record events. As while the magic worlds could change memories they couldn’t change the photos and recordings, which is why they stop as they couldn’t do it the old way anymore.

This caused lots of outrage, seeing how because of the magical world, capturing people and erasing memories is the reason why WW2 happen. The witch Hilda was using her magic to help the people of Germany after the first war, with her life long friend Hitler. When she was captured and Hitler’s memories of her were erased, without her in his life he became the monster people remember him as. Now there is no trust with the magical worlds who are behind the cover up. Namely the worlds that Bloom and her friends are all from.

Bloom was laying on her bed doing nothing as she waited for lunch where she will be allowed out of her cell. It would just be another day in prison as she awaited her hearing, which she and the others have no bail, seeing how she and the others could escape to their worlds. The last thing she expected was the alarms to sound off as something big was happening in the city of Paris. And a loud booming sound from somewhere in the prison means something else is happening in the prison.


Sparkle’s Lab -

On the big screen just outside of the city of Paris portals are opening up with the combine armies of the hostile magical worlds pouring out of. They couldn’t portal their way into the city like before thanks to the anti portal shield Shimmer had erected with the go ahead from the French government, preventing the magic worlds from opening portals into the city from the outside. Once the machine that activates the shield detected portals opening, it raised the shields making the invading army having to open portals outside of the shield’s range. (2)

Sparkle is watching from a number of screens from both news channels and online of the invading army from the magical world. They march into the city passing through the barrier and began their attack, the Paris police are doing their best to keep the fleeing civilians safe and are joining the number of soldiers from the French army who been on standby since the first attack. They setup roadblocks and defense positions as they prepared to fight back against the magical army that are marching into the city.

The army is being lead by some of the Winx Club members parents.
King Oritel and Queen Marion, Bloom’s parents.
King Radius And Queen Luna, Stella's parents.
King Teredor and Queen Niobe, Aisha's parents.
King Erendor and Queen Samara, Sky’s parents.

Sparkle is already giving out orders to everyone to carry out plan Kimmy, one of the many plans that Shimmer came up with incase something like this happens. A screen pops up showing Shimmer.

“Sparkle is plan Kimmy up and running?” Shimmer ask.

“Yes we….,” Sparkle said as another screen pop up. “We got a problem. The United HeroeZ won’t be helping.”

“Why?” Shimmer ask.

“A portal has open in LA and an army of robot frogs are invading the city,” Sparkle said bringing up a screen of news footage of an invading army of frog robots and a flying castle.

“Use plan Zell then,” Shimmer said causing another screen to pop up.

“This is Protostar ready to unleash the robot army on the magical worlds,” Beckett Mariner now captain of the starship.

“The magical world has decided to go nuclear, we will response as well. Setup for full attack but wait for the signal, so we can attack all at once,” Shimmer said.

“Right boss,” Mariner said signing off.

“Are we really going to use all of it?” Sparkle ask.

“Of course, I haven’t build up an army of this size for centuries and not use it when I have a reason to finally use it,” Shimmer said who on her end is sending out orders to everyone for a large scale coordinated counterattack.


Heatherfield, Connecticut -

The members of W.I.T.C.H. are in a panic, not only is the magical world is attacking France but an army of frog robots are also attacking LA. A call for all heroes of United HeroeZ to assemble to LA came out, with Doorman providing transport. They told their parents that they be working search and rescue while the older more experienced heroes be fighting the robot frog army.

“Ok we wait for Doorman,” Will said to her team.

“You think the robot frog army is working with the magic worlds?” Irma ask.

“Have no idea but the European heroes will be helping the attack there,” Taranee said watching the battle happening in LA on the tv in the backroom.

Majestia is smashing her way through the robot horde only to be stop by robots that looked to be designed to fight her. Unknown to everyone with Marcy Wu being apart of the hive mind of the Core, her knowledge of the superheroes of her world which she’s a big fan of, allowed the Core to upgrade the robots to be able to fight the superheroes of Earth. Resulting in a much larger army of robots and smaller flying attack fortress, with weapons with superheroes in mind.

