• Published 10th Dec 2021
  • 1,086 Views, 22 Comments

The Informant's Job - Im a B O X

Rarely is an informant's job easy. Often, it is shrouded with mystery and secrecy. Except for when the time's are up...

  • ...

File Information No. 993

Author's Note:

you can skip this one, it’s another exposition dump…
Would have to re-edit it on a later date :(

File Information No. 993

Codename: Gignesthai Mageia


Due to recent events with the clashing of ideas from the The Board of Commissions and Admissions (B.C.A.), Department of Technology and Innovations (D.T.I), and even the Committee of National-Expeditionary Security (C.NE.S), along with additional unforeseen circumstances, this file is being made in order to keep track of one particular asset of the Outer Logistics Division (O.L.D.) as per the request of the other half of the Experimental and Logistical Affairs Office (E.L.A.O.). It is deemed to be an asset of interest for the presence and likely innovation that Magus Residue poses, the participle itself is a classified “Group-B” sub-variant for its high irregularity and unstable nature, the highest thus far when compared to base particles (aka “Group-A”). There are already talks and plans to harness it and potentially have this planet as a major station in the near future, which will eventually be reassessed for its feasibility at a later date by the Department of National and Foreign Affairs (D.N.F.A.), the Board of Commissions and Admissions, and the Intergalactic Transportation Bureau (I.T.B.). Until that date arrives, the Experimental-Natural Terraforming Technics (EN.T.T.), the subdivision of the Outer Logistics Division will continue as followed during the initial plans of Project Geneva.

Written below are what would follow after this point in the document:

  • A brief overview of the World known as Pax illusion,
  • Agents (and further assets) currently operating within the project parameters, and
  • Any and all information deemed to be relevant (and was given permission to be disclosed) to the so-called “White Exploit Three”, a rouge asset (?) currently under investigation that’s related to the Genesis Trials.

(This file is subject to change as this may remain a concern in the near future. It is hoped that this document would remain confidential until further notice, we hope to resolve it as soon as possible...)

Asset Overview:

Based on what is provided and so far allowed to be disclosed, and as far as the possibility of a public leak should be concerned, this is a complete and current overview of the world known as Pax illusion.

Known as “Equus” to its inhabitants, it is the (27) Twenty-seventh world, after World Deuteronomy-553 that the Experimental and Logistical Affairs Office (E.L.A.O.) had spearheaded in its development and management. Although it is not the grandest world to date, it most certainly is the most complex world out there and is considered to be a technical marvel and one that the Outer Logistics Division has since held with high regard, especially with their involvement in spearheading Project Geneva.

It is, unfortunately, to date, likely the most “frenzied” world to contain and maintain due to the presence of Magus Residue that has since formed the backbone of this planet’s civilizations’ daily lives, and which had allowed them to produce great feats and the like that had taken humanity a couple of hundred decades to even have a slivering chance of harnessing. The presence of Magus Residue has also directly contributed to the different environmental phenomena in that world and has since required and gained plenty of attention from other offices and institutes, amongst which the most prominent of those being the Department of Technology and Innovations, and the Department of National Defence and Contracting. They seem to be eager with where and what Magus Residue could possibly bring in the near future, should we be able to harness it with our technology. Not to mention the likely thousands of scientific marvels and possibilities with what Magus Residue could likely maintain or indirectly hold.

Further studies are in order…

Approximately half a billion creatures of different species currently inhabit this planet, of these other species, an Equine race rose to prominence and proved to be the most “diverse”; at least three (main) different distinct “tribes” with additional attributes are confirmed to exist for this Equine race. Further studies have yet to be conducted as to the full species list or give any conclusive proof of just how far their knowledge is of the wider universes. The primary team that has been sent to assess the asset has also since experienced setbacks after setbacks as fleet personnel and those on other station sites are at odds in terms of equipment and supplies.

At their best, the primary team is able to serve as informants and/or observers instead of serving their initial purposes, with most of their findings being attributed to rumors of hidden societies and/or civilizations as of the present. The most prominent rumor is the existence of a “Portal” to another dimension/universe, it is said that the existence of such a device is capable of creating (or transporting) a person to another “Alternate or Parallel Universe” of sorts. In any case, although there is evidence for such a claim, they are few and far between, so no official say has been made as of the time of drafting this file. Although it should be noted that there seems to be an effective agency employed as a sort of “secret service” that’s hindering any real progress in discovering such things, it is suggested by ground personnel that it was formed from a royal order that was, possibly, directly related to a member of royalty from the Equine race, although again, nothing is for certain.

Speaking of which, as recent reports from site personnel seem to indicate, the history of this particular planet is due for a separate file entry, even possibly a completely different file cabinet, as the species and nations that are at present, described to be as, and as quoted, “Rich with knowledge with a relatively quick upbringing that mirrors some of humanity’s earliest civilizations.

A topic for another file, although listed below are some nations and species of the plant that are highlighted as per the request of the Bureau of Ethics and Administrations, and the Committee of National-Expeditionary Security.

Country/nation’s name: [Kingdom of] Equestria

Form of Government: Diarchy [Pending Updated Documents]

Federal Capital: Canterlot

Head of State: Princess Celestia and Princess Luna [Pending Updated Documents]

Dominant Species: Pony kind

Description: Equestria is likely the uncontested “Leader” of Pax Illusion, they pose the largest navy in their world and, by a large margin, are likely to contest any form of occupation attempts made by humanity, with a high likelihood of them making a united coalition for holding a formidable defense that is sure to be costly in terms of resources for conducting a planetary invasion that humanity might attempt, with the exception for a complete planetary bombardment, largely in due thanks to one of the pony tribes mastery of Magus Residue. Further studies and analysis are in order if the route of diplomacy is not to be pursued in order to overcome the unstable nature of Magus Residue
[Pending Updated Documents]

Country/nation’s name: Griffon Federation (aka the Griffon Kingdom)

Form of Government: Federation

Federal Capital: “Griffonstone

Head of State: N/A [Pending Updated Documents]

Dominant Species: Griffons

Description: A former superpower in the Era of Empires in this world, they are a federation in all but name, with their standing being the most “Technologically” advanced nation in Pax Illusion, with their underground tunneling systems and political philosophy, thanks in large part to their cooperation with another species of Diamond Dogs. Although they are by technicality an isolationistic bunch, they are by no means incompetent, as they have adopted a “Bait and Switch” like civilization, with a front showing a “Shambled Empire trying to recover” whilst hiding their vast technological marvels underground, with their technology’s being at best, comparable to that of humanity’s (2200th) twenty-third-century technology’s…
[Pending Updated Documents]

Country/nation’s name: Crystal Empire

Form of Government: Monarchy

Federal Capital: Cristal Congelado [Pending Updated Documents]

Head of State: Princess Mi Amore Cadenza

Dominant Species: Crystal Ponies

Description: Equestria’s strongest ally in terms of military and economic value, it had only recently (in terms of their history) “Reappeared” after being cast into what ponies call a space called “Limbo”, it is believed this is one of the three gateways that allow Magus Residue to remain as a pseudo chaotic particle with a form. Further information suggests that they used to have a monarchy unrelated to that of Equestria, although unfortunately with recent unfolding events, they are here by now going to be classified as a “puppet state” under Equestria, a term pushed specifically in this document and any future ones that are by the request and is enforced by the Committee of National-Expeditionary Security, backed with several contracting agencies
[Pending Updated Documents]

Country/nation’s name: Dragon Confederation (aka Dragonlands)

Form of Government: (Loose) Confederation

Federal Capital: N/A

Head of State: Dragon Lord Ember

Dominant species: Dragons

Description: they are, would be the case for the previously aforementioned, another close ally of Equestria. Although they are a Loose Confederation by technicality from what our personnel has provided, they seem to answer directly to one form of authority, the one they see as the “Dragon Lord”. Studies have yet to be sufficient enough in discerning their possible stand in the advent of human intervention, future studies are likely in order.
[Pending Updated Documents]

The planet itself is a Terrestrial planet, Classified as one of the few semi-custom in its class due to its lighter gravitational pull and general lack of Iron on the earth itself, which allowed for the aforementioned Magus Residue to be implemented by the Outer Logistical Division, allowing the particle to fully envelop and work at its peak.

Reasons as to why this is the case would vary from department to department, but the most prevalent of those reasons is because of the willingness and perseverance of the Department of Technology and Innovations to this project, having made an offer to expand the Experimental and Logistical Affairs Office consequently paved the way to expanding another half for that office that resulted in the Outer Logistical Division, before the renaming.