“Don’t worry, we can do this,” Cornelia said.

“Hey it’s Shimmer,” Hay Lin said who is watching the action taking place in France with her iPad.

On the iPad Shimmer is standing in front of the approaching army, dressed in a thigh length grey coat and matching pants with red and yellow highlights. She had on red tinted armor, gauntlets, boots, a metal chest plate that has slots for her wings on the back. She is wearing a helmet in the shape of a unicorn with a glowing horn, in the place of the crown. She held a battle axe, its the length of her body and has a massive blade on it that run down about half the staff that it's attached to. That blade is attached to the staff by thick metal clips that held the blade in place, while letting Sunset grasp it and use it like a staff if she needed to.

The image of Shimmer isn’t just on the screens but also appearing in the Paris skyline. Allowing the invading army being able to see and hear what she has to say.


Paris, France -

Marching near the front of their army King Oritel and Queen Marion stared ahead at the defenses the local guards of the city have put up. Thanks to Bloom he and Marion have a good understanding of what kind of defenses the human soldiers have, their armor with their magical defenses will give them some protection as well as spells. Since the failed arrest of Shimmer and the arrest of his daughter and her friends, he took a page from Shimmer and got ready for this.

"Dad!" Bloom said in her fairy form along with her friends both the girls and boys, who have been freed from prison thanks to the soldiers he sent ahead for that mission.

"Bloom you're safe and have your magic back," Marion said embracing Bloom in a hug.

"Not now!" Bloom said freeing herself. "What are you thinking? Launching a full scale invasion? And after what Shimmer revealed what happen to the magic users who tried to help out here on Earth only to be either killed or arrested and have the people close to them, their memories erased? The magical alliance being the reason why WW2 happen?"

"Which is why we must act and stop Shimmer before she takes the throne of Equestia and we be force to obey her. She plans to seal our magic away," Oritel said.

"Because you're proving her right," Bloom said having much time to think about what she learned while sitting in her cell. If everything that Shimmer said is true, the magical worlds has always been power hungry wanting magic all to themselves.

"We do what we have to, we can't let the magic be taken from us," Oritel said.

"Because, you're the only ones who can ever be trusted with it," Shimmer voice called out as a giant image of her appeared in the sky.

"That's right we are," Oritel said facing the image.

"No matter the cost, especially seeing how that's the only way you can win now after you shown what you are to the residents of Earth. What you and your allies are willing to do to keep magic all to yourselves. As long as you keep the status quo you all will continue to do what you did before," Shimmer said.

"We do what we have to do to keep our worlds safe," Oritel said.

“Seeing how you people from the magic kingdoms are dead set on preventing me from taking my birthright and cut off the magic you have all been clearly abusing. You have brought this on your heads,” Shimmer said.

The barrier where the magic army are under just turned off, the barrier wasn't gone just gone from the area they're under. The reason why soon became clear as portals began opening up and out of them came military vehicles carrying the army that Shimmer has been building up for years. Ranging from cars with mounted weapons, APCs, guns trucks, and tanks. Portals in the air also open allowing airships of all kinds to come out, ranging from blimps, helicopters, aircrafts being kept afloat by rockets or propellers, and more exotic means as there are some spaceships. All of the vehicles lined up and held their positions both on the ground and in the air showing a high level of cohesion and discipline.

The rebuilt and upgraded Antarctic Snow Cruiser, now having tank treads replacing the massive wheels that because of a design flaw didn’t work right. The cruiser is armored plated, with a force field generator that has been designed to absorb magic attacks, recharging its batteries. The cruiser is the personal vehicle of the Snow Queen, designed to be able to work in subzero conditions which the Snow Queen and her adopted niece Elsa also has. On top of the cruiser is a large cannon that has been designed to funnel the ice powers of the Snow Queen into a giant ice gun.

Standing on the cannon is Shimmer and looking around she spotted things and people she knows from fiction. A spaceship from Star Trek, spaceships from Starwars, a driod carriers that’s unloading B1 battle droids in the hundreds. And someone that Bloom recognized having read and seen enough pictures to recognize him.