And if the aforementioned particle proved to be stable and suitable with no or some combination of regulation of sorts, then would likely be the field that would propel humanity to “a place beyond even the farthest voids”. What every lies beyond that point, God bless whatever may be waiting…

Another defining feature of this particular planet is how is a mono system with only a star and moon along with the main planet itself. How such as system is able to exist, besides how the star and moon are able to rotate around the planet itself is to be kept undisclosed as per the request of the Experimental-Natural Terraforming Technics and is also backed by the Experimental and Logistical Affairs Office

Project Personel Overview:

Special precautions: Duo to the unstable nature of Pax illusion’s Primary Sun, the stationed fleet in charge of protecting the Galaxy Cluster, Commissar Five, has been vacated to its second closes star system. The Officer in charge of the fleet, Admiral Ferdinand Kriegeld has also made it clear that with regard to the fleet itself, any additional plans would have to be postponed until his request for additional supplies for any future endeavors with regards to this world, both in terms of reinforcements and supplies, unfortunately, his request is likely to be denied by the Department of National Defence and Contracting.

Other than that…

In accordance with the Exodus Accords set in place during the Genesis Trials. The required minimum of (1) one Special Unit/s to oversee the planet’s growth is met, with an additional team being sent every so often to make progress reports on personnel, the last one being a good decade in the time of writing this file. The original plan that was drawn up was to have the primary team keep a “close leash” on the event that would transpire on the planet while the project went on. Unfortunately, it was eventually forgone in favor of letting these assets do as they please whilst the primary team had a much more “laid” back approach and would record any irregularities or notable changes. It was allegedly due to an unforeseen shortage of a specific supply, but considering the other systems that require such important things during the time, it was never fulfilled.

The primary team sent to oversee the planet, codename: Trey

Description: Team Trey, is classified as a “Triple R” team, which falls under the Backline grouping of the Marshal Classification, the standard for Recommending Unit Specialty and Training. Although as all teams formed before the Marshal Classification, they consist of, usually at most, (4) four members in highly specialized roles.

They are one of the three original teams, their collective code name: Three Musketeers, that have been sent to deal with and attempt to capture a figurehead that was proving to be a bit too vocal about their stance after the Genesis Trials, a topic due for another file. Although their history goes way farther back than that, there is a current investigation by the Committee of National-Expeditionary Security that has to do with the original operations and missions that the Three Musketeers have partaken in, under the suggestion of the Bureau of Ethics and Administrations. A progress report has yet to be followed through.

A quick background check reveals that with this team’s history, it seems as though they have an “easygoing” philosophy, while they are likely the most loyal to a given cause, leaving no half-measures when doing their assigned jobs. They had proven to be an effective and solid asset, to keep close, and whilst they may be a dangerous bunch, it was decided that they were to be assigned to be the right-hand group to conduct sub-project levels of management under the guise of the Experimental-Natural Terraforming Technics subdivision shortly after the effects of the Genesis Trials had been sent into effect, as per the request of the Outer Logistical Division after unforeseen consequences had surfaced, which forced a reassessment and reorganization program and documentation headed by the Committee of National-Expeditionary Security.

As a direct result of dealing with the aftermath of Genesis Trials, and the plenty more paperwork that followed through after it, the process of member selection has been undisclosed by the group itself, although it is known that they run in a Master-apprentice(ish) like foundation, with each agent likely being an apprentice of some sort for an existing member within the group for a time before being accepted as an “official” member of their team once an opening is available.

Listed below are the members of the current composition of Team Trey:

Call sign: Agent Formosa

Asset Type/Specialization: Particle Manipulation

Name: Moses Riverson

Description: [Confidential Information. Seek class five clearance from authorized personnel.]

Known History: [Confidential Information. Seek class five clearance from authorized personnel.]

Current status: Participating in Operation LUSTER DAWN.

Call Sign: Agent Dice

Asset Type/Specialization: Economics

Name: Robert Rowen

Description: [Confidential Information. Seek class five clearance from authorized personnel.]

Known History: [Confidential Information. Seek class five clearance from authorized personnel.]

Current status: Participating in Operation LUSTER DAWN.

Call Sign: Agent Pacific

Asset Type/Specialization: Propaganda

Name: Conner Earnheart

Description: [Confidential Information. Seek class five clearance from authorized personnel.]

Known History: [Confidential Information. Seek class five clearance from authorized personnel.]