“It’s Nyctalope,” Bloom said.

“No it’s impossible he’s dead,” Oritel said.

“He’s not the one your father had capture and killed. He’s the one created in the book series. I found a magical item that allowed me to enter book worlds where I can live a lifetime inside a story and come out having all the skills that I learned in there,” Shimmer said.

“Wait that means,” Bloom said remembering the news interview in Shimmer’s office with the painting of a number of fictional characters, which Shimmer said they’re her mentors. “The painting with those characters from fiction, you said they’re your mentors.”

“Yes, I learned from all of them and trained for centuries in some of those worlds. I found a way to bring people from the book world to life who wanted to be brought to life and later thanks to Discord sending me to Tv land, I brought even more with me,” Shimmer said.

“Wait you mean we have to deal with Excalibur from Soul Eater?” Bloom asked thinking of the painting and of Excalibur and making the face. (ﺧ益ﺨ)

“He’s too powerful to bring to life, and besides. I learned to tolerate him so that as a ruler, I can tolerate people who I don’t like or care for,” Sunset deadpanned. (4)

“Dad you have to stop right now! Shimmer would have recruited people in fiction who are strong and powerful. Her two female aides who are always with her are Korra and Asami from Legend of Korra, which means she has an army of element benders and lots of robots,” Bloom pleaded with her father.

“No, I can’t if we are to survive she must be stop,” Oritel said pushing Bloom away and signal for the magic users to launch their attack on Shimmer.

Hundreds of spell casters launch their spells at Shimmer who just stood there, looking bored. The spells stop upon hitting the forcefield that absorbs the magic. Leaving the magic army stun seeing the magic attack stopped dead cold.

“I’m unleashing the giant robots I took from my time in the tv world and having them attack your home planets,” Shimmer said as the screen turn to the planets of the magic dimensions.


The Magic Dimensions -

The capital cities of the planets that makes up the alliance of the magical worlds, are all under attack as giant robots are teleported to the cities by a portal. The robots have been reprogrammed and upgraded from what they use to be in the fiction they came from. The ones that needed or could be controlled by a pilot are controlled by B1 droids and some have armed droids onboard them, and supported by armies of battle droids from Star Wars. The remaining soldiers left at the capitals took up arms and did their best to defend the cities.

Andros is the realm of oceans and is thusly connected to all the oceans of other realms within the Magic Dimension. It is also the home of mermaids and tritons. Is being attack by The Leviathan from Atlantis: The Lost Empire. The giant war machine tore through the buildings and unleashed its main energy weapon that destroyed anything it hits.

Callisto is the homeworld of Varanda. Is being attack by the Omnidroid from The Incredibles. Showing the upgrades to be able to kill superheroes works just fine against magic users.

Dolona is the homeworld of Eleanor. Is attack by the Robot Probe from Monster Vs Aliens. The giant robot is slow moving but because of its massive size where two steps covers lots of ground at once and forcefield allowed it to just walk through the buildings.

Domino is a realm that possibly holds the greatest amount of influence and importance within the Magic Dimension thanks to it being the resting place of the legendary Great Dragon. Is being attack by Serpentera from Power Rangers. Which the power issue has been solved with a powerful generator from Star Wars. Allowing it to quickly destroy much of the city.

Eraklyon homeworld of Sky. Is being attack by Mondo-Bot from Samurai Jack. The massive war machine easily destroyed large parts of the city with its arsenal of weapons.

Espero is being attack by Mechakong from the Godzilla series. Has been upgraded with a head laser, replacing the hypno light on its head.

Hoggar where the school of forgers is located. Is being attack by Dynamo from the Powerpuff Girls. And like in the episodes where it shows up is quickly leaving nothing but burning wreckage behind it.

Linphea is being attack by Argo II from Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot. Which is using its 500 megawatt vortex cannon on the city, not that it needs it.

Magix where the somatic schools are located. Is being attack by the Colossus from The Legend of Korra. Now is a full robots with a droid crew inside of it, and the spirit cannon having been replaced with a plasma cannon. Destroying large sections of the city with no long recharge time.

Melody is the realm of music. Is being attack by Mogueras from the Godzilla series. The robot is showing what a robot design to fight giant monsters can do to a city, and using its drill head that can separate from its body to dig underground causing buildings to collapse.

Ohm was the Realm of Inner Peace. Is being attack by The Mobile Oppression Palace from Futurama. Now armed with blaster turrets and crewed by droids, in a fully metal robot. The palace is leading the robot army with it, destroying anything that could stop the robot army which cleaned up after it.

Oppositus is a planet in the Magic Dimension where opposites exist in total harmony. Is being attack by Mechagodzilla from the Godzilla series. The robot version of the king of monsters proved to be just as unstoppable as the real thing.

Romula’s rulers are King Winetka and Queen Linley. Is being attack by the giant-robot-scorpion mecha from Robot Wars 1993. The robot scorpion rampaged through the city drawing all the attention to it, allowing the robot army with it to attack the distracted soldiers trying to stop it.

Solaria is a planet of the Magic Dimension and the home realm of Stella. Is being attack by the JDG-00X Devil Gundam from Mobile Fighter G Gundam.

Zenith is the realm of technology and, as a result, is heavily integrated and dependent on it.. Is being attack by R.E.C.R from the Megas XLR.


Heatherfield, Connecticut -

“Ms. Shimmer has her own robot army all of this time?” Will ask out loud as she and her friends stare in amazement at the number of giant robots attacking the capital cities of the magical worlds.

“She went to Star Wars and has those battle droids,” Irma said being a big fan of the Star Wars the cartoon series. Not the new movies, as the main female star is just forgettable and she can’t think of anything that makes her stand out that isn’t by the numbers. (3)

“She even has Mechagodzilla and Mechakong,” Cornelia said.

“I wonder what else she has? She must had gotten more than that,” Taranee said.

“I’m glad we sided with Shimmer,” Hay Lin said not wanting to fight someone who can summon giant robots.

The hero Doorman appeared opening a door leading to LA, and waving to them.

“Come on!” Doorman said.

“Girls let’s go!” Will shouted leading the charge into the war zone that LA has become.


Author's Note:

1 - They’re all real superheroes from old time comics.

2 - The force field prevents any use of magic to enter the city. Once inside the forcefield people can use magic to teleport around. Or open portals going outside but nothing can go inside from the outside. It’s a one way street.

3 - The main female star of the newer films is just paint by numbers heroine that I can’t think of anything that makes her stand out from all the other standard paint by numbers heroine.

4 - Anyone who can tolerate having Excalibur from Soul Eater around, would make a fine leader.

James Bond -
Baron Samedi

Treasure Planet -
John Silver

Wizard of Oz -
Tick Tock
Army of Revolt

Forbidden Planet -
Robby The Robot

Frankenstein -
Herman the Frankenstein Monster

Doctor Syn ("The Scarecrow") -
Doctor Syn
Septimus Mipps
Jimmie "Gentleman James" Bone
Sir Anthony Cobtree
Charlotte Cobtree

Defenders of Dynatron City -
Ms. Megawatt
Buzzsaw Girl
Jet Headstrong
Monkey Kid
Radium Dog

The Thinking Machine -
Professor Van Dusen

The Worst Witch -
Mildred Hubble
Maud Moonshine
Enid Nightshade
Ethel Hallow
Drucilla Paddock

Hugo Hercules -
Hugo Hercules

Madeline -
Miss Clavel

The Story of Little Black Sambo -

Pippi Longstocking -
Pippi Longstockin

Anne of Green Gables -
Anne Shirley

Gladiator -
Hugo Danner

Le Mystère des XV (1911)
The Nyctalope

Orlando: A Biography -

Carnacki the Ghost-Finder -
Thomas Carnacki

Xiaolin Showdown -
Jack Spicer

Girl Genius -
Agatha Clay
Ardsley Wooster
Gil Wulfenbach
Krosp I
Tarvek Sturmvoraus
Violetta Mondarev
Klaus Wulfenbach
Boris Dolokhov
Bangladesh DuPree
Von Pinn