Current status: Participating in Operation LUSTER DAWN.

Call Sign: Agent Lawless

Asset Type/Specialization: Charters/Negotiator

Real Name: Miles Lawrence

Description: [Confidential Information. Seek class five clearance from authorized personnel.]

Known History: [Confidential Information. Seek class five clearance from authorized personnel.]

Current status: Participating in Operation LUSTER DAWN.

Special assets that have been directly formed with the project personnel (Informants, observation team, officers, etc.):

Codename: Twisted Fate

Name: Write Fountain

Asset type/Specialization: Assistant (to Moses Riverson – Pending Updated Report)

Codename: Director

Name: Charles [Redacted]

Asset Type/Specialization: Protégé (to Miles Lawrence)

Codename: Liquidator

Name: James [Redacted]

Asset Type/Specialization: Protégé (to Connor Earnheart)

Codename: Theoretical

Name: Sunburst

Asset Type/Specialization: Informant/Negotiator

P.S.: It has come to the attention of the Committee of National-Expeditionary Security and the Board of Director that the current lead director of the Experimental-Natural Terraforming Technics subdivision, Commissioner Hector “Erwin” Miller, has left his post and has since been rumored to have personally participated in Operation LUSTER DAWN. No conclusive reports have been filed as of the present. There will likely be an investigation to be held either upon his return or extradition should worse come to fruition.

He is likely to be court-martialed at a later time, the point remains, however, as he is likely to be trialed for the usurpation of authority, and further accusations and punishments shall be handled and delivered on a later time, in accord with the outlines of the Genesis Trials to the severity of such things.

Further information has been deemed as classified by the Committee of National-Expeditionary Security.

Rouge Asset (?) Overview:

This file will not go in any deeper with any third-hand connections made with the inhabitants of Equus, as it was deemed “out of bounds” for this document, any and all additional information is due for a separate file in order to keep track of such, but with that being regulated for another later time. Another matter is to be discussed and SHOULD be regularly updated as per the unanimous agreement between the Board of Directors, spearheaded by the director for the Committee of National-Expeditionary Security.

Unfortunately, until other fruitful information surfaces, any and all current information with regard to the specifics in relation to this particular case may result in an entirely new file, otherwise, it shall remain confidential until further notice from the Department of National Defence and Contracting or from the Board of Director themselves.

What is allowed to be disclosed, however, is the group only known and labeled as “White Exploit Three.”

Codename: Resist and Run

Description: They appear to be a paramilitary group that is equipped with some sort of device that is able to transport what should be the theoretical science of today, the likes of what seemed to be working prototypes of machines/devices that are able to manipulate time for a brief period and the complete harnessing of what seems to be Magus Residue. These feats are yet to be replicated or even developed, by the Department of Technology and Innovations.

Their objectives are unclear, but they are clearly hindering any and all progress to a project by the Intergalactic Transportation Bureau in conjunction with the Department of Technology and Innovations, simply referred to as the “H.P.D.”, it is likely one of the most well-guarded confidential projects that the Department of Technology and Innovations has perused, hid, and funded, nearly rivaling that of Project Geneva[/spoioler] in terms of expenses, which has since also affected the Experimental and Logistical Affairs Office.

It is rumored that they’re a bunch of loyalists of a currently unknown figurehead formed directly after the effects of the Genesis Trials were finalized and set in motion.

With all of that said, below are two “figures” that have been identified and deemed relevant to this File and those of the White Exploit Three:

Codename: Anonymous

Asset Type/Specialization: [Unknown]

Name: [Unknown]

Description: [Unknown]

Known History: [Unknown]

Current status: Rumored to be an informant in Cimissar Five.

Codename: Bargain

Asset Type/Specialization: [Rumored]Time Manipulation

Name: [Unknown]

Description: [Unknown]

Known History: [Unknown]

Current status: Rumored to have been sent to intercept Operation LUSTER DAWN.

Further investigations are in progress, but with the oncoming information being received by the Bureaus and Departments, it is unlikely any solid leads are going to be uncovered as of yet…


“In Faith shall we uphold, above fates shall we remain bold, let our works shine above all folds.”


End of entry File Information No. 993

Written and drafted by,
The Director of the Bureau of Regulations for Information and Negotiations,

With approval from,
The Director of the Committee of National-Expeditionary Security

Signed by,
The Director from the Department of National and Foreign Affairs,