Bioshock -
Elizabeth DeWitt
Augustus Sinclair
Eleanor Lamb
Subject Delta
Mark Meltzer

Brutal Legends -
Edward "Eddie" Riggs

Dishonored -
Emily Kaldwin
Kirin Jindosh
The Outsider
Piero Joplin
Callista Curnow
Anton Sokolov
Alexandria Hypatia
Dr. Vasco

Weathering With You -
Hina Amano
Nagi Amano
Hodaka Morishima

Ever After High -
Apple White
Cheshire Cat
Kitty Cheshire
Briar Beauty
Prince Daring Charming
Ashlynn Ella
Prince Dexter Charming
Faybelle Thorn
Lizzie Hearts
Blondie Lockes
Alistair Wonderland
Bunny Blanc
Holly O'Hair
Duchess Swan
Hopper Croakington II
Farrah Goodfairy
Raven Queen
Madeline "Maddie" Hatter
Melody Piper
Sparrow Hood
Rosabella Beauty
Darling Charming
Ginger Breadhouse
Poppy O'Hair
Chariclo Arganthone Cupid
Cedar Wood
Cerise Hood
Hunter Huntsman
Courtly Jester
Ramona Badwolf
Mr. Badwolf
Red Riding Hood
The Mad Hatter
The Evil Queen
Snow White

Now and Then, Here and There -

The Snow Queen -
Snow Queen

Clementine -
Clementine Dumat

Dragon Hunters -

Gummie Bears -

To Your Eternity -

Mad Max -

Metalocalypse -
Charles Foster Ofdensen

Dynasty Warriors -
Sima Yi
Zhang Chunhua
Sima Shi
Sima Zhao
Wang Yuanji
Zhuge Dan
Guo Huai
Deng Ai
Xiahou Ba
Jia Chong
Wen Yang
Xin Xianying

Dead Space -
Isaac Clarke
Nicole Brennan
Ellie Langford
John Carver
Mark Rosen
Jennifer Santos
Austin Buckell

DC -
Harold Allnut
Humphry Dumpler
Victor Fries
Nora Fries
Jenna Duffy/The Carpenter
Temple Fugate/Clock King
Jinny Hex

Marvel -
Linda Carter/Night Nurse
Carolyn Trainer/Lady Octopus

Sin City -
John Hartigan
Dwight McCarthy
Nancy Callahan

Venture Bros -
Gary Fischer
Corky Craptucker

A Game of Thrones -
Daenerys Stormborn

Monster High -
Ramses De Nile
Frankie Stein
Pharrah de Nile
Lux de Nile
Sandy de Nile
Clawd Wolf
Holt Hyde/Jackson Jekyll
Gillington "Gil" Webber
Deuce Gorgon
Batsy Claro
Kjersti Trollson
Marisol Coxi
Treesa Thornwillow
Gooliope Jellington
Howleen Wolf
Nefera De Nile
Toralei Stripe
Abbey Bominable
Ghoulia Yelps
Cleo De Nile
Lagoona Blue
Clawdeen Wolf
Clawdia Wolf
Twyla Boogeyman
Dedyet De Nile
Harriet Wolf

Sailormoon -

Porco Rosso -
Fio Piccolo

Avatar -
Baatar Jr.
Element Bender army
Sir Iknik Blackstone Varrick
Zhu Li Moon

Onward -
Barley Lightfoot

Infinity Train -
Alan Dracula

Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law -
Mentok, The Mind Taker

Emperor’s New Groove -

Fullmetal Alchemist-
Catherine Ella Armstrong
Greed's Chimeras

Rose Petal Place -
Rose Petal
Sunny Sunflower
Lily Fair
Cherry Blossom
Sweet Violet
Canterbury Belle

Kindles -

Peppermint Rose -
Peppermint Rose
Lemon Kiss Lily
Merry Mint Violet
Miss Vanilla Daisy

Jackie Chan Adventures -
Jade Chan
Hak Foo

Read or Die -
Yomiko Readman
Nenene Sumiregawa
Nancy Makuhari
Genjo Sanzo
Gennai Hiraga
Jean-Henri Fabre
Mata Hari
Otto Lilienthal
Stephen Wilcox

Disney -
Yen Sid

Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier -

Inside Job -
Reagan Ridley
Brett Hand
Ron Staedtler

The Legend of Vox Machina -
Archibald Desnay
Cassandra de Rolo

Star Trek -
Beckett Mariner
Brad Boimler
D'Vana Tendi
Sam Rutherford
Amina Ramsey
Petra Aberdeen

Little Mermaid -
Prince Eric
King Triton
Queen Athena

Megamind -
Roxanne Ritchi

Snow White -
Snow White
Prince Charming
Seven Dwarves

Sherk -
The 3 Bears

Cinderella -
Lady Tremaine
Prince Charming

Sleeping Beauty -

Despicable Me –
Felonious Gru
Lucy Gru
Margo Gru
Edith Gru
Agnes Gru
Robert Gru
Marlena Gru
Dru Gru
Dr. Joseph Albert Nefario
The Minions

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego -
Carmen Sandiego 1994 series
Carmen Sandiego 2019 series

Beauty and the Beast -
Mrs. Potts
Madame de Garderobe
Maestro Forte
Maestro Fife

The Hunchback of Notre Dame -

Aladdin -

Pocahontas -

Mulan -
Li Shang
Chien Po

The Princess and the Frog -
Prince Naveen

Wolfwalkers -
Robyn Goodfellowe
Mebh Óg MacTíre
Bill Goodfellowe
Moll MacTíre

Tangled -
Flynn Rider

Brave -
Queen Elinor
King Fergus
Harris, Hubert and Hamish

Frozen -
Kristoff Bjorgman

Moana -

Monsters vs. Aliens -
Susan Murphy/Ginormica
Dr. Cockroach Ph.D
The Missing Link a.k.a. Link

Raya and the Last Dragon -
Tuk Tuk

Wendy the good witch -

Overlord -
Lakyus Alvein Dale Aindra
Hekkeran Termite
Roberdyck Goltron
Arche Eeb Rile Furt

Fire Starter -
Charlene Roberta McGee

Carrie -
Carrie White

Owen Burnett/Puck

Wreck-It Ralph -
Wreck-It Ralph
Fix-It Felix Jr
Sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun
Vanellope von Schweetz
Sugar Rush cast
Wreck-It Ralph cast
Hero’s Duty cast
Street Fighter Cast
Mortal Kombat cast
Sonic the Hedgehog cast
PAC-Man cast
Super Mario Bros cast
Overwatch cast
Slaughter Race cast
Shining Force cast
Altered Beast cast
The Angel Kids cast
House of the Dead cast
Space Ace cast
Dragon's Lair cast

Comments ( 45 )

So, in the next chapter at least Bloom is siding with SunnySet? Considering in the cartoons she lived up until around 14 (been to long since I watched that) on Earth so she doesn't have the ingrained superiority complex that's being PROVEN incorrect before all the universe

Waiting for more of this beautiful story.
Rey from star wars COULD have been something to the story but she was only there to check off boxes.
FINN was a much better character.
Rey and that oriental chick were the only females that didn't need the shit beat out of them
The guys? Except for Finn and Poe, Crowbars and Baseball Bats
Lower Decks was VERY surprisingly a good series. STILL can NOT stand riker

A great new chapter, can't wait to read more.


... no offense but the magical worlds are full of idiots.

“Seeing how you people from the magic kingdoms are dead set on preventing me from taking my birthright and cut off the magic you have all been clearly abusing. You have brought this on your heads,” Shimmer said.

1. She’s been away from equestria for years. I don’t think it counts as her birth right anymore. Even if it did she wouldn’t be fit to rule.

2. Isn’t she technically abusing magic by trying to invade equestria? So that’s kind of hypocritical.

What do you mean?

The magical worlds have been capturing anyone who used magic erasing the memories of people who knew them and in the story is the reason why Hitler became the monster he is in history.

But wasn’t she planning on invading equestria before she knew that?

Why you think she was so cloak and dagger, remember she was raised by someone who was banish from his magic world because he couldn’t use magic and told her all about the ways of the magic worlds.

But if she was planning on invading equestria before she found out wouldn’t that still make her a hypocrite?

Not when they’re worst

Yes, they’re possibly worse but that doesn’t cancel out the fact that she’s a hypocrite.

Celestia in cannon left Sunset a young mare who would be Elementary school age alone in an unknown world and never once tried to contact her at all. She left a young child to die. And you don’t see why Sunset wouldn’t want revenge,

Do you mean in canon or in your fic?

Actually, if I remember correctly in canon celestia showed sunset a mirror told her not to go near it ever again sunset did and left through the portal willingly.

Yes but she could have tried to look for her or at least write to her in her journal which in cannon she didn’t

If I remember correctly sunset wanted nothing to do with celestia after going through the portal. If she went after her in the portal she would’ve just kept running and every message she would’ve wrote would’ve been ignored. But, that wasn’t even the point of my question.

Sunset still is the lesser of two evils. As the magical world will do anything to make sure they’re the only ones who can use magic.

I’m not saying she is or isn’t. I’m just asking if her statement is a little hypocritical.

Yeah but so what she’s preventing worst from doing what they always done

True, but it doesn’t really cancel out how hypocritical she sounds. Just because someone is doing good that doesn’t mean they can’t get called out on their hypocrisy. That’s all I was trying to say this entire time.

I know this is probably late, but what makes this sunset different from her earlier self?

She has matured into a woman from the teenager she was in cannon. She has learn to temper her rage and focus it allowing her to become a rich and powerful businesswoman in the cut throat business world. And she’s a fair boss who is more like Doctor Doom one of her mentors, who rules with an iron fist but rules well

I wouldn’t really say she matured. I forgot the word to describe her.

Well she’s more focus now and won’t be just trying to get what she wants without a plan.

So more manipulative?

She’s going to be a leader so yes but she will rule well like Doctor Doom the only supervillain I can think of who when he rules the world he actually does a good job at it

So her being more manipulative is supposed to be seen as a good thing?

It is for both the business world and political world

But didn’t she call out celestia and the other worlds for being manipulative?

She called out Celestia for caring only about her sister Luna and seeing everyone else as tools and willing to kill Sunset.

As for the magical worlds they been keeping magic knowledge all to themselves and are the reason why magic is unknown on Earth and tried to takeover Equestria to take magic for themselves.

Oh ok. I may have go back and read some of the chapters.

Like how Kratro from God of War had a very good reason to kill all the Greek gods

I don’t think we should compare Kratos to Sunset. Never played the game.

At this point I don’t even know if it’s good or bad if you side with sunset.

You NEED a reason to kill G(g)od(s)?:derpytongue2::pinkiegasp:

Sometimes. However I’m not 100% sure if sunset has that motive.

That be like telling Batman who spent years training to be a badass not to dress up and be a costume hero.

It really isn’t.

This is a really good story, Love this.

Hooooooooly crap




Bruh, your fanfic is amazing I'm loving it ❤️, hope you're having fun writing it as much as I'm reading it.

This probably isn't going to happen because the Sunset Shimmer in your fanfic isn't going to show off in a fight and risk her life or getting injured.

BUT, I hope she does something disrespectful during the fight, like in anime, but instead after the next chapter you can make the joke of having one of the young hero characters tell the others about a video online that's titled.

"Top 10 Most Disrespectful Ms. Shimmer Movement"

And Human Twilight was the one to record and upload it, in a fake YT account 🤣.

Can't wait for luz and crew to pop up( Because she shows back up in human world after the frog invasion) and them learning that not only did humans use to be the big mages on the block but that the second they get found out the whole fam would be imprisoned/ killed/ mind wiped if the old magic worlds found out. Or hell that if they found out about the islands that they would try and conquer it.

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